HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Application 1991-10-17 ~ , OCCUPANCY INSPECTION APPLICAnON CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION ======================================-_________~~=IliI___~______ ====_.._______ =====ct= ~~, CL.~ 77; tJuJ/lc.accCU ~I{;c-c- Q I PROPOSED USE: A $35.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE OVNER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE IN' E D. 14. j/. ~ ---------------------------------- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE PAID: II). r7.Q I , RECEIPT NUMBER: ;)Iu I )/ DATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF REPORT: DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: COMMENTS: ~\\\1J{) " P 760 404 517 o Return Receipt Showing 0) 10 Whom & Dale De!~f?~L_ ~ Returnrecei tlfi.yi~gto'WnDm. I ~ Dare,&Ad s~,oeiive~~~. .00 ~ ~ lOTAl tag1 -~ - W "$-""1 '"""'" c:i &Fees ,~, ./ '_,,~'~ IT; _, o<.~ I ~Po"ma'K\~p;~_~47 ~ "--.../- , , ~Certified Mail Receipt No Insurance Coverage Provided - TOO "Do not use for International Mail ~~ (See Reverse) IS'C1~.a..J ~(hu.e4LA _ I 1:''''~ISf) h0 DJ'N\J ~ P.O., Slale & ZIP CodOn . J f1 c:;{); ''^Cf -hoB \~.R ()Q erN ~ Po,tag"-..J $ . ;;'c; I \-00 I I I r 3' ~ I Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Cl z 9 5 1lI Restricled Delivery Fee WI ,,- STtCK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CUlSS POSTAGE, CERTIFtED MAtL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTtONAL SERVICES (... "'nll. 1. If you want this receipt t'u"..."'.....J. stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to yourruralcarrier(no~racharge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the rigllt of the return address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card, Form 3811. and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends" space permits. Otherwise. affix to the back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECI!:IPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want {telivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DEUVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested. check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 'l'rUS.G.P.O.1990-270-153 ... i ~ o en ~ " c: ~ ..., Q o ... '" E & '" a. 2. D Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. 148. Art cle Number 4b. Service Type o Registered' 0 Insured g--Certified 0 COD o ExDJ:eSS Mail D Return Receipt for .~ rl _ MerchandIse I /~~eliVery " " 18. Adciressee'(Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) i' FI I '..-' " , " SENDER: . Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. . Complete items 3, and 4a & b. . Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you. . Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mail piece next to the article number. 3. Article Addressed to: ~CJ./ &~s~ ~ISo 'lY\~ Si>'(\V'\~~e..-loQ. ,oR CfJI,f7Y 5. Signature (Addressee) .-roY-r\. W'\,.NA J I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1, 0'"Addressee's Address p .U,S, OPQ, 1990-27:><161 ,t'fi'DOMESTlC RETURN RECEIPT I)} United States Postal Service Official Business " ~ ~ PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 Print your name. address and ZIP Code here . . I .@fjlJ@l?~\~~~ ' .. ~" DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FIFTH STREET "PRII\'~t="I~1 fl. OR 97/1.77 I~.'. 225 FIFTh S';~==- S?.'JINGFIELO, O~ ,,?;~- (503) -2~:,-ji53 DEVELOPMENT SER\'ICES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLlTI.N WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT CERTIFIED LETTER NOVelllbel' 5, 1991 Charles Bowlsby 3150 Main Springfield, OR 97478 Subject: Occupancy Inspection at 3150 Main Springfield, Oregon. Proposed Use: Office Space Dear Mr. Bowlsby At your request, the Springfield Building Safety Division conducted an inspection of the building(s) at the above address. The purpose of the inspection ~as to determine the suitability of the building(s) for the proposed use as indicated, Based on the proposed occupancy, the existing conditions ~hich are mentioned below do not meet the minimum Building Safety Code requirements. Corrective measures must be taken prior to occupancy to install, repair, replace or modify the follo~ing items in order for the building to conform to applicable safety codes: Structural 1. Stairs having t~o (2) or more risers and ~hich are wider than 44" shall have handrails on both sides of the stairway. Handrails shall be placed not less than 34" nor more than 35" above the line of nosings of the treads and shall be continuous the full length of the stairs. Ends shall be returned to the ~all Dr terminate at a post. Open stair railings shall have intermediate rails not greater than 6" apart. The handgrip portion of the rail shall be not less than 1-1/2",nor more than 2" in cross-section or the shape shall provide an equivalent gripping surface. A minimum clearance of not less than 1-1/2" shall be provided bet~een the handrail and the wall. 2. The rise of every step in a stair~ay shall .not be less than 4" nor greater than 7". Except on winding, circular and spi-ral stairs, the run (depth) of each step shall not be less than 11" (measured horizontally between the """j' "- Charles Bowlsby November 5, 1991 Page 2 . . projection of the step nosingsl. The largest tread run and the greatest riser height shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/&". 3. Handicapped access must be provided to all government or public buildings by means of a ramp or other approved method. When a bUilding requiring such access is altered or modified, access must also be provided to the altered areas. Electrical 4. No substantial deviations from the Electrical Specialty Code requirements for the proposed use were found in the electrical service or the wiring system of the building. Plumbing 5. Toilets in public restrooms shall be provided with open front toilet seats BUilding permits must be obtained for the above items which involve repairs or modification to the structural, electrical, plumbing or mechanical systems of the bUilding and for any additions or revisions you wish to make to the building. Permits for the required repairs shall be obtained within the next (51 five working days. The above items are requirements for the eXisting structure only. Other items such as parking, paving, site improvements, sidewalks, etc" have not been addressed as part of this inspection, and may be required. Please contact the Planning'Division of this office regarding any necessary improvements to the site. Sincerely, ~OI\)IY (}.v?~ f!- JL, RalPh Shat-l Plumb./Mech. Inspector Tom Marx Building Inspector CC: Dave Puent, Building Official .' ,ro.