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Permit Correction Notice 2009-8-28
",' ~. _'0 .~-"'~ --r.. -rr........'t.P"fIi......"<Io~J'(',.,...~~~i~bll~f"(,;~.;i6'(lM~~~'~..,r'W'llL~ii\~~)'t-(1lf!i;~Vfi'~;~:illO't.u:v'"''I1.,..~"F-~~.wU\.''iY-f~1~~<.:.'W'~~~.''"'*'t:...~,~,..~,.. \ City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street '~JKIJ'II" . ~11'" , .' Date:' Y ,Z'i / 0'1 Job# C r - 9'?!' 0 Address:l~t./ 6 I? r-I-. , $-1. , ~ /!< V'<.Yfl (, /. ' Inspection Type: ,. , & 1'c ...., ~ ~ TO: ()lfi 11 ( V 11/0 dt:lJ(fAJ41l'lo1b;M /..,,/rf !~v ,-A6f,~ ~yoVV' 6-u. y ):,'~{;" ro V1 7- r/'rCC'/ (O'I't:~1/4" ~#I,; < ~1 .:si.;-'::"~;>, ;~~" ~.:t~,"" -, .1',:<:.'., .' '.""""~._':" .i:/:,,1; '"" ~'. .' ;''''-'';'; :''f:;~,;t,< :<-:_~' :~.;.'.: ," ~\,jY\:_"~i-"':';~: f i,:\'~_" :;,,,'-':' .,::.~. :1' -.:, _ ~', -,:_ . ~:.-"': ',' ~',.. ,': ,',_,', ,I~- ~~'''2.:~~~ ';>'i\ ",' :~~~ :,,: - .~.,~ (I - . j:;;".' ~~-.: ' . , ,~-': ",.tCorredions,andr'einspection:request,shall, be';'made,within' ; so ',-\:caleridikdays; ';{~,: ,,', .', ' !.' ,;' ",' '"Can'forreiif~pectio!i!l~Xf(S [J^:c;:'!,}\tn1i~'ect9.r fS;~y~'..rjl"i.('{~', ibc3'"1::'>'>'i:: ",:;'~D~te: 8,-'27::-'0"'7 :': ':" ". ,', '", , :~,,;,;u~^,,:-^,;v~~~^,~Ca,ltfor'inspectiorp26-37(:i9~'-;~~N~~";^,NNQu,esti()"s 726.;3759NN~N!,,":'~~.v ,', ' , ,~,,'!"i..",~.,,;\~T~~'1~'I,,~:~.:;~'j;~,~~.~:..<.~,~,,~:~i,~,~;~);J:r: ~1.~: t~~~~i~\~;,1.&:,:({;@,~:~~;ri~:~.~~~,:ti~~~:,li;,h~~~,~i~~~~.'. _\;.".",,~:\.~t~,( '~h~?t~~~:~~ ';,_l; ~'\t&~~:,;r1i;;f!. ~~,'~' ~';l~~~~_4\~.l;~i,~r,~~~.lf},'{~i' ,j~~I~';" -<,~,,;;it'6!t~~j;~j~6it~,., :.~~",ffh<-:~:: :."&