HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Miscellaneous 1994-10-4 ./ . . "'3'11 S IA~... <;; i, SITE PLAN REVIEW DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT , ih. THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, hereinafter "Agreement", is entered into on the ~ day of Oc l"'r.rd< 1994 (the "Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, Hereinafter "City", and L6<7A1 JcAaClI ,hereinafter "Applicant", in accordance with Section 31.090, and Sections 3.070(3), 3.080(3), 3.090 (3), and 3.100 (3) . .~ WHEREAS, on the ~ day of Plan submitted by the Applicant: RECITALS Oc ;<.f.l@? , 1994, the City approved the Site CITY JOURNAL NUM8ER 94-05-97, Leon Search has submitted a Site Plan Review application to the City of Springfield for approval of the construction of an auto body shop and office complex with parking and landscaping. The property is zoned Community Commercial/Medium Density Residential; the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan and the Metro Plan Designation are Community Commercial/Medium Density Residential. The proposed use will be constructed in the portion of the property zoned Community Commercial. The proposed use is a permitted use in the Community Commercial District. The property is located at 3415 Main Street (Assessor's Map 17-02-31-31, Tax Lot 6700). The property is flat. The property is vacant. The development area is approximately 34,650 square feet in size. WHEREAS, in consideration for Site Plan approval, the issuance of a Building Permit, and the issuance of an Occupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfield Development Code Section 31.090, Applicant agrees to comply with all the standards of the Springfield Development Code and Springfield Municipal Code which may be applicable to this development project unless modified or excepted by the Site Plan Review Development Agreement, Planning Director, Planning Commission, Building Official or their agents, or the Fire Marshal, which modifications or exceptions shall be reduced to writing. WHEREAS, in consideration for Site Plan approval, the issuance of a Building Permit, and the issuance of an Occupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfield Development Code Section 31.090, Applicant agrees to comply with the following specific conditions imposed by the City as part of the Site Plan approval: 1. All improvements must be dated OC'T'1'.Gl1 4 constructed/installed as shown on the Final Site 1994. Plan ~' " _J , ~'r ", .p;; Site Plan Development Agreement Page 1 34 \ S- ... '(V\e\. \ (\ '5-1 ) / . . THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING RECITALS WHICH ARE EXPRESSLY MADE A PART OF THIS AGREEMENT, CITY AND APPLICANT AGREE AS FOLLOWS: AGREEMENT 1. FINAL SITE PLAN. The applicant has submitted a Final Site Plan in accordance with Section 31.080 of the Springfield Development Code. 2. STANDARDS. The applicant agrees to fulfill all applicable standards specified in the Springfield Development Code and the specific standards listed in RECITALS prior to occupancy, unless certain standards have been deferred to a later date in accordance with Section 31.110 of the Springfield Development Code. 3. CONDITIONS. The Applicant agrees to fulfill all specific conditions of approval required by the City listed in RECITALS prior to occupancy, unless certain conditions have been deferred to a later date in accordance with Section 3l,040(4)(b) of the Springfield Development Code. 4. MODIFICATIONS. The applicant agrees not to modify the approved Final Site Plan without first notifying the City. Modifications to the Final Site Plan shall be reviewed in accordance with Section 31.100 of the Springfield Development Code. 5. MAINTAINING THE USE. The applicant agrees to the following: (a) The building and site shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code in order to continue the use. (b) It shall be the continuing obligation of the property owner to maintain the planting required by Section 31.140 of the Springfield Development Code in an attractive manner free of weeds and other invading vegetation. In addition, plantings in the vision clearance area shall be trimmed to meet the 2 1/2 foot height standard in accordance with Section 32.070 of the Springfield Development Code. (c) Parking lots shall be maintained by the condition free of litter or dust, and deteriorated .improved to maintain conformance with these standards. property owner or tenant in a pavement conditions shall be (d) Undeveloped land within the of trash and stored materials in a mowed shall not be used for parking. development area shall be maintained and attractive manner. Undeveloped free land 6. In addition to all other remedies which may be provided by law or equity (including but not limited to penalties provided by applicable State Law or City Ordinances), Applicant agrees that City may enforce Applicant's responsibilities by withholding Applicant's Final Occupancy Permit, and terminating any Temporary Occupancy Permit which may have been granted. 7. Any Final Site Plan approved becomes null and void if construction does not commence within two years of the date of this Agreement. Site Plan Development Agreement Page 2 :. .... . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Applicant and the City have executed this Agreement as of the date first' hereinabove written. loA/eft; Date APPLICANT BY: >( .: ';;r:j I>'-M1 A.-./( f >1. , BY: STATE OF //J/L/ ,.b j,1f1. be their (')~ '" . 1994. -1/...rAV-4-t voluntary act. , County of Personally appeared the above named , who acknowledged the foregoing instrument Before me: ddA14EL c1111 IL Notar"i Public for ' (.:-;^"'~ My Commission expires ~/.2 q/1'''7 ,~~ to ,. .' OP;:IC1AU;E/,L (Jl~'[.~f~~'~~'l J:\!.1E3 H. DG!.IOU~S ":':~;+;'~(-J ... "I r'!(}j"I\f~Y PU8LiC-O:.-:::'G0;~ ~\? Cm,~;.1!SSIO:J r~{). O,;T_;8;~ MY CC:Mfi,I~;~';!Gf~ ,:XPii"i;:S Sr:i;i', 2S, lS:;~. CITY By:,~L ~~- Fr< Tif!.--=: Ito/tl r Oat PlannrRg Manager STATE OF OREGON, County of to/1./ , 1994. Gr~ l-I'd.JILl be their vbluntar~ act. ;/c;I/]/'~ Personally appeared the above named , who acknowledged the foregoing instrument Before me: I;'}.~ 1-.--t~/?f1Lq/~ >1 Notary/ Public for 6regon ' q /;:n / c: ,,; to My Commission expires OFFICIAL SEAL J/lMES H, rX..1UGLf,S NOTJ\RY!)UBUC.Or';L:GON CO~;;~ilISBIGN NO. CO?~~:2 MY COMi';1ISS10N EXI:'!fi'f:S S!:PT. :~9. 1995 ~;:;:'.&. ~,~~.171~ ,-;:;:;~..~ Site Plan Development Agreement Page 3 t':~:::-" ~ "'<..~",~~ HIGHWAY DIVISION HIGHWAY NAME McKenzie AApPLlCATION AND PERMIT TO . ~ONSTRUCT APPROACH ROAD PERMIT NUMBER M1LEPQINT l ENGINEERS STATION . 15 I COUNTY Lane 3.87 1~4+'~ SIDE OF HIGHWAY APPROACH TO SERVE o NORTH 0 EAST o SOUTH 0 WEST II'" Po n .llJ n ,.., Y HIGHWAY REFERENCE MAP AND ATTACHED DRAWING NUMBERS Qhr"'\'n HIGHWAY NUMBER BETWEEN OR NEAR LANDMARKS S.34th St AND S,35th St 8B-34-24 BOND REQUIRED AMOUNT OF BOND APPLICANT NAME AND ADDRESS ILeon Search 597 S. 67th Springfield, OR 97478 I REFERENCE DYES 0 NOC OAR 734,50-025(6) $ n I INSURANCE REQUlRED REFERENCE DYES 0 NOC OAR 734-50-025(3) I AMOUNT $ 50.00 1 ~STRICT MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR OR REPRESENTATIVE I ~EG10N ENGINEER OR REPRESENTATIVE UTILITY PERMIT SUPERVISOR o ltiMINISTRATIVE FEE o TEMPORARY DEPOSIT CHECK NUMBER DATE COMPLETE APPLICATION RECEIVED L ~ DATE APPROVAL DATE TELEPHONE NUMBER: X APPLICANT i I APPLlCA nON DATE - '>"'" / 'SPECIFIED COMPLETION PATE: ' X . "?../-<711 ~ ~ .A 'i5 - 'i - ? if REFERENCE: OAR 734,50-050(4) 7 - < n _ Q c; ,;;:?"'"The applicant declares at he/Shels the owner ~lessee of the real property adjoining the 'above descrlbed highway and has the lawful authority to apply lor this permit. When this application is approved by the Department 01 Transportation, the applicant fa subject to the terms and provisions contained herein and attached hereto; and the terms of Or!QOO ~mlnlstratlve Rule, Chapter 734. DMsIon SO, which is by thls reference made a part of this pennit. Copies of the Rule may be obtained from the District MaIntenance Supervisor's oHIC9. Issuing of permits undel'these regulations is not a finding of compliance with the statewide planning goats 01" the adc. . "6' .- comprehensive plan for the area. Permits are Issued subject to the approval 01 city. county or other governmental agencies having either joint supervision over the section of highway or authority to regulate land use by means Of zoning and/or building regulations. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to obtain any such approval including, where applicable, local government determination of compliance with the statewide planning goals. (OAR 734-50-(55) SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1 - If the proposed application requires traffic control devices and/or special road construction. the applicant shall provide 8 copy of this application to the affected local government. The original application must be signed by the local government official. LOCAL GOJ'!~NT ICIAL SIGNATURE I TITLE . X#(;, ~ ~/IV(,,~ 2 J Within 48 hours before beginning work and aher completing the permit work, the applicant or his contractor shall notify the District Represent'tive/at telephone number I DAT~h_;qt;- 3-Existing approach at centerline station 143+22 entirety. sidewalk and curb shall be constructed Specifications. All work shall be done from property side no is to be to City lane closure removed in its of Springfield allowed. TYPE 4 APPROACH ROAD - CURBED HIGHWAY I NOTE: All material and workmanship shall be in accordance with the cur- , rent State of Oregon Standard Specification for Highway Construction. R/W Lln_'!." Orwy, -J A.-J \. , r:../)1'r- W ,jaf\ '\(~i~ _ )~..o'r WI I \~ '\ A,.J JC PLAN i / , W- 37' ANGLE OF SKEW w1- ~2' APPROACH TYPE x- .'i.' CURB TYPE ~- 90 1\ 1\ NOTES: Wa WIDTH OF DRIVEWAY K - DISTANCE FROM FACE OF CURB TO BACK OF PRESENT OR FUTURE WALK OR 10 FEET, WHICHEVER IS LESS W, aSEETABLEAONREVERSE Xa SEE TABLE A ON REVERSE c 'CLConc Cu r b.l -5 Lj I 'S' Mo.. I I". 31. 734-3307E (5,88) SEE BACK OF APPLICATION Produced by STATE PRINTING TABLE A . K 'nl"' I ~ L 6 t 8 I 101 W,... 1..1 1 " "I" "I !1 11 11 t11 "It<) 19 19 191 ~' 21121 21 "'U2J 2JI 27 28 29 ~ ._~ 29 ~131;12 . 31 32~';U "" E.. ~"" ~~_ ~ 3~ 36.:51 38 " 'U.. .6 .3 .. ~ .e 45 4& 4"a-r;o ..."..t " .. " " 20 n ... " " ., " 34J5 "iil, G[H!R.l.L HOTES FOR Df!IV[W,l.YS I Widtllo'd.i..""'~IW)"'_onplons(O", d"u*l 2.K",,,,,,,,'_.!_I..cot1l~""'0Iloc:tol p'u........I~,..... dl~...IOI."',wllidl.... ".Il....u.le.. ,.,.......".IlQ"',..."'.....OOOoI_IIOII. COftII.\lClonlf._........N'orSOI..r..' _~'ion."h_WO.t C.AIt.......,..a.ptOllSlope"uo.dOnl,.h...plOhl ",,"iQf>llI.'r,.."h onlMllUllio. Elo"'llle' TrpeAlMI01' T,pe ,I.-HMI. , tftCt_'''''k'''lIdOocoholl"""''''I._11ofto _._,.._onplOnl = SM"...... ",_...iofKllOf~ 'EoisllllQ :on"WOJ,,- ~~i I 0.'0" ) i / A-4t : y~i-< . .i t... .:/ IJ ~ ~'11 !! I ._ r-2~ C_..t.c~.,J "4 HALF PLAN M' ""m.... ~ T09o'conc""..1Il: '-------'.. . w'--..-J ;. - r Tz C~ G~l1.. 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Gl .U..po..l.....jo'..I. CURB ENDING DETAIL (For T,"C.O.O~.80 Ec...bl TYPE A~I r...c-,Po._nt ~I" I,,' .."., ~:z: /.:: - p.... !! .-;: ~ ~"I" ~ r~. IUrlol .'1 :'ffi:~. !.iJ TYPE 0.1 r...c_,Po......nt TYPE E f...ACP.........., ~I' , . -- PIoc.'IOI'I.tO'popetO'l c_,pov.he,.d,,,"c'" E""I~;8"_"-3'CC concpwN ,- TYPE F-I F.....c,"IO""""C-Po.....",,, TYPE A FOI'ACPo.._ftl SIDEWALK RAMP O".c1;OIIf1J1eoo'U A., :?:;::~?4=:TT'~!m A_ ' , ..' C~'b-J. _ ~O",PllorbltewGJI '0 III 1"".;oI!1'I PLAN i~:= ! ~. ~~~~~:~~~- O,I"'Il_') IG~""~ I -- -.:r-- T GENEIlAL "'OTES fOR CONCIlETE CURes ,r~h"-,,>,,,,"..-F"'""""mol. VO'J" I"".nonplonl...01 O;'ICI... ELEVATION SECTION A-A 2. ~"":' ,,:~.:,~al GOlho... lor c~." 'Ypl. v.., GO I....... on pl....1 , !!1llInt.:!:!.......ollleulh.....onPlon......"i..c'.d C ~I!!!C,~ E,ponl_. 2OO'mo.;"'~'" o..d an ""''''I 01 '..no..ncy; - eo..t'oct'on,l~'......i",~", , ~ t":'''~,~~ ::,~~c~7 ~=:~~ o~~:~I:!c~',I~';:;"":~~':'":i~ ::~ f: ~-~c~ tJ~~~;;:.nc~;~~"'~;'" 01""011'. 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