HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-7-31 LAnC ... -I, :~ 4H~ Pubk~ .. - Lane County Materials Testing Lab Lane County Department of Public Works 3040 N, De/ta Hwy, Eugene, OR 97408 . (541) 682-0945 PROJECT . L\lJE'~ YI\'"f-'t. ~", . . CONTRACTOR: LOCATION:' BA-.s~ A~L.. pf',SG f?111!J!/:j Jof MATERIAL TYPE: SAMPLED: DATE: --:rJ3//.Q1... TIME: -vM' BY: LJm-, J . SOURCE: ~ " V Sample#: 0'1-'- 0/</- 5 Project #: (:) tj.~ I ---- Etir;EJ ESq. :3/7"'~ 2'S~ Aggregate/Soil Field Density Testing IMat.'ID I A I B Material Source and Type' . ~ '3/</':-0 4G.&,. Max. Density Opt. Moisture [ZO, Z-- /0,7- l Test # 'MallO' Grade I Depth I Density I % Moisture 1% Compaction I I I 1 A- I16IJ 3fst-'1D 1'1;" I /22'-;-1 7- if I /00 +- I !Location SOi.l.~ 'WESl Coe.N!d<,,: 0-100 20 l LT ct.1 I 2-1 4 I' 1/ I '3 If IIZ? I I c" {5 I /00 f- Location ST1}, C> +- 50 12 I LT 1 3 I 4 I 1/ 11:, t( I /2--/, '-I I 7. '1-- I 1(20-1- !Location: if / {-:SO {, I L-T I t.f I A- 1'1 I D II Il?o, c; J ~, I I /60 f- IC~tion If 2f-5D . L. I s l,f I ,'i ,I -g'l I 12i,5'17, 7--- I /00 1- ,I !Location . 1/ :3 1--5'0 / {p , Li . I I~ JA- I Ii I 15" I IZ2.t/ I C. '7 I 1M f I Localion .1/ tJ ;--56 20 'LT 1 riA I " ID'I I /21, cg I {--, b I 100 f !Location /I Sf-5Q. c:f:.... I ?\ I A- I Ii I '25'/ I. /2 I, Lf I 0. 'if I 10.0 f !Location {( 0;--S () Z 'F-/ . -, q 1 AI" ( I D' I 12'-/. / I?-, '-! I /00 {- !Location I( 1--+50 1~.r;eT I/o I A liDtJ ~'f/f-o 13//1/22,0 Ie, '-/ I loot !Location" . . ST,IJ. if..-5D. /0'12 r " : " . . -..----_... -- , . ._- -.... .-..,~'_. ... '. .- . -. ... . '. - PAc S:.:S. f 'p P t " P f p r (1.;: S. :if 0" ;Ml9-'O..: .. It, ,~,.,..,.^ ~. ^~'1..:.;; '.hr;;\~~ ~ ----. . .' lla ..., ',~':\'2:e(b:, --"'8l0; '-:. . -~.' Comments . ~ ~. . , . - ~. . . ~ ... , 1 ,.' '\'-vl_1 VI:.U AUG 1 8 ZDDY Rema(ks .:' ':otifi~d:M'#bJ~ ~C -./ ,~. ,:: ;:.- '. - ' .. ' Technician: u/J;y. (/ REN.07.-'03 l.QllablfORMSlAgg F19ld Density . Date: 7/'310'1 1 Time: j) /l1., &/ w.....".. " . " - .- J Sample#: CJ9-o/Lj-S Project #: 0 tJ4/ . . Lane County Materials Testing LClb Liine County Department of Public Works' 3040 N. Delta Hwy, Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 682-6945 PROJECT: '. LWek1 m/!-/L:IMp,(!()v. LOCATION: B'tr>if'J ;("JL iJr:.5 SAMPLED: DATE:1/3l,MTIME: ptv.. BY':' ~ CON:rRACTOR: . MATERIAL TYPE: SO,URCE: . EC;{,~ / e56, 3/<j/~ EG.G, u #2/i Aggregate/Soil Field Density Testing IMat.ID I A I B Material Source and Type e::SGj '31'f'Lo 1'14 'j Max. Density Opt. Moisture I 1'20,2- /0, r I Test-# I Mat. IDI Grade' I Depth I Density I % Moisture I % Compaction I I /1 I It 1M 3/v.'C.Q 1"6" I /233 I 9-.~ I It'o I-: !Location: 5m '9' -f5D 1(, '~T .1 /2/,:?, 155' I /tJ6 +- '"b' ,er I /z;, / I &, ( c:b-. I /22-.7-1 1-, () ~. I (( I 10 r5D I , !Location: ii lIS I 4 I !Location: Location:. !Location: I . Location: -I' . Location. !Location: ' Remarks: vv Comments ' p,;:; s I If I /m + I P I 101) + I Pl?-~-) I I I I , I I ., I I.. '. I I. r r Notified: ~0-CZt.r {/. t~ Date: ? ht/oq Time: -f;f/\(jf;; Rev. 07103 MatlatilFORMS\Agg Field Density Technician: .' \, .' "~" Lane County Materials Testing Lab / --', , . LBneCounty Department of Public WorM ,"'_.~. "'- --.. '. _ 3040 N. Delta Hwy, Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 682-6945 PROJECT L,y6:!"1' r'f1Z.-L" " CONTRACTOR:" LOCATION: REJA,IWiJ4 WM.L MATERIAL lYPE: SAMPLED: DATE: r/2f/nft TIME: IO~ BY: Cfl'J'1 !SOURCE: Fieid Testing Class Specified: 35DO Class Delivered: 35DO "' Ambient T el1)p: <:05 OF Concrete Te-mp: "73 OF " '-f Slump: ' in Air Content: ,?,g~ % Unrt Weight: Ibs/ft' Concrete Testing Supplier. ES Ct' Mix Design: 3' "/35' 5 Weather. !41L!1"/c!o,,,,41 '-.J '-..J Spec: Spec: Spec: Relative Yield: Laboratory Testing ,Sample: I:gj Picked Up, 0 Delivered Size: 0 6" Cylinders Field Age at Ma1l<ings Break 1- 12 )-'3 ';2:8 I I I I Remar1<s: \, ~""'4A""'12MZ Date Received: 7jq/Oc; l)( 4. Cylinders Dale 01 _ , Break ~!t~ ' 1)5 <t!5 <J/5' I I I I I o Other.. Sample #: Project #: . Et.t.c 3500 ~ n e$c;, Amount: Ticket #: OF in ' Water Added: % WIC Ratio: yrf II CJ9-oo-:;- S () <11.,/ /'c<.... 6:,,5" 1.f3<f/ yrf gal ~st :j 0'1 ~o T ota! Load (Ibs) Lf:2?ocJ ro0'T6CJ ~2~CrD & I )>60 Comp/'llS$lve Strength (PSI) 3'1/e Lf:N~ . Lf1~ Y <] 2fl) Tested By ~ ~r:.- I V- I I I I I -I I " 28 day Average: Y 9 / S- :psi , Notified ~@ I ,Concrete:.. Injurious to eyes.Causes skin initalion,Conlains PorIjand Cement. Read the following warning before using: Cootact with ,wet, 'lmhardenecl coo::rete, rrKffi', cerrenl C( CEment mixtJJres can cause skillr1ita1:Kx1, severe ~ bums ,cr serb.JS e{e d~, Am rmtoc:t wi1h eyes and skin:Wear wat€fjlroof gkNes, afij~-buttored, long-steeve shot fij~eng~ .OOSefS and Iighl-fitb'1l '* proledi<>1 ,,"en -'11 v.;n ~ese materials. If you have to stand in wet ~ete, use waterprcd boots that are ijJht at the top and hgh encx.gh to keep concrete frcrn floNing into them; Jflinishing a:ncrete, 'M!aI" knee pads to prated knees. After contadwth any ctlhese materials, wash off iTYnedIaieYwiIh fresh, dean waItY. IndirectCOltad thrCO'Jh dolhirg is as dao:;JerooS so Pf'ClrTlIlfy rinse these materials from dolI1ir;J. Seek inmediale medical attentioo if yoo hale pel5istent C( severe discCmfcrtln case of eYe contact flush wiIh plenty of water fIX at le$t 15 rrinutes. Co1su~ physkian inmedately. KEEP oot of read1 of dlildren! User agree:; to a:xwf!.J thiS werning to c~1 ~ wOO may use cr caneint? q:ntact ~ wet (unhardened) lXJlO"ele, rrortar, canent oc cs:mefIl nixtures, Aqgreqates:' Probrge;j II1halalioos 01 dust from a gravel"prOOocl may te hazardous to your heath. Measures to conlroll1J;!rtrve dust stiouki re taken When i1~I~ thiS pro:iLd. Hot Asp,!1alt erms nuisa'lce fumes. Avoid tl"eathing /i.meS: Also, Asphalt may cause, severe bums, Wear protectNe safety gear (k:Jrg'sleeve.s, p~ls and gloves), If blKTled, ccd with water, and see a physOal. Water added al customer's own risk. Additional water added to concrete will ' Prop~rty Damage Indemnification & Release reduce its strength.Buyer's agent agrees to accept responsibilily f orreducedslrengtll The q:lefalCl of this piece of heaVy equipment, In presenting this RE. due 10 water added above design. . LEASE to you fol'your sgnabJre, is of the opi1ioo that the Operatioo of this , D machinery in the manner required to perlorm our.CC()tra::t IAiitf1 yoo may Arrived at job with inch slump. pOSSibly cause dal'l"'laJe to the prffi'ises or ~.lt is w W.sh to ~ you nfNef"{W<fflhalwecan, but in order to do lhis, the operatClis asking lI1at you sign this RELEASE. In ro'l."jderatioo ci the perfommce ci lI1e sO", of", ""bod v.;n me, I ~e ur<lersigned, hereby INDEMNIFY the seller and its employees for any dClfllaJe and roc all daims to the prerrises,' bUilding, utility pipelines Cl cables, telephooe lines, driveway or other appurtenances,at: CUSTOMER/OFFICE 2093995 Added _ gal water at customer request. Teslcyliriders taken Unloading ~ Standby Excess unloading will be charged at posted truck time rates. Truck standby tiIT!e charged at posted truck time rates. Limited Warranty The'only'liability of the'sel1er for product defect is fhe return of the purchase price, In no event shall the seller be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of the products or arising'out of breach of any warranty. All claims for damages or shortages must be made within 24 hours of qehvery.We do not assume responsibility fOl any damage beyond the curb line. Other additions Received by ,X Buyer's Agent receipt of product and approval of any added items: The addition' of any extra products to our mixer may void any warranty expressed or implied by the seller. The seller accepts no Ii~bmty for any personal injury incurred by you while adding additional products, to our mixer, . and RELEASE the.seller and its employees from any' liability. Signature of ~ner or its Agent ~UGENE SAND & GRAVEL "" 31l101l1 DELTA HlGHI.JAY EUGENE OR 97440 ,;,' - 5'+ 1-683,,-6400 ' , .. ._,,_ SiJ;ln~_tl:l~~___of _q_~':1~r _()r its Agent .1-.'L~~~~~P'a~t I Arrive. Job -sii~ ~t~rt'-D'~~~'h;~9~"--Fin-iSh '?iSCharg~.1 I. . I . I . ~WGDELTKro904oa Leave :JOb Site-I Arriv: Plant I Drivers' Comments Order No. Cust. No. Companyl' Customer Job Customer POI Phase Code "II!IIII JIIII ~IIII ,lllllllllllijllll J1I111II!11 60007 Customer, 44374 Delivery Address TICKET NO, 601Zt10 PROJECT priver Co. Proj. No, D~Pe~I,.fl;!X;~tion\rL:. I FF " AT SWIW Pt:JOLE' OFF THURSTDN LIVELY PARK "LARF'){",SKl RESG901 ,,",: "WU~/09 " " sCale TI!'f'e-: " "E81 '08:54 Load Qty Delivered Qty Order Qty Product Code UOM ProductUescription . Unit Price Amount -6.5121 6.50 1"3'. 00 313565 CY' 3500 PSI 3/4 AIR bUE ON JOB TIME,09,45 ENV CHG ,PREV TRuel-,, LOAD COUNT, 1 1.45; Load Size Prod, No. Description PiUPlanl Sales Tax TOTAL DUE Tr&;3k- .Jll.Gro&sIWei~f,;:J TareW4i9hI.olll r'~ler..:'l! "+ 1lcIiter ;:f\;aMUf.lby \' 1 bl(J' 1 ..- Check.# . \ ._ :~ _._:-:-- _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _._ ___,_ -a':..~J-.._,_ _ _ __ _ _ ...._._ _.__._._ _._ ___ Slump Type cc U,e Haul Cd. . .' ~~~ ~~- . ~-~... . /~~I~" p~~ Lane County Materials Testing Lab Lane County Department of Public Works 3040 N. Delta Hwy, Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 682-6945 I V . Sample#: o9-tP/S~ 5 Project #: 0 tit I . PROJECT . L I VE~ 'PI1/?K:.. .r,.",'ptf!{)V /'-leNt- CONTRACTOR: E~t.E LOCATION ~OU ~,'r-./IL tJF'S MATERIAL TYPE: LZ '/2." SAMPLED DA1E: ~bi TIME: .oM BY: C/J1'1 SOURCE: E44E , v Page AC Field Density Testing Mix Design cl.t.E.o. L-z.- '12- I( -0 q I Test # I Location I I EA-"Si- \.AIBr . I.. .'17IlIl~~"l La'+- I 7-- I 'I l31 l t.f I 161. I 6 I 6/b-r- -lr ~~ . . ':4 I 7-- I CuL-- bE-- ~ M..- la/ 11 I liD I '11/ I 1/2-- I I/~I II tf I . 1I It 11 Cut--DE.-SAC- 110 ILrt-I - "5o....f-1I , I - ?l1'iLl'.J'f"! U> f" ,{ II " 'I . I' lIe: I NoRrli - 5ov:rH '\ ...,). fl1d."JI... to/-- , Remarks: Technician: Rev. 07103 MallabIFORMS\AC Field Density 01 Pagels) Lift: ---r;;p I I Density I Density - I Ave. Densityl % Compaction I' Comments I N'-I,o I N5,31.'lWt4-1 93.'Z-1 1/'-11.9 I N'?,S' .I-zllY,:$;J>93.? I I /L/z,:;t I lVi, D l~i~2~~tfnlqi!. 3"~1 114'1, t:-1141,1-.llf~~~f1~:;1'43;4o.:;::1 I N 2, I 1/ '/3'. 3' m'z~~&ji}.H : 92.5}: I II 1./1, 1---lllfl, rHl~z:l:1:::'1.f2. .:>1 1141:~ II iN, 5 . m~~[fq'~I-J::t3 : $;: I 1142,<6 I N3,1. 1!fa,W~;ll0J <93,0 ,I 1,4'1.( I /'-1"7,1 1;:%#f.~'21 .~3. LI I "2 L' II' /'j ;'/, '1;i,~j'1;iof'tJsdl. ,;P2' ;;:}J;;'.~I I~ . ') , 7/ ,-r',' ,ddY;~'.d',,-.' ",,"''' "'1>- 1/45. 3 I / 7' 1cPjt71~~:~~~~I;../13'. !:.kl I /'/2. 2-1/i2 ;Jif'l~b'fl.5i:iI92~ifil. I /'/3.11 NJ,oJtlM~A:;~H:';93>,,'1 , 11'12. 4-1/~/5'H;%w'zi\%il-92,-z:.1 ' 1/t/J.11/7"2,1-r;2i't?~J'11.2.9 I Average compaction:1 1'2, q I Notifie,d: ~~ - El, ,~- . --..J 'Rice: 15<1: z:.. PCF 1 I I I , I' .', .1 I I I I I I I I I fyJ/y o Date: 8ft (qTime: ~ ' 3 ~- ""'" /1'/1,' ., " L.:>D ~- .........~, ,ubk -... Lane County Materials Testing Lab Lane County Department ot Public Works 3040 N. Delta Hwy, Eugene, OR 97408 ,(541)682-6945 . Sample #: 09 - 0/(, '!. S Project #: 0 Yc;;, / PROJECT LlYe/<-^, ?4~/L .L-t~v; , LOCATION EIt5~ L..fl ilL Dr'S SAMPLED: DATE: '7,/3& TIME: PM.. BY: CONTRACTOR: EG{.;;- . MATERiAL TYPE: L2- Vz- " CIYJ'ry- SOURCE: '. Ec.t. 6- , -' . AC Field Density Testing Mix Design: -, II II, ' Lt...Jp ." Lift: !3 /i"3E Rice: /53,C; Location Comments I \ z I I ~ I \ if I Is I I'~ 1 11-1 I zl ' I.CJ I 110 I II ( I \12.- I ' 1/31 11'f I . 1'1.5 I !yo R-/N e:~~~t,~~'St,r I,-/-/,t/H/,} qz.,1 II I /L/-f. { I /<II.! 1/'11.5 I Q/,9 I " ---rL<f2, '1 I /LJt/I 1/<J3.f I 99 ,~2 I Ii Ij'-/~N2.q.1 '17,''1 I ".11 [('-to,_? [/1/',7- U+I, 1 I q/,I-- I E'A5r'l vv.c5-r -:-r' -- I I' 'I q , I PI\Rk"Nq 1..01 I /42!::..J /'/35 11/2,", /2,'1 tUL:- O["<)4~ ltlS's I /<141 I /i.!-5,{) \9,-/,2.- '\ ,CLtL-6t:-5AL- ',N2,3J /<f/,rl/L/2,f) 192,''5 I NORTI/- SOlAt'l-I T-;-: -5 II I ' I , . ,PAl2lC'N"'lLor I 1..J3, N/S I'-iZ, 1- 02 ;7- , II 11'12.2-1 N.r1-I1'-12;')' L '12,~' r 1\ ~/t//./1/12 ,? IN! 'II 9212- I " ~L/2,?\ I'Iz.! -1/1/2. ~ \92~, 5 \ . I' i"f'l?9 J If3.)'I /c,q, 7 ~.V I 'I 1/1f2~[yj. 311 tt1-,-:( 142".1 .1 5p?~~,,,,~Lo.{ INZ,1- TI't'1,f111'1?) I Q3,/ I '-J ,'AverageGOmpaction:1 QZ,r I I I J J I I I I I I \ \ j I . Remarks: Notified: LEE - E0([, C I Technician: : {!; /0 Z/ Date: 9/3/0'1 Time: 1M Rev. 07103 Ma~~1,FORMS\AC Field Deosity .~. '3 Lane County Materials Testing Lab Lane County Department of Public Works 3040 N. Delta,Hwv, EUQene, OR 97408 Ph. (541) 682-6945 CONTRACTOR EGGE HMAC,Supplier' EGGE 1/2" HMAC Sample #: 09-017-S / Project #: 0461 TIME 9:30 BY CMY Material Source EGGE Sublot Number 2 TICKET NO, ' QUANTITY 50 Ton 1 2 3 4 in. 129 Dense 0 Open . LevelO0DD Course: [!]wearing, DBase. D Leveling AC Content bv lanition & Sieve Analvsis . ACI & SA if / ()q =. ~ ~ Moisture 1 fs,!) ~ .J U T209 1, Wet Weight of AC Mix 2, Dry Weight ofAC Mix 3, Moisture Content [(L 1 - L2) 1 L2] x 100 4, Wet Weight of AC mix 5. Dry Weight AC mix [L4/ (100 + L3)] x 100 6. Dry Weight (After'lgnition) 7. Weight of Burned Asphalf(L5 - L6) 8. Asphalt Content (L7/ L5) x 100 9. Correction Factor [Mix Design Numb~r] 10. CorrectedAsphalt Content (L8 - L9) SIEVE Accumulated Percent SIZE Weight Retained 1 in 0 0.0 3/4 in 0 0.0 1/2 in 33 2.1 3/8 in 194 I 12.1 1/4 in 485.4 I 30.3 I #4 696.9 '. I 43.5 I #8 1030,7 I 64.4 I #16 1233,5 I 77.0 I #30 1 338.2 I 83.6 . I #200 1489 I 93.0 I PAN 1598.7 99.8 I Date Tested 8/4/2009 Notified: Time: am Date: By: NT Time: . 2032.4 . Pan 2031.6 - Pan 999.3 = 999.3= 1033,1. 1032.3 0.08 % 1720,3 1719.0 1601.3 117.7 . .6.85 % 0.33 % 6.52 % , - .. Gl c: Gl 0 :;; .- - o ~ Ztj: en "u Gl Gl o Q. CUI X = 7596.3 - Pan 5876.0, = = 7477.3 - Pan 5876.0'= = = . EGGE-L2 1/2 DV-09 = Percent Passing 100.0 100.0 97.9 87.9 69.7 I I 56.5 I, I 35.6 I I 23,0 I I 16.4 II 7.01 I cO.50 I 0.16 -I I ,Asphalt Content (%) =1 Correction Factor. Corrected % Passing Gradation Tolerance Min. Max. 100 100 98 88 70 56 36 23 16- 6.5 99 95 90 100 100 100 54 64 33 41 13 21 5.1 9.1 5.60 6,60 6,52 Remarks: I A Wei9ht of Pycnometer and Lid (gr) B Wei9ht of Pycnometer, Lid & Sample (gr) C Weight of Pycnometer, Lid, Sample & Water (gr) Theoretical Maximum Densitv of Bituminous Mixtures (AASHTO T209A / ODOT Modified) . 0 . 2968.5 0 Temperature 77,0 F (ODOT Requires 77 F +-1,8 F) ,4572.2' . E Weight Pycnometer + Water@77F 7374,9 . 8329.8 ' T209Maximum Density =1 2.472 Ix 62.4 = I 154.3 IpCF' ' - Spec, Grav. .. 3 (f!/ lu..r ~m 2iii__ '..r -5'-5''''-"'''. , ......,~ Lane County Materials Testing Lab Lane County Department of Public Works 3040 N. Delta Hwv, Euoene, OR 97408 Ph. (541) 682-6945 CONTRACTOR EGGE HMAC Supplier EGGE 1/2" HMAC Material Source EGGE Silmple #:09-015-S Project #: 0461 I PROJECT: Lively Park LOCATION: Cul-De-Sac SAMPLED: DATE: '8/3/09 Lot Number 1 TIME 9:30 ' BY CMY TICKET NO, 1 234 LevelO 0 0 0 Course:,Owearing, . 0Base. Sublot Number 1 QUANTITY HMAC Type: Size 1/2 in. ~De!lSe DOpen 129 Ton D Leveling AC Content bv lanition & Sieve Analvsis ~ ACI & SAP 16~ """-- ~ ~ Moisture 6.C =- ...JU T209 ~ 1. Wet Weight of AC Mix 2816.8.- Pan 1571,9"= 2. Dry Weight of AC Mix 2816.2 - Pan 1571,9= 3. Moisture Content [(L 1 - L2) / L2] x 100 = 4. Wet Weight of AC mix 7648.2 . Pan 5959.3 = 5. Dry Weight ACmix[L4/ (100 + L3)]x 100 = 6, Dry Weight (Aiter Ignition) 7538.3 - Pan 5959.3:; = 7. Weight ()f Burned Asphalt (L5 - L6) = 8. Asphalt Content (L7 / L5) x 100 ' " = 9, Correction Factor _[Mix Design Number] EGGE-L2 1/2 DV-09 ,- 10. Corrected Asphait,Content (L8: L9) = SIEVE Accumulated Percent Percent Correction Corrected SIZE Weight Retained Passing Factor % Passing 1 in 0 0.0 100.0 100 3/4 in . '0 0.0 100,0 100 1/2 in 184.9 11.7 88.3 - 88 3/8 in - 291,6 18.5 81,5 82 1/4 in 511.9 32,4 67,6 68 #4 689,4 43.7 56.3 56 #8 1020.2 64.6 35,4 35 #16 1215,8 77.0 23,0 23 #30 1315,1 ' 83.3 16,7 17 #200 1464,5 92,7 7.25 -0.50 6.8 PAN 1574,6 .99.7.. 0.28 I I Date Tested 813/2009 Notified: ,Asphalt Content ('Yo) =1 6.13 Remarks:' Time: am Date: By: NT Time: 1244.9 1244.3 0.05 % 1688. 9 1688,1 1579 109.1 6.46 % 0.33 % 6.13 % 'Z ~ .. 0 :;; .- ~ o B Zo;=: U) 'u .. .. o c. CCIl X Gradation Tolerance ,Min. Max. 99 95 90 100 100 100 x 54 64 33 41 13 21 5,1 9,1 I I 5.60 6.60 I ,2968,5 4719,3 8415.6 o Temperature 77.0 OF (ODOT Requires 77 F +,1.8 F) E Weight Pycnometer. Water@ 77F 7374.9 A Wei9ht of Pycnometer and Lid (gr) B Wei9ht of Pycn~meter. Lid & Sample (gr) . C Weight of Pycnometer, Lid, Sample & Water (gl) B . .-" ,4719.3. " -A:,', ,,:2968,5 B 4719:3 - A 2968.h""} E }374.9 - C ., T209'Maximum Density 8415,6 =1 2.466/x 62,4 =1' 153.9 !PCF - Spec. Grav, ~ (f:/