HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-8-1 ~.. , . . ," CITY OF SPRINGFIELD '""~ SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 [~FOR.U..\TIC~: 7:5-';7'53 IXSPECTrO~ F'.EQUESTS: 7:6.3:'6'~ CITY OF SPRr~:GFIElD SI~ CO~STRUCTla~ ~'O ELECTRICAL I~STAL~\TIO~ :u CO~IBINATIC~1 APPLICATIO:-:/PER.'IIT LOCATlO~ OF SIG~(AODRESS) A~F __r-"\~' ,-..J _"l,- S, ' ..,. LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~ ,- 17~n7,..c A /-,.:{, J- OS-jfH'J O:tSER OF PROPERTY l' ,-:1...7 ",.- fOl,E 1?r-~StYl I?- ADDRESS O:.~ER OF ADDRESS ltC.'1 TAX LOT . I <' -- - " I"^ ~-....-" l.I\.J, 7 'i(' ~;~r. ~\ D , :~ -f', ~-:~.." PHO~E ZIP SIG~~(IF OTHER TIIA.' PROPCRTY'O"liERl ;') i:LY>1 L f'/',':!,2G-/\-,,,,, 1IY\ A--rC,,/ 1 0"-:>,,,,:1....,,""'- :iA.\lE OF BUS ~ESS. FIR.'I. ETC. \-~ r~-r (.'-., (.. 1 i"l !J<f..-f.....1 . ,. ,..~, i7''';.\J nMf'W 3USmSS ,PHO~E ,') A- ("1 ? i{(!RI1, , '-4.V? <, TYP!: Or- ;.O~K: ~ EREcr ALT:!t onlER TYP= Of 5 rG~~: S IG:-l L'iL\R..3.CT::R ((EEe:.: .~P?!.IC.i3l:: rr:.~!Si : "ALL FREEST'-'DI~G X IDENTITY NO~-lDE~TlTY 2{. ROOF PROJECTI~G PROJECTI~G SEC~SD,~RY l-IARQUEE READER aO)"RD INCIDE~'TAL ~ SISGL= FACE OniER 3ILLSOARD OOUaLE FACE MULTI-rACE -' RELOCATE 5;". '.:" .... \C~OO:lS. co::r:t.\C':"::~s: SIC:: EREC7C;t ADDP..ESS CITY LIC;"SE ST.r.lSER SIC~ ~u..,\1jF'\cn:RE~ (IF onlE~ ~I.!.-\.'l E~tf~O!U ADDRESS , , ....... .. -,-.-, . .' PHO~E ' r;'" . ~ ~ .,~ EXP, DATE, 4 a~--- " " ELfCTP.ZC.\L cc:;rUCTOR ADDRESS ,- I" PHO~E PHONE ;~, ! . ~ LICE~SE Nlr.-IBER_ DI.\,r:XSIO~:S. I:;ST.~LL..;C:; ,-';0 C::::S;:l.lJGION lNFO!t.\tUU)~: ,,- TI)T)J !-lE!-::rr .1.~(\v,= c::_~n: u..{? ~RTH:,\l. DnrE~:SIO'! OF Sic;:.: l/: '.l /1' HORI:n:-:TAL wrOTI{ OF SIC~ _i/ l~ , q __ II "/. DI:'ESSIO~ FRC>! GiUur. TO BOTTO"_OF s;<;,_ , 10 THICKSESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN .--1 r DOES SIGI~ PROJSCT 5;YOSO PROPERTLUl<Ei: YES)>: NO ' IF YES, DI:,lESSIOS 3EYOND PROPERTY LI~E .: .i'~ . liOTS: IF PRCJEC':"IO' IS 1,:ORr TIlA.' 12" It'CER PUBLIC PROPERTY TIlE SICS ERECTOR ;,:UST FILE IHTIl THE BUILDV1G DIVISIOS COPIES OF HIS pua:'IC LIABILITY ""0 PROPERTY DAmGE I~SUAAliCE POLICIES. WILL SIG.' HAVE ELECTRICAL 'HRI::G?:",,~~ ~O IF YES, ~liICH APPLY? _ELECTRICAL SIGS _ILLIDIlNATED (INOlRECTLY LIGHTEO} DESC?I!!E TYPE OF ~~\TE!tr.\LS SIG~! IS CO~!S1'!'''.!CTED O~ :: ':"":'.-:~ , PROVIDE UL SlJ."BER IF APPLICA3LE SITE INFOR.'IATlO~ (LA.'D USE)--EXISn~'G 'lJSE OF VALUE OF SIGN '\, "Y --I L ' BUILDt::G OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF, VACA.'fT): .-....~,. .- f- -..>'Ct._ \;-. .-- " ',' .......1" --"",.. ','- PROPOSED USE OF BUILDI~G OR L~'D: ":Tr:- ,.. EXISTI~G SI~S (S;GN CODE): FIR.'!, ETC.-; CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: \..ruOOOR BUSINESS _OIITOOOR ~'ERCH~'DISING ARE THE1lIi- ElISTING SIG:~S? _YES /010 ' IF, YES, DESCRIBE ill EIIsr~NG.. SI~N~J9R ~US,I~E5S, . .7;:t ALL EXISTlIIG SIG"S ON PREHISES (S"-'IE TAX LOT): '. I HAVE CAREFULLY E:U.'IJNEO the. completenpplication for per.::lit and do hereby certify that all infor.:l&tion hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that :111 work perfo~ed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Unifo~ Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oreg:on perta.ining to thewoi-lc described herein. I further certify thOlt my Sign Contri1ctors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes S-2-6(~1 and 9.7-20(21. I will request all required sign inspections Ihted on the approved pernit. , 'J, ' . N-A.~E(PLEASE PRI~:T) i1\c('1 fh; ( pi+U<j hf-- SIG~ATURE \'{'" ,.. \~r, ,~, ,q- 1c~~ '"1j' uDATEJ1/;tir'rl .". ~0Q l1F=rCE USF 0:-J[.Y / ../ SIGN DISTRICT, ZONE DISTRICT-" TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGI; lNSPECTIO::S REQUIRED: _SITE/LOCATION _FOOTlSG OR ~1l;Tl[OD OF AIT,~CH.'IENT _ELECTRICAL x-"FrS,\L r _OTHER FEES: SIGS PER.'IlT: QiARGES: ~.-> ,/ EI..ECTRlCAL PER.'IlT: CHARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: ' .........-....-.. TOTAL FEE FOR PER.'IlT: . ,'. PlE.\S:: :"'::.\U . " '. . ,.~,".-,- ..,', . .. j r!:~h'.ll ',\LlU.\I'l\,;~. 1) SeoH1te Sb.ri .\':'lticJtion: ,.\ separ,J.[e J.pplic.:ltion i.s required for each sepJ.rJ.~e ~~~n ~s ~~tlneU In the Sign Code. . a) Show the 10C.1t10" of .1.11 existing signes} as well (p- b) Show t~~ lengt:' of the st:eet frontage taken up t Received For: buit..ii:'ll. c) Sho'''' the loco3e10" of' ent:-ances open to the public Jd (' Etec:trtcJ.1 - All electric3.1 signs ClUst be inspectl v.. ColI nOOK up ,Jfter the sign is erected and beiore lne-slgn 15 turned on. 2) Elec~~icJ.l: Any per~it issued under this J.pplicJ.tion ing: tn or an 5is" stru~ture. the supply wires for COI coverea on an electric31 per~it. Electrical ~onnect. only by 1 StJ.t~ Licensed Electric.:!.I (oOtr:lC:tor. Illl intern:\lly .Jnd e:c:'ter:u.lly) r.:ust conforo to Sections ~ 9.7.lS of the Sp~i~~iielJ Siin Ordin2nce. 3) P13ns Reouired: This ~pptication is to be submitted sets or plans dr3~n to sc~le, showing dimensions and vertisin~ ness3~e on sign: location of sign on propel to pro~erty line~. str~ctu31 details of support fr~: footin~s: n3tcrlals of constrJctio~ for sign and sigr trical equir~ent JnJ lighting; size and location of t pro?e~:y for the S~~e ~usines5, all as required to dt ~ith t~e Sprir.~:iclJ 5i5" Oriinance (Ar:icle 1 of tht Code). Also. show t~e follo~ing informati~n on the I showln~ property lines and location of signs): 4) When requi~ed. ~ecJuse of deSign, si:e, etc., enginee C3lcula:ions cuSt be prepared by a lic~nsed engineer to.desl~n st3ndards on file at the Buildinl Division 5) Plans or insufficient clarity or detail will be retur plicaot with no per~lt being issued. 6) Signs cust ~eet corner vision clearance requirer:l.ents Fi.. 9 of the Springfield C~=?re~en3ive Zoning Code. . 7) SOTE: ~o sign CJy be erected which is less than 12 f ~e~:ic311Y fro~ overhc3d electric31 conductors in volts, or less t~an 5 feet in any direction f:o= over Jines which are energi:ed at less than 750 volts. 8) If ~ si;n is not ins:alled within 60 days after the d this pe~it. the pe~lt shall be void. ..9~ ._.InsR.~,~~ 0) Sic~ rn~~~ction - to be ~ade before the sii" is p :~e Foo::~~ I~~~ec:ion (if applicable) oay be mnd ti~e 3S c~~ Si:e inspection. The Footinz Inspect. cau~ 3ftcr holc{s) is excavated. but prior to the Concrete. b) c) Fin31 r~soection . to be made upon completion. of , will i.,t"I'u~"wi..- Q' CITY OF SPRINGfiELD City Hall Springfield. Oregan Department af Public Warks OFFICIAL RECEIPT " . \, \\~ AS. 18J~O, B (rl Rec'd From\'\\\t-~?'~J~ Address ,~'1.J..)G ~U,_f~ " . , ' C:71t:"; ...J {. J! { Dote ( (:". 'r , lie , - \ ' , Mp.:'f\.'." ~ ::', (, ". J ~u{) c c ( ( Amount Received .' '::J.C)U -Thl~ ~ .Cfb--J ( (" c.~ c. n...," C' AUTMOIIIIZIfO SIGMATUIlIf 1"I.L,a"-'''Il'''.''LL HI."'I....' ."01.... all' ".0'- f.'i' )~-' -\.-., . ~ (,.' aL[; FOR 'mE REQUIRED I~$?ECTIO~S ON TIlE 24 HDU~ INSPECTIO~ LISE AT 726-3i69. ~ SPECIAL CO~DlTIO'S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIG~I: ADDITIO~AL INFO~'~TION NEEDED BEFORE Pml~IT ~~Y BE ISSUED: Pt....~S REVIE;iED BY: .\ ..,: .' . ~'. ., DATE