HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1998-4-24 ., 0:' '...... . APPLICATION AND PI:KMII I U .NSTRUCT APPROACH ROAD. MAlU 51. 60.0 T , MILE POINT PERMIT NUMBER . ~ 375"s:' HIGHWAY NAME McKenzie HIGHWAY NUMBER 15 BETWEEN OR NEAR 37th Street AND APPLICANT NAME ANO ADDRESS eNGINEERS STATION 4.13 157 + 50 APPROACH TO SERVE I COUNTY Lane SIDE OF HIGHWAY o NORTH 0 EAST T)(J saul!" n WFST REFERENCE MAP NUMBERS 38th Street 8B-34-24 BOND REQUIRED Plumbing sales/whse TAX LOT NUMBER 6300 & 6400 REFERENCE AMOUNT OF BOND Familian Northwest Inc. 1221 N. Columbia Blvd. Portland, OR 97217 o YES~ NO OAR 734.50-025(61 I INSURANCE REQUIRED REFERENCE ~ YESD NO OAR 734-50-025(31 I AMOUNT $50.00 DISTRICT MANAGER OR REPRESENT AliVE o ~ ADMINISTRATIVE FEE o TEMPORARY DEPOSIT CHECK NUMBER DATE APPLICATION APPROVED TELEPHONE NUMBER: (503) 283-3333 x APPLICANT IAPPlICATION DATE I APPkOACH KuAD CUMPLE'IION REFERENCE: OAR 734-5Q.OSOI41 4-30-99 The applicant decllllrn that he/.he.. the owner or 1_ of the real property adjoining the above described highway and has tne lawful authority to apply lor this permit. When this t:pplication is Ipproved by the Deplrtment of Trlnsportltion, the f:PPliclnt is subject to the terms and provillo.... containod herein and aUlchod hereto; and the terms of Orogon Administrative Rule. Chapter 734, Division 50, which is by this reference made I plrt of this permit. Copi.. of the Rule may be obtainod from the District Man1ger's office. Issuing of permits under t~ regulations is not I finding of compliance with the .tatewide pllUVling goall or the Icknowledged comprenensive plln for the erel. Permit. Ire i......od subject to the approval 01 city, county or other governmentll agencies having either joint supervi.ion over the section of highway or ...thority 10 regullte Ilnd use bV melns of zoning Indlor building regulations. It .hall be the applicant'. rll$ponsibilitv to obtain InY such approval including, where Ipplicable, local government determiNltion of compliance with the statewido pllnning goals. (OAR 734-50-055) x SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1... If the proposed application requires traffic control devices and/or special road construction, the applicant shall provide a copy of ~pplication to the affected local government. The original application .must be signed by the local government official. . LO,.e'AL GOVJRN~N,T OF'i!-CJ~L,jlIGNATURE I TITLE I DAT.E L j I >I,~7wL.-4f> ~'J.i,A!1;I FA/~//lf/#/_ 7:?Cff. ""/p<;/jvj, ./ 2---Within 48 hours before beginning work and after completing the permit work, the applicant or his contractor shall notify the District Representative at telephone number:: 726-2552 Or FAX number: 726-2579 3- NO PERMIT WAS EVER ISSUED TO ALLOW USE OF THIS APPROACH. 4-SEE ATTACHED SPECIAL PROVISIONS *,.,,~, .. . " TYPE 4 APPROACH ROAD - CURBED HIGHWAY \ NOTE: All material and workmanship shall be in accordance with the I current State of Oregon Standard Specifications for Highway Construction J R/W Lln.'!., i -~r I A' \ ,I ~ " ~x/t- W --1\ f.".-I ,JB \ , I \ ,/ rW1 \J "+J --1C PLAN Iw - 30' w, 35' x = 4' IK 5 I ANGLE OF SKEW APPROACH TYPE CURB TYPE 90. A A NOTES: W= WIDTH OF DRIVEWAY r.s'~! . IN;t'' _ K= DISTANCE FROM FACE OF CURB TO BACK PRESENT OR FUTURE WALK OR 10 FEET. WHICHEVER IS LESS 'CLconc Curb) W, SEE TABLE A ON REVERSE 734-3307E (B-9BI x= SEE TABLE A ON REVERSE SEE PAGE 2 OF APPLICATION TABLE A I II ,~ '.., I . .. -; l t.':.TiO- ,.., I..' .... ,..' II ~+~~~ 14 ~+.~. ~ -'6 ", ",,, " " :!.!""jiitz-i ~l.!.. .-zo B.nlu.u_ n 11..IIIl'J)() 'z. t,:-;O,.j, "u. II . ill :u:,i"-i4 }. -,) 1 "'-";;)$ )() .;,' ,.-"Tie ~n .~!. ~ .z E._c 2-~ l-t 5 ~~1':: i :::-~ GUttlt.I,...:;lUS IFOltDl'l'V[.An .......of.,_l..__..._... _ -- Z....,......___"'......._""" .........1...... _"",101..,._._ ",....-.... .... 3.,.... ......... ..,.._.... _ _,_. _"OC' _ _ __ _'''' '- ............ .-,-..,..--.. c....._...... s......voot "". .......-I.M ...._..,_.,'.......,...." (.-., """''''''',''.'''''1 S '-_ ,'''',_ _......., '_"'. _ ._ -_..._......~. . . ",' . I I " II . ftillL.s...,_..... 1[....... .._._...._ :Dr_..~i I- . I rO:.~) i / ..., -ty-~,-l . 'Ii t... : I IJ ~I! .. -.L"t-1 DRIVEWAYS ...." ~~--- T_A}~:fL:~~~1 ....- .- SECTION C.C '0" oll'n..... !!!!....!.0ltA:J TYPE A TYPE A-I .O.TLANO e[MINT eONe.ITl ....M.lT eONeR[T[ I~.~~'::'r- . ... u.._"~~. e.....'.........-.."l' ~-~~- ~:r.~... SECTION A.A --- e-.. rse.-::aJ'Li. 'A'.":'74 ~ 10'.' . SECTION A-A ~ '''--', ~t{ L-!i~~ INSEAT A lD..i.'_.~_,.. ---...- ......,....-....- c_....."J .~ HALP' "LAN : I..',........." T..of:~~ ..} 'r l'~ ..f"F-'-"""", e~ co.,,,. ,,,,../ H&LF . ELEVATION C.... ~ J..- _._ s-..__ . .1 , i ..-..,.... i \'....-- ,--.........:. '.. I .-. SECTION . -. SECTION I ,.;.;."'............ , '- tf-r"-~ .{ ~, C.... L1-,_ HAL' ELEVATION '''Lf(It'''..U ....OotSLO'1:1 '"~~~ 1~""Ila.-' 0-' CONCRETE CURBS !..... .....". ~':', ~,.t_ \["..,-;:. ,~:""'- 'l1li ........ ~ ... TYPE B .....c.......... ~-, ~.. ~ ., ,.. ;i", ;~.~... "-1..':' ,,' Tr=':II:1:-""~ '1 ..... ....~ - "c... .'*~- llooc.........k...' TYPE e.l '...e........... oc............ '1 :-'r\tt~.., .1'" .,:.~. ,"10 . .. TYPE C Go_..,............ TYPE 0 ,.,c........._.., TYPE F .....,..,........c_...._., ...-....,...,- - ~..:I;, 010'_'. -. -........,. 13'<<. ,;;.IpIF........'.,..., --} ,-," _ _......1,.., . 1E...M...e.... TYPE G ,.. .C ,.,.~. .. AC ............., f._~'~" r"- . I' . .IF__tof.... "..- - ='=.,. - ..., 1.<:.... TYPE G-I ,,,,OC.&I_...OC..........", f(__"''',,) T..._'_....._/I'...'...... _..,......~......~I _,.'"- ~'~~i~-~~ . ~.U.. .."_.,..... MONOLITHIC CURB II GUTTER ".'1 ._'-__1!-.....JKOlII'.... .,.~t.s.:,"l:.U1:T..'!':'I.:- ,......-....- A".....,......'''"'... ......'-_.. - CURB ENDING OETAIL I'. '1'.C,D,0"._[C."" :=-. TYPE A IF...ae....._.. TYPE: A-I IF..~.........~' ~' r -. ..."of 'F I -.. - ,.~ .:z~ ::'; fr,.,. .l,~ :: :.j'"'.r. ~ I,; :~'AC'" '" TYPE 0-1 ,.. c.... ......"'.~, TYPE E IF..AC.........., SIDEWALK RAMP ~~":;':::.r..<:""" '&_:1._-. ......-24-T~~'ili ...1 ~ ~'. - ..............,....."'" <<W>C............,..... (...,....7 i;"_."'3'CC '<W>Cp""'" . TYPE F-I F..OC,".~."'c........._'" PLAN ""...,....'-'.........- ...............1 S'_.O.OlIJI'f'_ o..,..:.llt_? --~T ~"'~,:,!!",I I 1'- 1-'1 ( OUII;."l "'OTto FOlt COIICIIllTt: CUIt.s ~~.1"'_....' .....,..._"............_;._. :t ~.':. 'l,~~.;,;r....., .. -~ for ..... 'f". Y.".. -.... ...... C.,_ __ "-'.. ........:.... .. .. ,.." ...'~ ELEVATION SECTION A-A )~..."........_...._......"u,.. .. lI:I.LD.U~ h...._.lI00."'..,._......" ....,. '" ..~......J. C..."..,..... ". "'..'_ , ~ ,':...~,~ ::,~.~~ =:='o~.::.:.<~~I~.;:....'..:::-:::~ :..~ t.: :..: :J:f:;:.~:'.;~"'~[. ."".Ill. ,...~.,..... ..~.... ...." ':.::IC...........~I...._' Vw<,......_..._......._ ~.:ua.....:.Il.~::::'...:.......,... _..., 00'.__........ .1:!lllu.lL."s........."'..-.. '''--..........~-,........ ::'':'.'',.''"'r;:'':c ~....:.:':~::: =~~. ....II ...... Ii . .f>4 ....., 'b '>:- 11..-- . . SPECIAL PROVISIONS FAMll..IAN NORTHWEST INe. MCKENZIE HIGHWAY Mll..EPOINT 4.13 SOUTH SIDE 1. The existing approach at engineering centerline station 158+05 RT, mile point 4.14 is to be removed in its entirety. (This is the most easterly approach) This approach was never permitted. 2. Curb and sidewalk shall be plac~e-,twher~lhe a(Jp~oa~h iSJ~ved. All work shall confonn to OOOT and.:9!L~(Jringfield constructionstand~?~. 3. All concrete work shall be done from private property side of righi-of -way. No lane closures of highway allowed.. 4. A copy of this permit and special provisions shall be~kept on the job site and made available for inspection to OOOT and: City of S(Jringfield stat!.! 5. Failure to comply with any provision of this permit will result in the permit being canceled and the approach closed. Failure to notifY OOOT 48 hours prior to starting work will result in all work being stopped and may result in this permit being canceled. Notification numbers are on the front of the pennit. I