HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1997-7-21 'Ira: t@, LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK' 5/rO / 7023 j Do RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 ASSESSORS MAP' LOT: 0..,.. e" (\'\A &/.rD < " cd-.. II DESCRIBE WORK: YlA..h Du.\\ OWNER' ADORES'" CITY: NEW REMODEL CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: PLUMBING' MECHANICAL' ELECTRICAl' 'f'I\~ (..- ~ \ \u . SPOINGI'IELO I..... , . q 7 JOfL;. JOB NUMBER 225 Filth Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 yY\..6.t^ , ..s:t (' e e> l' OOY{Jr] BLOCK: 0.0 D-t . d f- i'Y\.(.{I,,' ..s + . TAX LOT: SUBDIVISION: ~r e.st\;Y- PHONE: )~ '-- 35' .?( STATE: -0 f.. ZIP: Q,7<-f17 ~ ~L ~" {JY\ ./}u ~ L J-/ u. t fL.-",^LJ , , ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER ADDRESS CONST. CONTRACTOR' EXPIRES '- PHONE YI-. - 2-s;' 790 I '2..{2.'~ /eq "1/10 QI'1Y""".o:c 7 Y'l '-f\.{l[~~ H eo.. t- I' "r.- . E' i\-lE Wofl,l<oFFICE USE -;- QUAD AREA:~O"\C ',_ !:,UI'>.\ l E~PIRE Irj,"'M:rl$J~i ' 5 Pr.\'INII' ~, ' \-115 PE\,\wlrr' · OF BLDGS:i\-l1 'rl:"\\IlOER~;. O~itr~TS: />.Ui\1U\,\' .. S />.\3/>.NO - OCCY GROUP: -HeW OR I CONSTn. TYPE: ___ COloAM~ 100, : · OF STORIES: 1iJff~t.,( pER HEAT SOURCE: ' WATER HEATER: RANGE: __ .(f~ cq 7 '(7~ FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE: _ . OF BDRMS: SECONDARY HEAT: SQUARE FOOTAGE: To request an Inspection, you must call 726.3769, This Is a 24 hour recording, Alllnzpecllons requested before 7:00 a,m, will be made tho same working day. Inspections rcquesled after 7:00 a.m. will be made tho following work day. D Temporary Eleclrlc D Site Inspocllon - To be mado aller excavation, but prior to . setting lorms. D Underslab Plumbing/ Electrlca" Mechanical - Prior 10 cover. D Footing - After trenches are excavated. D Masonry - Steel location, bond beams. grouting, D Foundation - After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. o Underground Plumbing - Prior . to filling Ircnch, . D Underlloor Plumbing/Mechanical - Prior to Insulation or decking, o Post and Boam - Prior to floar Insulation ar deckIng. . 7 . , , ~ \ ' , ' , D Floor Insulation - Prior to ' decking, \: _: , ' o Sanitary Sowor - Prior to filling' trench. D Slorm Sewor - Prior to IlIlIng lrench. I. O Waler L1no -' Prior to IIIlIng . trench. " D Rough Plumbing - Prior 10 caver. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS D Rough Machanlcal - Prior to cover. , o Rough Electrical - Prior ta cover. o Electrical Servlco - Must be . approved ta obtain permanent electrica.l power. o Flreplaco - Prior to facing malerlals and framing Insp. D Framing - Prior to cover. D Wall/e'olllng Insulnllon - Prior to cover. o Drywall - Prior to la~lng, D Wood Slovo - Attor Installation, o Insert - After fireplace approvo' and Installallon of unit, D Curbcut & Approach - After forms are crocted but prior 10 placomonl of concrolc, o Sidewalk & Driveway - After excavation Is complote, forms and sub.base material In place. o Fonce ~ \-VllOn completed. o !Hreol Troos - Whon all required trees are planted. D Final Plumbing - When ell plumbing worl' Is comptet,e. o Final Eloctrlcal - When all . I electrical work Is complete, ~nal Mochanlcal - When all ~anlcal work Is complele, o Final Building - When all required Inspections have been approved and buildIng Is cornplelod. DOlhor MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Blocking and Set.Up - When all blocking Is complete, D Plumbing Connoctlons - When homo has been connected to wa ler and sewer. o Electrical Connoctlon - When blocl(lng, set-up, and plumbIng Inspecllons havo beon approved and the homa Is connecled to the service panel. D Final - Afler all required Inspccllons are approved and porches, skirting, decks, and vcnllng have been Inslalled, BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SQ, FT, X $/SQ, FT. ' ~ Main Garago Carport. Tolal Value Building Permll Fee State Surcharge Total Feo, (A) VALUE . I " " (B) SYSTEMS D~VELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Flxlures Residential Bath(s) N' Sanllary Sewer Waler FT, Slorm Sewer FT, FT. Mobile Home Plumbing Permit Slate Surcharge Total Charge (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnaco Exhaust Hood / Vent Fan N' Wood StovellnserllFlreplace Unll' Dryer Venl ~d fMAM-f- Mechanical Permll Issuance State Surcharge-1 '11(7 /.duM^-- fa. Total Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home Slate Issuance Slate Surcharge Sidewalk It Curbcut It Damolltlon Slale Surcharge Tolal Miscellaneous Permlls (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding eleclrlcal) (A, 13, C, 0, and E Combined) FEE ['1,0-0 lO.tJ1J , 75" , "5" rJ.h,2(} p6.;)j) . "' . BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT , This permllls gran led on the express condition Ihatlhe aald construction shall:ln all respects, conform 10 Ihe Ordinance adopled by: ;\~e City, 01 Springfield, Including the Developmenl Code, regulating Ihe construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation of OilY provisions of said ordinances. Plan Check Fee: Dale Paid: ReceIpt Number" Received By: Plans Revlewed-'l3y"'--'-- Date Systems Dovelopment Charge Is.duo on1 all undevelopod proportlos within Iho City limits which Bre being Improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS " .'..,' " -, \Ja/~'~' " , '" ,..,. " I. :" 'j~' ;" s-e!)() ,,'C.~0 By signature, I otate and agree, Ihall have carefUlly examined Ihe completed application and do horeby certify Ihal all Informallon horeon Is true and correcl. and I 'urther certify Ihat any and all work performed shall be done In accordance wllh Ihe Ordlnancus of the Clly of Springfield, and Ihe Laws of Ihe Slala 01 Oregon pertaining to Iho work described herein, and Ihal NO OCCUPANCY, Y'III ba made of any struclure wllhoul permission of the Building Safely Division. I furlher cerllly lhat only contraclors and emptoyees who are In compliance wllh ORS 701,055 will be used on this prolec\. I furl her agreo to ensuro thai all required Inspecllons are requested allhe proper lime, that each address la readable from tho street, thallhe permit card Is localed al the front of the properly, and IhQ..<lpproved sel 01 plans will remain on the site al all 1:es during construcllon, Slgnalure ~_./\ ~ Vj~ (- l~-q 7 Oat., VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBER 2 & 7 ftJ ~ 7- 'J.-I -17 AMOUNT RECEIVED :l..h -H~ ~ DATE PAID RECEIVED BY