HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Board of Appeals 1986-8-1 (2) " " . . EXHIBIT B 1-11-1 Springfield Code 1-11-8 C HAP T E R 1. G 0 V ERN MEN T ARTICLE 11. 1-11-1 BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS Creation. There is hereby created a Building Board of Appeal s, henceforth referred to as "the Board". 1-11-2 Menbershi~. The Board shall consist of five menbers to be appoi nted oy the MilYor and City Counci 1. Four of the Board's members shall possess training and/or expertise in building design or construction. In addition, the Building Official shall be an ex offi ci 0 menber of the Boa rd. I n the case of any Fi re and Life Safety aspect of the Specialty Codes and/or Fire Code appeal, the Fire Chief shall also become an ex officio menber of the Board. Ex Officio members shall have no vote. 1-11-3 Terms of Office. Appointed menbers shall hold office for four years. No indiviwa1 shall serve more than two consecutive terms. 1-11-4 Vacancies. Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled by the MilYor and City Council for the unexpi red porti on of the term of the menber creating the vacancy. The office of an appointed Board menber shall be deemed vacant whenever the Board member has two consecuti ve unexcused absences. If the Board menber has more than three consecutive excused absences, the ,Board may declare the position vacant. 1-11-5 Officers. The Board shall elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson who shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board. 1-11-6 Secretary. The Building Safety Division shall provide the Board with a secretary who shall keep a record of all proceedings bef ore the Boa rd. 1-11-7 Ouorum. Three Board menbers shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is present, all matters shall be deci ded by a vote of the majority. 1-11-8 Rules and Re~lations. The Board shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its investigations and meetings. All hearings shall be open to the public. the appellant, the appellant's representativelsl, the Building Official, Fire Chief and any other person whose i nteres t may be affected by the matter bei ng discussed shall be gi ven an opportunity to be heard. The Board may call upon independent, non-partial expert witnesses when considering an appeal. The Board shall affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Building Official and/or Fire Chief by a concurri ng vote of three members. .~ '3 400 tv\(\~n 'Yr. .I . . EXHIBIT B 1-11-8 Springfield Code 1-11-11 The decision of the Board shall be effective at the time the decision is made unless the Board directs otherwise. The Board shall also specify a date by which the' decision shall be complied with. All decisions and findings shall be rendered in writing and kept on file in the offi ce of the Bui I di ng Offi ci a I wi th a dup 11 cate copy given to the appellant. . 1-11-9 Meetings. The Board shall meet at least once a month, at a time and p lace as -may be fixed by the Board. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chairperson, the Building Official or the, Fire Chief, by written notice. All meetings shall comply with ORS 192.640 ET. SEC. 1-11-10 Functions. The Building Board of Appeals shall: (1) Determine the suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction and to provide for reasonable interpretations of the Specialty Codes enumerated in Articles 2 through 6 of the Building Safety Codes. Provided that, since City Specialty Code standards are required to be in cOll1lliance with State Specialty Code standards, the Board is not authorized to grant a Variance to the State Specialty Codes. . (2) Hear appeals from the Fire and Life Safety provisions of: (a) The ,Structural Specialty Code and Fire and life Safety code as specified in Article 2 of the Building Safety Codes. (b) The Mechanical Specialty Code and Mechanical Fire and L He Safety Code as specified in Article 3 of the Buil ding Safety Code s . (c) The Fire Code as specified in Chapter VII of the Springfiel d code, 1965. ,(3) Hear appeals regarding the abatement of unsafe, substandard or dangerous buil dings, structures or buil ding service equipment as provided in Article I, Section 204 of the Building Safety Codes. (4) Hear appeals from the Housing Code as provided in Article 7 of the Building Safety Codes. (5) Hear appeals for alternate materials or methods of construction not specifically described in the construction standards for signs as provided in Chapter IX of this Code. 1-11-11 ADD 11 cati on/Fee. Any person who is aggrf eved by the decision ot the Building Official and/or the Fire Chief refusing to grant a modification of the provisions or requirements as allowed in Section 1-11-10 (1) through (5) of this Article may appeal to the Board. A notice of appeal on the form prescribed by the office of the Building Official shall be submitted to that office within ten days of the decision. All notices of appeal shall be acconpanied by a fee of $100.00. " .' " . . r:-Yfl! l'-\j"l" B 1....... ~. I.! ~ ~ r,...- 1-11-12 Springfield Code 1-11-12 1-11-12 Decision of the Board. (1) All decisions relating to the suitability of alternate materi a 1 s and methods of constructi on and the reasonable interpretations of the Specialty Codes are final unless appealed, in writing, to the appropri ate State Board withi n 10 days of the Building Board, of Appeals' decision. (2) All decisions relating to the Fire and Life Safety provisions of the Specialty Codes and all Fire Code decisions are fi na 1. (3) All decisions relating to the abatement of unsafe, substandard, or dangerous buil dings, structures or buil ding service equipment provisions are final. ' (4) All decisions relating to the Housing Code are final. (5) All decisions relating to sign construction standards are final.