HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Miscellaneous 1991-10-14 ...-' ;_ 1dd~h~ Io#'t(-ol-O~ /:€.s:f. '"Po.J,'iu.. ;[P '1 { - {I - (C( 5' F......p ?/c..f GRANT OF JOINT USE, ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 1 ~ . .1 It'1 "-4. '}.1. fl. 3, ft4.~;.... s,-,. For value recieved, reciept of which is hereby acknowledge, -O'l.-~Ht2. l.....r- ~p ~"":'~Sc1- 'f (Grantors , . ... John Serbu (O!) N. 37 --'-$1' . '. John Serbu hereby grant, transfer and convey to (Grantt,fs), a perpetual nonexclusive easement to use a strip of land feet wide described as follows: Beginning at a Point which is North 89' 50' 00" East 1454.85 feet and South O' 22' 30" vlest 1557.21 feet from the Southwest corner of the L. Comegys Donation Land Claim Number 81 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wi11amette Meridian; thence South O' 22' 30" West 24.00 feet; thence North 89" 46' 13" West 115.79 feet to the Easterly margin of 37 Street; thence along said margin North O' 29' 30 East 24.00 feet; thence leaving said margin South 89' 46' 13" East 115.73 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. 1. This easement is not personal or in gross but is to be appurtenant to each and every portion of the following described property owned by Grantees: Beginning at a Point which is North 89' 50' 00" East 1454.85 feet and South O' 22' 30" West 1478.21 feet from the L. Comegys Donation Land Claim Number 81 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South O' 22' 30" 11est 200.00 feet to the Northerly margin of Main Street; thence along said margin North 89' 46' 13" West 108.99 feet; thence leaving said margin North 44' 38' 22" vlest 9.87 feet to the Easterly margin of 37 Street; thence along said margin North O' 29' 30" East 193.00 feet; thence leaving said margin South 89' 46' 13" East 115.58 feet to .the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. 2. This easement is granted over and across property owned by grantors in Lane County, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at a Point which is North 89' 50' 00" East 1454.85 feet and South O' 22' 30" West 1478.21 feet from the L. Comegys Donation Land Claim Number 81 in Township 17 South, Range 2 l'lest of the wi11amette Meridian: thence South O' 22' 30" i'Jest 200.00 feet to the Northerly margin of Main Street: thence along said margin North 89' 46' 13" West 108.99 feet: thence leaving said margin North 44" 38' 22" I-Jest 9.87 feet to the Easterly margin of 37 Street: thence along said margin North O' 29' 30" East 193.00 feet: thence leaving said margin South 8S' 46' 13" East 115.53 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ~ l, - ~..- ,~ " .~. 3. This grant is ma~upon the following term;~ 3.1. Grantees are granted the right to use the:24 foot easement strip, including the existing roadway, as a means of ingress and egress to and from the land described in paragragh 1, or any portion thereof. Grantees are further granted the right to use the described strip for the installation and maintenance of such publ ic uti1 i ties as may be needed to serve the property described in paragragh I, or any portions thereof. 3.2. Grantors and Grantees shall at all times hereafter jointly maintain the easement property and roadway in a condition as good as its present, paved condition. The cost of such maintenance and repairs shall be paid by Grantors and Grantees in proportion to their use. 3.3 This grant of easement shall run with the land and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benifit of Grantors and Grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns. '" - .,,,,,,'. . - IN WITNESS THEREOF, we have executed this Grant of Joint Use, Access and Maintenance Agreement on this ~ ~. , 1991. It.( f day of GRANTORS STATE OF OREGON)SS COUNTY OF LANE) On the jc.j7?J day of CQJd b '("v appeared the above named John Serbu, and foregoing instrument to be his voluntary Before me: , 1991, personally acknowledged the act and deed. -- " 7t:~. j L)..~ . No~ PUb~ for Oregon My Commission Expires: J'-~'-9'/ ;or......------- -- -- __-::__a.___ - -.. - ',"- -'T' ~ .-;;~ OFFICIAL SEAL I (f:1~;\-. ~;,u J. EATES ) ,~.'.,-".,,-i~ f.'".-~n" r'U'BLI" - OREGON . :\ '~. ~.~~.,: .'J ... I \. ~ ~ '~<;..~-' COi...:;vil.-:';SiC.N NO. 001.232 '~ ~ MY l<:M1i.iSS;:m :xpmES AlIG. 26. 1994 , ~-----------_._-------------~ , ~