HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-12-21 .. RESlilNTlAL': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sprir4field, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFlELD .... -. , .tab Loc.::tion: ?-;l-111 '-ffi(). i 11 ?rt-. AS.1eS80N .\~ap .'1 S!J.hd-:.v-:.sicn.: 2..'7teZ': 0l1l'1 J J 'VL/) ~lJ77 n..AAThYY\.bi-lIKJ 11tn.-t'Jl Pr.one: ~D~t ~ . I:. is ~hB resPQnoibiZity of ths peM7ti: iwt.du to see that at! irwper:tions are .-::OOe from the 8treet~ and that the permit aaI'd is t..."Cated at the front of the property. "3u.i!di~.g :r~J)i=io:': r=p;:rot,-ed pl.an sr.cLZ remain on the: Euilding Sit.z at all times. ?,,?OCEDUPg .~OR INSPECT/Of! ,::'E'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City desigr.ated J'ob nur;:bel'~ l'aqu.estcd a.-:d when you ;.;ill. be ;oeady lor inspection" Contraotors 01' Ot.;ne:-s r.eme c:r.d phone number'. :..'iZl. be made thE; same dc.y, request:s mG.de afta 7:00 am wiU be made the nat :.;orkin; day. Add....ess: City: n n n n -'1."..' Addi ticn R~o.:eZ. ,'fooi!e .~ome ~a:e of Appliaa::icn Contrcctors )2f7~)-8'6 GeneraL PLumbing ELectricaL .'.!tl~har:i.c::L ~ ".'tt. LQ.D_.--t-h(L(Y\.....o Con8t~~c~~on L~nder ~'<:!mn:~~ri r,.,<;I':',,~t~t::J<!<I' O SITg I:JS?::C-::ON: To oe rrads alter excavction, ~u: prior to aet up of forms. o U~DgRSL~a ?LG~S!YG, :LEC7Rr~lt ~ ,~!ECi:'.J.;;iC;'[,: To be maae be/o:!'€! any work is ..::otJcred. o F'CO'!'I?lG ~ POU,'WATIC.'I: To be made aj:~r trenches are exc~~ated and f~rms are erected, but prior to POUL~ng ccnc:!'et~. o U,'!D:IRG:::()U,~rD ?:'[;U2I:VG. S!;tFR, ::I.1T=.9, DRAI::AGE,. :0 oe ma::ie prior ~o ;~i.l- Ur.g t;rer.cr.tis. o UNDEP.F:.OOR !'!.JJ,'..'Br;.'C 1 :1"E:C,rrA..VICA.L: To be m"'....ae prior to in3taiZation of j1oo1' in8u~r;ion or decking. P-'JST .4~D 3EA.U: To be tr:adc ~l'"ior to insraUaticn of [Zoor ir-.8uz.Q:tior. 01' deckint;. o o RenCH ?!.~J~IEI'}G, ::!.EC'I'.T?!CA!:. 1 .'.fF:CH- ,J.ilICA~: ::0 ".)01';': "":.3 to :;c co:':e1'ea. ur.t:l ;r.cse :r~~ect:or.s h=v~ ~€er. m::z::.e w-d ::P?l'?:J~d. FIP3?LACE: ?rial" to pLc.cir.g f"c(:"~ng mct.eriaz,s ar.d before framir..g inspec- tior.. o o FRA.'~I.'IC: ,'<1u.st be recue3ted af"':er app1'ov~l ~f r~ugh pl~~ing, ~Zectri- caL & mecr.=ni.:a.z.. AZZ ~oj:.r.g bracing d chi.T.n~Y8, et~. .~~sc he . comoLe:cd. .'/0 '.Nrk is to be con- e cea'led until this irtsoec-::icn has 'been nxuie end approved. ~. TGZ [,ot II Zi?: Desc\,~be flor>k.: VaZue Addl'"€S3 Your Cip~. Desigr~ted Job Number I3: D INSULAT!ON/VAPOR E.4RRIER INSPECTICN: To be made after a"l Z ins-", l,;:ti.:Jn a:"'.d reauired vavor barriers are in o"lace but before ~y "lath, gypsum bccU-d or wZ:Z: coverin.g is cppZied, ::::r.d before any insulation is concealed, . _:::cce~:J: .;f /;'DN/:j DRJ1,./ALL INSPECTION: Tc be l7".ade after a L"l ar;jwa Z; l is in place, but prior to a;ny taping. O ,\1ASON RY: Stee!' Location, bond beams, grouting or vertical.s in accordance with V.B.C. Section 241&. o o i<lOODS'!'OVE: After i.nstal.lation i.s ccmpleted. ep 1% /0.00 , LjO 1JOl5 D CURB & APPROACH .4P.r::oN: Aft.e:o forms ae ere::lted but pl"';or to pcur{,n.g ~n.:::rete. SIDEWALK & DRD'EWAY: For all CGn- cr>ete paving wi chin street right- of-wc.YJ to be made after at! exca- vatina ccrrroZete & for:n worok & :;ub- base ~teriaL in pla::e, Siqr..ed: CJv I'Z--~/-C~ C>(~ o D ~':'E:NC'E: Wher. comp LGte -- Provide gac.es or> movable secticns through P.U.E. Date: Lise. F! E:nirt:!s Phone o ~.4 \.'Ul ..~~ W i at the prop2r tim€~ that ~ch ~ess is rea::a;,:e job accrcss, type or in3~ee~icn Requests received c~fcr~' 7:00 ~ g~ 3C09 DEf.!O&ITION OR ;'.,'OV::':: 3UILDI",~CS :J Sani -:'ar':f Se".Jel' ::l:Ip?ed :=t rn:..~pi:rt:j Lir:.a :J Septi~ tank ~~~ed and f"":ZZed ~~th gr~~eZ ~ PinaZ - ~~en abcve ~te~s are cc~ieted ~ and when i~oZitior. is compie-:.e or st~~~- ture moved ar~ ?r~;s.es ~Ze~ed U? I NobiZe HCi'::es =:J E"lookir.g and Set-:J.p =:J Plumbing connec~ions s~er ar~ wa~e1' ---, SLec~~caZ Ccnr.ect:on - BZockir-~, set-u= ---1 and piwnbing connections r.7'""st ::e approved betore roequest:ng eZectrical inspec-:.io~ .=J Ac~essc. ';;' 3uiZ:5.:.r.g ~ Final - Afti:r ?~rcr.es~ ak"":rting, dec~~, ---l etc, are c~l.e;i:d, o FI,'lA!. P!.r./~!BI:iG AlZ project conditionsJ Juch as th.ti ~ns:aZZa~:on of street :roees, :=,~la:ion of =he requiroed l.andscc:pir.g, etc., .'IlUst :;e saris/icd before the 3f../II-VI:.'C Fri:AL :cn be 1'$CjJ.;gst,zd. FI:IAL :!E:'::A.'IICAL o PINAL BUILDING: The Final Building !ns?ection :~ust be l'eque3ted ::.ft.er the ,:'ir-.al ?Zw::binq ELectrical., and Nec~~iccl Inspecticns have ~een made ar-d cpp1'cv.ed. o PI.'JAL !rSC':'RIC:':' ,0 "ALi: ,'1ANHCLES 1f1D CLEANOUTS .'fUST BE AC::ESSI3LZ, ADJU5';;'!~:,"!' TO 32 ,~:,""'DE ,:1' NO :::5':." T? CI':'? I ?~:2 of 2 I JOB NO. , i Zene:- I wt Sq. FteJ. I ~ ~f :at ~averag. ,,~ of :;.tor-:,es I Total Heicht ; - I TopogM?hy I IIT~~ I SQ.FTC IMa~" 1~'-:::c2 i ! Car<.::~l"t I I .-lccess::.n'",J Is.D.c. I TOT.4.L ;rALUE' ( :;C~Ui:) 1.5 :: Euitdin.g Permit; State SUI'cn:rrge Total C1-.a..-ge3 Ir:::M I Fi--f:uI'es Resid2ntiaZ (1 bath) Sanit:J.1"j Sewer I wetsr Pz.;mtlr~ng Perrd. t State Su:rcr.al"ge T~taZ. C'h'c1"oes ~ II'EN I.VD. I I I I ."?t!s. Sa. fto. NG1J/Ertend Circuits Temporary Service Electrical. Pe~t State Srucharae Total. Ora:t'ces In3::.' I ~.ace ?TU'S E::ha:ust Hood I ,','C. I Vent Pan iloodsto;;e Permit Issu:::n.ca Mecr.anic.::l Parmi t State surc~s 'T',,~~ 1. 0'arlJt!t' Z,VCRCACHX:::l'!.' Se~~~~tu D2~osit Stor~qe I Mainten.ar~e I Permit Total. C'n.c.1"'U!S I C'ur':'C".lt I SidetJalk i :en.::e I eZ.ac!;r"':..caZ , ! .\fobi La Heme Lebel 1 TOTA~ ANOU.'!T DUe:" SOLAR.ESS f)cC"..t=:Janc:J Gl'O'.J.:J.. LOT TYPE Ir<.teroior Corner Panhandle Cut.-de-sac X Value I;' I Ci!ARG3: I /1) .l7fi I I I FSC: //),()(J t/() I /o.l/Ol . ;';;'1;' Ch.k?GE c-- CHARCE If) J/() . P=qe 2 . . L-COC{< REQ.- t:ioe/Cor.sr;: 3edP?or.:s: I Lot Faces - I I P.~. ItloI'~h lEast S~th IWest Setbacks I Rouse I Cax>aqe I I Enerau SouI'~es I I .=:.eat I Access. I I ""ate'!"::t:U!~p.'f' I I Ranq8 I i F....rer; ~ace I I Wooci.;;to:;e II 1:J':;e Faes Building Value & Permit This permit if3 granted on. the e::press condition that the adid. cons tr"'..IC tion shall, in aZl respects, confc~ to the Ordinance adopted by the Cit~ of Epl'ir.gf':eZd. ~:ncZud....ng the Zon:r.g Crdina/we. req'.dc.til~g the censt:":,"::'';7/: ar~ ~De of buildings. and may ce JUf3pended or revoked at cr.~ t~~e ~;Qr. vie.' Zation of any provisions of said Ordir~nces. , . I I I I. Pw.n Check Fee: Date Pa-:.d: Rec&.ipt #: ISi&",ed: Plumbing Permit No pereon zhall c~.struct. instal!. aZter or change any r~W cr e:isting plumoing or drainage sYBte~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is tr~ legal possessor of a vaLid plumoer's license, e=cept trAt a pe~son ma~ do plumbing ~ork to proper~~ which is ~~d, leased or opercted by the appZi- aant. / 'I I Electrical Permi t Where State U:LJ requires that the eZectr"~cal work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this pemit shatZ roOt ba vaUd until the 'label nas been signed by the Electrical ::ontraator. I I I I. I I I I i I I I I I. Mechanical Permit P~an 2:.:;a;n'2.r!el' L.'ate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXMfINE:V t.......e aonrpl,eted cpptiaa'tion .for permit, c:nd do hereby certify that aU ir:for-mation hereon ::s true :J.r..d corrf:lct. crr..i Z t.J.r~her certif"f that any ar.d all. '..:orok ;erfo~ed shaU be do~e i;o:, ac~oro- dance ~th "the Ordinances of the City of Springfidd, and th~ ta'..;a of th3 .. State of Oregon p.s!rt..:ininq to the wor,,,: described herein, cr.d tnc-; NO OCCU- PANCY !.JiZZ be .ora.ie of any struatura :.Jithou: p~rmi33ior: of the Euil,dir:g !J";- vision. I further ~ertif~ tr~t o~l,y acntra=toroB and ~Zoyees ~r.o are in c~pZiance with CRS 701.055 will be used en this projsct ~~;Z$: ':::>'2.g,:3a / ~!:J-';l!-gL