HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Sewer Connection Record 1964-10-1 . '. S;':WE~ 1I EN AND CONNEr-riON AGREENENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for a"c In consideration of the pro- vision of a public sewer facltllty constructed by the City of Springfield, a municipal corpo:"atlvn In Lane Count,!, Cregun, fOl' the benefIt of the real property hereln described, we. Marke Harket. Inc. , the legal owners of the property do hereby agree to tile pl."lcement of, and grant to said c~ty a lien upon our property benefited and described as follows: Marks Harket '105 Haln Street, Sprlngfl.ld. Oregan BegInnIng at the ttDrthast corner of Lot I. Ilock I. llaugle. Gardene. thenc. South J71.61 feet to tile South IIna of Lot 5, Ilock I.thcmc:e \lest 117.22 f.at on South line of lot S. thence Horth '71 62 feet. thence la.t to tile poInt of beginnIng. ALSOl BegInnIng et . point ,..,.00 feet a.stof the Hort_at eorner of Lot ,. Block I, Douglas &ardenl. platted and recorded Vol\lllle 4. paga n. Lane County Oregon 'let Ilecordl, running t~ South "1.62 feet. thence lalt 125.89 feet. thence North 311.62 feet and "-lC thence Vest 125.89 feet to tile piece 0' begInnIng. ElClnl that portIon thereof conveyed to Lene County by deed recorded In VoIU1118 160. page 602. Lena County Oregon Geed Records. &.8ne County. Oregon. * Said real property described shall be held as securl ty for the re-payment of the ;::bove SlOm In ten equal semi-ann:Jal Installments, plus accul'ed Interest at the rate of 6% from the date hareof on the balance of t~e unpaid assessment. The Initial payment of prlncl::>al and Interest will be made by the property o~mer sl); (6) IIIOnths from the date Or this agreement. 159.5 'eet Gl> .,.t,O . 542.00 11.165 sq. ft tl $02S . 279.1) Amount of Lien: $ 821.1, Total .aunt . 1821.11 it is further provided that this lien may be foreclosed as other city Ilena In accordance with the provisions of the Ordinances and Charter of tl1e City of Springfield In the event that Installment payments Including Interest, are not paid wIth six (5) mcnths of their due date. This Ulen has been compute.d ai; being one- half (;lJ of the equivalent cost of, an eight (8") Inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rata of $3./10 per abutting front foot for 159.5 feet alld does not Include the cost of a house connection to Gald trunk se~':ar, seWer user char.n.es, plumbing permi ts or other such CQets to bE: assumed by the property owner. Plul 11.165 square foet fj) ..025 ,., aq. ft. , This lien and agreement to pay the same shall be bln~lng upon the undersigned who a,e the o~mers of the real property herein descrIbed and shall 'bind theIr heirs, executors, administrators, ass!gnc and successors In Interest, and: until paid, shall be, construed to be a cova:1ant rumli rig wi t:l the "md Dated at Sprlngfield,,'(kegon, thls lIt day of Octobe, , 19 64 "}'<! ~ j/ P / ..:,;-/$' r! Y..A-~f'!t:' .J;---eS', Iv~ (\y <"'t) c:,< ,S> ,) C. ~~'/ fI - "y '" .(\ ,...:,~<~ ',- -7""/',p' u.<<~./ ...... ~ (,,' .,..." :0' /:r:J ~ / .... <:s Q,:" .<$-o 1.1, r' 4- 0' .... /, , "'/ "" ss I 7-" {\) \8 ( SE^L) (SEAL) SlATE OF OREGON ) ) County 9f Lane. ) ..,.' . ,,'''.On this 'I~ ". . day of Octobe, nie...jt.Notar'y.'Pu~I.I~ln and for saId County arid ,.....k. ""''''.. .ftC. and Roger M. Medford Identical: persons descr.lbed In and who executed ledged to me that :they executed the same freely purposes_therein named. ",. } . , 19 64 , personally came before State, the within named K. E. Medford - to me personally known to be the within Instrument, and acknow- and vohmtarlly for the uses and W!'mESS {if:} hand and seal this day and year last above written. ~J;/ ~ ~' NOT'ltYIt~,!WtIC My Commission Expires