HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Sewer Connection Record 1964-9-29 C!l 10" ....1 . .. SEWER CONNECTION PERMIT AND RECEiPT . RECEIPT the sum of IS HEREBY AC:<NOWLEDGED on behalf of the City of Springfield of . '2.l1..5n , paid by Petrick Bros. " for permission to connect the propel'ty herein described to the trunl<' sewer system of the City of Springfield. Said ~roperty for whlcn this permit Is'granted Is described as foHo\'ls: 3301 Main Street Sprlng'leld, OregOn lJegltmlng It I pOint )It) f(let Eut 0' the Northwest corner of :Lot ), Block ,,], Douglas Gardens, 8S pllttod end recordell In Volume 4, ,age 7], t.ene County Or8JOll Plat Rocords, '. runnt:ng thence South 250.0 feet, thence ellt 62.50 r..t, thanco North 250.0 feet, thence Woat 62.50 feet to the point of beginning, Llno Cpunty, Oregon, ncept thllt portion thereof conveyed to Lane County by Deed recorded In Vol_ 160, page 602, L_ County Oregon , Deed Recorda. This receipt and permit to connect to the City of Sp~lngfleld trunk sewer system has been granted and the cost herein set forth computed on the basis of one-half (!l the equivalent cost of an eight, (8") Inch lateral sewer at the current price In this area. The same has been computed at' the rate of $3.40 per abutting front foot for a front footage of 62.;0 feet; TI1 I sperm! t and rece Ipt does not I nc I ude nor sha 11 It wa l-ve or be I n II eu of any sewer user charge to be paid or called for to be paid by the City Ordinances of, the City of Springfield; nor does It Include the cost for, nor sha II it be construed to be a plumb i ng permit to connect the house sewer line to the said trunk sewer. Dated at Springfield, this 29th day of leptelllber , 19 64" CITY OF SPRiNGFltLD " \-;u_[\S7-~ li SEP 29 1964 J.- wL~uL:::/ BY ~ ' ( CITY OF SPRiNGFIELD r!~'II":-1 ~,' (['Ii I~ :::- r{fi)lr:l~- b. ""--,,,'E~ \~ =\ SEP29 01- ... ,- ~;-\ CliY OF 1 , -, SPRINGFIELD RECORDER BY ~~~;/~tl.A1~ ',~ : -', "':'_.1.