HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1990-11-13 . .. RESIDE.Al-" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sp~ngfieldJ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 . 'ob Loc,ti"n: ':3 ~B_<)M~/.A;7 7>.7 IBDC.OO"= Nap N 17-<72.-3/-3/ Ta: Lot n ~€c>:;> ~ilJ~,io": 171-N '-s .#u r6_~o 7' /l/~ -:j'q;>? ~N 5-r- -5?rLL:> P~. - -. / Data of Application IJ-R~~O Value ::;;:--::: ~~ ant.factorS Address Lisc~ 11. ...... Bldrs Board H.'C~. ;eneral 5~~h' c::::&>~r./~': ~~'f-~< 1",,";N1r/Tp: -=1"":('? /. ?-~~;._/ 'lumbing - - lechanical r.J,~c t r i..!;~ 1 ~tlPeti~~~~".~ILElectr~cian f '" Tt is ths roesp071oibility of ths permit holder to ses that all inopections iUS mada '~rt.:th~ propel" tim~, that ,u::ch :;dtboeBs is readab!e fl"Ofl'/ ths st'l"set, and that the permit card is l.ocatBd at the front of the property. tSui!di.'1!1 Diui:ior: ap?zoot:ed plan shell remain on tha Bu~ldin!1 Sits at all times. ~~OCSnUp.E Fan INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'ccomel') state YOUI' City designated job nurr.bel", job at!dPcBB~ type of in3pec~icn ~(]~c8tcd a!":d when you will be ready for inspcct-i.on~ Contr-actors 0" Q.,ners name and Fhone nwnbcl'. Requests l'eceived befol'e 7:00 C':'f .'ill be made tht: same dcy~ l'equests made aftel' 7:00 an LJiZZ b.2 made the next :.JOrking day. ::uner: 4ddre..: City: P-NM" _' .1dditicn --\ Remodel. ~ .'!ob'i-l.l!l1'?"'t! ?/EMo. ~1'7J":7'ci T"'f-I"l"'l!t':mp~ ] SITE INSPEC'J'ION: To be made after excavation~ but prior to Bet up of forms. ] UNDERSCAB PCl.'f.mING. ELECTRICAL & N}.'CH,!.'IICA[.: To be made before any uol'k is ~ovcred. ] FOOTING ~ FOUND.1TION~. To be trr::de after trenches are excavated and forms aJ'e erBcted~ but prior to pouring ccncret~. W.'DSRCROUNO PLUM!JINC. SEIlER. W.1TER.. DRAINAGE: To be t1Kl;fo prior to fil- lir.g trenches. ] ] UIIDERPWOR T'WI-fBII!G & MECHANICAL, To be made prior to inatal.~tion- of floor insuLation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaLlation of floor ins~tation 01' decking. RDUGfI Pr.U'!8I!!C. Ef.ECTnrCA[. .e MECl1- ANICAL: No :Jerk is to be cot.'ered .untiL thesB inspections have be~~ made and approved. Fr.r~EPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framint) in spec- tior:. FRAI~TfJr:~ Must be requeDted af~er appl'Oval of rough plwr.bing, alectl'i- cal & mechaniaal. AH Nofing bracing t chimneys, et~. nr~st be . completed. !Io wl'k is to be con- ; cecled until thiD inspection- has . been made and appl"Ot.'ed. ] ] ] ] PI'.o>Ie: 7::<~-:i?8 ;;;;>::S Zip: q ;;::>~;:> 7 Describe rl'orl~: C)1/:G/7;? ~ ,.,!~7~ ;{:.<:- ~(>( Your City Dcsigr~ted Job Number Is: D INSULATIONIVIlPO,I? BARRIER INSPF:CTION: To be made after aLl. insulati~n a~n .. rcquired vapor barriers are in place .' .'. but ];-efore any lath~ gypsum board or UCllt covering is appZied~ and before any insulation is concealed. O DRYI/ALC II/SPECT!DN: Tc be made after all. drywll is in pl.ace~ but prior to any taping. O ~ASONRY: Steel. location, bond beama, grouting or verticals in accordanc6 with U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. o CURB & APPROACH AP.WN: Afte:o forms are created but pl~or to pouring ~on01'ete. ~ ~_e';Pt "._1 ~,"? , !h7t. off Siqr.ed:&~~ Data: '/ r //-I"?~' . gxp:!.-(es ppnnp >Y~/~.J"~,.- O SIDF:lIALK .t DRIt'EfIf.Y: For all con- cl'ete paving uithin street right- ._". ,. ~ of-'i.x:y, to... po .!1Illde after all. eXca- vating ccmplete" & form wrk & cub. base material in plaae. , o ~ENCE: .Wher: compl~te -- Provide ~ or movable sections through P.U.E. 9a::>B7(:; DEMOLITION OR gaVE!) 8UILDIlIGS ~ Sani~ ~~~ .::;;':~,,~~u~~:~~~r. l:tji~.,', =:J Septia tank p"~cd and fillz~ uith gra:JeZ \7l Final - lthen ab..."Ve items are ccmpletcd ~ and when demolitior: is complete 01' Btru~- ture movee:! and pz-.:mtses ::leaned up. . Mobile Nemes :=J Blocking and S.t-~p :=J Plumbing c~nnBctions -- 8~e1' and ~~er --, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-u:l' --1 and plumbing connections ",.~s t l:e appro~2d before roequesting elec~rical inBpec~io~ :=J Ao::essol"'; Building --, Fina l - After p:1l'Ches i .-J etc. azoe completo:d. skirting~ decks~ o o AU p'l'oject conditions, Due.&: as tl,e 1.',nstallat'i-on of st1'eot tf'ees~ .-ccr:rploti"n of tire requirad landsccpir:!], etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDINC 'FINAL can be z-:]~eDtad. =:J FIflAL PLUMBlllG :=J PINAL "E~IIAIIICAL :=J FINAC ELECT,HCAL ~ 0, tho Final Plwnbina " , Building Inspection must bo requeated after Inspections hQ,lJo btlBn made and approlJo1d. ,-' 'd .~.) '...... ...:- . PINAC BUILDING: Tha Pinal Electrical., and Mechar.ical ~... .-"', 4AT.f, '-fANIlCr.F:S AN/} Cr.F.ANOUT;; Ifl!.c;T nT;: IICI:F..<"':;!flLF:. Am!f!ST!f.~N1' TO BE f.t.1fJr. .....T no C,51 TO CT'!'Y . -.' '. . " ..:.~~ I T'a",' ! of 2 "SpLAR ~ESS Occuooncy C. LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle CU ~-de-sac ,.......-~ I JOB NO. j 20ft'!: " , , Lot Sq. Ftg. s ~f tot C~el'Og= N of Stories Total Height Topogl'Ophy I lITEM !,.,ain I Ccroce I Caroort I Accessory I I Is.D.c. SQ. FTC TOTAL VAWE IVCl-UCJ 1.5 '" Building Permi t Stat6 Surch.11"ge Tot41 Cha,,!/e3 IITEN I Fiz~ureB I Reeidential (1 bath)' .1 S07Iitol'!/ s"":""41:> . I Water .. I I NO. I I fEE Plumbing Perrr.i t State Surcl-.a.rge Total Charnes lITEM Res. So. rto. Naw/Extend Circuits NO. Temporary Service Electrical Permit State SW.::har1l6 Total Cha.1'qes lITEM I Furnace !!TU'S I E:haust H~ I Vent fan I IbodstO:J6 I NO. FEE ., Pennit I3suanca Hechanic.7l Permit Stat'! surcha~c Tota 1, CharaeD __ ENCROACHMENT -- I SsC".A.r1. tl.( Deoo3it I Storaqe I t.fai"t~nan.~p. I Permit . Total Charges Curbcu ~ ISid_lk 1'''",,:10 I Electrical Label I Hobile Home i 7)~h?O I I-~t? I TOTAL AI:IOUNT DUE:" x Value CHARCE / ~ 'l:> , " fEE /,<;':'Pf? -::>5- ,/5::/5.' 1 1 1 . CHARCE ~ CIIARCE I.B:~C> .7P ? <f.~.s-I. . -;'~ REQ.- TYPJe/Cor.st: . - I 1 AcccoO. 1 Bedrooms: I Enar!'.l/ SourceD I !leat I "'atm' ,fti"ntl?1" I Range I FirerJZaca I IIood3tO!;(1 I wt Faces - Setback/'l HOUS6 Cnrage P.L. "or th F:nst South ,r,rest -- Fees , I. Building Value ~ ~ermi't ',; L - co G-{r T;/f'C I , This pe~t is granted on the ezpreoB condition that the said con8tJ~ction shaZl, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zonina Crdinance, regutating the ccnstru-'ticn and UGe of buildings, cutd may be suspended or revoked at c.r.y time upon vie- lation of any provisions ,of s,!-id Ordir.an.cos. '. 1 \, . - . . Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Recdpt H: I Sig:-:.ed: . . 1_ Plumbing Permit , -J 1 ] , No,percon shall COlWtruct, install, aZtsr or chango any neW cr e::iDting plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in part, ur.less such perDon iD tho legal. possessor ala vatid plumber's ticensB, BXcept ,that a person may do p1.w:rbing work to proporty which is OI.Jned, lBaBed or operated by the appli- cant.' '\ . .. f,.. Electrical Permi t , - Where State LaJJ requires tl-.at the clectroical lJOrk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical. portion or ~his permit shall r.ot be valid until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. 1 ' I 1 Mechanical Permit 14~~ li;fi~c> I HAVE CAREfULLY EXAMINED the eompleted application for pe...it. end do hereby certify that all ir;fo;"JTJQtion hereon is true and correct, and I jUrther certify that any ar.d all IJOrk p8rfo~ed shatt b. do~. in accor- da.nce with tha ordinancss of tha City of Springfield, and th. Ltr..:e of thQ .. State of Oreg.:m p.=rtaining to the IJOrk describcd here:.n, end tha~ NO OCCU- PANCY witt be made of any structur2 ~itho"t p.nnis3ion of the SuiZdin~ Di. uision. I further certify that o:-aly contractors ar4 e:npl~"s "":0 are ill c;r~. ~ ,,,,,,"m ~..~ ~ "U€\~UJ0'\ ~/? Siawrd 4- /..? -9.0 Chto