HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-3-2 SPRINCFIIlLO _.- -. ~"'-- ,- . ~ ,..- "-- .- - .-' -"';- !..'.. "'~'''' . city of springfield 225 n. 5th street INFORMATION: 726-3153 '. . ' . , .. . :','/ I' INSPECTIONS. 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION B. TYPE OF" \lOP.K. , . ~ERf.CT ____ALTER ____RELOCATE A. LOCATIOII OF SICll (ADDRESS) '3} tJ ,C;- 'tl1l.l; "'"" ". , LECAL DESCRIPTIOl; 1'7-(/.--'-::')/- 47_ TAY. Lor't Il/f/)! "''mii1ER' OR PROPERTY :TlT IVl/~dWJeM"" PS-PII'-I/iCP PIlOllE o/'1f~.I_t.O~ ADDRESS 'q~7_C::;- It) :~tll's,(},'e.. I /'''9''flA(}: n~, ' . ZIP,' ' OlTllER OF SICll (IF OTllER TllAti PROPERTY OWllER) Jl1 ",",P'L, J? S" h ...~~,.,v' , ' . ADDRESS ~C/'i)j N. ntlv " PlloN''-JI-lJ!..7"3:,W'1'f'-II?~1 Ll Ll I.' /. A J ~I .1 fle..b..,;/J '''1$- ; NAHE OF" BUSIlIESS, FIRI1, ETc._rM a.L"ff!y.,,.;r()r r <-I!1l L./eJ'7,TYPE OF ,BUSIlIESS..4tk._;;";~<" .<-J,,-/iI'~'. " ,.' , <-""";;;;;;"~.,,, C. STRUCTURAL TYPE 'OF SIGN:, D. USE AllD CI'.ARACrER OF" SICN: V HALL ____FREESTANDIlIG _IDENTItY . ,'," _ROOF ____PROJECTING _INCIDElrrAL, DOUBLE FACE vi ,SINGLE FACE ---,"!Ul.TI-FACE _READER BOARD ____BILLBOARD *" ____ OTIll:R _HAR()UF.C _UNDER I1AR()UEE _OTltER E. VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIClI ElU:CTOR 5(1/1- -- Pllom: 7lft.-JlCJ ~ .i_DO?~~~ :11' . CITY LICE!lSE tnr.-IBER 'EXP. SICll t-lAllUFACTURr:R OF OTHER TIlAN ERECTOR) IJ IIM('" ~"J I j 1.1(1 "... ~ 7 ,~n~ Jft sfrl'tJ:/ ,~"I"'l~iehr, Ii~ ~ 1 iflJ1O- F. ~/I~ w..'.t- . G DIHF.t1SIOllS, lIISTALLATION E. CONSTRUCnO 1 s i/'" . EXISTING SIGNS / . i'15 J'I _ 7i'?rr it; 'f I tf :'b.!I I " DATE .' ADDP.ES 5 PHONE TOTAL IIEIGIIT ACO'IE CRADE '- VERTICAL DDfENSIOll OF" SICN 1l0RIZOtrrAL \lIDTII OF SIGll (", li'~; 'm-HCtlSIOtI FROI'I GRADE TO BOTIO!1 OF SICll ARE TIIERE ANY EXISTI!1G ~IG~15? ...!:rlF.S :'vllo 'l!lJlfBE~. SIZF. IN SO.FTG. Ig"'8"" I~~''''''' .. !2'~" r};z... ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS. ETC. TiIICKllESS OR DEPTll It> / ~ /1 I o DOES SICll PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LWE? _ITS LNO IF YES, DHlEllSIOll BEYOllD PJlPPCRTY LWF. NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS !fORE TllAN 12" OVf:R PUBLIC PWI'EP.TY TI'F. SICN ERCCTOR I'IUST FILE \lITII TilE DUILDING DIVISIOll COPIES OF IIIS/IIER LIADILITY AIID PROP- ERTY DAHACE IlISUP.Al,ICE POI.ICIES. H'ln{L SIGN IlAVE ELECTRICAL !lIRIllG? IJ 1\ IF ITS" InIICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGlI _ILLmlINATED (INDIP.F.CTtY LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COlrrRACTOn ADDRESS LISC.NUMBER Pl:em: I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR f'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED or. 01... uJ o"ol , - J. SITE mFOP1lATIOlI (LAnD liSt:) .- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF YACANT) A....J.,' v..Lt,{J/~-I""1A , ? c ,. -, . -ilj; , LINDOOR BUSINESS ;....OUTDOO:l l'ERCl1AllDISING ' PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND;' 1 I , J I I .~..; 'r-'~ K. ':i1fuE OF SIClI: 'f1 600,()C) I~~oo~~ J Fr,,~T 5'911 /~T 5'/? I L, I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!'IINim the completed npplicntion for permit and do hereby eertify' that all informacion is true nod correct,:' and I fUJ;'chcr certify that all work performed shall be done 1n aecordance with the Springfield,Slgn Ordin,nee, the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Sorin~ficld nnd n11 other Ordinances of the City of Sprin~field and the laws of the State of Ore~on oerr.alnln~ to t~le wor1: cJc.9cr~betJ nt:~~J.n. I further certify th~'.: my :;!.Z~ Co.,tractc;>r .1...1.. cense wi.th the Cityo.LSp,rinr,field i. in full force and effect as required by Sprinr.field Cod.. 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will"'reque.t all required .ign in.oection. listed on the approved pemit. " - .,............__.~...~..~..._~ ,"... .t..,/:,;":,; NAME (PLEASE ,~P !lIT!' ,<'h; """~"h """ I SICllATURE },.J.Lj,.:. /j L.... , - C/. ',". nATE.!lJ&.;..t/ 2, /4f"L' , .' '-~~1:.~J. -'~~"'m::ni~rt~.:t"~~.:,:..-:.-~.- , ,:..' .' PLEA.SE !' ;..,:.... . READ ~ " :;\!.'f~:;: .. . .....t. ...'j, , , " :\ '- ;; \'~ ~'. ~: " ' .,,,.' . ".' 1) SeDarate Sl..n A2Dllcatlon: in tne ~1gn ~de. Electrlcal: Any permit issued under this application will includ~ wiring in or on sign structure. the supPlY wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical conneccion must tie made only' by. a State 'Licensed Electrical Contractor. lllumlnated signs (both lntern~lly and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. ~ (, ',:' ,','. . . A separate application is required for' each separate sign as defined ,."i;I' \ ;, ,,! 2) ,: .... I 4) 3) Plans Re~ired:, This 'application is to be' submitted with two complete sets of plans showing dl- .menS1ons .ana neight of sign: advertising message on sign: location of sign on. property. 'loll. th di- mensions to property 11nes, structural details of support framing, bracing and footines: ~ateriAls of construction lor 8ign and sign structure: electrical equipment and lighting: size and location of existing signs on property for the same busienss. all as required to determinq com~liance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,. show the follow- ing information on tho plor plan (plan showing property lines and location of .ien'): a) Show the location':~f 'all existing sign(s) as well a. proposed sign(s). ,b) Show the length'of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wall signs,' show ,the length of the building frontage. c) , Show ,the ~ocation ,of entrances ,open to the public snd driveways. When required. because oI'design. size. etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to de.ign standards on file at t~e 8uilding Divi- sion Office. Plans of '1naufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. ' Signs must meet earner visioD clearance requir~ments as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive , Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from'Dverhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froD overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void.. ! ' 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) InsDections. a) Site Insvection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footinr. Inspection (1t appL1cable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. lbe .footl.ng J.nspec'" tion is to be made after hole(s) 1s ~~av~t~ci..but prior to the placement of c~ncrete. b) Final InsDection:- to be made upon completion of all work. , ' , c) '~lectrical _ all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign is erecteu and before the sign is turned on. " , , lJ\LL FOR nu: IlEQUIIlED INSPECTIONS ON T\IE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 ~.) j)-rfv1rvt In ,Q;(.7l, ~ " II FUR OFflG~ U~~ ON~Y SIGN DIS"'"/!IfIItdIIJ(JI.B.J!l Z'ii'NE DISTRICT . (j / TOTAL SQUAIlE' FOOTAGE OF SIGN ,7r/Iif/Ii 21 [f} toW JOB q fJlSC10 r (IJ 7 REOUIRED INSPECTIONS, \/SITE/LOCATIOll ~OOT~NGOR MEnlOD OF ATTACHMENT -ELECTRICAL vi-IllAL - - SIGN PERHIT I~ ~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: _OT\IER 47. STATE SURCllARCE: /fJ ~ ~' f.VJ \ TOTAL : DATE ~ -.:;; - '8""c, IlECEIPT [.3") i..l cf. (~~ ~ CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SICN: 4'> . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFOIlE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: ~ P:ji:} .r . :. SECTION: BY: 5/;L()JlA' rhS~ 16, 010 SPRINCFIELD \lATE ~/~/K1 APPROVED " SICN ORDINANCE ~....-..,' ,.." .- ",,-.- city of springfield , 225"n. 5th street - .......-.,;,.;., ,....~.~..~,~,;,..., ~ ,......u I, ~,..,' ''',''HII' INFO R.MATION: 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD .' ":\ "J I'. 'INSPECTIONS' 726-3769 . SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCATIO!1 OF SICN (ADDJfSS\ ~}-1 (- 'f:II"); In:""" ,',' LECAL DESCRIPTION I' {-o l-31- 42.... TAY. LOT -~ 111fT) I "'m7i1ERoll PROPERTY :JJ....T IVlI.#.<+1MtMT 'S~>I/ic..p_ PIlONE '1'tf6-'/~I.,OIc' ADDRESS 'Q7,c:} IV ;/I.o.....( itl P.s.tJI'e.., ~U~OAA~ ' (J1f.. ZIP OUNEIl OF SI. Cl; (IF OTIllm TIlAl PROPERT; OWNER/ ITA IMP'''' 'I? Sa.hl1l'J~,J./ " , ' . I 1- Iv . _,,'1'1 . ,/ , ADDRESS _~ C;-/'l 6 N. n PilON ,'-1/- ~'b' 1'f'-1/1tJ I NAME OF BUSIllESS, FIRM. ETC.../M Il1..-kY>ldor f-A.J.o CIe;J.TYPE OFBUSIl:ESSJJJ:::!!jj,~"!-.~-J"",I"'5', ! , ~...:,~,. "!.. . D. USE AIID Cl',AllACTER OF SICN: I C. STRUCTUllAL TYPE 'OF SICN:, V HALL _FREESTANDIlIC B. TYPE OF WORK: ,~ERECT _ALTER _RELOCATE _ROOF _PROJECTINC _IDENTITY _INCIDElrrAL DOUBLr. FACE vf ' SINCLE FACE _lroLTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOARD ,_OTIlEIl ~RC!UEE _UNDER llARC!UEE _OTItER E. VENDORS. CONTRACTORS: SICN ERECTOIl 5pJI- -- PIlONC 7~t. -I JlJ ~ ./.DD!'.1:SS ZIr' CITY LICENSE I~BER 'EXP. DATE SICN llANUFACTURER (IF OTIlER TItAN ERECTOR) IJ tLM(.p ~,,) I ; J.,(1 ",.. .r;-()~ I~ 9"ppf- .5f'~1.,-lif!hI, /i~ F. LA ..~./\ W<lsl 'G . DD1ErlSIONS, ll1STALLATION &~l o;;ii-l!. . EXISTINC SIGNS Ju 'S'i_" r1~ , 1" ARE TIlERE ANY EXisTIlIC !'IGN~? l<' YF.S _1/0 'f/.~.' ~ 'ITUlIDE!'. SIZE IN SO, FTG. , Jr '}IJ ADDP.ESS P\!ONE TOTAL IlEICIlT ACOVE GRADE VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDTIl OF SICN DIlIEtlSIOtI FROM CRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN -10 / ..J II ,g'g" IS-'<:(''' /2.'''i''' k- ALL EXISTINC SIGNS FOR EUSINESS. ETC. olJA U tVumMLI TiIICKlIESS OR DEPTIl DOES SICtl PROJECT BEYOND _ PROPERTY LINE? _YES LNO IF YES. DUlEtlSION BEYOND PROPERTY LIllE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOn IS !lORE TIlAtl 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY Tl!E SIGN ERECTOR l-lUST FILE WITIl TilE BUILDItlG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/lIER LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DAl'lACE ItISUP.AlICE POLICIES. H. UI~L SIGN !lAVE ELECTRICAL 11IRlIIC? 1//'1 IF YES, InlIC\! APPLY? ELECTItICAL SIClI _ILLU!IINATED (INDIRECTtY LIGHTED) ELECTIlICAL COllTllACTOIt ADDRESS LISC. NUMBER PI:ONl: J. DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED or. ol';jlA.lD"'ol , J. SITE' INFOPMATIOtI (LAND IlSE) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (nR LAST USE IF VACANT) ...A-1" LA. '" 4 oJ.<,-f.y IA ' ? , -, , , ~ -- ~- , ..KItlDOOR BUSINESS ;....OUTDOO:t 14ERCHAll,DISINC ' PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND;' K. VALUE OF S~ Goo.od /.f3oo~ ( Fro.."..y//W~51' S'i'j7\ L'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!-IHIED the completed application for permit and do hereby cert1fy that all information is true ~nd correct,' and I fu~ther certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the ~pringfield ?ign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City .of Sorin~field and all other Ordinances of the City of SprinRfield and the laws of the Stat~ of OrcRon per'talnin~ to t~le wod;: dcscribeu nt:..~l.n. I further certify that rn,- S:!.Z!" Co~tractl::,.r .,Li- cense with the City..!'f Sorin~f1eld is in full force and effect as required by Sprinr,field Codes ! ! 8- 2-6 (3) and 9-7-20 (2). 1 wnl'''request all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. ,', . .":: :!:;'J(:'f'i' NAME (PLEASE}~IlIT!' <'J..;""~.~L"M"', SICNATIJRE J / ~ :_ II ..... , -~ 0" , nATE~~A' 2, 'E.!U""1~ I ~,' '-. ,'" " ,. .~- ~." - '" '" ,," ......_,.'..i..,;~ f~ ... ; ".,.".' : ...>.;~;'/ .. , '".J", , " Seoarate Si..n Apolication: A separate application"is required [or each sepsrate sign ,as defined 1n the ~lgn (;ooe. . . '\- '- Electrical: Any permit issued under this application "il1'inc1ude "iring in or on sign structure, " the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection.. . i 'must be made only by'a State 'Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both internally '~:"I and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (S) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign,Or- , dinance. \ .it. '1.: 3) Plans Re~ired:. This 'application is to be' submitted "ith 1:>10 complete sets o[ pIans sho"ing di- ; menSlons.ana neight of sign: advertising message on sign; location of sign on property with'di. mensions to property lines, structural details of support framing. bracing and footings: Qaterials of construction [or sign and sign structure; electrical equipment and lighting: size and location of existing'signs on property for the same busienss. all as required to determin~ com~liance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,.sho" the [0110"- .~ ing information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location,o[ signs): " PLEA,S E [. '..:,.1. . READ ~ ~tl{3:{r~:: ': ~(. .,.'....'...;-. ;. ,0 ,; ..'':'l.. ; l ~~ :.: \: '-.' . ,', . " 1) ~ 2) , , S) a). Show the location 'of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). ii) Show the length' o[ the street frontage taken up by the business, or building; For wall signs,' show ,the l~ngth ,o[ the building frontage. c) 'Show ,the location ,of entrances ,open to ,the public and driveways. When required. because of. design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion OHice. Plans of 'insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. ' Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive ,Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from'overhead electrical conductors in excess of 7S0 volts, or less than S feet in any direction froD overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 7S0 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void.. ! ' 9) Inspections: , ! 4) 6) 7) 8) a) Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the' Footinc Inspection llt app!lCaD!e) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. lbe Yootlng Inspec- tion is to be made after hole(s) 1s e~avateu, out prior to the placement of concrete. . .. - b) Final Insoection,- to be made up~n completion of all work. c) '~lectrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up sfter the sign is erectea and before the sign is turned on. " , ' CALL FOR THE RE~U~~D INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 ?qf(.J~rYfJYrhffh' FOK UHI!;!:; us!:; UN~Y 'SIGN DISWI.~ ZONE ~~r,wCT ,c't/ TOTAL SQUARE' FOOTAGE OF SIGN rJ P JO,B 11 (fj) e7f () I (I 'I SIGN PERMIT 76~ REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: t,/sITE/LOCATIOll v'FOOT~NG _ELECTRICAL \/FIllA!. _OTHER OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: 4:4 STATE SURCHARGE: TOTAL: /6~, :3 -3-~ ~ .f3\Jc .. 1\ECEIPT I '3 3ciu I j DATE CLERK . SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: !1" :., APPROVED BY: " . ,!lATE '" SECTION: SPRINGFIELD SICN ORDINANCE '~