HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-2-27 IiISI'ECfIUIl L!ilE LilY uf SI'RIIlGflEtU. tlfORllAT:,:1 L'", 726-3769 ~ COIIBIIIATION APPLICATION/PERMIT '. 726,3753 Job Address ""2... ~ J""'... c=.....', ~ ' '~:<o.' -, E!IERr,y SOURCES: " ,;0.. ftQ. ',;ain , '\ L\.. J \.J ,:<0. ~~\ \):<0. Ileat _q. ft9. Access. l.e9al oei,'cf)riPtOioc1n'~/\',31')\ Ontonn' . Ilaterlleater SQ. ftg..Other . I ~ Ue,:" Ai:!d' ,1'1.1 ter :l.eo. C) RaMe -rence Demo Change/Use i J Valu, ('JI~" I Other- - I Owner ~ :L. . l:r'~~~.I-......\\\.\ ~ n......J.. J - I - ~,~ - ~ :1 I I~O,'" ,',I"rc50(') ~~~: . ,,~:\., Pia !'llr 4.fiulltdno j1ernllt Info: Oescnbe Hork(i.e.. Build Sing e U - \-J (.>.-J'\.") '\. ~"""- __ I ..."'\ '\ \ ne Ii tar.lilv nesidence !lith fittached r.araoe) ~[~truc~\;:e;--'" ,,\,,\~ \.. \ 'I ~h 'I:' P. "''\t' "'~', i ..\JJrcss Phone Ul~ILrj rl:.l\f1 (name' {address} (lies. nn.) lexn;resl (nhone no. ) Primary ~1echan i ca 1 CONTRACTORS {name) (address) . --A ~ ~ Structural Electrical (1 if'o;. nO.l (pxnirps) (ohonp nn.) Genera 1 Plumninn Electrical t1~(h~nic~1 PLur1fiIllG EtECTRICAL MEClIAN I CAL nu. Sel'/er i'-L-I CIIARGE JIO Ii I I ISERVICES I I ,- I I ., Temporary Construction I I I IChanf"Je 1n existing rp<;id'i'Jlt':{> I I I Imultifamily, conl!l. or InrllJ<:;tri~ 1 I 1 IOf Ii ,- -ICOf.n'1./INO. FEEOERS H- Install/alter/relocate _ .futrih_ fpprlprc;, Of amps.j , I I I Residence of -ITL .J:JIARGE "" '" r IlJ1RGL Each single fixture sq. fT. furnace/burner to BTlI's -I Relocated bui Iding-- (new fix. additional) IS.F. Residence (I bath) -----jouPlex (1 bath) each Additional bath New circuits alts. or extensions Sewer I Storm -, I -I I I I amps.1 I Floor furnace and vent 1_____ I ~ecessed wall I-----r-n~rp hp~tpr ~nrl vpnt I' Apoliance vent "pottl'atp I Statlonary evap. cooler I Vent fan \'11ttl sinole duct I Vent system apart from I hf"atjn~ or A.C I Nechanical exhaust hood .lnd duct 11'/ood stove/heater I I I I I I 1-/ I I ~!ater service I I I I I TOTAL ISSUANCF OF PfRl1IT I IIIWE C^I~UULLY EXNlIr/[I) t~le completed apnlication for r>errnit, and correct, and I further eerti fy that any and all \'1ork oerforrnr.d _ \,i.. (9I.:s/?J().R.J only subcontractors and Zone n re lone Flood Plain Tyoe/Cons t. Bedrooms Stories Units Oecy Load Ocey Group Sf!. . SQ. S~. om 7_ Z7 Yf /IA:1E(please print) FO~ x Value Value Value x x TOTAt VALUATlDrI ;'!\ I1ECtlMIICAI. PErl11T Chil r9t's and SurchJrf}es lrota1 t'T!' Ill' \L Syster.\s Development I CharQe (1.5') I h 1\ !\r\~~\~,'~, ~.r7i I \ 1'1' ,.' \ I.. , COl'lb. rp.rmi t '~I. .' ' ~'r() 0--- .F, BUILDIIIG PERIIIT Cllar'1es 3ne Surcharges Plan Ck. Comm/lnd 65!/Bldo Ppr Fpe ------------~n Ck. Res 30t/Bldo Per Fee ,/ PLU'1fiING PERMIT C~ilrges ilnd Surcha rges I Fence ------------ j Demo I Sidewalk ------------jA/c Pavinq I Curb (ut I ) ,[L[CTRICt,L PUU:IT Charqes and Surcharges / / r \,' :;l r ~ .:- C" ,.' ~I PI'J" ,:J '. " y'~ ( -" :~i . . ~, ;;:: .:.., ','/' . ,.',J" .., COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) J . I. Applicant to furnish A. Job Address B'. legal Description 1. example- Tax lot lOa, lane County Map Reference II UJ 4J 2. eXilRlple- lot 1. Olock 3. 2nd Ad~ition to ~prln9field [states :',C. Name, etc. of Owner and construction lender . O. Energy Sources 1. exam!?le- heat/electrical cciJin']/or forced air QdS 2. e.,<amoJe- water'heater/elecl,'ical/or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. - 1. examDle~ ]250 sq. foot house. 500 sq. foot garage 2. example,- T7new project, check---new _ 1f addition, check add, etc. F. Building permH information: ]. examole - construct sjnyle famj1y house with an attached garage 2. examole - r~nodel existing garage into family room 3. examole - convert single family residence into restaurant (Change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural SpeCialty Code - H. DESIGN TEAI'I AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Division, Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site corrections. etc. II. Abbrevidted Plumbing, Mechanical. & Electrical Schedules A. Except ,,,here blank spaces OCCur in the description portion of the Mechdnical and Electrical Schedules, the appljcant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed 8'. Full Plumbing. Nechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit fonm the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered'on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUItDING DIVISION STAFF WILt FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDUtES O. As noted on the CAP. the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is not authorized Lo ~;gn lheeledrical label. -- III. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible. the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible. Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV. Fees and Charges Plan check rees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans ,...ill be processed until these fees are paid, All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. PERMIT VALIDATION .~. \33d3 o3~ " V. FOR OFFICE USE ONtY I , PermitClerk t1/"1J)-, J .l j PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAtICY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information: -~ .' ~ ~~ , PLANS REVI EWED . BY: c::- ~ - . ., ~,~\.....)\_ ~ j'lirCl.Ure,.,...- . nam~ ).., '\of ~ .'1. ...... dat"0-~-~9 , I