HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1986-2-27 .n" 31' J>f - 5ID(' (];~... t.. " " '-I." . 3305 ~5~St-, ~ . SPRINGFIELD I ',' r, ~ ' " , . . .".\:;,/;i;~ .' , .~::.-:. ";'., . ,. . . 1......1../.'... ~ . 1..1["" ','. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD .,-, . . ., Office of Community & Economic Development :'\-..r,~" " .' i" ':::'. -.,~~~ . ':";': .:...:~:. .J. . .... ,. ." ..--- :.~:: I ',' I.::, ;!~",. , ': - ' Planning and Development Department :.", ~ " .. ' ,.' ;1. .,' ".. , , ,r " ,,: . , . b 27 1986 ,I .'<'.,;.( ,,'\'::1',::"':,: :,.r':::ard'BrySOn;~<;~::;';:, r." I ('.'~:<,.:'..r';:!~:~'?'::"'J.\..:,~.j.~l;.~"~'",:'.;" '~,. .,': :"':":.::.' .,::,:" ..., " Bryson & Bryson .., :,...... . . '. ,,;': . ': " .' . ..A I. ':. . - . " ,. .,,. ,I" , , '1"'''''' ,> .Attorneys at Law ", ,'. . . " ,', . '..l L' /.. I. . ""\I~' l'-'l,,.l\ .'. . I" " '''., (r'" . '<' .1-. 1 . fJ ."" . h"l' ,1,' '\ . ,:1 "Y"'~';: 1565 Oak Street '~I"'Jr,,'''''\i...r.:''I' "; J,.,":, 'I" ,~,. .. ~..".,......"i.~'" ..~<!o.'~'''''\J( 1~'l\fY.'>t> . .' . ' " .......... . ",' ..", . ,.., :' ll.:~)~~fl~.~:\r':' Eugene, Oregon, 974"1 " \l"~ 1~: '. '. '.;, '. i' .f' :. ' .,' '. ..'. " ~: ..' ..... ': "q..: ' ': t.....,.t~'v:l':~ '.i'., ~~':J'-i~\ (:,.,,~, "'VA"\flrll'~Jc. , ( , l'I,' " ' .."" '" , . ....; , ' ., , .. 'f "f.,'t .... '.~ . .', 'f' ,.1' ,l',\~,r.~:l~~~/~ Re. 'L 'tilL' 'Ad: ~. ~'I'i :l, ~ 's' c ~. t ,... '.':t: :34~ . d Ma' 'Str '~ : :tl.~}1:.~}t\:' ...~f' ,q':~,;.,~ '~:~I~~lm~:::"~_fl~/d;W~;HI,.:.'rl:",~,,:...lne ~ ,J~j". ~'I'"",;~,,,,,,~,, :~\\,~~~j~";,,c~r~"'~l .. 'f'~ ~~., ee:"(r.~.'d'n,~ ,.,'J::. .,..!;.'.It~,,~.)t.\r{."" . .,'....~ll.!~...\. ,.(...., I", 'h' f. J\.,I.." .~".,~"., '\': ','" :r . . " , ' .., " . " " . ,'I ., , ~" ~.", ,ft, " ' , . "I' 1 ~. { , " .. '.;Ji" J(L 'Dear Mr Bryson . " I ... '., .;,' ':'" ",'~:..'" )'" "'f .... "" ., ,"" '. '~", "" 'f J \. J\ t . . ,. f .. 'i" . ~ ' , , . " ,. /".~ 1l',:~'::"',;1;,', .~';" , . I ; :. t, ,;.1." " .' I,' . " I.., " ~,i"~~":"\.; \, "I am . . .. letter of Febru.a'ry' 21," 1986, on " . d'" '.", ",.,' .,. wn ting in response ,.to. your '\:I;:';"~'{\"fA\~lleha1f of Gregory S. Mott, Develo!;ment Code Administrator, who is ill .,..<::~,.j';:r;)i.~ not expected to return to work until mid-March." ..' '. !'<".., " ,,~(t: .,"> have three points to make. - .....-....- .. ... '.'1'::"".'/:': .1. since a five foot portion of Lot 1, Four a's 'Subdivision was ,', ..... ..',\ ://0.: : purchased by your client, a Lot Line Adjustment has in effect -~f::,; ~ I '.' :,':,'q", occurred. ,',! ~'I . .).,: ;7\<.; :.' .~ . "I.. . , '...~' ;. : 2. In response to the setback issue, you did not mention the staff person or persons who discussed setbacks with you. In the existing Zoning Code which was adopted in May, 1982, side yard setbacks are addressed as follows in the C~,...c~cial Districts (Section 4.05 B.): .' \\ ',' ~ ,~i~I'I'I'U "l' '; ,", ..~ 'J ,19 ' "" ~:. 'i,l,,;,!l',,!,,! ~", . "Side yard: '., ' " '\1J;i,(...,<..:~..~.i/,I,..~" ""::1' . , .~: \.~,{!:~ ,",' - '1, .,;': 1,;.(~~.<\t;~:;.~' ; "!::<~))}:~'.:", ,... ~one required except for the following , '" ! ~ ; '.' t~j~'l,:) ,:,' ',: ,',', ~L '1. , :\' i'~ ':' 01.1': , ,I.",.' ~.' <(~: ., t.; ". :. ,;,.".\, ';;. i , ,,;' '.,/ \ :', ,f,' :;4"J,<: l~ :1."', ," ',,' "i.' ," ~'I'J_} ::~';:. circumstances: 1;:-1. ",\,! 1. When abutting residentially zoned property '<\"1' I;', Building setback Parking setback 10 feet 5 feet 2. When side yards are provided they shall not be less than 3 feet in width to allow maintenance access." ,. In addition, the previous Zoning Code which was adopted in April, 1978, addressed side yard setbacks in the C-4 C~....c~cial District as follows (Section 17.04 (b)): I ~ ~ .. " " , , , "Side yard: ':~: ':~, 1. No side yard is required between COllIllercially and industrially zoned properties. '.. :.'. . 1.'-' ,; .225 North Sth Street · SPrin~e~,~: Oregon 97477 .:. :.~3/7~~7~~.V\\l{iA:~::~~ . _J,.:,. '__'~"";'-i.f..-l.Ll:,,,,:,~,,:~~:j,....; *"';~ .t('l~~:~..r;;." .. j ,'.! .' .~,~~}.'k~i;'~:..,,}..-: .,_",',;. ,~3.' "~. ~. q '):;"~..:,,.~:n~:";~. ,'r,: y~,i/~r."J.~~. ./";i.";",'.~/~lj! ~.~ji',..'.. . . Ii".~-'n_........_,._ .....~ _.. ..... _........v::,._'l'4..t. -'-_._'...._;(i-..t<,...,,=,,?....... ..~l;JjJl......I". :'~~i'.'.\:;.l\<'i. . . ,I ,.,e . " . "~' r " ;'.. .; ~~.: ,; ; , ,\, ,4.1" '12. ~~\~(,~r:~"~ t~,. t 11 :.:.:.\:, " ' . ,.,.~ ..;'\1 .?l',.........~.,." . \,., ~"'hW ,~\'(1, ".', . 3 ' , . ,'(:-1:.,.; ,. When abutting a residentially zoned district; 19 feet: parking . area setback; 5 feet. .... ':, .' -.,... . ..',..... , :-., street side' yard: Building setback; 19 feet. '" , ! ", ;,1 . ,~...... .... " ". , '. .-,....,. .... 4. When side yards are' provided (3) feet in width." they shall not be less than three .,t' ,,-,' 3. Typically, a survey is suggested in order to protect all parties . ., ....... involved in a Lot Line Adj ustment. In a case like this where a ,., J 'building is close to the new lot line, a new survey, legal' :,,', :' ,::;;:; ..l" description and deed of record for the two lots involved is ..... ).<:;,:.,;:.\;;,::;,~;,;". :,:\:~i9h~;r' r~--:":-:-:7ed. '.}~~;:\i;,' ,:;. I.,., ",',;."" :>,1.:,; ,; "" ," '''''\: ,:~' , . , ' I ',':',.,Since it appears. that .'this Lot Line 'Adjustment meets all the . :';_" :,',. ", standards listed in Mr. Matt's . letter, the City 'hereby grants .,' ..' .",,, approval to this Lot Line Adjustment. .:. , ( ;,. ." -., . .'.' . If you have any further . , 726-3777. '.., " .' ',"" ,. questions, please feel free to contact me at '. ,"i',,''/".,i... '., \ '. 1., ." :, .,Si~"'Y' ~ ,~rp~ ',; ~ 'Associate Planner l"~', .::. " 1'..,' .', '. .' , ' I 'It:" . cc: Cynthia Harmon Sid Hamnond u.s. Creditcorp ,:/:" 'r- . ...i; ....1.' % Mr. Bryson " ":1. ">", \' .' ,. " ,,' . '; "~I .,'; ',' ~ ',' ". , " . '"c,., t. ,. .;'..1,.".. ',.. :..., " , .;,. , " ,. .,/..,' " : " '.' . -~',' I " '11" . ..,-'" '., .1-': :, , " ; ~ " . .,":' .. , ,',! .'.,.. '.: '. ., I' :..1.:'..1.......; . ~'!. " ,. " . '... h ~', ,'. ~ ... . ':,.', " .1.' .,' .> . . ~',I ,',., " .',' ,~ 1.' , .._....1 _,'... , .. '. .'. ..'-.....:..11) ,\ .. , , . ';.,:.~ . , , .. '::- ,):j.i f~l I'. ~ / "--. '. :~'. " .~ " .. ""-. ',. .....\,;....<., ...oH"..._;..~s..+-ert.;..., :.. _~';'~:....,..,""': . ,:..t~.~ . . RAN O....LL BRYSON RICHARD BRYSON BRYSON 8 BRYSON ATrORNEYS AT LAW 1565 OAK STFU::~T EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TELEPHONE {S03} 687-1333 February 21, 1986 Mr. Gregory S. Mott Development Code Administrator City of Springfield Office of Community & Economic Development 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Subject: Lot Line Admustment for U. S. Creditcorp at 34th and Main Street This is in response to your letter of February 11, 1986. It seems to us that you do not clearly understand the background of the matter. The fact is that when the subdivision was approved there were two independent property owners, one of whom owned Lot 2 and the other owned Lot 1. The building belonging to the owner of Lot 2 extended across the boundary line into the property held by the owner of Lot 1. The architect involved filed a sketch which was inaccurate in that it showed the entire building was well inside the propery lines of Lot 2; however, the City surveyor has told us that he was aware of the overlap and took the word of the parties that they would remove that part of the building which encroached onto Lot 1. This was not done. We also want you to understand that the reason that our client purchased the five-foot buffer strip and the reason that we applied for the lot line adjustment was in each case that representatives of your department told us that those steps were necessary and were required by the relevant ordinances. We were also told no survey would be required in connection with the lot line adjustment. As it now appears to us from your letter of February 11 that a lot line adjustment is not required by the City of Springfield we hereby withdraw the request for lot line adjustment. BRYSON & BRYSON By /24/t!/.~/'Z.,,,/?~~. . Richard B;y;,7 -~-<-- RB:ve . .tili!~~~ ....(...:..\ ': 'CITY OF SPRINGFIELD". Office of Community & Economic Development . '" ""'''''''''- ,/ . , . . ' Planning and Development Department ... 1;1 , , ," . ..... .1 n .,'" . !'" .. . ,", February 11, 1986 . :!, ,t. ",' l.t ; ~\n.'., , . , , .: ., ''1.' ~.,. . ....~ '(I~ .:' ::< ,'. -"j: ", ,>, '.' " .. Mr. Richard Bryson ,""' " Bryson & Bryson Attorneys at Law . .'",. 1565 Oak Street.. ...' . ......:.:. . ,~;,ll: ....l}l~~rv,:.i>,'.. Eugene t Oregon 97401 . ,,~..',<;:;. "...., \.:'",\ '.1 .' :. . :'\-, ',:': ~ , ; ; ~p :". (!') .~ " ", .::,r:.~(, . . \. / j'!')', . ..' . .1~::;".;':~~1'.,"~"~' r(I.<'I"""';' :...."!.' "~l.l-'t ":~ -,..: .....:'~:\.';l,~ "'I~ """1~"'1. ,..~.,.., '..".;':';....,' SUbject: Lot Line Adjustment for U. S. Creditcorp at "34th and Main Street .... : ':':':"~ . ~'r>> . , .' ", Dear Mr. Bryson, .' .,.... '. .',. ':. i., :,.,'., . . , I", ,..,..... ". ",. ".11. . > ,"j,., >.,' ,'j' , ' '. ',' . ';:,", . We regret any inconvenience the platting of Four B's subdivision may have caused " your client. To our knowledge there is no provision in the state subdivision .~' .,statue that requires the removal of buildings from newly created tax lot " boundary 1 i nes pri or to recordat i on of the fi na 1 plat. Unt il cont i guous parce 1 s :, ,":'. are independently held by separate parties, newly created tax lot boundary lines .. I.' need not be observed for purposes of establishing set back requirements. Upon transfer of title any existing or new structures must conform to the set back requirements of the district in which they are located. """';';'..' . ' ::,.,. ":,,' , ,. .' , . " ,,',',' , ""'f,! :, '.; '~,li" ",1,1'\' :,.',:i",j;., ",.1'1 The City's procedure for lot line adjustments involves the review of the proposed adjustment to ensure the following standards are not compromised: .' :, 1. The proposed lot line adjustment will not create a new parcel. ~.J' .,fli 2. The proposed lot line adjustment will not create a land-locked parcel (no direct frontage on dedicated public right of way). 1.-:.. " ",,,,,.., . I r/: .fl'~. ,;,:p . "", '.' 3. . '::" The proposed lot line adjustment will not effect the future best development of the property. ,.. , , ., 4. The proposed lot 1 i ne adj ustment wi 11 not create a parce 1 of substandard. size or dimension. 5. The proposed lot line adjustment will not cause existing structures to be in violation of s~tback standards for the district in which they are found. 6. The proposed lot line adjustment will'not compromise existing standards or conditions imposed at an earlier date by the Springfield Planning Commission or City Counci 1. 7. The proposed lot line adjustment does not confer development rights pr land use permission for the newly acquired property without proper City review. .225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 . ,~.' 4..,... .'I....;,;..,..J. ... !. ',~ . ~.~~<\..~'~tj . t , , . . \ ...... ..'.il.), ~'l"': .\;, ';:, . ",':i" . .,Using the information provided by your office it does not appear that any of the . ::::....above standards. would be violated by the proposed lot line adjustment. There .,:~: are two i~ems, however, which may be of interest to your client and the owner of lot 1. First, there are no side yard setback requirements in the commercial district in which these properties are located. The "necessary five foot setback" you mention in paragraph five of your letter applies only to parking or building setbacks when adjacent to residentially zoned property. Additional fire resistive wall ratings are required, but this is true anytime a commercial structure is setback less than 20 feet from a property line. , . , '}.' t. 1\' The second item I alluded to involves a long and narrow lot becoming narrower. '. <It may be. that such a configuration will not affect the marketability of this I'. . property. Pract i ca 1 development of the lot, however, becomes more diffi cult as the .dimensions of the property become distorted. '. . "1 '., If you provide reco rd further should decide to complete this proposed lot line adjustment, please our office with a copy of the new survey, legal description, and deed of for these two parce 1 s. If you have any quest ions or are in need of assistance, please contact me at your convenience. I.. ".oJ""'" , ~.. cordiall~" l.~~t+, lA (~ . I 1-rvX--"-/ re "ry . Mott e~,opm t Code Administrator cc: Cynthi a Harmon Si d Hammond U.S, 8reditcorp ",' '" -. , . -oj 1 , , . I: i . " ,.: ,", '.~ l. , " . ~ ' "'. '_~.I ;, t lj .~.. . ,'.... .-',.. :;., .' I ~ ,"..,1'.. . J . /', ',r r::..i.'.~. ',..,', "'- '.iL~'.. . . RANDALL BRYSON RICHARD BRYSON BRYSON 0 BRYSON AITORNEYS AT LAW IlSes OAK STREET r~:~~1m EUGENE. OREGON 97401 TELEPHONE (503) 6e7~1333 January 21, 1986 City of Springfield Planning and Development Department Ci ty Hall 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Re: Lot Line Adjustment Four B's Plat Gentlemen: We are writing on behalf of our client, U. S. Creditcorp, concerning the boundary line between Lots 1 and 2 of the sub- division called Four B's Plat at the southwest corner of the intersection of 34th Street and McKenzie Highway in Springfield, said plat being recorded in File 73, Slide 246, Lane County Oregon Plat Records. This plat was approved on or about May 24, 1979, notwith- standing the fact that there was a building on Lot 2 known as Terry's Market which was encroaching over the boundary line onto Lot 1, contrary to the platting requirements. The City was aware of the encroachment, but approved the plat anyway, relying on oral assurances of the subdivider that he would remove the encroachment. He never did remove it. Thereafter, U. S. Creditcorp loaned money to the subdivider, unaware that the City had allowed an encroachment and took a mortgage on Lot 2. Eventually the mortgage was foreclosed and U. S. Credit corp became the owner of Lot 2 by sheriff's deed, copy of which is enclosed, recorded November 15, 1982, on Reel 1219, Reception No. 8234096, Lane County Oregon Records. U. S. Creditcorp is still the owner of Lot 2. After learning of the building encroachment, U. S. Creditcorp removed that part of the building that was on Lot 1, shown in yellow on the attached sketch. Our client then purchased from the owner of Lot 1 a strip of land five feet in width along the entire west line of Lot 2 so as to provide the necessary five foot setback. Copy of deed to U. S. Creditcorp from Mark's Enterprises and the Medford family is enclosed. . . City of Springfield Page 2 January 21, 1986 We request a lot line adjustment in the common boundary line between Lots 1 and 2 of Four B's plat, moving the old line five feet to the west so as to conform to the acquisition by U. S. Credit corp of said five foot strip in order to comply with your setback requirement. Very truly yours, BRYSON & BRYSON By. I?~A(/(~~ Richard Bryson I RB:cc Encs. ,"-- I :i , \ ~~ ~!!I C)& a ~ '- ~ ~ ~ -:~ ./ . ; , I I . , A/OTF :' . 15UILDJA.l6 ~ ~~, PR(),o~.eT'i LIN, / t- I>>j 41 O'D9'4~HE' ~(,';8i1' 1 =".. <:; ~ , .~ , '!J" or ~I C) ... tII .. 44' J. . ~~. 1.:.;,,' .....' .. . -.#11 r L , .. .. - - . . 1Il:h ~ ~ l' ~ l>~ , 'l\ ~b ~ ... " /4(,' It:DPc. WAiJf:'... . Cov#JeEI> t~. :;AC .._-.v€Nle.ur... '-- ... I ....----...--~....,... ---- '--- c. ' . -J' ~ulJ4'G' UTILITY ~""~"_~.vr . . 'e. -.$~>-.O-9'+5~J4./ ;-Z(,Z.~. . ,-- - ,"" L_.., '. ~ . --- ~vet. '. Z~.HJ:J --. -...... . . -" "--".:.f.' ~.: . _ ,M'''''' . ~rlreEr-:.._ '.'., - :--:: . t' . to U. .... ~ t ''J [~!..: 'I ,. ~ ,.~. \Jf --~ - -- & "1 ~-' ... \" , . ,''!'T' --,-: \ , i t'-;~ ~t" t~ " . , .. ~iO ~r; ....G .... . :i ' 'bl\l ~~ ~~ ';~ .~ " :) ~ ~ " " -- i , I 1'3- :- :, i ;.? . ...n, H'" -... ""11- ....... ~i .. Ul -r- H.O 1:1..- " '" I ~- ...... ~J' g ti. r- ., ~ ~. "" !; .. 'Q ~ ~.. " :.\ .:: 'tl ~ 0;0- ).. "" ~~ l), 10" ~ 01:1. !l\. 'tI :J ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~:; ~ """::a (') ~ ()I" 0 ~ "\ ~ 2 ci. ~ ):., n- ~ ~,: :ti. , ~ H.." ;.: "T- n , ~ ! =' .:: ' , . o ., " II> <> + :' ~ ~ I' .' II' ::' ,7 - yC: . _J ,) -' I?- " 8542331 tt WARRANTY' DEED '"" KENNETH MEDFORD, JOSEPHINE MEDFORD, CLAIRE N, SWAINSTON, individually and MARK'S ENTERPRISES. a partnership whose sole members are and at the time of acquisition of the following-described real property were Kenneth Medford, Josephine Medford and Claire M. Swainston, . the g-l"antClI" s . do hereby g-I":tllt. baJ'g'ain. sell and convey unto u. S. CREDITCORP, an Oregon corporation, the j.(rantee ,the following described premises, to.wit: Beginning at a point on the North line of Lot 2, Four Bs as platted and recorded in File 73, Slide 246, I."ne County Oregon Plat Records, in Springfield, Lane County, C Oregon, said beginning point bein8 North 890 44' West a distance of 127.5 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot 2, and rUn thence South 00 09' 45" West a distance of 262.83 feet more or less along the west line of said Lot 2 to the South line of said Lot 2; thence North 890 43' 07" West s distance of five feet; thence North 00 09' 45" East parallel with and five feet Westerly from the West line of said Lot 2 a distsnce of 262.83 feet more or less to the North line of said Lot 2 and thence South 890 44' East a distance of five feet to the place of beginning. This instrument.does not guarantee that any particular use may be made of the property described in thIs instrument, A buyer should check with the appropriate city or county planning department to verify approved uses. 3935A001 11/21/85 ~EC **0003** 12.1 ~ , TO JlA VE ANI) TO HOLI) the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee its successors b..... und ussigns forever. And the said Grantom do hereby convenant to and with th" suid Cranle" ,that they are the owner in fee simple of said premises; that they are free from .111 illl'llmbnIlH.'c~ except easements, conditions and restrictions of record and property taxes, und that the y will warrallt ulld defelld the same from all. other luwful cluims whatsoever. Th" true and 'll'twiJ consideration for this transfer is 'II other value given or promised (settlement of claims) plus $2,000.00. The foreJ.(oinJ.( ,'e,'ital of COlIsi"eratio~,. is true, us I verily believei-lARK' S ENTERPRXS~~ 1lttt.,.j..:_d:> /1-1-"'" p t.t. ~~jh}-:A By , 't. 1J1-1~ ' . - Kl!nl)et.J;l7;M. edford . . ~ Itllnneth Me ford --' )-. ~-p~Mei ~:Et .) ~i ~~~J?fh1neMed~~tL) j .1. lVtM...lfJJJl4m!il."r!i?';:j1rsEALJIJv. ANf/J ,-:'J /WohM/ ~1l.U~L) - 'J nd _ Caire M, ~wainston of E~~t ot~I~!~~ M. Swainston ~.~ ~O~~~a ^~ , y _.. STAT~; oF:.~~,,~)I~. os: On this . " day of , .,10 85 STATE OF CALIFORNIA lOON" Uti THII "AC.; IU.UVID FOI IICORDING LAIlILI CountY ot Tu / Q r e-- f SS. UNDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTl On 9JjI.;(,;{ IJ~ da. f!J.~ r,' / .In tho .oar /9' t'.s' . before me, ......1. H ~/..I) .of 1'1S A} Notary)'ublic In and to, laid Stat.. .."ona". ap_'od t' e n 17 ~ t t, /M .. d' t.$) n/ . Plnonellv known to m. (or Proved to me on the basil of I8tilhw:torv evid.ncel to be the person{s) whOle neme(d Ia/er. subscribed to this instrument and acknowledged thllt /"'he ........-;.ecuted it. WITNESS my hand and official .al. ~L~ rr;?,~- T;I;WKJ:'~'<' ';' lj~~.f."'it'll /'Ofl\;,( PUBl.ICI U~?) ..:I;:;./} TUIM~~: CL.l.:hiY, CAi.:rOR"'IA _j. ~L ~'J..~~ _~~':f~'l .' :;5';1;';0 b;.irdt !.i,', ", I~," , I . . --......-..--.-......-;,..-. ...~..;;.=....~..;:;;:.,,;::...;..- _..C .-e;.. Signature 52.0718 (11-82) fNotary', Seal) -~ _. - - ... -~._- /~ .:'- ~ . . 8542331 Sf ATE OF (]J ')"..,.,.,) ) , ~i:l-nu ) ) 55. ) Coonty of On this~/~: day of 7J2",_u , 1985, personally carne before 100, a Notary Pubhc l.n am for said oomty am State, the within named JOSEPHINE l'lU1rUNJ, to 100 personally krown to be the identical person described in and wOO execut:e3 the within instrument, am acknowlEdgEd to 100 that she executEd the same freely and voluntarily am for the uses am purposes therein named . ...... WITNESS my han:'I am seal this day am year last above written. ....... /db-<-u Q-dcC Notary Public for -i-/. . / (/1-. .-; ,,""-/ . .-. -.f a.:7 (2.-", ,.., J~t'"'''Hj u;] ..It.::-f''l ..-.... Sf ATE OF urAH ) County of~__ ; 55. . ?/J/L. ~-../ 1 8 1 f On thl.S cP(/" _' day of /.1': ~".G , 9 5, personal y came be ore 100 a Notary Public l.n and for sal. Coonty ara State, Jl\NE'1' SWAN, the Personal Representative of the Estate of Claire M. SWainston, DeceasEd, am who executEd the within instrument; am ckoowlEdged to me that she executed the same freely 'am voluntarily and for the uses am purposes therein narred. liI'INESS my ham arrl seal thi.s day am year last arove wrttten. ..' ",. ", (~ '7;~ ~.-.-, , . .' ~'",,, ../1de " - l'l<5taiy Publi or Zr:::.,./ ~.. -::/ 1'" /&'.~ r~_..4 .~/-'. ""~- ~""':' 1'/&'/"" ...:~.:: :.~.".;. ~ " . . . I ." (PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ( S5, eo.nly 01 /ZI /qJ/ t:_ / Ci J . On pl.;:;? nc,LdBV Of!1;!-'-" I . in ,he vee' / 18 5 bofore me, -.I. J.-! /"( ,J f.. . -r -:; . ;/., '. " i:~rv:die in end 10' oaid S,.t., personallv IPpeared ~ _ _'" ~ 1/., I . d... - I - personallv known to me (or proved to me on the blsls of IBtlsfactorv evidence) to be the person that executed this instrument on behalf of tha partnership and acknowledged to me that lhe par arshlP u:acuted it. WITNESS mv h8nd and official 1881. (:l2Zflt~ ~~. Signatura 1/ 62-0700 (11-82) . jl\.;;~f5'" . j~~~~~;~t~i I! I "" ''''~- WLI\Ki COUNI'f, CAlIi(l~"". I- . ~~ 1. j . My C<lmhlis:,ion ::'):~:HIti w,_ I ')>;: ,J......:_,u.- -...'---- .;o~.~;~~-~,;~,,=,..- (NotafV'. S8all /i <. ~ . 8542331 Stat. of Oregon. County of l~n..-... I, the County Clerk, in and for the ..id County, do henby eertUy that the within in.trU~ont wea received for record At ~, NaV 85 171 ?b Reel 1376 R ~ ~ ~ N .~ ~ ~ Lene County OFFICIAL Record.. Lane County Clerk By: L-w-L</ Deputy c :1O~53 . ".....- .~ '\. . . ~'." ': . : "-"... '" r~ ~t~. :a II~- -".J:' I I.. / i .. ~'"L" j.,r -1 . J : . !Y' . ,.,.. )< . ,---" ._.~... ...;;.. 0100"", '001"_ '), ".,,'" ,I NOV 15 \982 /~/9 ./i._ ....... ......' ..-'JOt ".~I;~I.'.i.'~ .-il.l! '''., . i! 823.1091; _1f"1_ TillS I,VDF.NTURE. MMh lhi. 4th U,lvJd ~. Ilurk.. Novellber ,/P 8l ,"'" "lid r,..,.,....." , SJt,r.i// d.y 01. Count)', O;r;:;:"~~':i;":;:;"~~'~'t.."';,:';~:':~:";" U. S. Crt'dltcOTI' . N,,,,,nMlrt c.lkd "... p.m_; WIT/IHiSSETH: /tf.'lJA',,~ I... _... ,.. Circuit C_...I ,,.,. St... '" 0.._ "" Lane c....". _in' II.....M N....""" Jfl-RI-OOH.I.IW~ KEN"ETU ~:. Ht:lIfORIl. JOSEPHINE E. HWfllRD, and C!.AIRY. J. r. $1.:"I";SroN. .,tb3 HARI"S Eh"TtRI'RlSES. an Or..,.un rartner&blp I '". ,~'ri'rJI^'I' KAMSf. IIl:RGS~t\J II1:R81,IIT ~Sf:OR!,'n: 011.111 f.'.'~:l.n; tkCOR:,l"Yl' ""I~~'" t"l'IV'~'e 1I.!ii. : . '" ,. " . .," n'I""" '.e"1[" W6".'~' 'f'" f^,.,., >u,'~" .rN.T ",~ ".,0 QMUA. 11'IJ~f"fl'.I'd~{~~rl!;C~~'''n' 6,1''''''; .:"ip"ra T",i~ rlHI\r.ItT~/.{~IJ.Y.~.a.'l'lt ,f)':t.. \.l~t..,. rhl . S9USOOA.. 1...."Mf"'n: E. TlluRI'. lJVUGLAS lJENNl::'CT. OWl HI.'laW)'. JIl.L CoOa.utN.rid DCOIT GALt.l'Dt:C1C : j: ...~h_~n'.,~,...,."..."'....._~_W""'...'1loo 1) IN..J Aull.Il.t . ,,81 " /....M I..... jl '1. r_.."" _f''''''' 1M ,-.I ",_" ...,ib<t<I_, """/104 .Iloo _" ., .... ,..I..... . ..", " .-- .......l\1li ,.......... i, I .,...ol._.._.'r....i~_.J...._,.__.../WII__,.. l]tb .fJ Octllb.r ' ~I "81 .......""._.._.,.__.~.___.....No,.._~.,._.,.,,.._el.141.]9".08.. !. U. s. Cr.....lleorp ........ ,Iw ...t...... ___ __ 1M' .j.., ,,..,,;.,...., _,_ __._.,.. .....'1- J_......... -~...- ...~..... __... _ '-.... .._'r" ,,.. ,.-.... IIi, .._....... jn .00,,,,.:.,"OiI _.. tn.iI_. oJ _.. ._....,.,. I.. 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Hlltw.)'. ....Id ..rein b"l", '0.00 f....t 'rMl. vhl'n ....ured .t rlllht .n,le. to, the cent..rllne oJ' onld McKenatlllb:::,.Olll 1111;.11....)'; thenl:" .10nll .dd South lI.ltJllfl South li'hOt1" '''' 00" r...t 8).61 f.at to the TaUt rolNT 01 , l' 11/1~IB~'Wlfl O.!!II j. r " ,. l:ontlnUlld. . _.n.",.... I" ....U _'OC:'_.l:O'lf_ DfK....IONQOo ""'._1 f ,u.\Vlt'I N. lual:.5. ShllTlff/lUrec:tor I l'l'r:'ltt..nt ~~11~.Jiif.t.' ,,/./C' .. .. P. R. <.:ta.uUo. Lt. Tit,. srAT..O'.O"~~!...~'cI..... ..~n"""')1 . Ct..II11.NQ~.~~~. 4. .J' 82 I; /::~;;~'~~~~=~~~:h" ~~-";~"'- :.,; '. \. #IUD ,c. .J ~ IIeI__: . :~,._. ",,/O~f (O"II1U,~I.') \.. .. ",".,y PuMic t.. Ot.fan . L ;j'~ :! . -f_i;..........~~.., Ii" ~"mt..i.i'DI'I ,.,.,.. .. jI /7f :J _1_...~L.tJL...~'" ._~,_..._,...-.... ................ 6.put,,. I i ,. ! " I " i! DAVID II. IUIKS SllulFr 0' LANE COU1ffl U'!r E. ath Av.. . [ulena. oa '911,"' ..-. .- .-'. , I I I , .~..". ...... .~"."".... ~H .~ ~ ~.. .. ~. 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