HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Application 1995-7-26 I ~. I ~ SENDER: BUILDING I ';; . Complete items 1 endfor 2 for additional services. . Complete items 3. and 48 & b. I :Jl . P,ln' yo", n.m. .nd .dd,." on tho '"YO'" of . I ~.. return this card to you. l ! . Attach this form to the front of the msilpiece, or on the back if space I ~:s' does not permit. ~ . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the Brticle number . The Return Receipt will show to whom the article wes delivered and the date delivered. .~' I 'i 3. Article Addressed to: it ! JiA(\f M,\l0Y .' 8 3755 Matv\ S-l- i 6p\rJ{ddIO~ ~ ~. C047fj l~i9~1 ; tJ/ r ~ '1>.- 5,gn,,(",0 iAgonl1 I ~ .(~, :l 0- - > PS Form 381'* December 1991 irU.S.GPO:1993-352-714 ~ orm so t at we can fee): 1. D Addressee's Address .. " oS; l; <I) 0. ';; " .. 2,' 0 Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. 4a. Article Number "1 ?,S I ilL{ '-17 iL 4b. Service Type ,I o Registered 0 Ins ed its(Certified' 0 Io'"Ol:xpress Mail ~ o 7. Date of Delive"f) 'i . > 8. Addressee's Aatlr~s (Only if/qUested ~ and fee is paid) [; .<: .... c: ~ :l ~ .. a: Cl c: ';j :l DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Official Business I PENALTY FOR PRIVATE o USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 ~ - U.S. MAIL . Print your name, address and ZIP Code here . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 725 FiFTH STREET SPi\INGfIELD, OR 97477 r' . . OCCUPANCY INSPECTION APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING OIVISION ================================================================================ 7~02C--tS- ADDRESS OF INSPECTION: / 32' J7 0.x OWNER: c/ff;r~,Y H~ '/) /2/( '17 ~~ /ZAC'jJ C;/A'rJ.p/ APPLICANT: ~ ~ APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: //16 /1;/u7;{);.1fj' 5'/lj~E, G//'/CE, 7tf6~7?~(- '7cr71;<!?O JOB NUMBERs /.::L3 y. J 1.:< 5' .... I DATE: PHONE NUMBER: 77f;~I/:lo OWNER'S ADDRESS: -- FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER: =======================================~===================~~================ PROPOSED USE: #C7D .)j6jPJ ,11/0 j?,I{-",/V 7: / A $35.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION T"SAPPLICAT'ON FOR' 'UST BE SIGHED BY T" D"ER DP THE PROPERTY TO..' . .. . ~ INSP TED. t::??~ I . .. GNAT B OF' PROPERTY OIlNER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE PAIn-2&-q5 , RECEIPT NUMBER: () If: q~ DATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF CERTiFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: DATE OF REPORT: ~ ,.. COMMENTS: .. . .... Address File ~ DEVELOPMENT SERVtCES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (503) 726.3753 FAX (503) 726.3(81) August 25, 1995 Jeny Miller 3755 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 Subject: Occupancy Inspection at 3755 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. * Proposed Use: Auto Shop Dear Mr. Miller, At your request, the Community Services Division/Building Safety conducted an inspection of the building at the above address. The purpose of the inspection was to determine the suitability of the building for the proposed use as indicated. Based on the proposed occupancy, the existing conditions which are mentioned below do not meet the minimum Building Safety Code requirements.. Corrective measures must be taken prior to occupancy to install, repair, replace or modify the following items in order for the building to conform to applicable safety codes: Building 1. The wall separating the garage from the office area shall be constructed to comply with one-hour fire resistive standards. 2. A Group H, Division 4 Occupancy shall have one hour fire-resistive construction when 5 feet or more but less than 20 feet from the property line. 3. The wall separating the offiee area from the storage area shall be eonstrueted to comply with one-hour fire resistive standards. 4. Submit floor plans that show use of office space and obtain appropriate pcrmits. 5. In all buildings used for the repair or handling of motor vehicles opcrating under their own power, mechanical ventilation shall be provided capable of exhausting a minimum of one cubic foot pcr minute per square foot of floor area. Each engine repair stall shall be equipped with an exhaust pipc extension duct, extending to the outside of the building. If over ten feet in height, shall mechanically exhaust 300 cubic feet pcr minute. Conneeting offices and waiting rooms shall be supplied with conditioned air under positive pressure. 6. Arehitectural barriers shall be eliminated up to an expenditure of25 pcreent of the total projeet eost, inelusive of the eost of eliminating arehiteetura1 barriers. In choosing whieh accessible elements to provide priority should be given to those elements that provide the greatest aeeess, in the following order: A. Accessible parking B. An aeeessible entranee C. An aecessible route to the altered area j ~ . e D. At least one accessible restroom for each sex or a single unisex restroom E. Accessible telephones F. Accessible drinking fountains G. When possible, additional accessible elements sueh as storage and alarms. 7. A parapet shall be provided on all exterior walls of building. 8. If area is to become a heated space, area must comply with Oregon Energy Code requirements. Electrical 1. Bring building up to NEC requirements for commercial garage including: A. All wiring except in offices to be in eonduit. B. All outlets in garage area to be GFI's. C. Have licensed eleetrieal contractor check wiring for hazards and repair. An eleetrical permit will be required. The above requirements are for the existing structure only. Other items such as parking, paving, site imr-.. ..ments, sidewalks, etc., have not been addressed as part of this inspection, and may be required. Please contact the Planning Division of this office regarding any necessary improvements to the site at 726- 3759. If you need further information or have any questions regarding the above requirements, please contact the appropriate inspector between the hours of8:00-9:00 a.m., 1:00-2:00 p.m., or 4:00-4:30 p.m. at 726-3759, Sineerely, M~~ Bob Barnhart Building Inspeetor ee: Dave Puent, Community Services Manager/Building Official Rod Carroll, applicant hk 1,,1/ I, '" " ~ ~ ~ ~I " l"\ t , o VI . .;.. . M^',,,"'s'T12€cr"' <. /y!'"'Nl'" .",-,y") rl "",-01 ;70,''1'1 cjJ (..'1 t" ... - C:!!:J- -. .-- L\AM~a" 'sf_A."". .;",q,~ I _f'I~. 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