HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1984-5-4 .. RESI.T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Looation: 330S Mn.i {\ Skrf'e'+ ABCeBGOrS Map n\"l D7_?1 ~ \ Tax Lot n ()~HY) Subdivision: 11 s.. ~ MI\ d, ('1\-\..0 . \I \ \ 'P P rLV'l -S~r e.t"--+ ~ _,I 1'fY)~' Dr J Q.mer: Address: City: 4 &s - ~~Sd. Ct-,wnl Phone: Zip: ~ Rcae~pt # &:;;'K L{ ~ * [l.M., n Additicn n Remodel n ~liliDD~Oribp~ LPilliaQ ~ ~rla ~ to g:~~()(l0Cl.Ll.Jh/l. '-6 WoJJ.-. u.)\'ux'"e.. WUllJ..)U,.l.: ,'.fobi Ze Boma Date of Applioaticn ..: t:; ,3,81 value:5lY). CO Contractors Address General , 0 Ci.IlM' ~ f....OoQh.l-u mtl.nOllOA"IL/ ^f:; Plumbing . ') (J EZectrical l.fBchar.ical Construction Lender It is the responsibility of ths permit hotder to see that all inspections are made at the proper time, that each ~e88 is readahZe f1"Om ths street, and that the perrrrit card is Located at the fPOnt of the propezoty. .Bui~ing Divi=ior. approved pLan shell remain on the Building Sit~ at all times. PHOCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CAlL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number~ job adi:rcss~ type of in:;pea=icn requestcd ar.d when you wilZ be ready for in8pcction~ Contra~tors or OWners ncme and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 ~ :..'ill be made the same dc.y~ requests made after 7:00 am will be made the next :xJrking day. l?P."!J1:"'pr! r7'l~,ryl'.(!f:1:r;7'Il:: D SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation~ but prior to set up of forms. o UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and- forms are el"ected~ but proior to pouring ccncret~. UNDSRCFOTIND PLl/MRINCo SEWER. W.1TE11 DRAINAGE: To be-made prior to fil- ling trenches. o o UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instaZlation of f100r insulation or decking. POST AND BEAU: To be made prior to instaZl.ation of floor insulation 01' decking. ROUCH PT,UMBING_ E!r.ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered ,until thcse inspections have beer. made and approved. . FIRE:PLACE: Prior to placing fac~ng materiaZs and before framing inspec- tion.. O FRANINC: Must be requested after apPl'ova.Z of rough plurr.bing~ electri- .cal & mechanical. ALl roOfing bl"aaing & chinmcys~ etc. Trl'..lst be ;'completad. No /;XJrk is to be con- .....cealed until this inspection has . be6!1 made and approved. o o o Your City Desigr.n.ted Job Number Is: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION, To be made after all insulation ~~ . . ' required vapor ba:rriers are in place " ". but before any lath, flYpsum boa:Nl. or wll covering is applied, and before . a1!-y irwuZation is concealed. r-:! ...rfRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made L.::::::) after all dxyzJa.ZZ is in place, . but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel location, boiul beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with U. B. C. Sectian 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is acmpleted. . D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aftero forms are erected but prior to pouring aoncrete. o SIDEWALK & DRIt'EWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-wc.y, to be made after all exca- vating canplete & form u:Jrk & sub- base material in plaoe. Signed: Date: C!L. <:,\~ ~- 4--6 I D D FENCE: When. compl.;te -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . .',"" Lisc.# ~Otqn{J) Exvires Phone . 5-2ID-~1f ~40~ II DE/.JOLITION OR ;~;OVE!J BUILDIiiCS ~ Sanitary Se'..Jer i.!apped at p~opc:rt'~. line ~ Septio tank p:.<.o;:ped and fille~ with gra::el : ~inal - h~en ~:~e ita~8 are oG'Pleted.. I ~ -;;.d when der.Joz..",um l..S complete or stru~-I ture moved and premises clea.ned up. I I Nobi le Homes j :::J Blocking and Sat-:.tp :::J Plumbing connections sc:wer and water :::J Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and plumbing connections nr..lst ce approved . before requesting electrical inspec=ion =:J Accesso1"".i Bui~ing --, Pinal - After p::Jrc1:es~ skirting, decks, ---l etc. are completed. o All project conditions, :Jucn as the installation of street trees, co.'."Ipletion of t;w required Zandscc:pi1".g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be raquestzd. rV FINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Building Inspection must be requeoted alter the Final Plumbing ~ Electrical~ and. Mechar.ical Inspectiono have been made and approved. D FINAL PLUMBIlIG D FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL ,0 "'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/tENT TO BE M/1DE AT lIO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I JO B NO. Rl.J()~1'1 I Zona: Lot Sq. Ft{;. S of lot Caverag;; .II of Stories Total Height Topography lITEM I Main I Ga::t>OCl! I Carport I Ac:!ce880!'U ..SQ.FTG TOTA& VALUE Is.D.c. cuct.UC) 1.5 " Building Permit State Suroharge Tota l Cha.""'ges lITEM I Firtures I Residential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer ,I Water Plwnbing Permi t State Surdo.arge Total CharQes ,lITEM NO. I Res. Sa. fto. I Now/EXtend Circuits I Temporary SePlJice EleatricaZ Permit State Suraharqe Total Charces lITEM I P'ur'nace ETU'S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan. I Wbodsto:Je Permit Issuance Me::hanic::zZ Permit State SurchaPae '1'ntnl Chnroop.n SOLAR .ESS Oceu.r;an.c~ GrG".J.':J: 110. I FEE I I I I I I NO., I I I I I I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Sec-.ao1.ttl Deposit I Storage I Maintm1lI7U!8 I Permit Total Cha1'acS I Curbout I Sid_lk .Pen:Je Electrica l Labe 1. I Mobi le Home I 'f)~JVVlLlTlON I I TOTA& AMOUNT DUE:' WT TYPE x FEE FEE In.terior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac Value I I I I I I I I. I In.OOI .4-01 16401. CRARGE CHARGE I I I I j CHARGE , I I I I I~OC I I ~8.i.k)1 REQ.- e 'L-COG~ Bedroor.:s: Enerau Soul"ees Heat Water Hf?at~1" Range Fireplace Wooda tOL"e T;.;pe/Cor..st: I Lot Faces - Setbacks I P. [,. House CCU"aQe Access. 1N0rth lEast ISou th IWest T~r1e I 1'1 i Faes Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the sdid constI'Uction shaU~ in all. respccts~ conform to the Ol'dinar.ce adopted by the City of SpringfieLd~ including the Zoning C1'dinance~ regulating the ccnstI'Ucticn and UGe of buildings~ and m::zy be suspended 01' revoked at cr:y time upon vie- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. .,; Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Rec~ipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct~ instalZ~ alter or change any new or ezisting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part~ unless such perBon is tr~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's Zicense~ except tr4t a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is owned~ leased or operated by the appz.i- oant. I. I i I I I I I , . Electrical Permit .Where State Lt;;a.J requires tr.at the electrical. work be done by an Electrical Contractor~ the electrical portion of this permit shal.Z not be valid until the 7.abel has been signed by the Electrical ::ontractor. Mechanical Permit . Plan Exa17ttner va.e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.ItfINED ths completed application for permit~ and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct~ and I f'..lrthcr certify that any ar.d all work perfornled shall be do:'le in accor- dance lJith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield~ and th;: La:,;s of tha ,. State of Oreg~n partaining to the work described her(J"';n~ end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be m:J.de of any stroctU1'2 without parmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that a:'Ily contractors and enpl~yees who are in compliance with ORB 701.055 will be used on this project ~?~ \ . "Signed \,':.- 'f - f+