HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Correspondence 2007-7-9 . _I: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department Building,Safety Division Residential Plan Review JOB AD6RESS 2. / Z "" ~1/NJ'f tv. CITY JOB#: Ct))# ZlJrJ 7 - 0 I oa~ OWNER: iZfE-~/)r)..-l)HNt7<. PHONE: 7'+7f441~ 'CONTRACTOR: .ptfLQ(~ ~7= PHONE: (bS j!i -(PI 7 ? ,!. . Items list~d below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved permit documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the const~ction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Constructjon Most Commonly Missed Items". A corresponding number is:marked on your plans for any items liste~ below where applicable.' " " ;, All referepces are to the 2005 Oregon State Residential Specialty Code, (2003 International Residenti~l Code as amended by the State of Oregon, unless noted otherWise). A copy of this code may be obtained from the Building Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020'IS,W. Cirrus Dr. 1 , . ' ' Beaverton, Oregon 974008-5986 'I Your signature on the Building Permit is an agreement that all items will be installed or corrected) and that all work on this project will comply with applicable codes. ,I ~ II. I, ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFIā‚¬ATlONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO' BE A PERMITi!FOR, OR APPROY AL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY,; CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF 1"HE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. ' , '! PLA~ REVIEWED BY: ff~~ ' Review completed on PHONE: 7;Z&; -3&72:J 7/9/07 '~s St1~/7/C!7) ... \; A~~:~~;t~~;~, [-~"'I-""'''''''!!l;i!..-" . e..:-:~: =-= ~,', ;t(;?0>:,'/~1'~I'I~L~'''~'j: ~;6".'iIl'>'~~'='"' 0..1, I '="'~' ~<f~ '.0 Oh ~!(...1 ',it' #,iJ;"", I" ;".... '.~.\" .." .\..:' """/oJi:" ":';'ri "~'I (,( t' "".,.. >':i..:('j:'3J~~i}?:/" STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN . FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT' PtAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION MORTIER .ENGINEERING, Poc. 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080' FAX (541) 484-6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGON 1-Il77.661,9959 July 5, 2007 Allstate Insurance p.o, Box 8192 Coburg,OR 97408 I 1- ~: 2126 Shady Lane Drive, Springfield, OR" Claim #0102994464, Garage Damage WO#18522 As requested on July 3, 2007 I visited this duplex residence with atlache~ garages to observe the col\ision damage. Ra..ed 011 my obsenral'ions of areas accessible to vicw I make the following report. This is a side by side duplex two story building. on the west side of Shady, Lane at the above noted address, It was reported that a car collided with the south unit corner of the garage traveling from the south east. The concrete stem wall in the immediate area and the wood framing were damaged by the impact. The corner of the building has been covered by the oontractor with plj-Wood for securily. I met with the owner and the contractor during this visit. The damage included: chipped concrete stem wall at the south east corncr of the garage, framing damage at the south waJ1 and east wall of the garage, the garage door and tracks, movement of the header vertically and horizontally on the east wall and some cosmetic damage to the gypsum wall finish at tIie foot of the stair. In addition it was reported that the private property washer dryer inside the building was damaged. Repairs will involve remo""l uf the damaged framing at the south and east wall of the south duplex unit garage. Saw cut the "PP....Jl.imately 12" of concrete stem wall directly, sooth of the ga:rage door 1" above the concrete interior floor slab. Remuve the garage door supports. Embed 11," #4 bar in (6) places with an 8" hook to be encased in replacement concrete. Embed the #4 bar in 5/8" diameter holes 5" deep with epoxy adhesive, Install (2) #4 bars into the existing stem wall and embed 5" in 5/8" diameter holes with epoxy adhesive. Special epoxy inspection required. Install (2) 5/8" diameter anchor bolts in the replacement concrete. Install a 2 'Iz" x 2 'Iz" patch at the south east corner of the stem wall. Replace framing to predamaged configuration, Reinstall thc (2) \. , south ceiling gypsum wall sections with replacement gypsum and fire tape joints. ,Replace garage door and hardware, Perform cosmetic repairs on the interior wall at the foot of the stairway. Resupport garage door header on replacement framing, Replace exterior siding on the south and the east walls of the garage to the adjacent unit garage door. It does not appear that the roof framing was damaged during this collision, Report any damage not noted above discovered during cleaning, exposed or repair of the stmcture lo the engineer. ' , Please contact me if you have questions, The attached Building Analysis Report and Statement of Conditions and Limitations is a part of this report. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Sincerely, Bradley R, Myers, P ,E. BRM:ds Encl: JOB NO. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAI:' TYPE CONSTRUCTION QATE RECEIVED ~ONE UNIT(S) STORIES LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDRESS OWNER :'JEEN REVIEWED. WITH E CONTENTS HERf. .?H i4AVE. dRED PENCIL. CHANGES l~TERATIONS 1t'-1DICP,TED O~~~~FPROVED DRAWINGS OR OR ALTERATIONS MA~~ Ie-O P~LOW SHALL BE APPROVED BY OJECT AFTER THE [.A;, ,. ...- PR ....,'~'l-'f' EBUILDING ,'-' '." .1.. ~ EGON CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OR A?PROVE.D SY D'.\T~ , .~ '!STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESICN . rim: PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION _ ,MORTIER 'ENGINEERIN~, p.c. 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 , PHONE (541) 484-9080. FAX (~1) 484-6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGON '.877-l181'99S9 BUII..DING ANALYSIS REPORT Statement of Conditions and Limitations CLIENT: AlIs!llle Insurance WQ,#18522.I3RM LoeA TrON OF PROPERTy: ;/ I Z6 Shady Lane Drive, Springfield, OR Claim #OlO2994464 " 1. Type ofInspeetion and items inspeeted is limited to: a. _ Structural' Conditions h. .;.;........ Wea.r:herproof"mg (Ex.tcrior surface:s) e. ..,.,.... Storm Drainage (Building, Site) d. -'--- Site COllditiuu~ (Soits, Geological) e. _ Plumbing (FiXlllres, Piping) I: ..l.... Heating (Furnace, Heal Pump, Air , Conditioning, Fireplace, Stoves) Chimneys) e, -+-- Electrical (SeT'V'jee., Wiring, Outlets) h, ..........Other -, _rJlt-f- D,(", 4' t: The inspCCtion IS lbrthc pUrpose of alerting the client to major deficiencies in the condition of!h~ property de.~cribcd above and according: [0 the conditions contained in the report and this statement The inspection 3nd report 3rt: ptrformed and 'J'T'CjJarro for the sole, confidential aJ1d exclu~ivc use and passessionaftlle CLIENT. No obligation or respon~ibi1ity to othc- p:utie.<; i~ assumed, ' This inspection is of the readily accessible a:reas of the building and is limited to visual observation:;: of <lpparent condjrion5 existing at the: time of the inspection. Latent and eOl1ce'aled defects and defi~i~neies arc excluded from the inspection; equipment, consO'Uction afld systemS win nol be dismantled. '; Maintenance and other items may,be discussed. but they :Ire not R pan of our inspection, Thercpart is nct a compliance inspection or c:atification for pa..ou or present govcrnment eades or resutations of tmy kind, !I , The inspection and rcpando ,~ot address and lITe not intended to address the possible presence of ar' danger from Sllyporentially hsrmfu} subsunces and cnvironmen1:il'''azards including but not limited tOT'lldon gns.lcad paint. asbeStos. urea formaldeh~e and'toxic or flm-nrooble chc:micals. Anyrcfcrences nt3de to these Aubstmce in our report ill rmde for the !l-ol~ pUrpose!! of .alerting our Client 10 the possibility of their exi.slrnee, We are TN'kil'1en" fll)9i{'ive dcotrrn"lino.tion::l u to the-it a..::ti:al pl1;Sl:nct, a!I we 00 not do laboratory rc"ling, If CUENTwishes any further iirformation or '~.""'~:"""jjll.tions in regard to the pn:::<cncc oflhe.qe subslmlecs, we recommend contachn8 a specialh.:ed envirnnmClral contractor. The n:port dcscnbe.'l the ~ cond;t1on slod S1:1t;ur. em the dat~ ofin"pec.tiult. TI,e purpC!;c is to alert clients: to p~c:nt defecb:;, Suwurfucc soil conditions, inaccesSIble arew;:'and featurQ, a:pplianees, sctufit)' -alBm15, intm:om gy5rtms. solar heating ~ystcms Of'I'8TIl:1s; sprinkJ~~, Spas. pools, W3~ softeners, ct'Iltrnl vacuum system.., and the presence or ab!iCJ1cc of rodents. termites or other insects arc specificallyexcludcd tTom the ficope afthis TCpOI1. While every TU1;Qnat>le eCTon was made to determine the Jm"1I'IP.r1y ('.Ondmon~, no !:t\l.ar=tee~ Me c.'tpr<:3~cd or impri~ Nu ~-ponsjblllt)l is a..~sumed for anyiterns oubJide' the scope afmis mspoctian.nor can we be held Tcsponsible for work perforrned byolhc:rs. ~bilil:y'fordamD:gemi!'ingout of errors or omi~ions shan be limited to the: cost of the scope ofinJ1pcction, No rcpres~lations are made concerning the archit~tural or engineering conditions. MortiCT Engineering, i~ employees and ll.gen~, ;lSsume no liabilily or responsibility for the CO&t of repairing or replacing :ut)'\UlTeportcd defeCt!; or deficiencies.. either CU1TCT1t or :irising in the fUNTe. or for any property damages, consequential damage ar bodily injuryofanyna.ru.Tc.. The in~on cmd rcpnrt.:Ire nnl mfr:n>:i'?d OT to b~ used ~ ll. gI.,Ull'llnl.eC. or ~lT~r.ty. C:A.).1l=::n:u ur Imp"eO, regaraing tile aoequacy, performance or condition of any in,!;flccred structure; item or sygtCm, ,i For MORTIER eNGINEERING. P.e. S -Y? LJ.4 )~ /' 11;11...... EnIriTIeerinil M:ma~r,~. Title InhJ. ~OQ2 Date