HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Sewer Connection Record 1965-9-28 ~~ - ~,/ ~/" l I ~, .5 -- SEWE!\ LI EN MID CONNECTION AGnF.E~IENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and In consideratIon of the pro- vision of a public sewer facltllty constructed by the City or SpringfIeld, a munIcipal corporation In Lane County, Oregon. for the benefIt of the real property herein described. ~. I, Dalla Pateraan . the legal owner. of the property do hereby agree to the pl!'lcement of. and grant to said cay a ilen upon our propel"ty benefited and descrIbed as follows: 3~S ~ )475 Mlln Straet. Sprlng'lold. Orogon. 8091nnl"9 at a point on tba South line 0' the ItcKenzla HIghway 20 'eet walt 0' the centerllna 0' South ]5th Strdt sItuated In T_shlp 17 South. Rango 2 Woat. VIII...tta Harldlan. Sprlng"ald, Lana County. Dragon; thence North a9~ 35' 2~' Va.t 61.0 'aat to tho true point 0' beginning; thanee '01 lowIng .ald South line 0' ftdtenlla HIghway North ag. 35' "'-It 170.25 'aat. thaneo South O. 18' Wolt 150 'eat. thanea South 89 35' .Jallt 114,25 'eet. thanea Iorth 00 14' E..t 51.64 'eet, thenee South...... 890 41' ~ 56 'eet. thenea North O' 14' Elst 98.36 'eet to the trua poInt 0' beginnIng. all baing In Block 2. Dougla. Garden. as platted and recorded at page 73. VOIUM 4. Lane County Dragon Plat Records In Lane County, Orlgon. MaI'lng Addre.s: * J4S5 Main StrMt Sprlngflold. Drip '" ' Amount of Lien: $578.85 Said real property described shall be held as security for the re-payment of the above sum In ten ~'lual seml-ann:ial Installments, plus accured Interest at the rate of 6% from the date hareof on the balance of t~e unpaid assessment. The Initial payment of principal and Interest will be made by the property owner six {6) months from the date'oT this agreement. It Is further provided that this lien may be fOI'eclosed as other city lIena In accordance with the provIsIons of the Ordinances and Charter of the CIty of SpringfIeld In the event that Instal1ment pay:ner.ts IncludIng Inter~st. are not paid with six (6) m::nths of theIr due date. ThIs Bien has been computed ai; beIng one- half (!) of the equivalent cost of an eight. (8") Inch lateral ~al1ltary sewer at the rata of $3.110 per abutting front feat for 170.15 feet and does not Include the cost of a house COnnection to s,,!d trun!< se\':er. sewer user char(Jes. plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. ThIs lien ane! agreement to pay the same sr.all be blncling upon the undersigned who a.e the otmers of the real prcperty hereIn de5c.!becl a~d shali bind their hairs, executors, admlnl,strators. assign!; Gnd !;uccessors In interest. and until paid, shall be construed to be a cove:1ant rU!1~,ln3 wlt:t the lend Dated at SprIngfield. Oregon, this Z. g day of ' ..5e.P I"'>n ),~y" . 19 b"'-. , -'2d1" llitoAA W (SEAL) (SEAL) S.(ATE OF OREGON ) ) ss ) County o,f Lane ..... ~ . r. , ) ;O~ ~'';i~ ";zli," day of .5er> It- M j.e'" me.::i No'tiii-y ?ilb:U'c;?ln and for 'saId County and ..P'..,../fi, , "., r;€...]"j> r oS "'h.. Identlcal,persons,~descrlbed In and who executed ledged,tome ~~~~Jthey executed the same freely purposes,therelri~named. .. , ' . 19~~ . personally came before S~3te, the within named . to me personally known to be the withIn Instrument, and acknow- and voluntarIly for the uses and WITNESS Q'lI hand and seal thIs ~1r--111'<i ~7 ~/~~ ~ SfP2919e,s- \- - CI .. 0 -~ TY OF lJ- .: \~:..\ sPRINGFIELD .- \( ;.... RECORDER '/l .... ,/ . ~." day and year last above wrItten. OcL....{.-<:.L.~ ~(J~- NOTARY PUBLIC ..5-- .2- 7 -6 9 My Commission Expires o J./ ~ (-'I ...,..... . t:J 1','1, o ~-d ", I . ,~~ ,. .~, _--",.:pi CI b. '. '. ',1"'1} :5.IO~'" St':;/E~ LI ~N AND CONNECTI ON AGR~EflENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and In consideration of the pro- vIsion of a public sewer facltllty constructed by the City of Springfield, n municipal corporatlvn in Lane County, Oregon,fol' the beneflt of the real property hereIn described, lXIII. I, Della Peterson ..1 .I, " do hereby agree to the pl~cement of, benefited and described as follows: ., the legal owner~ of the proporty and grant to said cJty a ilen upon our propei.ty: ,3465 & 3475 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon." 'BeginnIng at a point ~ntbe 'South 1 ine, of t~eMcKenzie Highway, 20 feet west of the center! ine of South 35th Strec,t ,;i'tuated in"Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Wi 1 lamette Meridian, Springfield, 'Lane County; Oregon; thence North 890 35' 20" West 61.0 feet to the true point of beginning; thence following said South line of McKenzie HIghway North 890 35' West 170.25 feet, thence South O. 18' West 150 feet, thence South 890 35' g~~f 114.25 feet, thence ~orth O. 14' East 51.64 feet, thence South X""ltXR 890 41' ~ 56 feet, thence North O. 14', East 98.36 ,feet, to the true point of beginning, all being in Block 2, Douglas Gardens as platted and recorded at page 73, volume 4, Lane.' County Oregon Plat Records in Lane,County, Orggon. Meiding Address: 3455 Ma inS treet Springfield, Oregon Amount of Lien: $578.85 Said real property described shall be held as security for the re-payment of the above sum In ten equal seml~ann:lal Installments, plus aceured Interest at the rate of 6% from the date hereof on the balance of the unpaid assessment. The Initial payment of principal and Interest will be made by the property owner six (6) months from the date Or thl s agreement. ' It Is further provided that this lien may be foreclosed as other city Ilene in accordance with the provisions of the OrJlnances and Charter of the City of Springfield In the event that Installment paymer,ts Including Inter"st, are not paid with six (S) menths of their clue date. This lien has been computed a~ being rJl1El- half (:1-) nf the equivalent cost of an eight. (8") Inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rata of $3)10 per ablJttlng front feot for---1.l2.:2S _feet and does not include the cost of a house connection to sa! d trunk sel':ar, sewer user charGes, p I urn!> i ng perml ts or other such costs to be assumed by tl,e property owner. This lien and agreement to pay the same sr.all be blncllng upon tho undersigned who are the o\~ers of the real property herefn dec,cr!bed and shall bind their heirs, e'(ec~tcrs, administrators" assign!: and successors In Interest, and until paid, shall be construed to be a cova:,ant rUlmlllg wit:, the lend Dated at Springfield, Oregon, this ~f? day of., Sy f...,.. j,~ .. , 19 {.:;,-. / ~o.{!fjJ!J (Rfo;,/.1/FYI (SEAL) ( SEAL) STATE OF OREGON } ) ss County of Lane } On this 28 .... "---'--"-" day of ~S-e,/~;'-';;; )J.l j~., j._w 1t"l" ,_ .. . , ".f,.....:.:;. , ;)f;r~c..'15..'! c.::-,~c :::C:'Ci.':; ~~----' .. . :~ . . f: ,; 'I .- ~ -,t.; , 1 :." . _.. '\ ~