HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-8-3 ... l.-_~ I_.~~Lalr {35i/o c~~-\eW(Lj -, ~ c~.- .I05}- ~ Compressive Strength of Concrete I . C-39 Project Management * Consulting Engineers * Certified Plan Review and Inspection Services * Code Consulting Project Name _1:l[ltoILGa[den Inn Client HiltoILG_ardenJOll Batch Time 9:00 I\~_ Truck # 859_ Neoprene Pads ASSHTO T-22 Yes Load Number 1 Spec Slump 8" Slump ASTM C143 8 in. Concrete Temp. ASTM CI064 75 OF Initial Cure MinIMax Temp. Structure Placed Column C @ N/8.75 Project # n6_6::0,Ol Building Hotel Contractor Jress Concrete Sample Time 9:25 AM ASTM CI72 Mix Design 11402(\ Date Cast 8/3/2009 Load Size 11 y_ds_ Spec Air 0 Unit Wt. 0 ASTM C138 Ambient Temp. 70 OF Concrete Supplier E.5.G. " Ticket # 58010638 Cast By ASTM 01 Mike_~ackesw Picku p Date 81412009 Water Added 2_0_9g[ Admixtures se_e_b_elow Entrained Air 0 ASTMC231 Specified Strength 5000 psi Total Average Cylinder Compressive Cylinder Date Tested Age Load Diameter Area Strength Percent Fracture TeSted Time Of Number (Days) (Ibs) (in) (in) (p~) Spec Type By Test 106-A 8/1O/2009 7 54650 4.01 t2.63 4327 87 3 JDH 1:06 PM 106-B 8/31/2009 28 0 0 0,00 106-C 8/31/2009 28 0 0 0.00 106-0 H 0 0 0.00 Remarks Admix1ures: Board C. Prizz-80" Glaci II --x'Q~ . -' III rr '7'C [ 'T'; x' ',' ;1\ \ '\ -. - L Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 525 NW Second Street * Corvallis, OR 97330 * (541) 758-1302 * (800) 383-8855 * Fax (541) 753-2264 ~~dB G C~'+e)N C<LI , (j~ - \ DE? d-- ~t _',J I!iL81r Compressive Strength of Concrete I C-39 Project Management * Consulting Engineers * Certified Plan Review and Inspection Services * Code Consulting Project Name _l::Iilton GilJ:d_en Ino_ Project # 12_6_6,,001 Building Hotel Client Hilton Garden Inn Contractor A&A Concrete Supplier E.S.G. Batch Time 9:51 ,o.~_ Sample Time 10')0 AM Ticket # 58009930 ASTl>1Cl72 Truck # 875_ Mix Design 311Q_6_8 Cast By Jim.Law ASTM 01 Neoprene Pads ASSHTO T-22JIUA. Date Cast 7/10/2009 Pickup Date 7/11/2009 Load Number 1 Load Size 11 yd5_ Water Added N~.o.. Spec Slump 4 +/-1 Spec Air 1.5 +/.:cJ..S Admixtures pon -8.0. Slump 5 in. Unit Wt. N/A Entrained Air N/A ASTM C143 A5TM C138 ASTM C231 Concrete Temp. 75 OF Ambient Temp. 70 OF Specified Strength 3000 psi A5TM CI064 Initial Cure MiniMax Temp. Structure Placed Footing gl 0/8.75 Total Average Cylinder Compressive Cylinder Date Tested Age Load Diameter Area Strength Percent Fracture Tested Time Of Number (Days) (Ibs) (In) (in) (psi) Spec Type By Test 069-A 7/17/2009 7 26390 4 12.57 2100 70 6 JDH 11:43 AM 069-8 8/7/2009 28 43145 4 12.57 3433 114 3 jh 11:30 AM 069-C 8/7/2009 28 43985 4 12.57 3500 117 5 jh 11:32 AM 069-0 H 0 0 0,00 Remarks Set A - Set 1 of 3 - Mech Vih_ olaced bv hose. smooth move on site_ samoled @ chute_ -- YZ'~~ , 11\ -- - r'\ I m '7'; X'i: l~ ~ t . ..' .2L - Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 525 NW Second Street' Corvallis, OR 97330' (541) 758-1302' (800) 383-8855 . Fax (541)753-2264 " ~~- ,--,-,- ?{:;;;PJ bcdtwc.---'1 \ (1)- \D!)~ -~ - \ ...." .., St-"-~}i /0 _.J "~ "~. - '- 1~:'lill,JlII!.AI~ mL81r Compressive Strength of Concrete I " C-39 Project Management' Consulting Engineers' Certified'Plan Review and Inspection Services '.Code Consulting Project Name _1:Ii1ton.1'ard_eI}J~ . Project # 126_6,,001 Building Hotel Client HiltoJLGard.en In[L Contractor AM Concrete Supplier E.5.G. Batch Time 11:28 AM. Sample Time 11:50 AM Ticket # 58009939 A5TM CI72 Truck # Sfi2 Mix Design 3.13.0_68 Cast By lim_La..... ASTM at Neoprene Pads ASSHTO T-22.l'UA. Date Cast 7/10/2009 Pickup Date 7/11/2009 Load Number 10 Load Size 10_y_ds. Water Added N/A Spec Slump 4 +/- 1 Spec Air 1.5 +/-1.5 Admixtures PQ2L8.Q Slump 4 in. Unit Wt. N/A Entrained ~ir N/A A5TM C143 A5TM C138 AST>1 cm Concrete Temp. 75 OF Ambient Temp. 70 OF Specified Strength 3000 psi A5TM CI064 Initial Cure MinIMax Temp. Structure Placed Footings gl A/14 Total Average Cylinder Compressive Cylinder Date Tested Age Load Diameter Area Strength Percent Fracture Tested Time Of Number (Days) (tbs) (in) (in) (psi) Spec Type By Test 070-A 7/17/2009 7 31295 4 12.57 2490 83 2 JOH 11:45 AM 070-B 8/7/2009 28 48790 4 12.57 3883 129 3 jh 11:34 AM 070-( 8/7/2009 28 49875 4 12.57 3969 132 5 jh 11:36 AM 070-0 H 0 0 0.00 Remarks Set B - Set 2 of 3 - Merh Vib. nlaCf'd hv hnse_ smooth move on site. sam Died (ci) rhute_ '.-;'>z'''~ " , 'Tf'~ - 1 rIr .~ "7' ~. '~ ' ~ }.l " '-' - - -, -L. , .' .. Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 TypeS Type 6 525 NW Second Street * COrvallis, OR 97330 * (541) 758-1302 * (800) 383-8855 * Fax (541) 753-2264 ,~---,;:;:\O... G 0iW ., ?J, 501--' n - . . C'U.) C~- \Oo}: , .1 '..~~..-"'.r S1-_ I '- , ~ PEiL81r Compressive strength of Concrete I C-39 Project Management * Consulting Engineers * Certified Plan Review and Inspection Services * Code Consulting Project Name -I:liltQiLGacd_eD.IDJL_ Project # I 29_6~0.D.1 Building Hotel Client Hiiton GardeD~lnn Contractor AM Concrete Supplier E.S.G. Batch Time 1:41 PM Sample Time 2:10 PM Ticket # 58009957 A5TM CI72 Truck # 853. Mix Design lJ.3Q6,8 Cast By JillLLa.w ASTM 01 Neoprene Pads ASSHTO T-22...lliA. Date Cast 7/10/2009 Pickup Date 711117009 Load Number J1 Load Size 10J~ Y'ds. Water Added Nl~ Spec Slump 4 +/-1 Spec Air N/A Admixtures [>0.22 -80 Slump 4 in. Unit Wt. N/A Entrained Air N/A ASTM C143 ASTM C138 ASTM e231 Concrete Temp. 75 OF Ambient Temp.-6.0-"E. Specified Strength 3000 psi ASTM CI064 Initial Cure MiniMax Temp. Structu re Placed Footings gl C/24 Total Average Cylinder Compressive Cylinder Date Tested Age Load Diameter Area Strength Percent Fracture Tested TIme Of Number (Days) (Ibs) (in) (in) (p~) Spec Type By Test 071-A 7/17/2009 7 2814S 4 12.57 2240 75 3 JDH 11:47 AM 071-B 8/7/2009 28 45265 4 12.57 3602 t20 2 jh 11:38 AM 071-C 8/7/2009 28 44810 4 12.57 3S66 119 3 jh 11:40 AM 071-D H 0 0 0,00 Remarks ,<;pt r - <;et 3 of l - Mech Vih olilcerl hY' hoo;e -. )ZP~ , ] X,:' If[ ''- ~ r "'T' ~ jl ~ i.,; -. .- - ~ Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type S Type 6 525 NW Second Street * Corvallis, OR 97330 * (S41) 758.1302 * (800) 383-885S . Fax (S41) 753.2264 35JB--Gl~=-'^-'~a ~+J . Cj)-IOBd-: ~ D_~jLa,r Compressive Str.. ength of Concrete I C-39 Project Management * Consulting Engineers * Certified Plan Review and Inspection Services * Code Consulting Project Name ---'::!lltpn..Ga[den In[l_ Project # 126_6~001 Building Hotel Client Hiiton GardellJmL Contractor A&A Concrete Supplier E.5.G. Batch Time 12: 33J~~L Sample Time 1),55 PM Ticket # 58010199 A5TM CI72 Truck # 843_ Mix Design ~3.13.o.68. Cast By JinLLaw ASTM 01 Neoprene Pads ASSHTO T-22J'JL8. Date Cast 7/16/2009 Pickup Date 7/17/2009 Load Number 1 Load Size 1O,lS_yc!s_ Water Added N/A Spec Slump 4 +/- 1 Spec Air 2 +I-=-L~ Admixtures P022-=.8jJ. Slump 3.5 in. Unit Wt. N/A Entrained Air N/A ASTM C143 A5TM C138 ASTM WI Concrete Temp. 77 OF Ambient Temp._9.0-".E. Specified Strength 3000 psi ASTM CI064 Initial Cure MinIMax Temp. Structure Placed Footings N/17 Total Average Cylinder Compressive Cylinder Date Tested Age Load Diameter Area Strength Percent Fracture Tested TIme Of Number (Days) (Ib,) (in) (in) (psi) Spec Type By Test 079-A 7/23/2009 7 30495 4 12.57 2427 81 6 JDH 8:00 AM 079-8 8/13/2009 28 47480 4 12.57 3778 126 5 jh 9:12 AM 079-C 8/13/2009 28 480S0 4 ' 12.57 3824 127 2 jh 9:14 AM 079-D H 0 0 0.00 Remarks Smooth move on-site oiaced bv hose. mech vib. samoled (cj) chute ~'X'~~ IPJ 'TIT rr:[ .f'" . I. }~ "" ,I . .~ '., " .' '.:\ " . -".-..., , ,--. Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 TypeS Type 6 525 NW Second Street * Corvallis, OR 97330 * (541) 758-1302 * (800) 383-8855 * Fax (541) 753-2264 ~B -6~...0 ~\ '6-\-'. OJ-\ D~~ -t:e Compressive St~ength of Concrete \ . C-39 Project Management * Consulting Engineers * Certified Plan Review and Inspection Services * Code Consulting Project Name Hilton Garden Inn Project # 1766.:0_01 Building Hotpl Client Hilton Gardpn Inn Contractor A&A Concrete Supplier E.5.G. Batch Time 1.ng PM Sample Time 1:10 PM Ticket # SR010701 ASTM CI72 Truck # RS,O_ Mix Design _3.9_6829 Cast By Jilliaw A5TM 01 Neoprene Pads ASSHTO T-22~ Date Cast 7/16/2009 Pickup Date 7/17/2009 Load Number 1 Load Size 1O.2'LY:c[s_ Water Added 50al Spec Slump 7 +/- 1 Spec Air 2 +/- 1.5 Admixtures GLEN3030 Slump 6.5 in. Unit Wt. N/A Entrained Air N/A ASTM C14] ASTM C138 A5TM C231 Concrete Temp. 77 OF Ambient Temp. 90 OF Specified ~trength 5000 psi ASTM (1064 Initial Cure MiniMax Temp. Structure Placed Column Nj9 First Uft Below First Floor Total Average Cylinder Compressive Cylinder Date Tested Age Load Diameter Area Strength Percent Fracture Tested Tlme'Of Number (Days) (Ibs) (In) (in) (psi) Spec Type By Test 080-A 7/20/2009 4 44445 4 1257 3537 71 3 'JDH 7:40 AM 080'B 8/13/2009 28 79270 4 1257 6308 126 5 jh 9:16AM 080-c 8/13/2009 28 84800 4 12.57 6748 135 4 jh 9:18 AM 080-D H 0 0 0.00 Remarks ~...;~.'~~~~tf.rrf ".."" .~:).r~ .- '.- '~1 . I "- .,'ti,:;i~,~'~~, ~o r7' \ _.',;~, Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 525 NW Second Street * Corvallis, OR 97330 * (541) 758-1302 * (800) 383-8855 * Fax (541).753-2264 --- -.........-""-7""~_ s~ ~ _. GtG-.~.lJV,Q~,~~l] (6- rOOd- ., \0; ~):)5 NW Sl.'f(ond Stwp-I. Corvallis,{lregon 37338 tf800,383Jl355 ph 541.75it13G2 Ix 54U53.2254 www.claircompany,cnm Date: 7/2112009 Time Arrived:, 7:30 AM Daily Field Report No. : _ _~~)ect Name: Hilton Garden Inn Address: 3328 Gateway, Springfield; OR Building: Hotel Permit # : 09-C8-1082 Special Inspection: Client Name:. ~ Period: periodic Type ofInspections Performed ~ Reinforcing Steel D Reinforced Concrete D Concrete Forms c=J Struttural~asonry o Shotcrete D Epoxy Anchors D Fire Proofing o Other: Specific Placement Locations o Structural Steel Fabrication o Structural Steel Erection o Expansion Bolts o Geotech Observations o Structural Fills o Sub-grade (footings/slabs) o Pile Driving A) Shearwall@Q-R/8, ElI-5,25 B) Co]umns@ ilF, K, N; 5/F, K; 5.75/E, G, K; 6/A; B.75 Note: Project #: 1266-00] 39 Assoc iated" Consultant ;1 I I I I ---, Weather Conditions: hot/clear Equipment Type Serial Number II Type of Material: Supplier Mix# SlumpIFlow (i~.) Material Temp. (OF) Ambient Temp. (OF) Time Placed No. of Samples Design Strength (PSI) Total Cubic Yds. Concrete G'~out Morlar II II I II ...11 I II II I II Ij I IJ II I II II I IL lj I 1,1 II I -, 1\ II \\. o Previously Iisled uncorrected items o Changes to approved plan~ and/or specifications"by Architect,or Engineer o Corrections of previously listed items o Items requiring correction o Materials and methods of construction' o Equipment used (Le, what was used to proof roll or obtain compaction) ,Fi..ld Oh"l'rvllfinn.. 9nd ('omm.-ot.., ~Reinforcing' steel was checked in locations listed above, for grade, size, lap. placement llnd clearances where applicable. On site for rebar inspection prior to pouring concrete on sheimvall A) and columns B) aqoYc. A) Mats (2) faces of#5@ 12" OC with #3 "Jot hooks at 36" OC max; boundary element hoops with hair pins #4 @4"OC;hariz. Bars hook 90 degree at EOW around verts. Slab bolsters in place to provide clearance. Slab dO'Yels in place. B) columns - slab bolsters in place to provide clearance, #8 verts with #4 hoops. ~~~~eDocuments: Shearwalls Sll_;2!.~ submittal dated 6/29/09. As a mutual protection to clients, the public, and ourselves, all reports are submitted as confidential pro.pert}' of clients and are intende~ for the use of our clients or No other person or entity may utilize the report or any ponion thereof without OUT written permission. ITa the best of my knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with the building department approved design dra\vjngs, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions ofthel.B.C. except as noted: Inspector Na!"e: mike mackessy Reviewed by: Dave Tilton Date: 8/4/2009 Daily Field Report 40 Time Arrived: 2:00 PM Project Name: Hilton Garden Inn Address: 3328 Gateway, S~~ingfield, OR Building: Hotel Permit#: C81082 Special Inspection: ,-~-'" ~ "".- '. . "'\ 3Sf)8 C';'~{~G~~ S~_ \ -C-B- .\,DB~ \L~ 525 NW Sec::mrl Slieet Corvallis, Oregofl 97330 tf800.2B3Jlil55 ph511.75A.1302 fx541.753.2264 www.e-lailCompany.com Project # : 1266-00 I No. : ~ Period: periodic Client Name: Associated Consultant Weather Conditions: hot/clear Type ofInspections Performed ~ R,;nro,dng St,,] o Reinforced Concrete o Concrete Forms o Structural Maso~ry DShotcrete ~ Epoxy Anchors o Fire Proofing o O~her: Specific Placement Locations o Structural Steel Fabrication o Structural Steel Erectioil D Expansion Bolts D Geotech Observations D Structural Fills D Sub-grade (footings(slabs) D Pile Driving A)Columns@ 18/A,C, E.25, H; 16/A,C. E,25; 211H, B) Snearwall @A-e/23 C) Epoxy @column N/8.75. Equipment T}'pe Serial Number L-- I) I, Type of Material: Concrete Grout Mortar Supplier )-~~j II I Mix # L !I il I Slump/Flow (in.) l !I II I Material Temp. (OF) l II il I Ambient Temp. (oF) , II- II , Time Placed I il II I No. of Samples L.--JI II I Design Strenglh (PSI) I JI___JI I Total Cubic Yds. I II II ,I Note: D Previously listed uncorrected items o Changes to approved plans andlor specifications by Are-hitect,or Engineer D Corrections of previously listed items ~ Items requiring correction D Materials and methods of ronslruction o Equipment used (i.e. whal was used to proof roll or oblain compaction) ,Field Oh_~enr3tion_~ and Comments ~Reinforcing steel was checked in locations listed above, for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where applicable. Observed epoxy ofrebar in footing: dowels for columns. Epoxy was Hilti Hit RE 500 with expo Date 10109. Work reflects "as-built" condition. Need RFI approved. Embed depth of 8" into column. Holes were drilled with 518" diameter carbide tip bit in roto hammer' and are ANSI approved. Embed on (2)westem holes was 8"'and 8-1/2" on north side 8-114" and 8". Holes were cleaned by wire bnish <i;lld compressed.air. Holes were filled and rebar illserted with a twist. Columns and shearwall appear complete, in place and have proper c1ear,!~ces and are rcady to close up and pour. Work appears to comply with manufacturers recommendations (epoxy), approved plans and job specs. _~xcept as noted. ~eference Documents: E~~y ESR2322. S2.1 __~ ___ As a mutual protection to clients. the public. and ourselves. all reports are submitted as confidential property of clients and are intended for the use of our clients or No other person or entity may utilize the report or any portion thereof without our written permission. ITO the best of my knowledge, the work inspc.cted was in accordance with the building depaItment approved design dr~wings, specifications and applicable workmanship provision~ of the I.B.C. except as noted: " Inspector Name: mike mackessy Reviewed by: Dave ,Tilton , I~_ I ,,2 11'111 IEcL81r Date: 8/6/2009 Time Arrived: 9:30 AM Daily Field Report Project /I: 1266.001 Project Name: Hilton Garden Inn Address: 3328 Gateway, Springfield, OR Building: Hotel Special Inspection: ~ Period: continuous Clienl Name: Associated Consultant Weather Conditions: Permit#: C81082 Type of Inspections Performed ~ Reinforcing Steel 0 Structural Steel Fabrication ~ Reinforced Concrete 0 Structural Steel Erection o Concrete Forms 0 Expansion Bolts o Struclural Masonry 0 Geotech Observations o Shot crete D Structural Fills o Epoxy Anchors 0 Sub-grade (footings/slabs) D Fire Prooling 0 Pile Drh'ing D Other: Specilic Placement Locations I) Columns@ 161A, C, E.25; 18/A, B.75, E25; 21/A, C, E,25- Footing elevation to 2nd floor. 2) Wall @23/A-C- Footing@9/N.Q Note: .- -.- .~--'-._-~ . LB~ \P~d-. C1.5dlQ E1cJevJci.~)- ~_, V .. _ \~ 525 NW Secollfi Stmet. Corvilllis, Oregon 97330 d 800,383,0055 ph 541.753.1302 Ix 54L75].2264 www.cIBircompBnv.com No. : 41 overcast Equipment Type Serial Number Type of Material: Supplier Mix # Slump/Flow (in,) Material Temp. (oF) Ambient Temp. (oF) Time Placed No. of Samples Design Strength (PSI) Total Cubic Yds. . D Previously listed uncorrected items D Changes to approved plans andlor specilications by Architect,or Engineer D Corrections of previously listed items o Items requiring correction D Materials and methods of construction D Equipment used (Le. what was used 10 proof roll or obtain compaction) II Concrete Grout Mortar II II 11 IJ II II II II II 11 II II II II II II fI II Fipld Oh_~prvMinn~ And Cnmmpnh DReinforcing steel was checked in locations listed above, for grade, sizt,lap, placement and clearances whue applicable. I) Sampled fresh concrete for columns listed. Concrete conveyed by boom pump truck and mechanically vibrated. One set of four test cylinders laken. Rebar inspected by other Clair Company inspectors. 2) Sampled fresh concrete for columns listed. Concrete conveyed by boom pump truck and mechanically vibrated. One set offoU! test cylinders taken. Rebar inspected by other Clair Company inspectors. Footing confonns to detail 12/S3.l. ~eference Documents: S2.1, S3.l. As a mutual protection to clients, the public, and ourselves, all reports are submitted as confidential property of clients and are intended for the use of our clients or No other person or elltity may utilize the report or any portion thereofwilhout our written pennission. ITO the best Mmy knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.RC. except as noted: Inspector Name: Tom DeFever Reviewed by: Dave Tilton Date: 8/1112009 .. ~~_~jectName: Hilton Garden Inn Daily Field Report Time Arrived: 7:00 AM Project #: l266~001 Address: 3328 Gateway, Springfiel~;_.OR _.,~~,~_~_~.~~E._ Hotel Permit#: C81082 Special Inspection: Client Name: Associated Consultant ~ Period: periodic Weather Conditions: Type ofInspections Performed ~ Reinforci~g Steel o Reinforced-Concrde o Concrete Forms o Structural Masonry D Shotcrete D Epoxy Anchors o Fire Proofing ~ Other: welds Specific Placement Locations Columns F.75/23, H/23 Note: ~ Structural Steel Fabrication o Structural Steel Erection o Expansion BoUs o Geotecb Obscn'ations o Structural Fi,lIs o Sub-grade (footings/slabs) D Pile Driving Type Type of Material: Supplier Mix # .' SlumplFlow (in.) Material Temp. (oF) Ambient Temp. (oF) Time Placed No. of Samples Design Strength (PSI) Total Cubic Yds. o Previously listed uncorrected items o Changes to approved plans and/or specifications by Architect,or Engineer o Corrections of previously listed items o Items requiring correction o Materials and methods of construction o Equipmentused (i.e. what was used to prooholl or obtain compaction) Fipld nh~prvatinn~ and ('nmmpnj~ ?;S~ tJ- G0---UWC:-,-\~ '6+~ -___J t~-\pBj- ~ 525 NW SH:nnn S1met. Corvallis, Oregon :m:m tf800.383Bil55 phsf.i.75B.13D2 fx541.753.2254 www.claircompan~;cDm No. : 42 clear I I ---1 I Equipment Serial Number ~l Concrete Grout Mortar I ES&Gil J~-31-4068il '-__..2J1 J 74911 I 6591L I I 1:1 lamil 1_,_i11 I 4000il J 1911 II Ij 11 it 1.1 II II iI " ~Reinforcing steel was checked in locations listed above, for grade, size, lap, placement and c1l'aranl:Cs where applicable. - . -. -\ On site for rebar inspeclion on columns above and visual and ring test on studs welded 10 angle iron fOf elevator floor embed (2) and weld plate embed for beam in column F.75/23. Columns appear ready 10 close up and pour. (3) embeds VT on welds acceptable per A'WS Dl.l. Received weld certs for embeds. Reference Documents: Embeds: Martin Fab dwgs EMIOl; columns S2.1. As a mutual protection to clients. the public, and ourselves. all reports are submitted as confidential property of clients and are intended for the use of our clients or No other person or entity may utilize the report or any portion thereofwltholll our written pennission. ITo'the best of my knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with the building department approved design draywings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B.C. except as noted: . Inspector Name: mike mackessy Reviewed by: Dave Tilton /')--'d.'B c GLiCtwCA.c~~"-: ,o5~ . ._- - . J -'SF: . . \C~J t b~ d {~ 525 N\N Sen:md Stwet. Corvilllis, Or[;900 97330 If 800.383.11;)55 ph 54~1.758. i3D2 Ix 541.753.2264 www.claircompany.com Date: 8/lJ12009 Time Arrived: 7:00 AM Daily Field Report No. : _ ~"!:.?jerl Name': Hilton Garden Inn Address: 3328 Gateway, Springfield, OR _.,,~.,~_il_~i!l_g: Hotel Permit#: C81082 Special Inspection: Project #: 1266-001 43 ~ Pedod: periodic Client Name: Associated Consultant Weather Conditions: cloudy Type ofInspections Performed ~ Reinforcing Steel 0 Structural Steel Fabrication o ReinfOl"ced Concrete o Concrete Forms o Structural Masonry o Shotcrete D Epoxy Anchors o Firl' Proofing D Other: t Specific Placement Locations 1st Hoor SOG@A-Q/l o Structural Steel Erection o Expansion Bolls o Geotech Observations o Structural Fills o Sub-grade (footings/slabs) o Pile Driving Equipment Type Serial Number Ij Type of Material:. Concrete Grout Morlar Supplier 1 It II Mix# J I'-_JI Slump/Flow (in.) , II II Material Temp. (OF) l II IJ Ambient Temp. (oF) 1 II i 1-"-------1 Time Placed .1 I) II No. of Samples I II II Design Strength (PSI) , II II Total Cubic Yds. I il II Note: D Previously listed uncorrected items D Changes to approved plans andlor specifications by Architect,or Engineer D Corrections of pre,,'iously listed items o Items requiring correction o Materials and methods of construction o Equipment used (i.e. what was used to proof roll or o.btain compaction) Firhl OhSl'rVlItinns lID.t C'nmmrnts ~R~inforcing steel was checked in locations listed above, for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where applicable. On site for slab-oll-grade pre-pour inspeclion. Rebar and vapor barrier work not completed. Left punch list with job super, John, for concrete I. crew. Will return at end of day for recinspection. . I As a mutual protection to clients, the public, and ourselves, all reports are submitted as confidential property of dients and are intend~d for the use of our clients or No other person or entity may utilize the report or any portion thereofwilhout our written permission. ITO the best of my knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the LB.C. except as noted: . Inspector Na:me: mike mackessy Reviewed by: DavelTilton Date: 8/14/2009 .8StB',Bl~WQ~1 S1:;~ -- . " . - .- fl-- ~6~-\q~y , . 525 NW Sew[j(J Simer Corvallis, Oregon 91330 tl800.J818055 ph~I}581301tx54U53.22B4 www.claircompany.com Daily Field Report TimeArrived: 6:00 AM Project #: 1266-001 44 No. : Client Name: Associated Consultant I I 1 I 1 Project Name: Hilton Garden Inn Address: 3328 Gateway, Springfie.ld, OR Building: Hotel Permit#: C81082 Special Inspection: . ~ Period: continuous clear Weather Conditions: Equipment Type of Inspections Performed ~ Reinforci,ng Steel ~ Reinforced Concrete o Concrete Forms o Structural Masonry o Shotcrete o Epoxy Anchors o Fire Prooting D Other: Specitic Placement Locations o Structural Steel Fabrication , o Structural Steel Erection o Expansion Holts . 0 Geotech Observations o Structural Fills .0 Sub.grade (footings/slabs) o Pile Driving Type Serial Number II Concrete Grout Type of Material: Supplier Mix# Mortar Ij I) IL~_JI iJ J.I II II II IJ II. It II IJ II IJ II i) I I ~ I I I II A) SOO @A-R/I-6,A-O/I-I] B) Columns 2;3/F.75, H, 24/B.75, E.25 Slump/Flow (in.) Material Temp. (OF) Ambient Temp. (oF) Time Placed Note: No. of Samples Design Slrength (PSI) Tolal Cubic Yds. o Previously listed uncorrected ilems , o Changes 10 approved plans and/or sp.ecificalions by Architect,or Engineer o Corrections of previously listed items D Hems requiring correction o Materials and methods of construclion D Equipment used (i.e. what was used 10 proof roll or obtain compaction) Fil'lcI Oh<i;l'rv~tion_<i; ~nd C'omml'nh ~Reinforcing steel was checked in locations listed above, for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where applicable; On site for rebar inspection prior to concrete pour, and to sample, test and observe slab-on-grade pour with (4) columns. See break sheets for test results_ Concrete placed by boom pump. Concrete was from Eugene Sand & Gravel. For SOG, the psi was 4000, and '5000 for columns. SOG was vibrated at fonn edge and the columns were consolidated as poured. Slab-on grade poured 125 yds. ' Concrete contractor interpreted notes and details pertaining to openings in slabs applying only to PT slabs. No extra rcbar added at openings in slab-an-grade.' Reference Documents: S2.1. As a mutual protection to clients, the public, and ourselves, all repons are submitted as confidential property of clients and are intended for the use of our clients or No other person or entity may utilize the report or ani portion thereof without our written pennission. ITO the best of my knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with the building department approved design dr.!lWings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the 1.B.e. except as noted: . : Inspector Name: mike mackessy Reviewed by: Dav~':Tilton JIlIIII1iLa I r II~ No. .4Q Date _8Ml2.OO..9. Building I::Intp.1 Permit # G8l082 Period oeriodic Inspector mike mackessy Type of Inspections Performed ~Reinforcing Steel DStructural Steel Fabrication DReinforced Concrete DStructural Steel Erection DConcrete Forms DExpansion Bolts DStructural Masonry DGeotech Observations DShotcrete DStructural Fills ~Epoxy Anchors DSub-grade (footings/slabs) DFire Proofing DPile Driving DOther. Cc: Owner General Contractor Building Ottical Designer - ~-+ " [6'532> B1(de'wQ~. g "'-C,~/ lD5~ J . eel Project #1266-001 ~ Rev Date: 8-20-09 Covering Issued Daily Field Report Through #44 Non-Compliance Report Specific Placement Locations A) Columns@ l8/A, C, E.25, H: l6/A. C, E.25: 21/H, B) Shearwall @ A-C/23 C) Epoxy@ column N/8,75. City Building Inspector Page 1 of 1 Description of. Problem Observed epoxy of rebar in footing: dowels for columns. Epoxy was Hilti Hit RE 500 with expo Date 10/09. Work reflects "as-built" condition. Need RFI approved. Embed depth of 8" into column. Holes were drilled with 5/8" diameter carbide tip bit in roto hammer and are ANSI approved. Embed on (2) western holes was 8" and 8-112" on north side 8~1/4" and 8". Holes were cleaned by wire brush and compressed air. Holes were filled and rebar inserted with a twist. Columns and shearwall appear complete, in place and have proper clearances and are ready to close up and pour. Work appears to comply with manufacturers recommendations (epoxy), approved plans and job specs. except as noted. Reference Documents: Epoxy ESR2322, S2.1