HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1996-9-19 ~e: -::=,'/J+? MlUA\ ~ '" SENDER: BUILDING . -8 aComplete items 1 and/or 2 for additlonal services. I also wish to receive the- - a; -Complete items 3, 48, and 4b. following services (for an CD . Print your name and address on the reverse 01 this lonn 80 that we can return this extra fee): ~ ~~yo~. . ~ > -Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not 1. 0 Addressee's Address ~ ! permit. L. CD -Write"Retum Receipt R9qusst9d" on the mailpisce below the article number. 2.0 Restricted Delivery' eX 5 -The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date 'S. " deHve,ed. 'h.. A Consult postmaster for fee. a; o 0 ! 3~;d~~~ 4~ :7.;~2~~?r rB4 /()4 i 8 .' 0 Registered ~ertifled a: !Il' ~'2.D? M~~. 0 Express Mail 0 Insured ~ II: 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise 0 COD : ~ 7f'Yt Vl~h~oI .lS'IL cn~7.DateofDel.ivery 1/tJ;/tl-f, i ~ B. Addressee's AddresS (Oniy if tequest.~ ~ and fee is paid) l! a: '= .....~ . 5. Received By: (Print Name) [6'S~7. ~ ~ .!! PS Form 38f1, Decembe~- - Domestic Return Receipt .EO STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail ] Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-l0 . Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in this box. .~' Il.ll~"~Il.I_.j=-~"'&.l';:""PI::I'a.._.u'.':'r.... .",..~ '_.'-:, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FIFTH STREET ~PRINGFIELD; OR 97477 . . . ' " . ,;-~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPflIITMENT 225 FIFT/-! SrFiEET SPFIINGFIELD, on 07477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Septembcr 17, 1996 Rod Temple 3205 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 Subject: Occupancy Inspection at~~1nw!m, Springfield, Oregon. Proposed Use: Full Auto Repair Dcar Mr. Tcmple, At your request, the Community Services DivisionlBuilding Safety conducted an inspection of the building at the above address. The purposc of the inspection was to determine the suitability of the building for the proposed use as indicated. Based on the proposed occupancy, the existing conditions which are mentioned below do not meet the minimum Building Safety Code requirements. Corrective measures must be taken prior to occupancy to install, repair, replace or modifY the following items in order for the building to conform to applicable safety codes: Electrical . The improper use of extension cords was notcd. When used in place of permanent wiring, it is potentially hazardous and can cause electrical shock or fire. Extension cords shall not be run through floors, walls, ceilings, doors, windows or other similar openings. . Electrical light fixtures were found that were inoperable, damaged or missing and shall be either repaired or replaced. . Ground fault circuit protection (GFI) is required for receptacle outlets in commercial garages. . Open splices or terminal ends of electrical wiring must be contained in a approved junction box. Please note that installation or repair of electrical systems on property which is intended for lease, salc or rcnt must be done by an electrical contractor who is licensed by the State of Oregon. The above are requirements for the existing structure only. Other items such as parking, paving, site improvements, sidewalks, ctc., have not been addressed as part of this inspection, and may be required. Please contact the Planning Division of this office regarding any necessary improvements to thc site. ,- '" ~ . . Occupancy Inspection 3205 Main Street September 17, 1996 Page 2 If you need any further information or have any questions regarding the above requirements, please contact me between the hours of 8:00-9:00 a.m., 1 :00-2:00 p.m. or 4:00-4:30 p.m. at 726- 3759. Sincerely, o It # 4( /...._~.- Dave Gadomski Electrical Inspector TM:tn cc: Dave Puent, Community Services ManagerlBuilding Official Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Coordinator J.L. Eastburn, P.O. Box 310, Springfield, Oregon, 97477