HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1986-8-18 (2) --- 0"--RF.SI D.MT I A L .. ~ APPLICATION/PER/lIT" 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, orton 97477 AI Building Divisi CAlDUT," 726-3753 J;l'1 I iv .' ..Tob Location: -~ ': r~ (....'0 V\'\ ::. -'\.)V\ -) Asaesso'" Map # /7- 02-- "3 I-()('~ \~~cQ WAd Address: '?O Boy: q 0 Cibj: d..urt..V\.VL OR ct73~B- DescP"~be II'Ol'k:. ( U~ \jJ{){~S~ Subdivision: CUneI': I n n n n N~,l Addi ticn ReModel ,'!ob:. La '=:o.-::a 7<i-lr-C?h T= Lot # '700 ~~ Phone: Zip: pata of AppZicaticn ;..;or.t:!'c:c;o:,s General \-\ C'.J ~~ Value Acit:i..-es3 Pl1.Ctlbing !Zcctl'ical Me:;;..ar.ic.:l e?eee"t' 1-<" &, (0 q ;::}y- ,.,.f.. u './ ch' -- /rr!JcOIL * Siar:ed: CL 9; , I ~ -c;r '" Date: Lisc.!'! E:::;irc:; :-,:"or..:: Const~~ction Lender It. is :h," responaibiZity of the permit hoWeI' to see that aZZ irwpections are made at :he proper tim€~ that €ceh .::.ddress is ren~n~:.:: I froom the street. and that the permit card is Zocated at the front of tr..e property. ~:Ju:..?di:'"'.fF rr~vi:;io:r:. approved pl-an sr.:::.1.Z l'e/:'lain on tl"" Bu:..Zdin;:: $it.; at all t;imes. _~'"'C~~!Y:.P~ PO.'? T:'.'S?EC':'IDt'J RE'::'['E'SJ':CALL 726-3769 (rcaorderJ state uour Citu desiar..:1ted JOG nur.:ber. ~~~~~s;ca a~c ~~er. you wiZZ oe reaay for insp=ction, Contract;cps 0; O~~e~s. r~~e ~r.d Fr~r.e n~cr. :..'i.Zz. be made the sar.;e day, requesT;s mGde G.ft~r 7:00 c:i: z.r~ZZ D.:J made t;he next; :JOrkir-f c:::.~". :;r!r.'!J'i",p~-i r1"'!:"',..!!__~:r:'~.~ o ::J E::::: r::E?E':;-:::J:,1: To be mad.e after e:::cavati.:m. but prior to Be: up of forms. U,'IDP?SLA? Fr:,U'..'3niC, ET,:;::?PICiL ,1 :..'ECP...~:.'IC;':': 'i'o De made before any ~rK is =ov~red. =:J PDOT.T.';C ~ i'O!J.'!D,1TION: To be m::zde afte;" ;:;rencr.es are e:::cavated and form:; are erect;ed, but prior to pou~r.g ccncret.::. :J U!,'DZRG..r::aU:..'!J P::,W,fI1!NC SEfiER. [.,'.1TER, DRAI!IACE': To De made prior to fil- "Lir.g trenches. :J UNDERFr.OO..':? !'LU....'3I.'lG & MECHANICAL: To be m=ae Drier to in3t;alLat;ion" of j100~ insu~tion Or decking. POST AND BEAN: To be made prior to installation of }1oor ins~~tior. or deeki"!;. :J :J p'O!.'CF! P[,f."..'iJI:.1C_ Fr.ECTDTCA[, ,1 ,'.fECH- ANICAL: ;;0 :Jork is to be cOL'eped ur.tiL these inspectior.s have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE:" Prior to plc.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. FRA!!IllC: Must be pequested"after approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal. & mech:znical. ALL roofing braci.71f1 ~ chimno:ys, etc. m'.I.st be .. completed. !lo wrk is to be con- ~ cecled until this inspection has , been mad~ and approved. ::J :J Your Cit:y DeeigrLZted Job !.'umOtZr Ie: D I~S~~A~ION/VAP~R ~l?RI=R IHS?~CTIO~: To be ~ade after all insuZat;ion ~4 raau:.red VaPor tC1r1'iel's a:re in place but before any' lath, gypsum bcard. or u::zU coverinn is tmDZied, and before any inauZatiOn is concealed. JOO ~css, t~;e of ir.~pe~~icr. ?eques~s r2cei~ed cefcl'€ 7:DD ~ ?J/P05r;~ i I D DR'ff,'ALL nlSP~C'r!ON: Tc be made after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping, ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with V,B.C, Section 241t. WOODSTm'E: After installation is ccmpleud. o JE.'::JLITIO;'.l c.=? :"::Jl"=:: a:../ILD:::";'S ~ Sani-:aJ';j sC'..)er ~ap?ed .=t P:.OP~!';;"d lir.e g] Septi:: tank P:"'"7.::d a:".d fil~2d Lr';th ~:::''',''e: \7l Final - Nher. cbcve ite.-::s are cc::::1le:::c,; ~ a~d. unen d~c~itior..is ca~~iet~ or s~~~:- t;u.~e moved anc pr~3es c,eane:::. U? /-!obiZe Jiemes =:J Blocking and Set-~p =:J Plumbing connections 8~er ar.i wate~ ---, Electrical Connection - Blockir~, set-u~ ~ and plumbing connections m-~st t~ G??r~va~ before request~ng electrical ir.spec=io~ ~ Acces=o1"j Build:.ng ---, FinaL - Afto:l' p::;rct:.es, ~ etc. are complet~d. sk:.rting, decks, o o D CURB & APPROACH AP.r:;QN: Afte~ fo-rms are erected out prior to pouring aoncrete. SIDEWALK & DRIl'E;Wr1Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to be made after all e:::ca- vating complete & form work & aub- base material in place. D All project conditions, auch as the installat:.on of stpeet trees, co~letion of the required landscepir.g, etc.. must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be r,zquest:d. :::J FIliAL PWI,$I1IG ~ FIliAL ME~HA"IICAL :::J FINAL EU:CT.UC~L ::J o FINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Building Inspection must be requeated efter the PinaL Plu.",::bi~ Electrical, and Mechar.ical InspectiontJ hava been made and approved. o D ~ENCE: When compl~te -- Provide gates Or movable sections through P,U.E. ' "ALL UANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS 1fUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUsr."!E:1T TO EE ]..:'1DE /'.T "'0 (':..".1ST TO CI':'Y I ?a.ge 1 of 2 , D Z~::B NO.WJs13Oc::a~~,RG:~ss : [.at Sq. Ftg, LOT TYPE: : of tat C:meragc Interior .il of Stories CoMter :'otaZ Height Panhandl.e ,Topography CUL-de-sac !'!'E,'.J I SQ,FTG :.lain Gerace CalTCl't .4cccssol'U TOTA& VAWE: , 5.D.C. IVC:"Uc) 1,5 :: Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha......ge3 :':'2f.! Ilio'i I . .:'i..:::ures .~esiC.ZYltial (1 bath) :::ar.it.::~.1 Sewer _~(:t€!' ~~~f~E!-1 Plu.-:::)"'..r.g . el"'1i:1.t State S;..aicr.arge T=ta! C'r.[:!'ocs ".,;." I::O.! I .;.::es. S-::, f:o. ,.,'c;w/2=:ertd Cil'C"~i::s :~crcr~ Service Ele~tl'ical Permit $t:=te Sur:::r.a.rae Total Cr.a:t'ces . :7"Z.~: 1"0'1 I :""..a"r..:.:ce ETU' 5 ?.=haust Hood. ~;C71t Fan laods:o:;e Per>r:r~t I:;SU:mC2 Me=nanic::.l Permit State ,~urch,??:,ac 7'''~r:.l Cfo.ar(1P.:': -- El.'CROACHJ..!E!!T -- 'cc-~rit'!.J DZPo:Jit ":ol'Gpe :7intenar~e .-;~it Total C"naPGcs Ul'bcu; ,d.",aZk <?n::r. !cctl'ical Label :;bile Home b~~ JTAL AJ.!OU.'lT DUE:" x FE2 Value CiiA.:::C2 I i I I I I - I I I I I I /0 .f>f) / IJ. ()O .%1 / /). C/t() , .......-:.....,.;_ I I I I I 1 I I. C/:;'.R::~ I I I I I I 1 I 1 , . / ex,OO ;2~, if 0 REQ.- L-COG~' . Lot Faces - I En2rn:J Sou1'(!es Setbacks Heat l House : Caraa~ Access. I Water' Yr!Gtf?r' ~. '~-lI~" ~ ,lIa!lfif.~. . I I I, \'1. '1'>". -I '1\ . .;;-.Ji\a,iaCe ' I I \'1.' II '~I..:1 I:,.,H '~octz,-,of.e_.. I I I II '. T;pe/Cor.st: Bedroor.:s: I I I P.L. INorth lEast ISouth IWent Tu'r'p Fees Building Value & Permit I I I I, , . I I I ,. This permH is gronted on the express condition that the 8.aid. const1'Uction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inclu!Eng the Zoning Cl'dinanee, regulating the ccr.at~..:.:'ticn and uae of buildings, and m:::y be suapended or revoked at cr.y time upon vic- tation of any proviaior,s of said Ordinances. I Plan Check Fee: lvate Paid: IR~cd~t II: S1.!j.':ea: Plumbing Permit No pereon Ghall conatr'Uct, install, al~er or change any r~w Cl' e=isting plwnbing or drainage syste:71 in .,;hole or in part, unLess SUCrt person ia the__ legal possessor of a valid plwnber's license, except tr~t a person may do ?l~bing work to property which is o~~ed, leased or opera tee by the appli- cant. Electrical Perm it Where State Law reauires tr~t the electrical wor~ be done b~ an Electric:::! Contractor, the el~c~rical ~ortior. of this oermit shall not =e valid until the ~bel has b~en ~igned by the Electrical' ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit I I I I I I. I I Plan f:."xar/1.ner vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, end do hereby certify that all i~fo:r.'.ation hereon is true and correct, cm.i I fu.rther certify that any ar.d aU lJOrk perfomzed shall be do:;... ;.>'l nf!~or- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ L~.s of tr.a State of Oreg~n p:::rta.ining to the work described hCl'e:.n, cr.d ti:a:. NO OCCU- PANCY wiZl be made of any structure withou.t p~rmis3io~ of the Building Lr~- vision. I further certif~ that o~ly contractors a:ui c~pl~yees who are i~ compliance with ORS 701.0~~ will be used on this Pl'ojzct ch- t- /f(-5~ . Si'gnad C./2 (~OlU s~.....~ Date ~: " He C. RAY CARROW ="'" Mobile Ph.Ci042 Construction Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Telephone 503/585-6757 2955 Lancaster S"E" Salem, Oregon He . GENERAL CONTRACTORS 2955 LANCASTER DR. SE . SALEM, OREGON 97301 PHONE: 585-6757 August 28, 1986 , \ Mr. Don Moore Offiqe of C & E De~elopment 225 N. 5th Street Springfield OR 97~77 Dear Mr. Moore: Enclosed are the necessary papers to show you that we had the septic tank pumped and hauled a load of gravel to fill the abandoned tank at 3100 Main Street in Springfield, Oregon. The brackets on the concrete walls will be removed next week. Sincerely, qf: ---f/-A~ .'~cc-"'~c........... Lin a Foster Office Manager /' t , J, 1.,:,'..!J.Y'I,,__~nl"ll ". ."11. . ---.. ' .. ..;b;,~,.-ti,.'.-u'to ..":;'~_,...~tIont . i . ,,_.- '1_ iopolta " '!;' ,EUGENE, Oii~~440' ~g , , I;' . ;' ,~; ......31. 'u#;".::: " ~IU"ll ;:;:0:':'.:.: :i. .~,:. . I,~ ~ipl JOb#DateJ!:':"z. L " o;;;,~' f:;p~~:''', ':', .::': Custbmer,NO, '.~~tlon No.' ;'.'~ ,H; 1;, --." ,n ( ,~;,.-i --,f ,.,'..-o:/iiJ.,.!. .-~,-..:H:i .....~~. ~. ~;ICl- _~1A"""''- , ;.~~:.'~J....J" "IA'!1:r.v~~t~?". ,',:, ...1.. 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'~:~~;~i~:>~:;~~..~. ~,.~>~_ ....;~;'..,~.,; ~~:~";:',,/: .:..~, i, ': ":,,, .~::.:, ....,~.~;\':.)j;;..~ _.,".,,;. ,"., ,._' "...,".:~~~pl':-, :.. ....;\~;.ri:),..;\:,..~:t.<.. ....'j'~;.:l;~i-:.l':-.. -" '. " .' 21~~'.li:";' ."..., ~~.tr:i1J"':" ~............ ~~...---"- _.-, """,,,.,~'-"'."'k.f"""~ ....' '" J,"-,. ""~'''.1.';'':.ht~~~j ';: /)' ",,; \ " -. '.':' : ~ELT~,S:;,~, 'j . '~"""~-''''':''''~'!-:::'' "~".-.~~.~; '. , ~ ~ "iii," GRAVEL C~;"{; . .::;.t.' \.., ,..tj,9,c,99.,...AVE,..: "~ ~~~, , .~ " ~:"'~,~~ ,E,4~ ' 7.~~4 ." ';1'., 0;:' ~ l ~ .} '.' " ':',- " I':; ."1~,:.t' .t', ,. '. 'l:" ....,.. '. ':" !~"i. ., .,').:'{ '::At<";.:.',:' ;~. .. ., .,' ;:, i " r--. ; .. 1 " 1 .::...... ,,' . " .- i. . .. ~' '.' ;. \',~ .. ., J.: '.... : .. ~" .~,.;.: .;",. :.';:C"'.. -; '" '. ..........,. . , ."(' : " 'i~"~ . .,,;'~:~f~~ . " \;":", r "1.'-;;:'... . " r r ~ r. ~, i q ... ') (' ~ ,~ .. i:.~i Y"jl .. DELTA SAND Sc'GRAVEL CO, 999 DIvIsIoN' 688.2233 EUGENE,OREGON97~ .' '"": . .~rl1l_ i 'il.~., " ,<;'-~ '~~W C'.'. ", .:r~ ~~ . .~ " ~'.S:~ ~, -e- ."1 l) DATE AUG 25 86 HOUCK-CARROW CORP SOlD TO 4D " INVOICE # 60460 2955 LANC~6TER DR ,'BE SALEH, OR 97301 CUST. P.O. ,# (,. TERMS: ~Io ~ Oth PRQX NET 30 AMOUNT OUANTllY RATE CQMMODllY TICKET # .,"~, 65084 . 65059 480.00 43.19 2.00 ,,3.33 240.00: YD 1c.9;;:",TN, 24 . 3/4 - 0 '.i',i ! : ,';". .' -- ('.~, ~ '~ :' ": ,. " " "" t' , y.: .'h i ..." ___.,~-= char~, " ,rmade in one month are due and payable in lulllhe.1 Olh 01 the'following month. Any unpeid balance~u --------- be lubjecllO a.FlNANCE CHARGE 011% per month or an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATe of 12%. Minimum .Chsrge;. ,50 pe~ month DELTA SAND & GRAVEL Co.<,,-' CUSTOMER COpy A 999 QIVISION 688-2233. ' ... Sa, v.1 EUGENE. OREGON 97404 ~i23. 19-*