HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Land Drainage Alteration 1998-5-1 ~. .,' It"' ~ " ~_~ . ec: J>Q .. ,.> _~ity of Springfield ThIS Side To Be Filled Out by ApplIcant ~N""'''''' . This permit is required for any site activity in the flood plain and everywhere site alteration consists of . fifty (50) cubic yards of material or more and/or if a drainageway is affected, within City limits and I- - ~ ~ UJ c... Z o - ~ UJ ~ <( LU LJ <( Z - ~ o o z <( o z ::s Property Owner Address : 5!JJ:16 , MllI-t- jill t t..U4L- 114-'L WI U-t4-6/1--'-f5 Pd- 14:> JL 7 74/- UUi State:~Zip~ Date of Application Permit Expiration Date: Phone: ~I. City 6)",. Site Address: 37 t;~ 1t1t1t!1"" <;'--r~. ,Springfield, Oregon o UGB Tax Map No: i7 - Il z.. . ~l ~ 4-z- i Vb-#ro J;u7~ Tax Lot: bJeo Journal number applicable Land Use Application .PA'v./~ ~A1IN'->' ~ ~"".sd: ::- - -.- o FILL, QuantiN /:60 ""1 , Source Location 6;&. >_e> k G1~.A-~1A- /!Il>'f Supplier l::tJ~. S.4-f.lO 8 ~ ,Material c-fl.. ~C1.~ . GRADING, Quantity EXCAVATION, Quantity bw &.., Supplier: Address o o Destination: E:JG,. ,S'A1Jl.?~Gl~. PtrT4 JINI, Project Supervisor :J7l'1 O'iSfZ./ W ,Phone 62-3-574+ ';000 /oJ. o....<-t:Td- ~ . SITE PLAN Required Data:Quantity of material. Property lines and descriptions, Tax map and lot number, Site address, Existing contour lines, Proposed contour lines, Existing drainage ways, Pro~osed drainage ways, Significant trees and folialle, Ground cover, Soil types, Buildings, Septic systems, Sewers, Areas subject to floodmg, Utilities, Areas subject to land slides, Proposed site improvements. o o IBI o o CROSS SECTIONS, SOILS & GEOLOGY PLAN, DRAINAGE, POLLUTION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN REPLANTING PLAN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, A ~J-. FAr ,,- " COMPANY NAME: PROJECT SUPERVISOR: ADDRESS: COMPANY NAME: PROJECT SUPERVISOR: ADDRESS: , PHONE CITY STATE , PHONE CITY STATE CONTRACTOR NAME: PROJECT SUPERVISOR: ~~ >kf.'o .t ~ :n"" O'51Z-.1~ PHONE tA~-51A4- Registration Number: ADDRESS: 1''0. ~ [Vh, . STATE: -vtZ-- , ZIP: q.,4-/IO MOBILE PHONE: , Expiration Date: ,CITY: f--V6. OFFICE PHONE ~-~1A-1 FAX {,e~-57q8 EMERGENCY PHONE: I understand that I. or my successors may have future plans for my property which may be anticipated or unanticipated at this time. I understand that such future plans may require permits and developement approvals from the City of Springfield. I understand that notwithstanding any approval of this Land and Drainage Alteration Permit (LDAP), that at the time of application of future permits or approvals the City may review and reconsider all actions which I or my successors have undertaken persuant to this LOAP. I understand that the City may as 8 condition of any future approval. require the undoing, changing, or modification of any actions which I have undertaken as a result of the City's approval of this lOAP. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, applicable City Standard specifications and Drawings, and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. . The City may inspect the work site described in this permit at any time during a one year period following the receipt by the City of notice of completion of the described work and specify, at the City's sole desecration, any additional restoration work required to return the site to a standard acceptable to the City. The permittee will be notified in writing of any work required and will have thirty (301 days from the date of the notice to complete the work. Work not completed at the end of the thirty days will be performed by the City and the costs will be billed to the permittee, I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project 'address is readable from the street, and the a~proved set of p)fns will r~in on the site at all times during construction. Signature ~g~. ~ Date t;;/t/1€!:>. /d1Z.. hi€>. ~o~ ~'1... ' I- - ~ ~ UJ c... Z o - ~ UJ ~ <( UJ LJ <( Z - ~ o o z <( o z ::; 1/6/1 99B o DRAINAGE, 0 Stonn, 0 Ditch, 0 Culvert, 0 Natural o WETLANDS, Description o FLOOD PLAIN, Zone: . FEMA Community Panel No.: o FLOODWAY, FEMA Community Panel No.: , Date: PLAN CHECK FEES: UP TO 100 CUBIC YARDS 101 TO 1,000 CUBIC YARDS 1,001 TO 10,000 CUBIC YARDS 10,000 TO 100,000 CUBIC YARDS 100,001 TO 200,000 200,001 CUBIC YARDS OR MORE $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $40.00 For the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus $20.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof, $220.00 For the first 100,001 cubic yards, plus $20.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $340 For the first 200,001 cubic yards, plus $6.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. GRADING PERMIT FEES: UP TO 100 CUBIC YARDS 101 TO 1,000 CUBIC YARDS ,1,001 TO 10,000 CUBIC YARDS 10,000 TO 100,060 CUBIC YARDS 100,001 TO 200,000 $30.00 $30.00 For the first 100 cubic yards, plus $14.00 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $156.00 For the first 1,000 cubic yards, plus $12.00 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $264.00 For the first 10,000 cubic yards. plus $54.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $750.00 For the first 100,001 cubic yards, plus $30.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or-fraction thereof. ("~i~ Estimated Volume: ~-!>o UJ'RI€". 7'AI..;s_~ Plan Check Fee: Receipt No: Date: Received By: Date: Grading Permit fee: //'-;/ . - Date: Receipt No: Received by: Date: / h-Jbll.)~",_., =..!"" hi?~I.N.1-, (hh'l""Aif~-I>'+'/< 47'r~ \. l:i Plannina ~~- ~ Enginee~JigA} ~ W Building: ..;:f.:~ 7-?--7 o Maintenance: ]'- r - /. .~ Date:~A./9J' Date: 51(0/,/X[ Date: ?:6:~ Date Permit Number 9~5'oo Issued by: /~~ . Date: C;;---$.~ ., RAqllirArt F.inRI Il"'cnp,"'1'innc' Planning: Date Engineering: Date Building: Date Maintenance: Date: o Land and Drainage activity as outlined in this permit has been completed in accordance with the provisions of this permit. o Land and Dralnaae aQtivitv as outlined in this permit has not been completed in accordance wltn tne provlslcll1s 01 tnlS permit. l!r'""" Land and Drainage activity was performed prior to application for this permit. Accepted by: . Date: '. . JOB NO. ~7YL~ , ATTACHMENT A. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE' WORKSHEET NAME OR COMPANY: hfi'\--';/./~'" Ahv.J.JiJe.d-' , LOCATION:. 37S_'1.. /4...,'...:J::r. DEVELOPMENT TYPE:--d.:.v/~ ~_~A"""--tJt?- J:,...t//I)J/'p~" o , . / . BUILDING SIZE: lOT SI7F )0. Ft. 1. STORM DRAINAGE /!tk<.) c:-y4l1: Hgt~ fA"" /{.....(;- /7.-8::5;;<.5f IMPERVIOUS SO. FT .--L9 z;.~.L..,.. X $0.226 PER SO . FT. $ ~ -Y8& .")-,)" 2. SANITARY SEWER-CITY - /lb. clt<.".,y NO. OF PFU' S . X $46.86 PER PFU $ (See Reverse Side) 3. TRANSPORTATION - M ckr- 'NO OF UNITS X TRIP RATE X,COST PER TRIP X X $472.49 $ - X X $472.49. $ . X X $472.49 $ 4, SANITARY SFWFR-MWMC - A~ Ck-dt2- NO, OF FEU'S " X PER FEU + $10 MWMC/ADM' FEE $ . MWMC CRED IT IF APPLI CABLE (SEE REVERSE) $ TOTAL-MWMC sac $ . $ ~ ~,8&.g: . SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1.2.3 & 4) 5. ADMINISTRATIVF FFFS. ., .. BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) X .05 j'J .. $ d.,:< q ..,-- J;'~/4;&~ ,... /1 ~C ~rdi nator " Date: 9~b TOTAL SDC ./, a:3 $ ~ 7/';. /