HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Substandard Building 1988-12-1 . SENDER: Complete items 1 and 2 when additional service~ are desired, and complete items 3 and Put your addl:ess in the "RETURN TO" spa.:') the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent thi card f~om being returned to you.Jhe retur !q;t fee will orovide '(au the name of the p"erson delivered to and the date of delive.n/. For ad . nal fees ttle following services are available. consult - postmaster tor tees and check boxt<.s) for additional service(s) requested. 1. B'Show to whom delivered, date, and addressee's address. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery. 3. Article Addressed to: 4. Article Number y Lll~11n ~.l{) Type of Service: OfgRegistered Certified Express Mail Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. ature-~ressee nIl n LI~ n"j 8. Addressee's Address (ONLYif ~) t.t.=:1~ ~k requested and fee paid) Age t - 0- ~ IX b~. I 7. ['.!:!fe of Delivery ,. v . ~ I .~.., .i~~~' I - r PS Form 3811, Feb. 1986 " ~~~8~ 3661 \'Y\~r.frt Api I ~":I ~-\?'et~, oR q,'-I,y o Insured o COO OOM~_~TICRE;rURN RECEIPT .NITEO STATES POSTAL SERVICE~ ~ OFFICIAL BUSINESS /'.' - , '-j. - - .J \ ," SENDER INSTRUCTIONS !;~ -I - -, :'j Print your name, address, and ZIP Code - j-J iv'l J. in the space below. , eComplete items 1. 2,3. and 4 on ".... / the reverse. --- . Anech to front of article if wace permits. otherwise affix to back of articl.. . Endorse article "Return ReceiPt Requested" adjacent to number. II I. - +--'"" . -......- '--'~ --'~' _.:-~' .- . --..-."..-- --~~ -- U.S.MAIL .. . -' PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 RETURN TO . Print Sender's name, address. and ZIP Code in the space below. r.ITV ()~ C::POI"'CE:"=:!...C' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LL::> l'lUKIH .:Jfh :'IKttl SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 .;' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMIN/SIRAl/ON PL,\NNJNG / RII/WING PUBLIC WOIJ/(S ME lI!OI'OLl IAN Wi\S I U~'\IEIi MANN;EM/,N I 225FIFTHSIREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97,/77 (503) 726.3753 CERTIFIED LETTER December 1, 1988 Faye Ly nn Dye 3667 Main Street Apt. #7 Springfield, OR 97478 Subject: Substandard Building at 3667 Main Street, Apt. #7, Springfield, Oregon Ta~ Lot #17 023142 04701 The structure located at the above address, more particularly describea as Lane County Assessor's Map & Ta~ Lot Number referenced above, is for the reasons indicated below an unsafe and substandard building as described in the Springfield Housing Code. Section 1001 of the Springfield Housing COde specifies conditions constituting a substandard bui Iding. The Springfield Utility Board has confirmed that electrical service to the above address has been discontinued. The following items inclUde but are not limited to conditions existing at the structure, classifying it a substandard building: 1. Lack of hot water to plumbing fi~tures. 2. Lack of required electrical lightin9. 3.. Lack of adequate heating facilities. Section 204(b) of the Building Safety Code Administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediate hazard to life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants. Notice is hereby served that the premises are being posted for vacation on December 5, 1988 due to the potential hazardS resulting from the above cited conditions. If the cited conditions contributing to the potential hazardS are corrected prior to this date, the notice to vacate will not be posted. Section 206 of the Springfield Building Safety COde Administrative Code stipulates, in part, that it is unlawful for any person to use or occupy.any building, structure or building service equipment or cause or permit the same to be done in violation of the City Building Safety Codes. Any person found to be in violation shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $1,000 or imprisonment. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. Should you need any further information or clarification, please call me at 726-3759. Sincerely, Q.>:,.c\'y,,~..('... f3,....<'..r...'~ ,(:;:v- ?c. t v-.,.-., ~ J ~ r 1l-t..'"'V\l.f R.J. Murray, Electrical Inspector ~ cc: David Puent, Bui Iding Official #402 Thirty Seventh East Partners, 300 W. 29th Street, Vancouver, WA 98660 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING I DUII.DING PUBLIC wonKS ME /lIOPOU IAN WAS I EWAI Ell MANAGfMfN I 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, on 974 77 (503) 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER December I, 1988 ~ 8raa Fuller 3667 Main Street Apt. #5 Sprin9fiela, OR 97478 Subject: Substanaara 8uilaing at 3667 Main Street, Ap~. #5, Springfiela, Oregon Tax Lot #17 023142 04701 The structure locatea at the above aaaress, more particularly described as lane County Assessor's Map & Tax lot Number referencea above, is for the reasons inaicatea below an unsafe and substandara builaing as aescribea in the Springfiela Housing COde. Section 1001 of the Springfiela Housing Coae specifies conaitions constituting a substanaara building. The Springfiela Utility Boara has confirmea that electrical service to the above aadress has been aiscontinuea. The following items incluae but are not limitea to conaitions existing at the structure, classifying it a substanaara builaing: 1. lack of hot water to plumbing fixtures. 2. lack of requirea electrical lighting. 3. lack of aaequate heating facilities. Section 204(b) of the Builaing Safety Coae Aaministrative Coae proviaes proceaures where the Builaing Official may require vacation of the premises when citea aeficiencies represent an immeaiate hazara to life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants. Notice is hereby servea that the premises are being postea for vacation on December 5, 1988 aue to the potential hazaras resulting from the above citea conaitions. If the citea conaitions contributing to the potential hazaras are correctea prior to this aate, the noti ce to vacate wi II not be postea. Secti on 206 of the Spri ngfi e 1 d Bui I ai ng Safety Coae Aaministrative Coae stipulates, in part, that it is unlawful for any person to use or occupy any builaing, structure or builaing service equipment or cause or permit the same to be aone in violation of the City Builaing Safety Coaes. Any person founa to be in violation shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $1,000 or imprisonment. Each aay such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. Shoula you neea any further information or clarification, please call me at 726~3759. Si ncere ly, F-J..UVwn-'o_ f:3,-<e-f..-,~ (;....... BClJ:) VYI '-'vv'C"O_ R.J. Murray, Electrical Inspector cc: Davia Puent, Builaing Official Thirty Seventh East Partners, 300 W. 29th Street, Vancouver, WA 98660 #402 ~.