HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-5-11 II -- .,.. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 ISFOR~TIO~: 7=6-3753 I~~PECTIO~ REQUESTS: 7:6-3~ci9 CITY OF SPRt~GFtEtD SIG~ CO~STRUCTIO~ ~'D ELECTRICAL r~STAlLATIO~ CmtBINATrO~ APPLICATlO~/PER.'lIT lOCATIO~ OF SIG~pODRESS) :.3 7,l:< 'jflr>~ 'I ..../\ lEGAL DESCRrPTIO~ /,,1 J 02.. '"'\ I '-\:..2 __. TAX LOT . 2 i:".,f @(/J V\J O:<SER OF PROPERTY (h-t.~ _ 1.1 /..-<.,;r ~ "' . PHO~E 7.:J t:- )J <!J if'l I 0 AODRESS 1/ ~ vi ~ _.37~Y .'/'nv_'-- d~~ Vol ZIP Cj' 7~7 7 r O:;);ER OF SIG~(IF ll'TIlER TILl.' PROPERTY Ot\~E!) ,y' C/-" (~.-t~-~ . I ,_ :::J:' ADORESS .~~ 7.3 8' J/~ dA Ij. _PHo~'E_.73-{,.,7 dr.L r-- ~~,tE OF BUSr~ESS. FrR.'t. ETC.~...k'_"" .n:.-'I.:Cd',","\(L~""-""-a BUSI~tESS~","",~A' yt.."]C: ~ TYPE OF ;1(jR.t.:: ~~Ci' RELOCATE .I TYPE OF SIGN: __l. SIG~I C1C\RACTER (CHECK AP?LIC\.:3tE rTD!Sl : [ ttALl FREESTA-'DI~IG .!' IDENTITY NO~-IDE~TITY ~ ROOF PROJF.CrI);G PROJECTDIG SECO;~D"\RY flARQUEE READER SOARD INCIDE~'TAL K SI);Gt.E FACE OTIlER BILI.BOARD DOUB lE FACE ~I1JLTI~FACE ALTER. QTI!ER -.----------..- . ' ~~::~~~~TR.\C7~~ ,a _ ~. d'-;- , ___._=~=_--'---;;O~;~~/, -_;? / ~ / . MO""____ 37 , L2r't:J~ _ __~~ ______ _____ CITY L.IC=::-:SE :'\l.r.1SE;t / _/ , ,-:';} _ ~/ EXP. DATE SIGN ~tA.~UFAC11!RER (~~ OntER TtL'-' ERECT.Q.R.1. ~_ZlJCL.-rj{~G2; --', - ----~_______.______ ADDRESS__!:/..LS1 .dc.~l(.:zc-' .~.k~ J/~a-./_ 'Ji_ PHO~E~1..:.._~?:!.f .. EJ.ECTRIC.'L CO~TRAcrcR~f:~ '77.:1...i..5..-' c ,...... I_~._. _ _ _ ' PHONE_.____ .__ .. ADDRESS 7:5 q 57 Y' 7i u,.',:":6.--. (j U~1ly '? t/.I3::.....1'f. "....J;>77'..,I~..z.:.. LICENSE NlJ:.tBER 7'1tL..?".3 (,,:z.., ,/ DI!>;e:'\src::s. [:;ST.;I.L;.:C:: :\.'~D C~:;ST:\UCTro~ I"'FOR.\l.1.TIO~: _._- ~...~-_.- .'-~--.--. TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE G""OE '] /1) /,1 VERTICAL DDtENSION--;' SIGN --,.1. "-':--;;;:O~TAL WID:;-~;;l~;_' IV I~ DI~tE~S[O.' FRmt GRAr,r. TO BOTTO~,t OF9SIG~ J1: Iii I TIlIC,);ESS OR DEPTIl OF,>IGN ..2 t;.t; II ' DOES SIGN PROJECT 9EYO~O PROPERTY LI~E __ YES ~ NO IF YES. DI~~NSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE ~OTE: IF PROJECTIC~ rs ~,:ORE 11t"-' 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY nlE SIG:1 ERECTOR :.;UST FILE tHnt THE BUIlDI~IG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PU3tIC tIAiH1.ITY A.'lD PROPERTY DAaol.GE I~SURA."'CE P01.ICIES. ) . . WILL SIGN HAVE ElECTRICAL :;lRI~'G? ~YES --"0 IF YES, \\HICH APP~EL~r::L SIG~ _ILLlJ:.Il~ATED (INDIRECTLY lIGHTEO) DESC~I!!E TYPE OF ~~\TF.~L\LS SIG~! IS CC~!ST?,llcrED or::7J....dJ!j .aJ2o ,.(1A~ ~ ~")."J ...A ~ ~ 1;:, J h~~J V ~'" PROVIDE UL ~1J!>IBER IF APPLICABLE VALUE OF SIGN_ IC(!).. ~_ ~_ _ . ___ _ SITE INFOR.'rATION (lA.'O USE)--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (OR LAST US~)F VAC~'T):,_~~f(.Y~ __ n PROPOSED USE OF BUrlDr~G OR L'-'D: '_ ,/ ~,' p. CHECK ONE. IF APPLICABLE: _INDOOR BUSINESS _OtrrDOOR NERCH~'DISING EXISTING SIQ<S (SlG~CODE): ARE ~RE" EXISTl~~ SIGNS? ,.~YES NO, IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR BUSINESS. fIR.~.'ETC,-: ~(/"J~.<'~ ,W. AI q ':>I'/.:::~""'/~ h<.-? E~.AI' J"y ALL EXISTI:IG SICNS O~ PREmSES(S"-'tE TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY E~\IINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hCTeon.is true and correct. and I further certify that all ~~rk performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sig~ Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code a5 adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify tha Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Co es 8 2-6(>1 and 9.7-20(21. I will request all required sign inspections listet:?" the approved perodt. ~ J1? NAME(PLEASE PRI~rrJ...s AIEl'" _~"'AS'S SIGNAT~~' ./-,.L1--"'/7-,,"~ ":OATES':;//-'// v' / FOR nF~ rrE USE m:I.Y INSPECTIO~S REQUIREU: ___SITE/LOCATION _FOOT[~G OR f~TIlOD OF TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIG~ ATTACH.'~NT _ELECTRICAL "j "i / .. oS' /"-)-'-( to !'. , '/ _ :.-.:::.... ~. (' -. ';>.( y' FINAL' _OTIlER (,I /--- ,,/ SIGN DISTRICT..._....' .._..:2..::.!"Z.ol!E DISTRICT FEES: SIG~ PER.'tIT: CHARGES: ..( .." ...D::] ELECTRICAL PER.'II!.~. .,/ ~. .....~, CHARGES: .-' ... ..J, f.:l._.' STATE 5URCH.\RCE: ~'.i' ,~. I TOTAL FEE FOR PER.'IlT: ../ ."\ '1,) /E':'~ .1:/_ \ ,: . .. "'; " .:., PLEASE :...C.\O -........ ",. " ~'l::\>!ll ".\_IV,'\I Iv," 1) SeD~r3te Sien Ao~lic3tion: A separate application is required for each separate 31'" ~S ~~tincQ in the Sign Code. ( 2) Elect'rical: Any per:':llt issued under" this applil' ing 10 or on sign stru~ture. the supply wires ft covered on an electrical per~it. Electrical cor. 'onl~ by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. intern~Lly and e~ternally} must confor~'to Secti 9-1-13 of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans ReQuired: This application is to be submil sets ~t pians dra~n to scale. showing dimensions vertising cessa~e on sign; location of sign on pI to property lines, structual details_of support f footiniS; ~3tcri31s of constructiol! for sign a.nd tric~l equip~ent 3nd lighting; si:e and location proper:y for the S~~e business, all as required tt with the Sprin~fi~lJ Si~n Ordinance (Article 7 of Code). Also. show the following infomation ,on tt showing property lines 3nd location of ~igns): il) b) Show the loc~tion of 311 eiisting sign(s) as w ShoW' th~ length of th"e st:-eet frontage taicen ul buildlng. ' Show the location ~f entrances open to the publ c) 4) lihen required. bec~use of design. size. 'etc.. engin calc~l.1tions oust b~ prepared by a licensed enginee i~' to deS1i" st3nc.1cds on file at the Buqding Divisio; '~~ 'S) Plans of irisufficient clarity or detail will be retl pUcant wit~ no perr.ltt being issued. ( '. 6)- Signs oUSt meet corner vision clearance requirements Fig. 9 of. the Springfield COJ:lprehensive Zoning Code. . 7) ~OTE: ~o sign cay be erected which is iess than 12 : ~ertic.111y fro~ overhead electrical conductors in volts. or less than 5 feet in any direction from oveI lines which are energi:e~ at less than 750 volts. If a si.;o is not inst~iied' b'ithin 60 days after the d. this pe~it, the pe~it shall be void. 8) 9) [nsoections: 3) Site lnsoection - to be m3de before the sign is pI the FOO:'l:':~ (n~oection (if applicable) !:lay be made tir.\e 35 tne Site inspection. The Footing Inspectil made .1.fter hole(s) is e.xcavated, but. prior to the I concrete. (0" OF SPRINGFIELD City Hall Springfield, Oregon Department of Public Works OffiCIAL RECEIPT No. B 5 6 9 3 4 ( 00'. ?~ !~-ti~: 0 r . iJA<Vt'1i ( Rec'd From I . .~ '2..l (LLJ' ..;;:::j'C.'. Address....) - CITY ( ( (n titt c Received For: i. ,. Qu~ rOI\ mJ* ~ 0 f 196' 50U 10. en (J{) ( ( (. \. c (,. " If). tiC) C)L^ C'lncil1 ) -"LiT~OR'%EO SIGN"TUOR.E .,.0' ...".. s..n10...~u."'UL\. P....~Il... IlUGIl..r, ( Amount Received ( (.-1.. " \ ~ b) Final f:-.soect ion - to be made upon completion of al ~r' c) Elect~ic31 - All electrical signs must be inspected~or electri- . I cal hoo~ up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. . C\LL FOR THE REQU I RED I~SPECTIO~S ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTIW LINE AT 126-3769. . I, t SPECIAL CO~DITIO'S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: !I/// "';.,{./",,//.;, I !// "7" . - .." J /--~ , i.' .; ":.': :' ! ,. . ..- , --I ) \ I ,'. ":or' 6 ,..- ,.- . - f! I ,;~) /.-:;' / (f , II~ /,!! /,1 7 / ~.;~ :._ , .. '..__ r , ADOITIO~AL I~FO~'~TIO~ NEEDED BEFORE PE&~IT MAY BE ISSUED: PlANS REVlEl'ED BY: '; , ,. ~ """, . " . ,'" : : ., ..-~ ,. ,r;.:-./ r'.' i:... DATE .... .~