HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Miscellaneous 1994-8-9 / }~-,.,--;.. ~ , '9459500 IN CONSIDERATION of the covenants herei n reci ted, the Ci ty of Spri ngfi e 1 d, herei nafter referred to as City, and Leon and Vickie Search " hereinafter referred to as Applicant, do covenant and agree as follows: . IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT . WHEREAS Applicant desires Development Approval from City: and WHEREAS, any future development within City or within City's Urban Growth Boundary located in Lane County wi 11 cause both an i mmedi ate and 1 ong- term demand on the vari ous pub 1 i c facilities of City and Lane County: NOW THEREFORE, App 1 i cant and Ci ty agree to the fo 11 owi ng schedul e of pub 1 i c faci 1 ity improvements and respective cost assumption policy: STREET IMPROVEMENTS along the frontage of SOUTH 34TH STREET to i nc 1 ude: (XX surface pavi ng: (XX storm sewers: XX) sani tary sewers: XX) curbs: (XX gutters: (XX planter strips: (XX street trees : XX) street lights: (xll sidewalks, TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the intersection of OTHER IMPROVEMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Place here or see Attachment A) N/A N/A ~ ~~ 92Z2AUGu16~9qU01^~C 10.00 922~AlJG.16'9'11lD1P:-UND lD.DC " ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 3415 Main Street Property Address 17-02-31-31 TL 6700 Tax Lot No, IT IS UNDERSTOOD that this agreement is enforceable' by the State of Oregon, Lane County or City, ' IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD that App 1 i cant agrees to sign any and all wai vers, pet i ti ons, consents and all other documents necessary to obtain the above listed improvements under any improvement act or proceeding of the State of,Oregon, Lane County, or City as may be proposed or adopted by the State of Oregon, Lane County or City and to waive all right to remonstrate against such improvements, but not the right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof, if the same shall appear to Applicant to bear inequitably or unfairly upon sa i d property of App 1 i cant: ' " NOW THEREFORE, City agrees that Applicant's execution and performance of the terms of this Agreement will be deemed to be in compliance with City's policy pertaining 'to improvement requirements, and if Applicant complies in every respect with all other applicable laws of the State of Oregon, Lane County and Ci ty, the sa i d App 1 i cant sha 11 be entitl ed to Development Approval: and IN ADDITION, it is the intention of the parties hereto that the covenants herein contained shall run with the land herein described, and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, and successors of the parties hereto, and shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herein described, This Agreement shall be recorded in the Lane County Deed Records, WHEREFORE, the parties have set their hand and seal this 9'h.day of A\J(,",:>! 1994, By O~ t. Ci)~~- Ulr~or of PU~lC WorkS By ~r.l ~~ d, ..{ ';APP\ 1 ca nt I By / /f ",.Juuc :::5 .Q,CVvr 1.) 'App IlCant STATE OF OREGON ) )SS COUNTY OF LANE ) On this '16. day of AUc:'~'.>T before me and signed the ,above document, -t CjJ1.l~ , NU I~ PUl:lLl C 199~, the above applicant personally appeared My Commi ss ion Expi res ~E:f"r, 30 IC(Cl5 (I OFFICIAL SEAL TROY Me ALLISTER NOT ARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NOS'EPl~11~ IIY OOIIIIJSSIOI EXPUIfS ,oN,... RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT, - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. . -' . . 9459500 ATTACHMENT A Lot 3, Block 2, DOUGLAS GARDENS, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 73, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT that portion described in deed to Lane County, Oregon, recorded February 3, 1929 in Book 161, Page 172, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT that portion described in deed to State of Oregon, by and through State Highway Commission, recorded January 24, 1968, Reception No. 11876, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. ..' ,S "'''' .~.~ ~ '1!~"'O .z.c 0 - '0 o~~ '~..c ..... "2 ::2 'O~"'O c:: ~ ~ """'_ <II '-, ~ '& III -t;... ~ C L 'l1 JJ .. OC O~~ ~.3 >.J:;:;: (1. 0'0 ~.g~ o.c 8::.E ~ c 0,/ C. 2 ~g -ES~ U;u ~U.- ::: a: ('I) CO en ,... ~ ..., o v . '" -' <( Q,;,t tti au >,;..., cc ~ " 00 uu . . c c . . -'-' c? '''' "" 12 .. . '" " ~ co