HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1983-7-13 ~ ~ . city of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPRINGFIELD , INFO RMATION: 726-375: INSPECTIONS: 726-376! SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION . A. LOCATION OF SICil (ADliRESS) ~:)o5' /Y1 /9/ n.J UCAL DESCRI:'TION / '7 ('J 7, 2" / OmlER OR PROPERTY 1I.4.e " i d 7.Uw.'i ~ ADDRESS J J'lll 5".-::J. IJ....t. CIL, c:;,;iiii-i , , OllllER OF SICII (IF OTHER THAll PROPERTY .OmlER) . ,', ADDRESS <.<;;'{)5; ""'.?-IN sf., ~ 2.. 5~-I'I,,"J. TA.~ LOT'~' ,~c) () j PHONE 7t/,(, .. t. f/ 6 if ,ZIP 97 V '7 '7 /"J. 12 ~ IOn-7I.lI,~~_ 1t:A6'7'" _ If./\ j' , NAME OF BUSIllESS, HR.'!. ,PHONE 71/7- 2072- ETC. T:~ f? AI) T2!)~ I") nU6TYPE OF ,BUSWE5SA",f", R,,.,.;.:! .8. mE OF WORK: iERF.CT __ALTER _RELOCATE _OTHER C'STRUCTURAL TYPE OF SICN:, _HALL _ls:.]REE5TANDIIlG _ROOF _PROJECTING _MAR(lUEE _UNDER 11AR(lUEE _OTP.ER [). USE A1iD ~~CTER OF SICN: AIDENTITI ' _INCIDElITAL LDOUBU FACE _SINGLE FACE _!1ULTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOARD ~..'" T ./< E. VENDORS, COiITRACTORS: ' I.J _. ' , SIG:I ERECTOR 'T cl.- e.. \ ~U.~~ \ -...p ~ ,PilON!: '/.DD~':SS CITY LICENSE IImlBER ...{j /~ i SICN HANUFACTURER (IF OTIlER TI'.....'l ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS ,ZIP ,EXP. DATE .P!!OlIE .:1 '1 F. DIl1Fl1SIONS, D1STALLATIOll & CONSTRUCTIon TOTAL HEICHT ABOVE CRADE VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SICN HORIZOlrrAL WIDTH OF SIGN DnIElISION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SICN nUC:<IlESS OR DEPm .<n- J,/ .-cT f{,:'T , . G. EXISTING SIGNS ARE TIlERE A:lY EXIST!!IG ~ICm~? _YF:S ..~_)1O lMIBE!'. SIZE IN SO,FTC., ALL EXISTINC SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, ETC. ,-.::1FT y,z." >.>.-,.' DOES SICN PROJEC! BEYO:ID PROPERTY LIllE? _YES lS....NO IF YES. DUlEllSION BEYOND PROPERTY LI:lE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOn IS :IORE T11AN 12" OVER PUBLIC PRO?ERTY TF.E SIClI ERECTOR HUS7 FILE WI71l TIlE BUILDI:IG DIVISION COPIES OF HISI!lF.R LIABILlt"Y AilD PROP- ERTY -OA:-tAGE InSU?..ANCE POLI:1!S. H'mll. SICN HAVE ELECTP.!CAL WIRWG? AJD, IF YES, \/HIC!! APPLY? EL:::CTItICAL SIC:l _ILLlJ!lL'lATED (IllDIPJ::cfI:'l LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL CmlTP.ACTOlt ADDRESS LISC. NUMBER PROllE J. DESCRIBE mE OR ~ATERL\LS SICIl IS COllS7RUCTED OF. ;Z - ,,~if" ,4,,' .J. J ~ (. L-e -I' c";: fJ/~ (.LIC:'..".l .tI Y ~ I J'SITE IlIFOPMATIOll (LA!lD USF.) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDUIG OR LAND (CJR LAST USE IF VACANT) _t:lwf"",oi,~", N"J'" ....." ....J.,'iJ,f-I4~ 1 K. VALUE OF SIG:I: 6.3 O!) 2.,INDOOR BUSINESS _DU'l'!lOO:l. !'ERCHAflDISIllG PROPOSED USE OF BUILDIlIG OR LN~D, , L. I ?.AVE CAREFULLY L"WJI~IE:J the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all 1nfo~ation is true and correct, and I further certify that all work ?erformed shall be done in accord~nce with the 5pringfield Sign Ordinance. the Unifo~ Sign Code as acopted by the Cit~ of Scrin~field and al: other Ordinances or the City of S~rinp,fiald and the laws or the State 0: Ore~on ~ertainin~ to t~e ~orl; descrihed ~~4~Ln. I further certify tha~ ~y ~:~~ Co~t~ac:or Li- cense ~ith the City of Spr:~~field is in full fo~ce and effect as re~ui=ed by Sprin~field Codes 3-2-6(3) and 9-7'20(2). I will requesc all required sign inscections listed o~ the approved per:::.ic. NA.'1E (PLEASE P/l}lllT1 ./..../Z A-...-r;;/Hcl ,I,~<: '/<<....... -c-<-<'J SIC:lATURE ...f:k"-<A /'r./ ~ IT ; ~ J ~ ,DATE 7ha.JJ'? i", .,-~- --- .' . . PLEASE READ " ~.: '. .... . ",i" 1) Se03rate Sl." Aoolic3tion:' A'separate application ,is required for each separate' sign ,as' defined 111 tne. .u.gn t,.;ooe. - 2) Electrical: Any per:1t issued under this' application wiil. inciud! wiring in or on sign structure, ene SUPpLY wires for connection must be covered on an electrical per:zd.t. Electric:al connection" muse be made only by a. State Lice~ed Electrical Cancraceor..Illuminated"signs' (boch 1[\I:ern311y and externAlly) must confo= to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the 'Springfield Sign Or- dinance. 4) 3) Plans Reouired: Thi. application is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans showing di- mens~ons anQ neight of sign. advertising message on sign; location of sign.on proper~1 with di. mensions to property 11nes, structural details of support framing, bracing and footings; material, of construction for sign and sign structure; electrical equipment and lighting: size and location of existing signs on proper:y for the same busienss. all as required to determin~ co~llance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Al.o,. .how the follow-, ,ing information ,on, the ploc plan (plan showing property, lines, and location of, signs): " a) Show the location of all. existing signes) as 'well as proposed sign(s)., " b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the busi~ess or building. For wall aigns, show the length of the building frontage. , c) Show the location of encrances open to the public and driveways. ~en requi=ed, becacse of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at ~~e Building Divi- sion Office. Plan. of insufficient cl~rity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. Sign. must meet co~er vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive-Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or ~ertically from'overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froo overhead electrical lines whic~ are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shalt" be void.. .// "/' ~) 6) 7) 8) 9) In.nections: a) Slte In.nection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footins In.oection (~~ appl~caole) cay be cade at the same time as the Site Inspection. The Foocing Inspec- tion 1s to be made after hole(s) is ~v~t7ci, but prior to the placement of c~ncrete. b) Final Insnection,- to be made upon completion of all work. c) ~lectric31 - all electrical signs mu.t be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 1s erectea and before the sign is turned on.. . CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DIS'Ill.ICT CCU ""1' ZON?: DISTRICT E:c. JOB (} R'~\R<..o'1 ! . , , j l'OR Offlr.;~, USI:;-"ONL'i TO'IAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: 32 SIGN PEllMIT FEE: i~o?j i~2 I:' '.,' ___SITE/LOCATION ___EU:C!llICAL ___OrnER ___FOOTING OR MEl'lIOD OF AI'l"ACIIMEN'l' 0IllAL ELECTRICAL PE~~IT FEE: e .' 41: STATE SURCHARGE: V- TOTAL: c;J ~OO DATE 1;- \.4 -~CtIPT In I~S3 cu:ax M\ [ffi ~ " " :;" ".. . ;'f: SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFL.'1l BEFORE ERECTION OF SICN: ADDITIONAL INFO~V~!ICN NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: SECTION: /i: '/J BY: ,fc~~~ Cj -/7- 7 r--. APPROVED DATE 7-11 .. g3 SPRINOFIELD SION ORDINANCE . "...",,1