HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Complaint 1983-4-19 I . ~@~@~&~@)lliJ~ .. l' . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~ ...;"." -~..' ,,' April 19, 1983 MEMORANOUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Dick Johnson, City Planner Ed Black. Environmental Affairs Supervisor ~ / t CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, DAN'S AUTOMOTIVE. 3477 MAIN STREET Building Division personnel have verified that the business located at 3477 Main Street is currently obtaining water for washing cars from the adjacent residential unit. Furthermore. the wastewater from this activity is being discharged to the street in violation of Section 708 and 710 of the Uniform Plumbing Code. This situation is being brought to your attention at the present time so that future action by your Department and the Planning Commission will assure compliance with both the City Code and the Uniform Building Code. EB:sk ~ , cc: Ron Clark Roy Bordeaux Sa 11y Puent Attachment r"J'lI ill!, '1";.\ .----/.- s'it.;'. / l~I.~.:."J (~ :P:1:ND I::~::::::rements lor Auto Wash Rack ii"'"" Every private or public wash rack and lor floor or slab used for l{;':, .~: cleaning machinery or machine parts shall be adequately ~l'r it; V1;~1:1 protected against storm or surface water and shall dr~in or U /i ~ discharge into an Interceptor of an ~P!_~y~d..l!.~!t~~~~~. ~:;. V' "--- S,G:C ? Cl ~ l!f~:,~i.t ~~~7~hen~~~at~el~~~~:~~~ 0; the Administrative Aut~ority~ ~:\~:I~ waste pretreatment IS required, an approved txpe grease t,;,tJ (.rr~ interceptor complying with the provIsions of this secliOn shall be k~~:t;') 0 installed in the waste line leading from sinks, drains and other t;.ti}.i '\ lixtures or equipment in establishments such as, mstaurants, cafes, P"f.ri . lunch counters, cafeterias, bars and clubs, hotel, hospital, iJLjF;,. sanitarium, factory or school kitch~ns, or other establishments lri, ,/" ~ where grease may be Introduced Into the drainage or sewage f~M ft/ system in quantities that can effect line stoppage or hinder sewage ,1\" ~:~t d~.,~,;'~. treatment or private sewage disposaL A grease Interceptor IS not ;.\h!J: l ~ required for individual dwelling Units or for any private living [":':j:'i':. quarters. )i;U~ 'I (b) No grease interceptor shall be. installed which has an r~.:.:i!h l: approved rate of flow of more than fifty-five (55) gallons per,mlnute MtJi.1 ,IIDI,:..,..lI (3.5 Us), nor less than 20 gallons lJer ~inute (1.3 Us) except when IxHL: II ~ specially approved by the Administrative Authority. , f~:~~1f. (c) Each plumbing fixture or piece of ~quipment connected to a i.IL'~.Ifl; grease interceptor shall be proVided with an approved t\ipe flow '1\\:1 !'it,. control or restricting device installed' in a readily acceSSible and /,\Jy..'t. visible location in the tail piece or drain. outlet of each such fixture. ~'1:;~ 4~.\'tI Flow control devices shall be so designated that the total flow ! 1'~ ~~ ~ through such device or devices .shall be so designed that the total bi, ! '$; flow through such device or devices shall at no time begreaterthan tll~;1 ~ Ii the rated capacity of the interceptor. No flow control device having If!tH~ ~ adjustable or remo~able parts shall be appro~ed. . :!cJtM I<i (d) Ea,:h grease Interceptor reqUired by thiS sectIOn .shall have ;\-~:!;tt.ii~ ,~nl an approved rate of flow which is not less than that given In Table 7- I in Q1i"11' ~ 2 lor the total number of connected fixtures. The total capacity In ~Yrl;11' gallons (liters) of fixtures discharging into any such .interceptor blU .:: shall not exceed two and one-half (2V,) times the certified g.p.m. I fj~rl~~' (liters per second) flow rate of the interceptor as per Table 7-2. iij:\"'r 'J Any grease interceptor installed with the inlet more than four (4) I ;[\:"lh .,~., feet (1.2m) lower in elevation than the outlet of any fixture in:""! discharging into such interceptor, shall have an approved rate of !Ii.!A'; ~fR~ flow which is not less than fifty (50) percent greater than that given I i!ii~;ll!j. mw in Table 7-2. Not more than four (4) separate fixtures shall be iW~ ~ i, connected to or discharged into anyone (1) grease rnterceptor. ,If: 'a I '~ " For the purpose of this section, the term "fixture" shall mean and :'i (< W' ; include each plumbing fixture, appliance, apparatus or other h.'.'[..l~.~ , equipment required to be connected to or discharged into a grease t.I~1:';~'!l interceptor by any provision of this section. Hi~MJ . ._q._.__._...._..~q..q......,.".._..._., ., ~~. . !~~r-r~.,n."l'" r:'~''''''f!tr~f,''''7.~''!1Hr;,I'I'.'''''~'-:-'' r......,._...,..,_.. ...., ....- ~""-"- ----~ ~., '., " .......;. 7.4 OREGON PLUMBING SPECIAL TV CODE '" . d d' , I s.lze accor mg to the primer device manufacturer's recommenda- ~ J h~~j Prim or valva bodies shall ba install ad a maximum of twalve (12)~.j 1 mchas (O.3m) above the flood level of the fixture baing sarved and in J an accessible location. 1 (e~ Prir:?er headers for ~hree or more traps shall be the "inverted 1 manifold type (or other approvad mathod) having aqual water flow i to all outlets, WIth each outlot provided with a thraadad removable ~, I plug or cap inspection fitting. Approvad flush tanks may be used as ~ I an alternate. supply so~rce for primer headers. f",.~ ~ ( s:~y primer stop, If used. must be an accessibla screwdr~~~ ~ Sec. 708 - Industrial Interceptors and Separators . (a) When Raquired-Interceptors (including grease. oil and sand Interceptors, etc.) shall be provided when, in the judgment qf the Administrative Authority: they are necessary for the proper handling of.,IIQUld wastes contammg grease, flammable wastes, sand; solids, aCid .or alkalme substances or other ingredients harmful: to the bUlldmg drainage system, the public or private sewer or to publi~ I or private sewage disposal. ___ ~ (b) Approval~ The size, type and location of each intercePt~~or separator shall be approved by the Administrative Authority, in accor.dance With ItS standards. Except where otherwise specifically permlll~d, no wastes. other than those requiring treatment or .separatlon shall be discharged into any interceptor. Wastes in excess of 1400 F (600 C) shall not discharge into a grease Interceptor. . (c) Design-Interceptors for sand and similar heavy solids shall be so deSigned and located as to be readily accessible for cleaning and shall.have a water seal of not less than six (6) inches (152.4 mm). (d) Relief Vent-Interceptors shall be so designed that they will not become air bound If closed covers are used. Each interceptor shall be proDerlv vented. (e) Location-Each !nterceptor cover shall be readily accessible for servicing and malntarnlng the Interceptor in working and operating condition. The use of ladders or the removal of bulky e~Ulpment In orde~ to service interceptors shall constitute a ."'- Violation of accesslbllly. Location of all interceptors shall be shown l on the approved building plan. ~ Sec. 709 - Slaughter Houses, Packing Establishments, etc. t Every fish, fowl and animal slaughter house or establishment and "- every fiSh, fowl and meat packing or curing establishment and '0." eve.ry soap factory, tallow rendering, fat rendering and the hide ~ . cUring establishment, or any other establishment from which a conSiderable amounts of grease are likely to be discharged into any t plumbing system, sewer system or private sewage disposal system, Q: ~hall be connected to and shall drain or discharge into an \~ Interceptor of an approved design for this use. ~ ~' ~ a;', 'tV t!1.;:~ "U . @),,, ....If ". W. J . (0 't ~ ~ ~(f) ( . ~. ., \' ~ .t'~), \.J~ 1Ir.il. '0 ....., ~,-......u.G'!......._ _...-- ~.'" , -- -:,.....- The oil interceptor is sized in accordance with the peak volume of waste in gallons per minute that would be discharged through the drainage system served by the interceptor. Oil interceptors may be constructed of reinforced concrete, cast iron, or fabricated steel. Sand interceptors must be similarly sized, allowing for the peak volume of waste in gallons per minute that would be discharged through the drainage system it serves. As with oil interceptors, sand interceptors may be constructed of reinforced concrete, cast iron, or fabricated steel. It should be noted that sand interceptors must have a water seal of not less than 6" (152.4 mm). .~- ~ ---, "- / "- / I , , I 1111 I I I I . 1 C1: ~:J I_ALL FITTINGS I j. .1 4" C.!.PIPE. . .~ . I ! I : . J.. .:..:...:...i..J.., . I I , ~..\ I / .J \ _J " ~- \ \ . . .' . (al PLAN STEEL FRAME & PLATES FOR THIS TANK ARE SUPPLIED SEPARATELY. TO BE CAST IN FLOOR SLAB. L 1 _' ~CLEANOUT .-:; ;:::-...."7:::.--;-. .. \. -r.' '" .", ... ...........,.. 1.,1 ,~..:...:.. ...:.:.~'~...' . -- --'., I.;: 4"CI1/4BEND /j -~ ", A ~jrl ') '-- - r ';, FLOW LINE 1=1;'": ( \ ~ / ~ , . ., 1 j :....~... ~=-----==~.:. .~....~ .' .' '. 'l-' ,. ~.) ,. .[~ .. I I 1 I I L-l / .' '~ '. ." } ., '. ~ \. .' 5xS"/lQ"xl0" WW FABRIC THROUGHOUT '. ALL WALLS & FLOORS ALL WALLS '": 3"THICK " ~::. ..:',-..,.:, .' ~ '.., c , .:..'.:...:..... ..-: ~.'.. ~'..:., .;. .' ...... ,-', '" I.'. ~.:.. . , Ibl LONGITUDINAL SECTION (cl TRANSVERSE SECTION Figure 6-27. Precast Concrete Sand Trap. SOLIDS INTERCEPTORS -'>;.~--.' ". - Smaller solids interceptors, '(See Fig. 6-28, 6-29, 6-30 and 6-31) made of enamelled cast iron, vitreous china, cast brass or cast bronze may be required to remove metal particles, gem chips, stones and precious metals in hospitals, dental offices and areas where jewelry is made. . 229 . t' ~. '\ 'I Ii