HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 1984-1-16 :~:;; .l\r r : :!, '~ , ":,: 'J: " . .~..tr , >~} <<' ~ .,.. 'i~r ~' i~ -'.'0: V;Jl. ,.,t') "i'<1" -; .:,~ . ;'-~,,'. 'I.t '1 , '~ . 'Y. ,. :'~ ~~ '1:~ ,,~t. Je .~...;:t ., .'~L \, l' 1..( 'I' '~J" :, II ;ll1,f I'" 'H .r 'I i' " 'fl' },.I. ff ;. .. ;~t;" , l~i ~~ -, .. , ~; '.. i.'~ -' i; . :J).~; , , , .,.!-,\1 , !i:" ;; .. -, .J :! H ','.j ,'~ :,' " 1~" -'t r,' , !!-:;, , , : t\. .~ , , ,.' '. i ,'I' , :-.:t,. .! ! '.1 !~ , , , ":/ .. .'. €,: , , ':~! , V: .,,, -t " , 1:it ; 'It,; ,;d lfi\ii,IU' Hili.ifr '~11: wnl;Wt~'~iQ .' . , ,'.. . \ -H, I.!'lrtPl%jl!'~~ll,,~ 1~ n'i.!iIUJ',ll~llI' it I~JW ~~~I)I:I,.. CUSTOMER j' . !\ V; ~ [~fi fl~,; i.: I" ,t,; ~ t.~~ h'''~,d:i.':'f~ t ~~ ,'~!".~ '! 'f~l'.fr~ ~~lr ------:.~ ,~,i,i:LD. ~kl,t ~!fW~fN.lj H.: fi'!rj" ;:;~l Hri.h[!~t (}:HA~~;DDRESS ---,-- 30~;:'~1~'~~0 ST. ,'\ "ll'i"'~:":J.(l ! ,.1 'I j~ iI.1 ~ I~H\, . ;i!~ r i c,'i ;'Wrj,'i, !~r., i1,1 I:' }[(1' t If.:<> 1 .t,1~1 DELIVER TO .,I. 3 1/'2-0 ; t l~i Jl.t:f Jl~:t~t} II '~f;f'r,' 11-~ 1~I.f j llir~!'l: t3 5- <...,' . ,I r 1.-, " 'J~i1'f.< ,. fl . '~',\il .,. '(ill'''' ,. '!-'J~ ,TONS/YDS 3.r.-:50MMODITY [~ fiN;! ';)~~ ~~~~G~.i mt ~I'<~J ~f J l~~: ~ f- ~Uf : UNIT PRICE \ Lit ':;l ,dli1W),Jk~ II' "tr~ l~\'ril,i ,. t, !S <j it ;~i ~li <vliHHWrfr~.i. Ii; ,i it~:E~f u ~iri? AMOUNT .. -. \ fr 'J! i';\t,f~1 i [1ll!X\~ii\ i l~~g !I {t,t i~' i! f l\ijit~~I:jM" "', ',', ,I ", ".., "'11' 'II"!'" I J~. j,l, "'\', ". " :i ;j~ Hi:i~:f;~f)li hl{/ j~~'l ;I;~~t~'I!~~'klr~}r:!.L II ~ '~l ,'. ,r:'llji",,!~''''ll~~;( 1~ f'l.:,' ~f., ,~, ,\ 'i1,~ A~ 0 , ill !' ,'ii, ;g;(jn,\1~jf"!111:~}~ t1}{I~J. 'f '~ "l~~\~JU; inlrJI ' :,J 'r:'!"':~'il}:,"'''' lil~"\'Qle :. ',1 1<,\" 1o~ll"'dl(H'~Hfi ;rr I ;1i!l! ::[~~',;)~H'I'lf!,Y;'~~'1i~;:~ .;11 t1 :.lLAAI~(f; ~1; i .f;~ 711'1 ! )',.> 1'~~l~tf':!11~ 'ri-.t,j;ll~tlh if~,""~'~:'{"l', Ir.J'~illlr' Q (t; :f 1. \ .. ~; 1f~ H~~ijl~i-;11' 1 {~( t, Jl~~1.", F #1:' .. J~ ~~d ~~1 :;' ' 'i " 'ji F i~ti;F! }j;:iil(;!f,:.!jJl ., 1~~H:\):~r!fu 'Ltl$"J.~rlli II .'~ ... ': f j: l'f tr';\,'~'P.<tt\;"'.'I~~!l~;;:i~)~~ntxra i',~~~(.<;t..~, ~, ! 1.: ii ~ ~ . j.f-~:1; ~~~Pt..y1it!l::1~ fi~~~ ~~tli~ ~~ )~' t ~ ~!l~ ~\ r 1 . 1" .~. J. ...~~~il~f''''j !~ ;lr,~ ~'f'Q!~ ~!i;') fl' ~t~ J~<''t (...,~ 11 :.\,\;'(;'{'>f~~.~tl...~,.. ;''''IN(~:,'I~~I~:11'l{ l;~ ,;;_.-."L 0 ')r(~r. '.'-.~~<~ .,~" 0, '0' ".. ." ,_ ' _" _-"'_ J ..~, . [i;!!:~i~'11111~1~1}I~f['~!i~ II J~~,lrr~fjl!ti~ 1:1~f~lt;~'!t ~h,~ ~\: ~1]tll'tWI:~r1'fr.r.{~IJ11:~~f:l~~iHi~:!~l~:i~}~jl J~l~ti;' t\~!: 1;Q~If?t~~~~ttllv~1;i;.fffl!J~;i~ .(~tii: t:' f, :1~!!11~j':,~~ :~~ J II ~f ,-'t. '~'4~o' 'HtJ J'~ 11~ {{, ~ft f. ~.t.~L(ril l'p 41 ~~a. tfjlrlll '..l,,',l ;, I' _(~tnjt, ~~tl,J~';l "~~';~',l U 1';;,'Ii~ :(~l.H,h'\: ;::: . <;"..' ~h1.'~, :.; ,1 I! 0;;' " .f'W~~ .f',\:~ ~\ ~t~t;j~~~tii t;,~c'~1~ir{~~'c:f~!~'ftl} ~ It:~tr,~ ;ft1l'(Jtti ~:,t,! ~(.d J ~r ,t.1~i~ii~l~frf~~~ f;ltJ!j~i;'1'~{~"o~;~~;~~~~:i;.;(:~ 1~\~:H~~ '.'0 j ,-: ,:;,:-".: :'t":wI,IIU1M(\rl'I':; l>/'ij,}!!' ,;llJ'Lil~:{l J tf'11 fI:-I".,1 \;i.\ ;~~I, ,1~riW~rn~!~~r,~te BJ'S Auto Wreck.ong [t,::Hi'l;[il(r;:;;:~,;!,)j:', ":i : ,'.till')/:,l 'f ~ ""'i~' t"I)I"~llf '"j1i'Ir.~~if~""" ..~.' \:'~ ~~ .'3......t\."~~lf 'f,/,,::",j",'oH-:j" ."1.~.,,-<'~3 J! '.! :j\.( ;t~:;~J~'ill:' Jt.ll:l:i "J;,,~;, ~'t~i ~:l~. ll\1.~.;f:' ,f~ ,1, "!;I' ~~n,; lt1:ifi ;li/,., "~:1 ,I Jtf.iJI~Ij:~,'~;1i.~l~ :).!:,:!.W~r:;','I}/:;' <.)~<},;~ ~"l\"d. if'! ~ ~ ! . ',\ ,'l \~ "', 1.-'" ,.: '~~.. ,h "C I t~'cl 1{ ;:s.' ;, '~:. ';:1-" 3002 Main Street 't'" :':.~l~_j" ~', 0" ~ S,. I..t ~ . .. Springfield, Oregon 97477 , u .,.. ..'. ,I . 'N "'1" ~~' 1'1 '~' l' 'I" ," \,., '~-~ ',j} ll' ,,, 726 5400 '..,,' ',... ,.,' 'I .", . ~'!~ ,., " "'b'~:'-l1)dld1::YI~"J.'tl'\ !:~!"l'~-!" I ~111;lll'1::"1 h!:1.t;lfll~'il'lJ}t!'f.1,~~,.j~~:~t:;~ .. ,,~~'~.":;"i':f"j'i;o ,~'<-", J! j~l'; ::,,:.. 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I'" ",!~~ql. ~. l [ . :':I~}~lmiyr!, .~111~W~K Mi~!~h~I~J)Ir:li~f~:itf\rtMiji}:!~ ~iT;lnl\~~JR)~~~1~it~~~n~;}l:l!f~!J~w;~rNf~t;~m1\1('f?(?,j;'~;"\!~fm:~{!fj!:iii1Nlttg*?!'!lt~{~::~\q[P r;:'i.hlf]I'ILi~ tr',-, ,~N; :'-,:' ..;-, '. '.'~ I, ::,-":'; , ",'" .~: I f~:~~:"';,?}. iI!'f~~'~ , '.. '; \ ~.'. a~ EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 485-1515 No.l06714 DATE (-~~'i1h . ~- 1_ / c>,<:;- I ;: 0.-). .-' '-r TRUCK NO. (') L P.O, # \ ,...- GROSS WEIGHT CHG.D C.O.D, 0 , , TARE WEIGHT / --rr:l -:::::;/',>UU .-/ L_-----N.l.LWE!~HT If delivery inside- curb line is requesled, you OT. leased from liability for and 'he undersigned save you hormleu from liability for any do caused thereby. Customer agrees to pay 011 Wff! or other expenses if delivery is inside of curb linos on private properly. ,/ ;/)?r:) U.'/C/ Undersigned agrees to conditions listed on reverse, I'!"'''_~ RECEIVED BY nC--"/ I ,;/A.--/ _-...,n_ - I THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th OF FOLLOWING MONTH, DELIVERY COpy ., ':iM. .- ,; ;.~; :,~~ ;' it' .~~ "}It~ f "!' '*~ .l:r. ~l <'.i.:h ".:~~' \-~~f' ;.'1 -:;.~i-~ I - {1' ;'.1".- ;~(' Jlif:~ '~': ~r. '1'\::, -, I, ~~.: ;1111:: ",-. 2 :~. <i ;~ "<:\ 'i :I,: ~. ;\ l J ,.~ :1':, .,:'~. , , ~ .. N ........ ~ Ai'-/' ~ n.~ ] " u :::> '" ~ ~. 00 ;; f""\ "'~ ~UoS::1t1 Z 0:02:;; ~~~g~ rl'\~~ ~ "" ~, ........ 0 0 w ,.....-v Z ~.....o ..0 ~N Z I C>,-.,Id ~ CL r..."""~ ::> '-'Q w ~ "7l ..:{ .. I . I '~1', I , I ,,- d - -"I ~'!'" I ~ ." '.. I :. 'l i I 1 1 , ~',' I "'I '-' '" w ::;: o ~ V) :::> u V) V) w '" o o <l: =' <l: ::;: . 'r l.;),;: , ~ " ""-. i? IS ,.1""1 GI I >- !:: o o ::;: ::;: o , u '1"-' I-\'~ '&.. (r\ 't, " w Z o I "- o ~ '" w ;:: ~ w o w ~ <l: o ~* o ~ (~ r'\1 'J1 V) w o u >- '" - "- V) Z !:: o Z ~ :::> o q o U .-IlI..... "0 ~ ~1 :r';.E - III E..- ~ c1l.g ~-e ' ~ , < , c.!:!'>=" >'''1::0... .~ t1,..0 ]~Cl~ : .... 0';;; &l~:.E :! -::: ~,~ .."'tI.o.. .- ~~ g'~ . > ~.2 ~ ~~ ..0 .. 0" ~.~:;~ . ..~.!u;i :g~E~~g. .: E~ e ~~ t'2:;)1 QI,! ~.... 0"'" a; c ~"'g'-='~ "'tl;; ~:; 0 0. :::..! R S ():5 o o I U ~ I ~ Cl I w Q 3 w <I) 3 V) w 0 '" '" <( Cl ~ ~ .r' !< w 3 ,: ~ z o ~ '" z ~ ~ '-" 0", \ . '.'t:L,l ;ij ,\.:,' 0 < ~ o v, ~ o ~,\ 0 - '., :: (\ 5 iJ,\'I.'..,.' .,1_ 0\ ....<,) LU ""0 \.. '"'~~ ~.~< 0> , >- J )>.~ . '" w' "5 >- u to 0 o > w Z ;:: w !!l U :r w ~ '" < o -0 ] ~ w Z ~C', ~".J " \ ,.<, ',-) \" \ - \ -. , ." ,\ -- \' '<'" JD\~' .... Z :::> o ::;: <( ~'. .,. ." >- "- o u >- '" w > ;:; w o " ;\ CUSTOMER OMAIL' ADDRESS " PHONE DELIVER TO TONS/YDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ..'.:.., ',...1.', ~ '_:F",~ ~'" . '. ,;',;.. '.~ ",,: ') ',', ~ '", i :.'- ,'" .;,~;' """:"'Lfl\~j':~i:_,:~;~~~,~'. ~1 " ,I q :.~ ? ",I .1: 0,', ".. . t~. . ' ) .. A1i:in l..l'.. Wfn':Cl< I ;-lG EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 485.1515 No.106709 r. -~~~ ~~ --, TRUCK NO,xGJ CUSTOMER ()MAIL ADDRESS PHONE DELIVER TO TONS/YDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ,) " ,', -r --~-~~~ .',:~1-fI------S~'. .:3i" t~tttbf). DATE /-/o-JrI- '.'''"", . , ?:;;, - t. \ t. cn 3(;(;2 ;vi/HU :3T. I :3 1/2-0 A I . J ,<:1 C' , I :> ~COMMODITY (I), z: d / . _./ . ". ... 3/ \c1?J --- .-- <If/: fRO DELIVERY COpy !\U'l Cl WH1'. i;i': I ,',(] P.O, # ,C;;ROSS WEIGHT CHG.O C.O.D, 0 :',C\,.;~ ,"i:\ L :'" ~:,T . ...:t-~:i:i\LD. '", TARE WEIGHT If delivery inside curb line is rcquesled, you ar. leased from liability for and the undersigned savc.Jou harmless from Jlobility for any do. cous thereby. Customer Qgrecs to pay 011 wrcc ~ or other (!;lCpenSe5 if delivery is imide of curb lines on private property. ~- . ,. .~;. - -;'-,\,..U ~~U".~ :'::f-. [~~- .:.?-;-- /' ":')K~ \ C,/ __COMMODITY 3.eo ~ " 1-6:'-e- "JI=T 'N'8GHT Undersigned ~grees to condi.tions listed on reverse. .~--::~.;. ~7'/' . .-r-'"7/-- RECEIVED BY __ / '/" :,/ lJ' '-__/ THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th OF FOLLOWING MONTH. ."m-'....~ DATE No.106710 [~~~~~ tt~o"'W\.~~' 1-//_r;U (j '. - ' v_~~ (TRUCK NO. " / __ / (J.,f.'fL_______ EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 485.1515 P.O. # :", , ; 'fROSS WEIGHT C.O.D, 0 CHG.O TARE WEIGHT __.)(:) ~ WEIGHT If delivery inside curb line is requested, you ore reo leased from liability for and the undersigned will save IOU hormlcu from liobilily for any domo!le cause thcreby. Customer agrees 10 pay 011 wrecker or other eJo:penses if delivery is inside of curb lines on private property. ' . Undersigned agrees to to~ditions listed on reverse. / ) ":;> -! 7" .~,-" , (:> 5C!2i*CEIVED BY 6=--t:r--l4>C.<'-::... (, / DELIVERY COpy THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE IO,h OF follOWING MONTH. '-;1.: \.l r" :,tj. : r~;. , 'ji' :i,-- if " ,~' "Ji:J: ; r~, -;/11: ii"!" ",j, .,::- :,', 'I}:' , ~ "iJ" , '(1'~1 !I:~j, , " '. ') '/;~': - .1. , , I .jll .~ . ~l.. T% ..t I"~ -,_to rrr '11," If ,,~',d; . \1 ~~; ";';' >~1~1. 0; t', :"~ (. :1: , r', J.';'i (.'J: i. ... }t:' If ;A' ',! ~ t.; 'i. '.' ::; ." ~.1 ~-t . '.i ~~.: :\, :;;\ ;) ;!'j' ~ .- j-, ~ '11 ii' ;\' " , ,:~; ;; ~i (. J;" "- ,!'' , , ~ it ';m',' ~:f: ~ t- O '-0.... . " ~1 g'';.~ . :i .' .. '. r'- " E..- 0 ",' all~ ~~ > ~ , c.D ~ z " 0 :J ij. _ ~ c \ ~) 0 ~.;;;~c:... 0 , \ - , 'tl~~ 0;0..0 ~ -". !C) ...-i ci ~5:;~ ~ '1. ",;J Z .! q " = ... 0'.. .. :' \ ~ ,'r 0 u &1~:.= .. \S9 ,.f' Z ~ -:: g,e .~1!.g 0.:0- ~ " 0 1:1 0;'::: 0:0 1:':"-... ,IL. >< .::; E;~ S '.... -.... rJu.. u ~- ~!i~ l! ':'':;'. "q. :0 IX ~l:"'iO- . ~ 0 u:: ::I.r:i- 0 0 .... 0 i 'j... ~~i >.~ i 0. , \, I 0 0 ~ i!- o.D" 2 ~ ~ 0. '*. :c .- E.c ~ ~Q. 0 < ~2;,~ CI 1:1 C U .~ '-'. >, , ~- 0 - ~ '0 , <, OOc~ '\.::;: ~l"'l-='~ 0 f ~ "tI.. 1:1.. 0 a. ~ C u<~ ~ " ... ~ ~ 6.. t: C Z o~ => Z ~z __..... 0 0 I < .. " ~ ) ,...l,,'o .; J w <~~~ "-, .... => ~ c ~ :c .... . 00;>80 w ~ :c .... >- w Z ~ :c ,., u w 0 ~~ow 0 ~ ~ o NZ " W 0 > . ~ w ~ ~ w w ~ 0" # V) ~ ?: o "'=> w V) o w .... q 0 w w ~ < IX .... U " ~ IX < ~ w ~ 0 0- l:), 'C) . IX ';::) . c:" V \.X; , D \1" ~,J >- ,,1 "- > c <:) ',--- 0 .. I .. "- , ',,) u " , . ('': " " >- , .... r.f) \f' IX .... W ..... > ~.~ if "" ;1 ::; " \; w '- 0 ,,' ' . r~ >- Co:':; 7./) .... " :-;.: 0 f 3 0 > ... ::E v ..... ::E " -- ..-.. 0 ".:l .::' I ,'-'.. I;:,u -::::.-) ..r: .(, ' I "," " - ':\I f\ ~ " j '" ~~.) \~ cb ,~ " " I ~ :,-, . ,j, ., '. I I " .J I \ .. : .. I i ,!. : .~ I I 'T:' ;"1 V) V) w '" IX 0 W -. W 0 .... V) S! , ::E 0 0 .... ..' < IX >- IX Z 0 w w ~ 0- :0 ~ ~ z > V) !:: 0 ':. V) 0 ::; Z :0 < :c w 0 Z ::E :' u ::E 0- 0 .... :0 < c-. 0 @JY , '.~ j ,i II ,'j1 "I 'J 'il ,\I Ii -J.t Ii li l' l~. r~,O:"'''>" 1'1':" ,,' .j!" " ,~~ ' . ;\ 'II' .~ ;/li ,,'t , 'u~, '\')'" " :' .1 IJ 'l~ "'~!'l' 'IT f 1, .. .' t~ . tili ',d "i1 0 t {' ' "t(~inf"I~~i {"1i~";Rh~!7.mtttj~I~{'i):i(~i'~j,i\i;f!ff0~::[I'ml\~~1/f:)yti,'JW:'~<" I' ( ;!i;:~: n:f(~V;"1::-:' :::, " i' '. ~ ~r "'. -,,_1'.1 '~, . ",,", iI.'1 ! t~". 'h;.,'~' CUSTOMER o MAil ADDRESS , PHONE DELIVER TO . TONS/YDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ", ,,, ~ ~ .'~ "j f~ . ,'".-,,; ...... CUSTOMER @ MAIL ADDRESS PHONE DELIVER TO TONSjYDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ~ c; ." " l: 'I;"'...":." :.....,'.,/ ,";";.';i:)'I,'1;.: 'J_~~;~ .;..:.,.1 ','.". i\U'l'O ~:;BECI(If..U ----?c.:~. ::-., ......'1r .... ~., 4'.-'- ~,tJ. r :.; .~-, r..~; -:r.l'.. ;')(...-;~,/~(:n 3C'c.2 ,/' ~lA I ~,i ST. 3 1/2-0 --;>:-) Z:7' _ ,,;, -', : - COMMODITY ~.cu ,,- /0 S. /1 ,', .;-':\..-::' . :',::::'~j:.J"i;\"~"ji ;-:f:'-; l~. 'I'; '.' " . .i.:'",.:l.~(. "<:")!,"rli'~, oIi<;""" . ~ , .l~.". '\. "i~;i.(~. ~'1 EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE 485.1515 No.l06715 r--:;(ll~ ~~ TRUCK No.<i-7/ DATE 1-/ tJ-rfV P.O. # ..1 .yROSS WEIGHT C.O.D, 0 CHG.D "?':;J /; 0""" TARE WEIGHT /. / U \.../ ,)(~ -'<;:- NET WEIGHT ~.'. r,> U() 'C;':>:Jr . If delivery inside curb line is rIlquested, you or. lecsed from liability for and the undersigned save you hormlllu from liability for any da. . caused thl!reby. Custom"r agroes to pay oil wre or other expenses if delivery is insidtl of curb lines on privoto property. '" " DELIVERY COpy ~--~~~.:~. ..~'-, -:.' '. /l.d'.: U ~:;HLCX I',~.: '; ~--7r.-{t-I-+--::.;.i~' .~,-tf"rrtD. /';. ;:..-~:.Qo.... ~,CC2 :/:1\ I ~J (..,... ...:' i . ./, /9'Q c:7' ,:>. / - .. -COMMODITY ;;.c.u j 1/2-0 ---c;~'~r;- -Z~L-1a ...- _3/(ToD S / ,9/?O DELIVERY COpy RECEIVED BY Undenigned agrees to conditions listed on reverso. ...'. J ."/ . -/ -.,-/--/:, , .- -----...::,.. / ..,<,/,/ ...-1_ / OUE AND P~~":;LE~Ot~' OF FOLLO,\"ING MONTH. THIS INVOICE .... ,:jj-...~.:::...~.L,;,--~:....;.r_ ,. , , ----.----.-- ----- EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 CQBURG ROAD EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE 485-1515 No.l05706 t--:-::i"I~ ~JWl\;~. TRUCK NO. "7 -'7 . DATE _L=L() -Ri.. P.O. # ,") , GROSS WEIGHT " CHG.D C.O.D. 0 TARE WEIGHT If delivery inside curb line is requested, you (lro re. ItI(lsed from liobility for and the undersigned will save you harmless from liobility for ony domage caused thereby. Cusfomer ogrees to poy 011 wre<:klllr or other Ol(pensl!S If delivery h inside of curb lines on private propeTly. t..U:::T \"-B~-'" Undersigned agrce~.to..sondilions Iisled on reverse. ") ,c. ' RECEIVED BY C'--'..'" .. L/ ;:j:;,:'---... THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYA'Bll ';Oth:F'~ FO~L~ MONTH. / , ,,,.;.;';:,;1:', 'F"~'~~:; ; !JTf;"!"i''-1~'r,~':.. ,,-- ..i', :(t'. 'jrJ,. 'f" ,., .k ,1:; :.( '"}, " ~; f< .l " j'lf "I; r;l' 'I . : ~ 'J... -"i,H' \. :4''1' .,~ ~f ii"} ':' ~: '. ',' .. .,! . ~l;(: '.;~;~~ . '.. ~. ,;-t.,.,. r' :t" il' i,; , ~" hF ..1," "')' .,,' :1i/ j ~. )f ','t'" ~ ; . "} h . '!:1:i J fl 11;'1 [,1.,:.",' B V. t ~ !, ::! .:!t ,1" . . ",~:;, "'1 " .~{ r "11' ...) . i;~~ ,J '., ( .it i\ :1;;' ',' I, .~:~ f r'i' '" !~! :f;: " " " r' i.; :!:. W ,..j .-11.... ~ If f=C1.... . r- C1~ ri~ . :i li1l.g ~~ > ~ w ~ z 0 ,< , ,~ 0 c.!?>.= u '" 0 ~~ r., >-~c:o_ ci -c:i{l 0 >-0 ~ " . .-t If'~ \' ~~.f g~ ~ z " ci . o. j ",'i '. 0 ci u ~~~:.!; ~ . .....,8 :"~ : Z ~ -:; :.~ .,g 'f.:o z .~~il Cia>- '" II g:= tI ~ . ',~ : '" 0 .!::s E t::: " U ~- E ~~ o 0 " ::> : :-.\ ~ '" .. ,.-- , .... 0 a~ =J:?: : '.~ 0 . . - '~ -3il.!! .:to m~' 0 .~::: ~~~ g- o ',...... ~ .- E..r:: f ~li. ~ . '{j 0. \'\- J: ~ ..........'.. . '.; u ~ 2 ~1 . .. 0) .... >- ~- 0 -. ii ";;; ~.~. pOo~ , :;"'-E'~ ~ 'X,--'~ ;., u< ~ '-:l "lJ ~.... 0 Q. 0<> .., " ~.!~So& :3 ) ,.~ Z "'Z :;; ....l" 0 .;, \ \ w ~~~" m ", >- ' " ~ J: ' 0 C1)>o~ >- " w 0 J: >- >- w uO Z 0 ;r:( '" u ~~o.; 0 w 0 0 C) N Z :J: ~ W 0 > .' .., w ~ ~ w w :!: 0" "* '" ~ > C) <>" '" " C) w W W W !!l >- ci 0 r.I.1 -<: '" '" .... U :J: -<: w w ~ .': 0 0.. 0, .... Z '" . \) C;~ f:J 'j..' " ~::- \: r\, , I >- '" " v<. n. ," .... 0 .... ~ u (' ,''', ". \~) >- " ., ,""" 'ct", a: ; "T . \~ w ~-:-- > c-t ::; ,:.. j \"~. W -- '" 0 : 0 >- >- ., "I -., 0 .., '..r " .~ 0 ., I ~~; ," ::;: .. I , " ,.1 n' ::;: ~ "1 I :'J 0 , " , !1 \.,.., ':.:' I'~ ,~ -- , "1 "\ .....~ \;., i'. "- ., 1 1 ... \\ I I \ 1 i I I "I' I ; . . j'~."; ; . '" '" '; . ~ i' w '" 0 '" 0 '" W W >- U '-;J" " ::E Cl 0 >- -<: '" >- '" Z 0 w w - 0.. ::> Z 2: '''' ....,.. .... ~ !::: 0 '" 0 z -<: ~ z ::;: ::> J: w 0 u ::E 0.. 0 .... ::> -<: r', ,:~" '0 .. . ./-. ", '. I.. W '[h 1-',\ '"il\ , hil . ~.r' . 'Jj' '-~" . ,1/1 ,,' . ." '_~l.;~",~,!" ~f;!.., ",' "'I tJr, .'''' " "il ," 11.. ,; d." .. .;;:;'.' "" ;~1' .- ;. . i-~:1 'i It',~ ~:~~O;,E:RESS ,.',ll :~N ~i~ . lt~ 'II n . [1,j,1 " i~J\' . iii 'i..1 ,'~, -tf1J '~f:~ . }r . '.r :,:,~( . ,. '.7t~ .... . ;14' , ..' i!l t1~'\>';" .. ~'{" ~f: .: . ,~ill "", ;,' , in" ., ," . ~i 1 ,::1!' ..' , .,' . . ' : . .' . , . ~iIUW: i '!~~R1~Hm~r~U~~~jW~I*1 t:rjl~if.~tlf!.~~rtt!f~~j.i~~~~j:; ~~~~~17 ~'H!'m:~lt)/ iht1' ;WiL1fl'#R!j;~;Wi\11'W;'tti;1r IH!f~~;jB1~,1\1 ,f:'l~.l'~;o ~~; !i('_lf.j'I:'I<':"'~~~"'.""':'!~4~',:-.I~"':i.!1:'1~.....:..I. ,..~I-~:jllf.t~~,)t-. '~f .'~ i; 'j' 3 I, ...... ::!' :'.~' "t'.~; "1 ~.~~I .<lL CUSTOMER . \1",'..,' '! ll)':ID'MAIL ADDRESS !ji ::,.',' PHONE . fJI :' 1~,1 ~(j : f1 . j '" [~I '1; DELIVER TO 'CT6~/YDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT "{ , :~ 'I. '.f DELIVER TO' TONS/YDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT D :~ 1 / " , AUTO ~?F~~:C:\ I ;':u ~',L.:Cc' ',' '" l~': r', L ( : ~~T . ,;f-,11'[,D. ---------r7~1- 'J ~~ l:~.I) '1. (' (.. 1') .~: f\ r ~,I co If! , 1/?-O ,..-55 UCOMMODITY J.110 l/tJ(cJ. 7 '.', . '!.. .( 3tfoT'O .--- <5' ) 5' 30 DELIVERY COPY .....'. , '.,'. ,: .' "', ." '.::' ~;.,~. ..,.... i'UTG ~~H;!.Ci\ I ~:G ...:v\}c--:.;,....1. l;!---sr . '; ~\ ~ --~-4-8-G-- :)f,H F' [,D. ~~OC? i't1fl i i\1 :"Ij1 3 l/;?-O_ ...L, / '). -~!?'~ ;' .1-:1.ru_COMMODITY ~-~-9J'Z:-,;------ ....) EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE. OREGoN 97040J PHONE 04B.5.151.5 No.l06687 ~~~ - ~ 'J . -.i ' .~ . DATE / - /0 - &.; <-) 7 - TRUCK NO, :I P,O, # GROSS WEIGHT "j. CHG.'D C.O.D. 0 TARE WEIGHT If delivery inside c;urb line is requested, you are re- leased from liability for and the undersigned will save IOU normlen from liability for any dO. couse thereby, Cu~tomer agre~~ to oy all wr or other expenses if delivery h iMile of curb on privole properly. '" NET WEIGHT Undersigned agrees to conditions listed on revcrse. RECEIVED 6"'::::::::::?''1 Fl-c~ 7'~"?<,_- THIS' INVOICE DUe AND; PAYABLE 10th OF F9(;OWING MONTH. .;." ",';:..: ~'. ;,> -.;..-:.' EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGoN 97.401 PHONE 04B5.1515 No.l06699 C~~~i~ iin',~~;l''*N\~ ~l~' .1:.;.'1" v.'.;}7 DATE /-/?- JV:- . TRUCK NO. :::,"77_. P.O, # GROSS WEIGHT .~ CHG.D C.O.D. 0 TARE WEIGHT If delivery inside turb line is 'equ~sled, you ore reo leosed from liability for and the undersigned will save IOU hormleu from Iiahility' fa' any damago cause thareby, Customer ogreu to pay all wrecker or other e;o;perues if delivery is inside of cutb lines on privote properly. 5, /r~/'i;J'I"i) c--' -.... NFT WFlQtH --- S 2 <!-.5 c:J Undersigned agrces 10 :nditiOns listed on reverse. RECEIVED 6~-=--'4':--1--1/1".ddc."'':''7~--' THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th OF f9'llOWING MONTH. DELIVERY COPY ,'.~'~,:: " .i'. . ~. !~: . 1:~ <f;l. .t!,l' jj ':f~ '';,1'(';:. :k . . \ ~~; '1-'11., . l' i~~ . t ~~1 ),!if'" ::i{. '1' ;~ ~~ . ',. ::'; {~; ;Jr,'; ?,~l:~ lt~;: . ',}'f; I'" 'if "iT, '~t U '~ ~-' 1 ~- ~~{:: . l~!l;' " )~ I, ". .~t )..1 ,. .'.~ .!; ','.j ~~- ~t n"!i V:- (1 :'ft' '.\fi; : ,", 'J:' ~f''''.. Lt .~ t~ r~i i~! !f i.' ,; i:: ,; " .r W If) 1.0 u:.> o ..-l o Z ~. ,",00 ~ I-tUC3 S: 11'1 Z ~.z:;; <...:1"0,;, ,., ~ " m rl'\~iii UJ 'Of \lJ ~ 0 () UJ ......-U z ~<~i~ C)....:g" ~ r"~'" :> "-'C) ~ r"-l . 3 f-=.. .~ t u. ..... .':.;; ~..,j ... () ., ..( C' <:1'. ::J j. ". J :\: ('i , :.'1'- " -1, i " '. ".;< ,. , : : .. '" w ::;: 0 ~ .. Vl . :;) ! U " Vl Vl w '" o o <t ~ ~ ::;: o Ir r- ~ , . ~--: i t g . "" u :;) '" ''j..~ ~ v \;)-. I 'I I I 'II. w >- 0 <t 0 .,: <" :-:~ c ..' I (\, .... ,.. "" >- ~ 0 0 ::;: ::;: o ' u I~ I I. ~I ,," r-:9~ ~ ~I"~ \~ I 0 Vl w >- ~ 0 >- ... '" >- '" z w - "- :;) >. Vl ~ 0 !:~ . ::; z w 0 Z ::;: 0 >- :;) <t f:~ ,., '-., :(\ w Z o J: "- " c . > ~ o .-....... ~~ g'i.~ ... e..- i51l.g ~-e ~.~>-:: ~ "'''11:0... .:D 0,..0 ]~1)8.-8 :. .... 0';; ~~l':':'= ~-= :.!! .~-g.g i;.~ CI 0:':: 0 ~ ~.e g ~~ -e ~.2"'C1 a~..;:: >. : ~:gi~ 5i a 'r::t~i2 0 .- E.c f e-Q. 1: ~l:!:~~Cl.! ~ ~-O-oQ .~ ~1l>-]-=-~ III "D a ~:; 0 a. ] ::..! ~ S li ~ ::J 0, Q u. :i ~ z . 0 o ::e -~.~ j \,~ - \. I i ~ \-d \ 0...... -11 ({;.:::: :c ' 0 . ~ o u ,~ " 0 -",') .c ~"" -.... s ,~ - ~ 'm " <( ,l~'~ o z .\ \ ~ l! o (j J: U >- J: Q w ~ >- 'J: Q w ~ >- J: Cl w ~ >- ., o w 2: w u w '" ~ u 5 > ~ Vl Vl w o '" '" <t Cl >- ,':~ \ el J: ~ >- w Z ..c' '\;J ~ "~ >- "- \' 0 ..'" \~ .~ u .,/\ >- .......... --- \}.. '" w > ~r) ::; w 0 \ \ i , 'I". CUSTOMER ,I ' ,1; ',i;;\".MAIL ADDRESS , (l ''\1.l' '. 'i' ", PHONE i ,:1, 'i DELIVER TO G/YDS UNIT PRICE I . , I ".1 I j I ,I \ '\'" " '\"0''-'>'' ~: , , . f, AMOUNT " u :r ~ :?, .'; f"":'!:'- ~:'! -. . . ,or. 'i 1 1 . ~".',:.,,..: .,' '. " ~\Vl 0 M<i~ I,~(i I :.1, )lA...l ,~:~ 1 \j :.~'1'. :~F'i-:F'L[). ----~7ir_.-(:-eo- .){.,...;. .~/!~ ~~T.. '1 l/?-O ~t.~/ 3.f.lO /dtJ.3sL COMMODITY . EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 485-1515 DATE_/~9-,fi No.l06652 r ~:.~ U~ ,. --v(" TRUCK Noll U P.O. # GROSS WEIGHT " CHG.D C.O.D. 0 ...,l{\RE WEIGHT ;;;' / C; u-rv_ ..J' ..:.NET WEIGHT ,.,- r ~ It) ,'::> J-~ If deHvery inside curb Iino is requested. you are re- leased from liability for and the unduuigned will sove you harmless from liability for any dO. caused thereby_ Customer agrees to 1,ay all wr or other expenses if delivery is insi e of curb on private property. Undersigned agrees to conditions listed on ,reverse. DELIVERY COPY . -~'--", _..-- '-~._' .. RECEIVED BY",." --...~.'-:':- '---~ U' THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE ---'. .-.~~ /..... '-~':.. .... 10th OF FQt'tOWING MONTH. ;:.:...."'..;.. . .~ -~'....~. ,._'._.~--",,",.~ r , . ".{'t' '.." !~ UTO \~F;,[.'.C\< r ;.:1.; CUSTOMER '.~:,MAIL ADDRESS , . .". .PHONE .Hi I ,I DELIVER TO ~YDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT '( i [ '1 I. ,f .', '. ',1 -::> I'/" d?) ..'), '> -- ~ C; J 7 ) 4ECEIVED I.lY'. .c~' ///7-:,;/---,,,:'_ .._".-.- ;1' L, /.;. '.. - '~/ THIS INVOICE DUE AND ~AYABLE 10th OF FOllOWING .'V'-.'; ;nr~ 1 'j ;"'. :~d"'h!,'l,U. , . _._~--.--f---:''':'-.":'''-- .... '! 'J:)..-.~-G-8 '3C(;;;; :1i!" r ;,) _::;1'. :1 1/~:-O c;.i ~fJ ).bU COMMODITY EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 CO BURG ROAD EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE ...as-ISI5 No.l0G661 --.Y' VI ~__ ,. - .;-:tfr~ t~ ~1~ ~.~ ~. , r-~,.. -iJJi!ll , ~ ' " v(/ 0.') A I ~ Y - ?\ r- ..J:'/'. o TE ---1-- "'- TRUCK NO, ( ).J P.O. # ! GROSS WEIGHT C.O.D. 0 CHG.D TARE WEIGHT If delivery inside curb line is r(!qVllst~d. you are re. leased from liability for and lhlt undersigned will love you hormless from liabilily for any damage caused lhereby. CU1torner agrees to 1,oy all wrf'ckcr or other ellpenses if delivery is insi a of curb line1 on private property. NET WFIr.HT , '. I.,,,,. f:'~'~~t.. f.V: I. .,', , " ~':, \- .:. . . iii1I~:?:;;lilYf'ii$fj~i!HI6~IY$ft~Vr;~';r;i:{:hi;Yr~}ta\':~;fI1@d~~iWii,~t~t\t;;~if;i'ji.[,~i,f,(i(Zil:li;%J1tr':'iii~;'~.;:~6~\)jl";fi~~r)1.1fii~iN;l-j~I' , ,'\\'::': ~''(t r ;if.' ~!ll;'l!:' :;$~"")i::h:;:,:::'n.,n~.j: .:;I.;~! I:Hi\,.4:?,r~<;: (' :;", 'l';~: ;:-:.J;:::',:' .' '.~lil', "; .':f ..- L,'-'., ~ './' ;.-, i';'. '.,:::, ',." J'" ,'. :.' .,,-. .' ~ .1 " ~fIDJf'" DELIVERY COpy Undersigned agrees to conditions lislt'd on reverse. MONTH. ~l ,11' .,(~' oj;>: .:~'.~, ',' '?J ~ ftt: ll:!)f .', .:. . ~J ).. , ,'i.: ,',...lJ. 'J~1f; .,.J "'J'" ',' 'l\, ':',t :. ~J \'!.~; 1~ '~f' !I;~I.; ~ ~:' ,'f" '~l r' :'1] 1 H. " ",",' ~1 ..: '';;'"!:. 'i'j :~"l . ..'. , ;:;:1" ',"" /L! " . ; ... lt~~;" 1'1' . :: ~:. 'r' -I.:, .j:. ; "' _~_'. '~\l ~ 1 l v: '-'.;;j dJ. ".\! ;'tl- \1- ~1. li-';\ r;-" : 1 ~ '.:!.~T ';I.':~J ;. i , ~j , . .;., , " ~ ;' . '.'1 ::f ~ ., . .. " ") ;: ! ,', " .. :.. ::~ :.;',1 ", .-f. "1' )U' ;;j' ':, ~-. ,,' ...~ (.0 (.0 JBr ',;"'. \' U) ~.Jt 0 \.\ ..---1 r. 0 . '., d Z .' z '" U :J <X .... 0. ~, 000 ;; .. ... ~ zUia .. ., .Z ., \ <~:il 0 .;, "1' ' Cl m rn~;: w .. ~ m w >8 0 z ~<o ...0 Z x C)p:::~ w ~ Cl 'It Cj .. " W ~Cj w .... d < 0 0.: . c.l ,J ::. 0 "J: I .'. N -, "- .< .;, .-. .... '.. "" r~) :... :1.: c- :.r.. " >- ~-:.:; ~ - <> 0 ~ ." < 0 ~ ~. " '. .'. ~ '.. " i'- ::> ,,' 0 ~ .'~' ., U " c' 10 f'r ..' -' '- l'?1"" Ii> ". ,-.,", -1',1 . ", ~I'" , \\ ., :, .j:' I:. " " '" '" w \..:: <X <X 0 W 0 '" w 0 .... 0 !,! .... " < <X >- <X Z ;-.-' 0 w ~(!) ~ :J ~ ~ Z 0 '" ~ 0 :J J: w 0 Z " ~! U " ,. "- o 0- :J < 0 ' ' o ci d u ._".. .. f1 gi.~ II e..- ~1l~ i-2 ~ ~ -B ~.~ ~"ij... ..g-{\ C;o..O ~ 5,2 [~ . o. 5-~1':': !-;; :.!! ..-0..0.. .- g~ g'~ . > ~.2 ~~:; -e>-.::~~ a~ _ ;)'~)... : ~:g..!~5i Q '2~ ~.t; e D :- E"I; f ~a. -g ~E;)l". ~ '1:- o-:po .;;;; ~"D :1,,1;.~ ~ ~ ~ ~;) '0 D. -g ~j ~ B ~ g ::) o (j J: U .... J: .... Cl J: 0- W g J: ~ w g ~ w '" ~ '" 0 W <X .... <X " ..: w Cl' .... .z \'; \) \) p !) ~ -0 "- \~ \ :;: -'1 \ ',' \, ~ . > e :i ~ z o '" Cl Z "'-~ 'l!\,g- '-. '.0 - ' ~ .' 1:j ~ . ~'\, 0: 'i\,....., \ ~ \..:~ ~ ~ ~ 'I ~ . '.: 1>-, ~ i 0 }, ~ c o '0 ] c .~ 'C c 8 l! )-0' ~ CD 0 o > w Z ~ W U W <X ~,},~.J':"...:. (""'i--',::"'" },,:It. " i;: 'R ,!"\..: ',.....'", ;.,CUSTOMER .j 'U:M~ll ADDRESS '1 ""'",j.,'PHONE :]' ,..'..... ::.!.iTC) .. ". ~.i'f~i.:Cf\ I :.;-J EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 C08URG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 485.1515 No.l06G75 l' ~,~ArgllL rQr~~fI g <I '//\ . , TRUCK NO. 1'\ V ,~ I.. L. t:' ,~! "-,.1 :"1 ,",1. .)t"'r.;tl'LD. .., . '''',,", ,..'..J ..' .,,1;.) '~'l"{ ,,) \l,~ ~l---S.1'_ . , ..I 3 1/2-0 DELIVER TO , g/YDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ,/ / .- d _\ . /J COMMODITY -, r'O "J..-' /. 9(.U /-_9 DATE P.O. # .'.,. w " o ., ( ". .' L I. if i .- L . f,1' ,I, :ri:,'[):.' " ,,~;it~'i:;.:,. i I I ," ~. >If . 3 1/2-0 - -, r/ Y.b C'" , COMMODITY --':-0\) r;u -f'r_7;J ~-x~ ,_ P.O. # . ~ y.~) eGROSS WEIGHT , :. :() (J CHG.D C.O.D. 0 ,. If delivery inside curb line is requested, you ore re. leosed from liobility for and the undorsi9ned. save you hormlen from liability for any do caused thereby. Customer ogrees to pay all WI or other expenses if delivery is inside of curb on private properly. TARE WEIGHT -~/~ __~__---;:;- /~' )., \)....."\ Undeni.~ne; ~.~~.~!.!~_ conditions listed on reverse. '---- V I L/ ' .--... -/ . . j RECEIVED 'By:....:.: ,.- /,..;' //,/.';.. 'n...... ) ,.. THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10lh OF:.'FOLLOWING MONTH. V :!? :t: ~ ,. DELIVERY COpy ;';" ':~;~,:~ ; :.~~.,~?;~~i;.~{~:,:';:;r~~~;<~i.;.:~\;.Mii-:"~':-" :. ;_;:~';:,::' ..J.. :.-'<' ,'."l" '~'~.'''.''': Y'oiI.' ~ ..........,....-., ...'-'~~.~,' li~,.:'<i" .:(::-:'-r'o ",', "".-::. ;<,::. .:. :.:~,~~;:~:~~Yii,~ .~~~,t,'':'-'m .';'i"",;-;;'" >- "- o u >- '" UJ > ::; UJ o . , C..-: . AU~'O WH::Gi, FG _ CUSTOMER ----38..;~. ;.u':i-M- ~'}T. ..:r--l'\(,'j,lU " .,. . .. . .,.';f8\":MAIL ADDRESS -.-,-.....226:.c,..,:{;"O------_ ,')~:..- ::C"'("- "~'''I:" ~. I '.,:. PHONE _,' ,_Ie -"" "J .,1- EGGE SAND & No.l0GG70 GRAVEL CO. 90520 C08URG ROAD '~~rm, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 t ;;;;;JU'~~ PHONE 485.1515 ~t.o;~~ , - t;' 1/ (/,.\ . /--- ';1- (1 7-- /.U ,-- -- TRUCK NO. ,! DELIVER TO ....."") 6~8/YDS UNIT PRICE DATE j 'I ':~ U [' ~ U ':,:, [," <;/'("'/, O?J TARE WEIGHT ~ -./ '\ <- NFT WFlr:"'~ .i!~tJh'. D,um~~:)-O ",~~:~::o~,:':"~.}~:~'~;~::~::~::~ :~::". ~ii~~;1.~~;ilit~~if!!;J!if1'f\!iii~;.;;4~lii;~,SiiiiIMA;i;f';,;,,"f";;'; r,i,,,~i,,j!,rii,_~illl AMOUNT 1 .-"GROSS WEIGHT C.O.D. 0 CHG.D :1' fr If delivery inside curb line is requested, you are re- leased from liobilit.,. for and the undeuioned will lave you hormlllSS from liability for any damage caused thoreby. Customer ogrees to pay 011 wrecker OY other expenses If delivery is inside of curb lines on privote praperty. "iF , f~~~ ]:, "'1'1 .,1" .~I: 7:j~, ," ~l));' , ./. l:~f , 1::i'l j' :~1;' ;~- F,~ '::J ~: "!'~ /i ~,~: a.,;t Wi' 'ilf'{,' . "I" -", :l, :[1 f 'J~: . ~L~~ '1,: ~ ;':1,' .{ Fi ,,";~"\ . ;'; ji ~; ;!.p >ii . ':1 j;: , '1 ,.~ :\t M .i f"i .<~ .r;' 1:j .:-J,.:t . .~\ tt. ~ , ,I " j: .~~ {- .) ., .~l;. :,'! ,..\' ! ! f;,l en " "- toO , l'J 0 C " -' .-4 ci (~ 0 ci . ; ~ Z u .~ .. , ; ... ~. I . ~, . .Yi.. ~ {\.; r ; ~ : ,"I. I: .': :;' .~. - ~.. 0. 000 ',~ o .. ~ UoS:1t'l -.::r- Z ~z:;:; ~~~g~ ....)1 {J') C-IJ~ ~ ~ >00 w v Z ~~O"'O C) N Z '" ~ w ~ 0" 'It C) ~=- w C) w ... q ~ -<: 0 "- . c::, ~ G I (',I ...... ...... ,~ t ",- ,<,\ ;:. ... l,'.. -"\;1 >- ... o o ~ ~ o .:r--..U:> \ ,", --- . "-., . If\. )- i \ ~ ,.-, 1: Vl Vl W '" '" 0 w 0 I-- V') ~ 0 0 -<( w ~ >- ~H~ o o I U .- 0..... f1 gi.~ CI E.- ol.g ~-€ .. , c.!?'>= u >-:: c; 0... ~.~o,..Q ~g~~ . o. g.1~:.!: f -:= :.!:! .!:!~.gtD>- l;~:J A - ~ ~~ a.t:;~ . :::..U..~ ~.g.! .~t .~:=~~;~ .- E. ~ ~Q. ~,g 5~ ~1i '~l>-l-E.~ "'0" Ill.. 0 Q. 0" :::..! a 8 0 ~ .. . . > ~ :i ~ Z . 0 o 'I :c _~ \1 '\ ~ j\ !\~ ~ "- 9 :.c i \ 0 e .. : o .2 ~.. ; ". I,' ~ f '.' 0 g' r,-"':;, w ~. ;; .~ j\:::'~" . ' -01 0 5' ~ , w ... , =- I ... 0 (j I ... >- w W (j I. '" v 0 3: w ~I 0 > 3: w w ;; Vl 3: ;?: Vl ' ,,;, 0 W W '" ... U '" '" -<: w w ~ (j, ... Z '" '''''/-, t? ~ \." ' '-.) "" >- '..I' "- , )-,:, 0 U , ------ \:S- >- r<l '" w \. , > , ::; ! w 0 '2). ~ ~ \~ w ~ ... ~-', '" Z "- ::> !:: ,0 IF z ~ ::> -<: (" . J~~T'~{." .',i; J,!!.'", , d. ..' H.,. ,.",CUSTOMER .,,11" .. UL,~:MA1L ADDRESS -,-,-- '; jll'~>PHONE Hl' '~;:DTsO · ,[j UNIT PRICE '. f\\ AMOUNT :'1 J, ,i ~ -- :/J, ", , ,.:1, '~" ROSS WEIGHT, CHG. 0 C.O.D. 0 ~": r!. \..} ":'1 If delivery insidt' curb line is requt'$led, you are re_ .: rl~ TARE WEIGHT leclSed from Iiobilily for and the undersigned will " '1/ ? ~07J sove IOU harmless fram liability for any damage ~ (C1U~C thereby. Customer ogren to poy all wrecker ",~: il" .J/ WEIGHT or other expenses if dolivery is inside af cUlb line~ L NET on privale properly. J~ ""]J.nder~.igned agrees to cond.ilions lisled on reverse, ~!: ~ {j J V0qECEIVED BY ;:/;_~-:::::;,::-/'l.{/7'..-7-~( j .: ~; .~~~{ DELIVERY COPY THIS INVGICE DUE AND PXVABlE 10th OF FOllOW!' MONTH. > If .~: , . " " " , l" . . " .' ~~. ib~::~~i :i~jF~ijirV~~ih~fi~i!4i~ii*:j~:;PTi1m(t~~1~i!J{~jl~~i!~;~-;~;~~';tt~j\1ii:'~i?f:: I:':;iiit{.!'i. f;il~;;{,J~i{~Hj! 1",;':!:1~6t:nl1~,~H~'iRl ii....'M{ jfi{- r f,:!ij-,\_<;..)r!'."'l'l"l":"'/"'l";",' !'.I,1ji~n,: '1'1 ~""'f""-.,' ,I ." 1 ' ,-, le~m~,,1I \li' , j- . .,~ :.. hi'- CUSTOMER II) ,...' [1'ID";' ", MAil ADDRESS 'I' ",\ '., , ~jl',' :.:.:/PHONE ; II .'tl , !) !Il ',J ,;1 " Jj t~ 't " ,,,\ , .'..[ \;f1 ..11 .- " . !",..:.,.." . 'lf~ >iiP\; .~'.K:.:~~-" " j' '- ::.~",:,:,'~ ~~....,;:.,.;",.,:., ;'~,:", :.', "',., ,.. ;.;::....;.~d:i:...~..:: ". :..&. .!\IJTO 'IH~j!:C~\ 1 fJ; ~ . '. .,\..'\.,;r: .:Uil., ~)T. ;;t-cWLD. i'.':~'~.I'CO ~CC~) ,',~:!;. r :-.r ~"T' DELIVER TO /~S/YDS UNIT PRICE ~;;; y ) '/ COMMODITY j.bU -, 112-0 (''; ./ y: )..-0 AMOUNT :) ..' . " " ;,j 3J<)~ tf J (>(0 DELI;ER:f CQe.y .'- >,' . ',' .... h.-.;. i\U.'l'O VinI\Ct\r~,G -_-':"'_.:;€f:T~-;"ij,r:J ':'~L. :.Jrl11t"LD. 7'~"':-(~"~GQ, 3CC2 1\1A I N f-:T_ .3 112-0 C;) V' 7 ~OMMODITY ;). t.',li . I <f5~J r .~ EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COSURG ROAD EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE .(85.1515 DATE No.l06683 r-'-"'€L G'~ /- '9-gc,L ,f? - TRUCK NO. ../ () P.O. # ') ,-,GROSS WEIGHT C.O.D. 0 CHG.D TARE WEIGHT If delivery inside curb linG is reque~lod, you are re. leased from liability for and tho underlione.' save IOU harmless from liability for any d cause thereby. Customer agrees to ay 011 w ar other expenses if delivery is insile of curb . an privote praperty, NFl WFIr.""L Under~igne~ ~.Qr~s. 10 conditions li~led on reverse. RECEIVED Br':':::.:::.::~:: ,.~'>2~:;:~-;'_;~"'<--_-,- i THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th OF FOllOWING MONTH. 'I " :r:-' No.l06684 EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD - - J'ittn EUGENE, OREGON 97401 r -. >-~I~emQ PHONE <.5.1515 ,~)~r.'lIl!:i~ /- 9-8V xo. ' TRUCK NO. " DATE P,O. # " : lif I,S,,::' ]3' .; /(i ',f~: :ft. jJf: .,'W ....)f,.;.' . ,f:::11: 'i 1"- ;~I\' ;: :h~' nt~{; '~', ~' .: ,I f. " '1.1 ~:~. [1 "!'J li " r," ';: ;~~ i., f., ,!If,' l~" 'jirh' til' :i~ f '.,' !F" }!f ':i.~ . .; J ;i~! l: i J: . .t ':p i h; .~ tl ;;11 !~ ~i' I,'; ~- .. "~ 'f' '.,. :11.': :,:j f,;' ~ ~'.: :i ,) ; . !~ '~1 n ~J '1~( H i':~ . '~: OJ r-- " to W " 0 .-f " 0 I )j .,', Z :": ; , / - '. , .. ~. I""IOO!i! ~()~ S: '" Z Q:,Z iri .....,...l" 0..; '4.t~~ CJ ~ OO~O~.., I""""""u 0 z ~<~i~ C),..,,;au CL n'~~ " '-'0 W ~ ;.! .r . .' ~. . .~ f, ~ . , " ..' i;., .:' ~'.; V) V) w '" Cl Cl -<: .r'< '.' . ~ I. '" w ::E o ~ V) ::> V w ~ z -<: 0 ::E. .it o .-0.... . ~:-;; a.: ~ " ,: ., 3' ~ ~:':' . cl.g ~-e > ~ ~ Z 0 ,. , C 0 D.!!'",= u 0 '" ;>..~c:o... . . .-'\; ci -D~ 0)0.0 -g "\ C) 1'< .l!!5c~ ,;;, z Q :: ... 0';;; ~ /, "'-- g.l~".!: .. ," - ~..:..~ d V ~ -;: 5.: c 1 o' ~ '., :::: Z .."..0.. '" "- 0 ._ c: 1:1 0>- I; \ ..O:':OCj C W '" .!: 0 E ~~ 8 w V i.'" 0 ::> :;;- ~ ~~ 1> I ' '" B~~S:i ; 1:- ,~ ~ 0 . 0 -8i.! . ~ t 0. ~, 0 .~:.:~~~~ 0.:.:,-.,- \ ~ ';}.. '-E.~~ll. 1: '.'_.1 m :I: c: .......', .. V ~ f :)l ., .. >- ,. ~- I)" ~ ii '~'~f "~ ,,<, :;1l~-f'~ I "tl...... 0 C. -g( \ ..~ .... g ~ &.. c \r __"uClO ~\ < , 1\ W' i I- ,-' . " :I: ~ \t 0 '- C> :I: I- W I w Q :I: CD ~ ~ Q 0 w Cl > ~ W W ~ 'it V) ~ ~ W V) I- d 0 w w !!l -<: '" l- V '" a: '" -<: w w ~ Cl <:.',.:.--. ~ Z '" o I- '" ~(&; ~\~ w V '" "- ~ Z ::> V) Cl >- I- Z ::> o ::E <i .....-.1 t S <:::::I >- " "- 0 ',,", U (j \)-.... >- '" .~ W > ,"" '-.J ::; fVi w c ,. ;--.- ('oJ ;,ti~:,. (~: ~, ~~ ~" CUSTOMER . lj":',X'"\,:;<:\MAIL ADDRESS f,V; . :',. ".' PHONE ) -1 1?~ER TO : t TO /YDS 'I UNIT PRICE ; t. I ;'~ (\ .\v L.., ;l,l.....; ~: :~;,4 t ; j "0"/ '~ ,'.' r\ ',#'", ~~("(.:) \.:Uli ,") (/ ? 2-COMMODITY 3.80 ?'l:/J> , .:;- AMOUNT ...,1 1 1 , 1 I .~ .. . ,., I) :::[),/>:.::,:~: . ,..t.-"..! ,.,. . ':, ~ .t, ~,!' ~,i;' ',' . , ~. . . r~--:.:;,.~. ;,( 11 (.' " ':. .r. ) Ell' _ 3 1/2-0 . " EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 CO BURG ROAD EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE 485-1515 No.l06669 r ~':-Ar~ Gt)l)~IlI_' DATE /:__.'7'cF~!..._ TRUCK NO. -; .- /(j' P.O. # 'lGROSS WEIGHT CHG.D C.O.D. 0 :3 /S<:::><{ARE WEIGHT ..-7'9,., ,,-//,J" NET WEIGHT DELIVERY COpy If delivery inside curb line is tequeded, you (1,111 re- leased from liability for and the undersigned will S!;Iye IOU harmless from liability for OilY dO. couse thereby. Customer ogren to (lY all w or other c;ltpenses if delivery is inside of curb on privote property. ,..__......_n Un~crsi9ned o.gr~~sJo conditions tisled on reverse. RECEIVED ~~--';---~1 ./':;:"::'~~::;'/"~:-:"~-~':~'--> .'} 1/ ..,L.... THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th OF FOLLi~,WING MONTH. , ,. ",', -'L",;"~,:,;";,,,,_~~,, , ' "".'~~';~~~T"'.;..,...-~:c~.~;,,";..;',,~~~';;:,:.;_~~;;';;;i~'~ . , I: f , ;1 .,.: i : ~ [ ':I[ , ':1' ._:\1 't: I 1 ! f. Ii 'I i..... "Vj 0 . :::\ ~ c"~ (> ~'" I :J~ {"J :.'; '. , " ~I ~ .... . ('t, ., (-, . 'o' ..'.J ", [" >- iL '.il ~ ...,~ I Cl .... '.:) 0 '-' 4.: ;-:~ ::E '.:) . J~ .. ::E ..~ : 0 .:.> I V ~."C ':"'I '-..[)I ''^., .'-l ~ ~Io r 'oj ~ .) , ':Ie..: .., (<', ;:So ". :::>-:. (<\ 'l) 'J'- l,i:'&ftiF. '1~~~,',~:'Y' DELIVERY COPY ,..' . .' t>Ai..:',..:.:;~~<_;~:;~;f~' t..;,{;:~~ :::~:.).~ -'. '.. ....:.., .:..>,:; :.->'.\~ :'.;.,t ":~:~;_::-'..:.~ .;;.',; '.. . ,;::;. -/. .:> ..;..... :.; ,; . .;,.' ~:_> ~. . ~:;;'_ ,.~'. :._ .>.... .~\. . ,:. ."": _ ,. '. _' _',' . "" j~lfiJ!!.t'lmi\}wlI!lHrd'.f.iiif~.tu~ilt'nf{Tl~ij~~itrl1w*ltW~~'l'[im\.fi!Yl;i~]g~iV;:;!iW' 1t~i~~2M~1-{iNff'I.)!t1j~1ir!';~(!'i%1(l:H'\i 1;1tFf~1!~\' ~unW:jBlii1\!tm/l ..,\rtf; 11.~I!;-::r~!'!'IJrf~~.~::,..IP;"':'!'::'?};~"S=:f,~.~~;~!J:1:'r".::f.l;,-,,:,,':~:;I;l.llj:!h/t:"::.. ,,,_~'!;';, tt ~:;il:~"'I':' :::';;::, ::~. 'I ...... ~'. ',. .'.1.1 JI."..IJ.tIJ clJSTOMER ::@' :,,::~MAIL ADDRESS .:1..); : :: ",'c' PHONE ,~l,(" ,,' ;~': {\ i :"1 -----~~~.,.~ ~',J '.~ ( f";- ;':l"!.ir,i ..Jl.~ER TO \.JON /YDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ;J 5"'3 koMMODITY 3.(;0 9~__L7 1 ." ..) o " " .'.", \'ifn';I.:i< I ;-;:.J ~-;T . i:- t( r1;i). (".''!' "; 1/2-0 ..... ..; 3/:; c1/) c;-/ ;:fo .,\. ,.,' ---'-:':'-:'-::''':':''';''1',:"-:-:-~';''-----:S0l. ....,.,.'... EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 CO BURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97-401 PHONE -485.1515 1'10.106G73 t ".i"~ ~;;t)~J".",,,~~ 7~. DATE / -=-3 - ~' .j.. TRUCK NO, P.O. # -, ,. .<:;ROSS WEIGHT CHG.D C.O.D. 0' TARE WEIGHT If delivclY inside curb line is reqtJl:~Jed. you ore fe- letlscd from liobility for and tht! undllrsignl'd will save IOU hormless from Iiobility for any damage cCluse thereby. Customer agrees to 1.01 011 wrN.lu!r or other cltpen$CS if delivery is insi e of curb lin..s on privote properly. NET WFIGl:U.,.. Unders;gne~ o.9.~.e~s !~.~o~itionl listed on reverse. -.-.-'.... .' ',---,-. ..-" '--~- "j " RECEIVED ,~.i,_ mY Ff /,1 / // '''/' ' THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th OF FOLLOWING MONTH. " 'iiJ~: " ~( "':lf~: ; <;~ "j t.; "",'1\1, " ~r ;J( ;,1" ;,'1. '; if> , j~ ,,,1) , .(. ~~I, ," "I :1 h., ;' i~;l- . ~( ~)i :m :;a~ ;!~V; I~t W,.i' :LI: '.1" : j: ,:l!f 'Ii' 'ifl:" C;j .r '.~ii ;':;1 -",I (~. If !:, it :i:: ;~'Y i; ,i . <: ~~ .' 'I;, ."j ',' ,:Ii! "I;: . . ;{ if OJ'" lil.'~ :+1 n. ..~.~ h ~:'s q; !..t.' -~ ~: J~; , ~ ,- :. ,", ' " '" :~ ; '" .' -, ..,' " .~. <~i:).. ,-' C'"> Lf) dt~ ~~ (,(") l() 0 ~.:...J r\ ~-1 n 0 ci Z z >< U :::J 0: I- ":). 0. ~ 0,,0 o ,,~ I Uo S: ~ Z a::::z.1t) ~.... ~~-n~g~ CI)~~~"" ;>00 w "'- V Z ~~o..;o I c:i NZ'" ~w~ tj; 0" c:i "'=> w c:i w I- 0 ~ ..: 0 ..: -,.f ;' Q ~ :'<. cc ..L ~. '- ::... ~. :,. -. " - ':': " . ~) ) ; 1~ t .' I "I' ,,\ l ,- I I i i " '-.;1 " r;. " ,. 0: W ::;: o l- V> :::J U V> V> W 0: o o ..: w ~ z ..: 0 :I: ::;:,0- ,0',. t. C I ~ .... ..... .'" >- !::: o o ::;: ::;: o ~C) A 1....,.,1": ~ . f(\ _ ~ k, (/) ,>- o w ..... ~ ~ ~(~~ Q\0~ .-.... .. !~ 8'';.E .. E..- o1l.g ~-e ~.~>-= ~ >-"l:.O~ .1; 0:..0 ]~~~ ;: .... 0';; g.1~:.= .. -;: :.~ .~-g-g en>. c:.:: 0:;; .~ Ci E t~ -..... 0 E" -e >.'::,2"'U o a~ =J:i :.8-g.! .:: t '~=~~ie .- E.c f ~Q. ~~ &~ ~ ~ ~1l~1.~ "tl....... 0 Q. ~j ~ s ~ ~ o ci q u c) :I: U I- :I: I- Q :I: I- W Q :I: ~ w (j '~ w V> ~ V> 0 W 0: I- 0: ..: w (j I- Z ~ . :i " ~ ~ Z c 0 o '" ] C) . Z :.:: , - . ,~30 ~ '1\'\ \g -u '.' 0 c I ~ 0' , ~ I'" J;,:- '$ ~ J: U"'-,,':" 0 i; \'-..:.~ .... o ~~ 'w 4i'........., ......-0. ~ ~~~,j .~ I ~ j(q i \L~, ~ ",..... C >-,) w '" ;! o !i? > ~ w ~. u '" w ~ 0: ~ ~ "- >- .'- a.. , \ \...., 0 ./) v , U "- \~ >- ", j\,") "" . w , > \ ::i w i c . 'J I- Z ~~ :::J 0 ::;: r'J ..: :'f~::" '-". - , i . i~ -;}t.. " '. . ~ \1 "'r \'" . ;;';'1" .- ? ,'., ., , t"l..: . r:..LTO . WH!';C;:: I i.,:C;. No.l06654 r---='~Ia ~om5~ ')~ EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAO EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 485.1515 CUSTOMER ..~, ;LL~ :r!~l~ ~)-1. ;,;([)MAIL ADDRESS --'--:--(~(.:: 6 ~:rrl;{)r~ -:r ", :....i.,.' PHONE _ ~ : ,/, ;;,;o..t '. ..- ..'t'ri.l'lJLJ. 3 1/2-0 ,DELIVER TO ,/,e/YDS UNIT PRICE !it.o 7 P.O. # /-9-JY -- TRUCK NO. 'j 2).6S ~.eo DATE COMMODITY ';1 ;i :; ;1.' :.'[ '::i'l' , ,. :_~ ~'f ,II " .',t'i';>,~\:', ' .' :'[1<(/;:;" 'I: : '~ ,... /l_ t ~ :f '. ", ",' 'w":,",-.,' " :; 1 ( .".." '.dH'..l~V~ I;..!.: ,Ij ,,' CUSTOMER : \,\" ~ :",,1,1 ,',j ~;'i'. ..., ;'.'<E9\,';::',",' MAil ADDRESS -.-,-- "', '.:. :'0-- . ~ -/. 'I'''! .' ; <'.,,1 ~ .... '. t: ": ~.~ ',. '(PHONE -;".f~{.~.J :;:;.:', r \~ (~'i~ . ~, ' ,'."j. ;.'j .1 1 '( " I ) :; j 11:1. n' , ',. _, " f, "WOSS WEIGHT CHG. 0 C.O.D. 0 , , If delivery inside curb lin/! ;s rcqU1lslod, you oro reo ':. f T ARE WEIGHT leased from Iiobility for and the undersigned will love you harm!on from Ilobility for any damogo ..," ; ? / ((..- /n) couse-d thereby. Customer ogrees to pO)' all wr~ckcr .'- j . \ V V NET WEIGHT or othor OlCpenses if delivery is inside of curb lincs Y t --' on privale properly. ~:'1 .' '-__- ) _,.'- "Un~~rsi9ncd ogr~,c' to conditions listed on revent!. .V I p..,." SO '7 b () RECEIVED:';~- '---7i I-I /i,. J..:/'--;:'.':~- ':-i'" , , ,,: i,.~i':' DELIVERY COpy...., THIS ,NVOICE DUE AND ~AYA:'(I.OI~ OF FOL!O'j-'Nb MONTH. . I " , , ;'{i,'>:.:',,;~,'" :-!:.'_' " ,:,~,'::,<~...:::<:;;.:_..__:'-,,~ "._~;.:,:. '..~j,>.....;~_.....~:,;_..!.:>..,..,:..,.__': ' '~":.'<.,:~,_-~_.--.,',,~.- ",.':.._..,; ...,....."., ~',. ':'~'" ; ,lmir.r'1~~lf;.u'W~r{Jm~~111N~~mlwf~m~m~1m ,:!~r~;'tlfl;]i! '~.,,'}:: Ji~mtf.;H"!; rqj1Wt)1~';r:r ';f~\jH~; F~!1tY;.lHn.1w'rll!i!lfil AMOUNT n fl . GROSS WEIGHT , . ') '\, /' TARE WEIGHT 3/) d-U ,.---- ,~<T WEIGHT If delivery Inside curb Une is requested. you ore reo leased from liability for and tno undOUigned_ save JOu hcrmleu from liability for any de cause thereby. Customer ogreC!5 to or all w or other cxppnses if delivery is insile of curb , s on privote property. CHG.D C.O.D. 0 ", ,', (, ',' //(3 ...r-1J Undersigned agrees to conditions lislr:d on reverse. /: , u.:/ ...---i-~ \I'F' I RECEIVED BY. ~"()'. I' \ -::7/-::,.{'~"':"'C"'_" THIS INVOICE DUE AND l PAYA8~-E 10lh ;F FOLLO~ING MONTH. '- \} DELIVERY COpy - _ _' ~-6:::::"~~::'::223...:.'~c:.:..::Li..::.~.:::.::.:':iL.:~,~....;::.;.~.:.:,;....:_.~.~~~.._.",,-:.:,_~;~'. ./:_(-_:_~, .'. :,,,,,---;,:,;,,.~,~.:-'_.~ ......-;.,-.'- .:,.,-''1'':;-'. ;.~ ~.I'-'!t . ;:I-'t\F'LD. No.l06G57 r-~:4(~ ~-w::~~. /-_9 - .i1. TRUCK NO. 7{ . DELIVER TO ~/YDS 1 t 1'2-0 EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE -485-1515 - d '). ~fCOMMODITY .~ "IJ' .;I.U DATE UNIT PRICE AMOUNT =~71~{- P.O. # " '" /. -1~ i!.. ..;. , ; : I~,',": . ' 1) "'N, ;~r 1;' !' ,;,ft;, '\.'f' ."t )( "ilk , I '~!' . I" 'i~'i,.. ',,, '~, :;'l :i '~~' ,:,~; !.!. ~;.: ,oJ ~....: ;; :t- '" ':.. 'r h~ 'k'1~ f t. ., .: I:" 'till\:: )f '" ,> ~; . .::! ,~. ."~ 1- i. ~,~. I :~, ,,', J:J. i ,1"; /';"; .. ;" {. /,.., i-'I'." /~ ,;; . t. ,.', !\ ~i ;:i ~ .' '';, .'i? : 'I c' "l ,(I l~; , " I! ',,1 . J ~ " I ','. . ~ f ';.. 'I' \ 1,':\ r.' t ':1 ~ " I: ;1~ {- :,'( ,j, .:1 .. t' ,i , , ' .... ..., ;!.' " ,~ i ~:l ' . ~ . "" ; , ," .', : ~ .' , " " ..,", .::,j'! f'",i' ".::;' 'I. :' "" :@ ("......... ~ ~ ~ \~ >- ~ . 0. ; .~ 0 0 I ''\S' ~ U ~ :.. (\) >- "- \,') \ . '" ..... W > (~: '" \ ::; w c l E-' >- I ~.:;. !:: ,; I <> l t c. 0 , ~-., ::;: ';1 .~ ::;: J n --t 0 .... u I (\.\ ":) 1'"'\ .', \...., :J '~ ~ ,'.iJ , w " 1 ~ "1" (; ~, I\: . ~ i I " I i \~ ;1'" I i I ...;r r-- lO c..;) o ...-f o Z '"' u ::> '" >- ~. 000 1'"\ '" ~ ~UO~<t'I Z IXZ:;:) ~~...n~g~ r,...,~~ ~.., ~J ....... 0 0 w ,....-u Z ~......o ';0 ~N Z J: C)^,~()Q. n\.....~ " '-' C) w ~ ::t- lX:. ""I \ I " w >- <{ <> 'It q 0. '...-: .... ;.~ ";. .-," I.~~ ;-'.- .:..1 .'~' r. .1.' " '" w ::;: o >- '" ::> u '" '" w '" <> <> <{ o '" w >- <> u 0:: >- ~ ~.~~ ~ w 0 Z <> >- ::> w ~ Z ;;: 0 ~ ..~. o >- ,''': Z ::> s.~ 0 ::;: <( N ,- 0.... ~ ':1 f~l Ci ~ iri~ l-e e .z ~.~,.,=a c: 0 "'c c 0.... 0 ~ -ti{l o,.,O"tl CJ ~ 5~ 4 j z ~~!,.E.f1 c: ~ ~-= i!.~.~ .9 .~1~ ~~ i ~)'~~ .. 0 0' c.. E ...~ u.... u.. =,2 0 E~ 0 \_ 0 ~ 1fHHt 'J~: I '!:E]f~Q. .]..... , ~ u ~ e ~l III 0 ,:1 ,'\ ' >- .~- ~i~ 'r ~f.:; :. iiil 0->: otI .\.~.,. "tJ......oo. "tI.,'\. ',0 ~2~5"CI'':: \.--.. z __.. u 0 0 ~ ..:( I ; I , ) J ~ .'.j.. u ',-.., [Q 0 <> > w Z > w ~ U 'or w ~ '" o ci d u >- :r: Q w ~. >- :r: Q w ~ >- :r: Q w ~ '" '" o '" C),.. w '" <{ '. >- >- w Z '-,",.; . ':' ,/ ~" . ':)~~_ !~~ii,Y,> :' i.... CUSTOMER J MAIL ADDRESS PHONE ;',', '[1.,.,.;,' '.'~ : . ~. : t " ;'-'\.;.:.' 'i: ~~ER TO (~~YDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ." ,:',1 ';:[, ! ,:.'" 'I :'1 I , I:~;;;L( "",[)", ,,': " < "~I: i '_:;~ ,.' ~ '>;,.", 0' !: . -~ (.,' .. ,"'" ' , : '.:, .....'1 ;. ~ f' I ,'~; ! . i ';'1 ',j ,; " :, ';.-,', " ::~~ J,,,!' " , ., , , ., CUSTOMH . , . ,. , 'QMAIL AC.DRESS . ,::":" PHONE DELIVER TO ~yLs UNIT PRI:E AMOUNT :i ., !. ,5 .~ .?~)\.,' h. ,: w .~.l(ro WHhC!\I~'jC; ;G{j~ MAIN S'('. SFR~LD. ------T~")(;\..'u ;: 'dG-&- ~:: ,", .r ,'I ~ T 0'. ~ l-I-2-{)-- ..,' DATE 1- No.l06662 I' ,'-".:f!lIla oo~~ 'J"V ("("'" .. Y - TRUCK NO. '-I) . r:) 7. cI'12COMMODIT; .3.80 . / () f.,f y:-. , . EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97-401 PHONE -485.1515 P.O. # GROSS WEIGHT CHG.D C,O.D.D "I ,," ':-"'l . J. .-! ~" /J ,~J- :) U ..:)':? 1./ _n'-.--n??: 7/u DELIVERY COPY .'" ", ~'.. '''';"., . ;_ d_~..~..:" If delivery I"sid" curb line is Toquesled, you (Ire reo leosed from liobility for ond the vndorslgned will sove JOu hormlcss from liability for any dO." , couse thereby. Cusfomer ogrees 10.r.OY all wr or other eltpenSIIS if delivery is insi e of curb ~"p!!:.:ate property. .. Undersigned agr,ecs to conditions lhled on reverse, '- ' 't \ ~{ , ---- ~.:l.// ,./,. \ / f";,'f./~f." ~"-'-ii -~'''''..::..-.-''~' THIS INVOICE DUE ANO PAYABLE 10th OF FOllO-\IlING-'~MONTH. I tARE WEIGHT NET WEIGHT RECEIVED BY , .~...:..",:~~.;:...;,:,:;..":.~..:.::;~~~,, , . ""~~;'--:T""-'-"""::':-~~~~'~"" , ". ,..."....., ....- EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE. OREGON 97-401 PHONE 485.1515 No.106668 ru:-~~-.-;2fI"~ ~'Olj".~~i r,. './. AU'i'O ,;Ct;~ .:':;~ I N Wf-!::C;( I !';i_~ ~:;T.. ~~PRfLD. ----.~-.----.:..I"',: () - :,:...-. (.10- ;G-r::: :":i~ [~; --"" "01. DATE /- 7~ cFt/_ TRUCK NO. -;:;:S-'. ~--l-l-2-0-- ~2d.f._COMMODITY 3.no /c::: ~/ C:;L! , .' , ~ " .1 :3 (':" 0 CJ -f"ARE WEIGHT - (' ",: / -/\ Z; .,.) //.... DELIVERY COpy P.O. # ',yROSS WEIGHT CHG,D C.O.D. 0 NET WEIGHT If deli\'ery insido curb line is tequesled, you OTe H!. leased from liability for and thl! undersig',ed will sove you hormleu from liability for any domQge cou~od thereby. Customer agrees lO.r.OY all wred,er or other ellponses if delivery is insi e of curb line, on privotll property. r Undenigned agrees 10 condition, listed on revene, i I ''-''''J /1 '''-- ,/ " -- . / /' /.. ..' RECEIVED BY'''''' .--,--- ';. ,(j,,-/ ,:' . f -_..;," .-,- THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10lh OF FOLLOWING MONTH. f , !, , , :.~j nI1f~i;:;!tJ~1~lr('i~;mi~~i~i~1~n~~ji~;~j~ii~{~r1j{1~i~i~li}~1~~~~'~fi~;~iijjH!:\m?gH%{i1~b~i~;~\\.i[:)!'1;jh~!N!;' tilH,t~'.Wfl .,., ",:\~:1: ~J r '1 '~.i";I'~I~:J~{~'~~f~~:.~.>l,! ':"~'I,,:""j,.l:[l:-='l~-:;;,l:'<,:, ,;r-{;" II;.., ~:..}::.,.:~tf . ?;,: j....). ;i' ,.'. ,',;'1 '.' ; " -.,' '::.., t, -- . - . . . 'uj C> . 1~ ';' cx:' ..:.f~: .. to :jf.: <..0 0 ; ,,~, 0 .l~l 1':,,' i'. ~ - ci , (,J 'l~ .j........, q ,. 0 f .; ci u , .:1' ,:: Z .. '!,' Z J~: '" u ::J . '.. ~'f' '" 0 "1~1 0- ., ;, ,.~., . .:., ~', I ,i: 1~\' ."i 0 :. I , i~~ 0 I J: . ~ ~{, . u ': " 0 <5 C"\j IV' (:l C ~ './: , U .. ~ I , 0 ~ ~ o.~1 .. , Z ~ z ~ , ft. < .....1 Cl 0 .;, 1 ~ Cl w 0- , , ~ :> w ~ J: r/ r:n w ~ \ '. :> 0 0 w Q l~ .' U Z "- w '1-- ~ ~~ w 0 :;: ,. f" z '" ~" , C) w ~ 'r~,'j~ Cl ~t V) Cl i;l w V) .; C) 0- q 0 (~L- ~ -<: '" ~!: Cl 0.. C)", . . :...'~j Cl :'1 , -, (,~ r, . ) ~~. Ct'; i h'.. ':"1 , , ."'~ 1:. -- I ... r " I :'~) f-... , . '~" .J. ~ r: ;~ ::4-: "- " >- 1'-" " 0- . 1;-:;1 ~.'- l ~'-; . . R is 'n' ; 0 l '" .. ::E i. ~. -- ':: ::E liL I , 0 -i it ~: , , .( 'D U ., 'I :~ f ('I ..\10 ~ i': r. , ~ .) ~; :) '...1 'lO 1,:J,l ~: .,-,..,. Jfll , , 1 r', I", ~ .Jl: .1: I '~ "-.: ;:~ ;j i :.j I '.r'$j ,': f~ V> :i (~ V> W 'f "'- '" '" 0 w w Cl 0- V) u ::E Cl Cl 0- '~i f~ '; -<: '" >- '" Z 0 w w - 0.. ::J . I Z >'\!) q.~ 0- ~ t: 0 .' j:' V) 0 :::; z " ::J -<: J: w 0 z ::E '.~ (: '. ~ u ::E, 0.. Cl 0- ::J -<: "0 " 0 ' , " . : . '~; .' ". , . ,'1.. " .-... .. !=j g..: ~ ~ E~:= Dl.g i-e ,c , o.~>-= u >-..cD.... _Ii 0 >-0 ]]ti~ :: -0-;; ~~~:.= ~-:-= t.:! ..~..c.. ._ c a 1:11>- ~ a:= ~ ~ :=~ ~ ei ..c .. 0-0 a.~:;~ . ..:ii;:u ;-t :!!.!f'E,:.~ t. ~- ti..c CI e .- E.c! ~c. t"l g~ ~~ ~1'-E'~ "tI... II... 0 0- _g~6"c __ .. U 0 0 0- J: Q w :;: w ~ \) \) \:) II] ~ . > ~ :i ~ Z c 0 o >E l i \ 0 ~'I ,~{" ~ li\, \ 9 :u \,. '0 c .j":.." -.... g . ., ..... J! '\ ~ r:..... 0 g "''-,' ."r'-':::', . . c .~ . '0 c :> ~~ . 'w .. >- \,,,:t r ~ _./ j W :> c 0- >- w J: \ .'" u C) 0 Cl > w w " :;: ~ ~ w i' u u w ~ 'l: '" ':) t[) >- "- f'~ . 0 \.!1 u >- \J. '" W > \ :::; w C .: .,;'):~. ~:~-..,,\~~ '.' '.Wi.' ".J.. .1"' , i "I ..; i:'~ CUSTOMER ..',! I : :I[;f\MAIL ADDRESS , ,: . :~.'('PHONE . ;. . ':; ~VER TO 'I ., I 'TONS YDS UNIT PRICE , AMOUNT II'/' :1 'I "'1 ,i "", :l,;t:t\: .-'r,:: t';~.~~!f ! "', :0 ';. ....- :q . . . ~ ....... " CUSTOMER ,I . },:.~€D:"MAll ADDRESS ,::/',:::;-,-,",PHONE :) DELIVER TO J~/YDS .! UNIT PRICE AMOUNT .' r '(~ n '\;::"~I: ..J."~:"" b../. AlillJ \'ii"'!r.(~KI;::G No.l06666 EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 CO BURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97.401 PHONE .485.1515 r ,'-"~h o'a;;@~ .~ctc :',;;\, r :'J ST. ;ir-:,WLD. # ,'f)-)t;\.JU. :: b.(;..2 .',~ ^ ~ ~~f--Sq". " !,' 2~G-- /- <7- rf CL TRUCK NO. - ~ ~'-- /....) "",?,(/..)I- COMMODITY 3.30 9":;. /j' DATE P.O. # '. GROSS WEIGHT --' '\ CHG,D C.O.D. 0 ..- ~ _ TARE WEIGHT' 3/,,;;;= NET WEIGHT ..y.r s.~J 'If deliVf!ry inside curb line is requested, you ore re- leased from liability for ond the undersigned will save you hormless from liability for any d. caused thereby. Customer ogrees to oy all w or olher elCpenses if delivery is inside of curb on privote property. - DELIVERY COpy Undersi~~ed,fgrees to conditions lisled on reverse. RECEIVED BY ?''':_'\~ J},~Ct;/-;i~?n . . I ' THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th OF FOllOWING MONTH. ......,." :::.__,_~'.~.:.o':'::-':::~~.'-:_.;~~'...;::.."':~i":S~'O -,'-' ...;.;..:....; .".- . . ~ -, ~ ..., : ~-'~~:---"':.~--:-,-.~~~---.~~'---'''!l !',. .:\U'i'() WFir':Ci.: I ;'jU .. ''",!f'' EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 CO BURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97-401 PHONE -485-1515 /- ';;'6</ No.l06685 r~:::i'lIlia fQ;'.~~~ Ci Ire - TRUCK NO. ' )!..;'..,tC ,;,'~ l,.j ...' L . .'}'l~'~-l,l). I, :.'....-.... I'~' ,,.,. . ,..... "."'1 _ ?~? '\':A ~iL_B'~ 3 1/2-0 d /. 33 COMMODITY j.no ' DATE /r; 3-fT' P,O. # .' .) GROSS WEIGHT 'I C.O.D. 0 CHG.D If delivery inside curb line i~ rcque'-Ied. you art' re- leased from liability for and the undersigned will save you hormless fram liability for any damoge coused thereby. Customer ogrees to pay all wretlult or othor olCpenses if delivery is iMide of curb lines on private properly. ? () c) Ol/RE WEIGHT ~ ...::mr-WEIGH~ c:;' / 06 ... . Undenlgntd7'rees to condition. listed on reverse. U; 0 ' 'I.' ",. . / \ I ."" / (".,. ._..!- .' RECEIVED By....... .-----/ '!/ ,:-f./,' J'tl____ _,/ DELIVERY COpy THIS INVOICE DUE AND!~t.~~'lE 10th OF / FOlLOWIr<G MONTH. I ,..... " ;\<:'>: "~"'__::;'i~''':''':'~:~:::::'''':'-::':' __,::~ :~'~:'~'",'::..:D::,'.<~: ,:;;~:: ::.:,:.\:'.,; :?":\:',:<.; :.':':!:-.' '_:;'\:..f~:,.:...",; .'{),;-,:..,.' '. ;;"_~'I<:'" :~...:_.;. '.'. f 11'lrH ,I. :11!.IIlf: :;~ '11'!rl~,~~,,~~~:!if(;';1\,'irf,'l:1:\-,;~~ !~m,: .iP,W9-j1}!l,ii,;;-:, f"i',lrUiWm.., ~r,'l,:p"":ilmti;' ;~fgl,;i' )iF!l!; ;' :' n~ ~ir"~';' l:'f~t f''''''fl-}it#t~~!f~~~fhN~~~i:11.I'H;: ~l~rJiy(, 1~j'S~~i{..: }!f!j~:~Wfr!~*~:!{.: ;:l;i"~'~ ~l",~~' ~~;~~'~;1Y: t "'." , ".. _ ,', ." '.- .... ..~'._ I ...' ,r..) . _.'>' ;"I;",:~itFj;,!".\;;t~:'r;;jlDI'!i i'Wt(~j~i(llnlm'ifi~ilfl ~;~)nf'~:.~~Y...;~t: t;.'~J/)t;~~ \;~r.q?f .~f;';":r1h-.~f~:!fJitt1i~~'H . ;"" "~f. :f.i;' ,;11): . ~;:i' . {:~' ..,' f,*: ; !i~i ,: 'n' ~ t, " it: ~ 1j, j". ., 4Y: . :till' ',/ -l-'J , . tl~' '~.~'1'; "..t!(. : -~'-,' "ji' 1 :~ :1;; J;' ~t, " ", .{~ . !'I';~'~, ';.1",,": Ik[: ':,tff ii>1-' ~i" ;~ l ~ ~~j ,f !~ . ).T ."~i> ,to i~l 'I" a:]' u~ ;' ~. 11~!; ";11i,i :Jl" ',~ 'i ".;i .;, J [1!! .-;',i- :, ~!~ .::,~:!! ";"1:, 'if .' ,; ~~; If :~1 ~-; -~~ " '.-: " , " " 'I ,. '( ,1 ; :~ '-.r ~i ..., . " (oJ U) '-0" .. ~ l.O Jf ~1 g'~.~ . :i II E 0- > ~ <'0 ii-g.g ~-e ~ z > < > 0 ~--!i 0 o.~>-= .. < 0 ~..-, >-~ca...... 0 '" "'O~.:: tI >- 0 ~ ..-I ~~. c:i ~5~4 ] " ~ ;'11 1', z 0 . o. .~ 0 I; . 0 u 5-1~:.!: ~ , y " Z ~-= ::.!: .,2 ~ ~ . Z ..-0..0.. '0 .. c: 0 tII>- -- o c:= c t < '" 0 ~~ g~:; u U I" ..... :::> -e,.,'::',2"' 2 V~\ 0 '" ~@ ::a:i ; .f ~ .... 0 ~ 0 ~-€l..! .:Q ~{.:....:::, 'ILl 0 .;;= ~~; g. , .-J.... -.!: E] f ~a ~, ~ ~. :r ~ ('"....:::0.. -< IV' u ~2 :1100 .~ ~< -....~ , ~- ~ - ~ g 00 <; \>(, ~1 Gll-!J'~ .. 1\ _.(1). o "'~ ~ 1\ 0 UoS:lt'I I ." < j z ~..!SBCi5 ::;, '~ : Z Cll:.z it; '^ '" .\ w <~~g~ .... " " U)~~~.., I :r .... J 0 >00 w "- l? :r .... >- w U Z w Q ~ CD u P-l-<t:owO 0 o ('IZ:I: ~ W Cl > ~:g ~ ~ if ~ u. w :!: <f) 3 ~ o 0." W <f)' o w .... 0 w w !<? 0 "" .... u ;: P-l <{ "" <{ '" Cl .,: I),. z w .... "" '~.' ~ :.\.J . "S:. >- ,.3 ~, a. ~1 \/) :\:- 0 :':.0 C U ::r.: I ,.. '-.... ~ >- :t. (OJ '" ''':.) "', '- rv) UJ > ... ::; ... >~ UJ "" -. Cl ~,~. :~... >- ,.... "~ E ' !:: U:. t!, Cl :." 0 .. 0 ::; -. '1:' .' ::; --. 0: ~, 0 l.~~ l ." ~I '-.... -'~ .h .~ " " :l (\ '"'\ I -' c: , 'S-- 0 , r '-- ... "'\ I .V . ~ .f.; i \'l~ '" I <f) <f) w "" "" 0 w Cl <f) '" Cl .... Cl ~ .... ,~~-, ::; <{ "" >- "" Z 0 w w - 0.. :::> ... ~ Z ~~ !:: 0 ~:: <f) ;;: 0 :::> :r "',0 Z ::; u ::; 0.. Cl .... :::> <{ -.. ,~:: . 0 ,...'~... ..'- . ";;,..?< - .,~~~~ " ';' " '." .j ,j" '. . '-",': ",~' .. ,", . " ~". \; , il : ;;" CUSTOMER ';1. .~~"MAIL ADDRESS ,.j ,~.~{ PHONE ..:[ ~ER TO ,: II <2~~SYYDS . ij UNIT PRICE AMOUNT :..:..i f~uri'O jCO::' [r,AI;.[ -----77{s- .Jl.d..-U 3~'(:3 :~-:J I:; d ). '1 ) COMMODITY 3.130 /Ch' )-, 7 '1 I I , ~! ') .' '.~ .(. f.' ., .',' ~ir~f':Ci( r !~G 0'1'. GF';WLD. ,..~ ..."". ~ ' 1")_" . -" 3dJOLJ. ---'--:; S5 ,{I.o r,~; I{&..d? '. DELIVERY COpy 'J L" ,,"" ;,~,;i;.;k;;;~i;\~)';i~I,;'.ti~i:';;!';;';~l;ii';fr;iir.',;~i~it~:ri\dill:i" c. ~) '. " . , , \ CUSTOMER I ' . ' . ~ )f0':,MAIL ADDRESS ~:'~'PHONE t i. , t ! ',,\ 'i! II ~ It , v if ./~ . ~- " . , ~::'[J"",""'>.. I". .- . ~ :!.'.:..~~..: '~".~' , . j'. kL'r\1 ,: c (~:: -~I-f.;---~0f. ::i ::[i'LlJ.. 'r' >''i::.i!~() Jet ;:~ ~~;li. I r~j DELIVER TO 6~/YDS UNIT PRICE d ):, ~:6COMMODITY . ---- 7~~ _ IdS) I AMOUNT 3 ., ., ~'jr:r-.c~~ 1;;1.; f~:r .. .3 1/2-0 '. ! EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 485-1515 No.l06676 r -,>,fI"~ Q~;~~ TRUCK No.Z,7 SUI OFO ,S<{s30 DELIVERY COPY DATE /- 9 - .f";': P.O. # " GROSS WEIGHT '~ " CHG.D C.O.D. 0 If delivery Inside curb Ii no is requeSfed, you ore reo leased from liobility for ond the undelligned will love JOu hormless from Iiabilily for ony dcmoqe cause thereby. CUI tamer ogrees 10 poy 011 wr. or other expenses if delivery is inside of curb on privoto property. Undenigned agrees to tondltions listed on reverse. >'C~::./1 II . d"/ /, RECEIVED BY C.., ,," !" 1///) " -'l~-:,-:,--.~---:' ',J '- (_/' THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th OF FOLLOWING MONTH. i TARE WEIGHT ~IET 'NEICH.. ., .... - ~..' .:' ,~.:..:....:.::......" ;\!~ '.n; :.-!V~.U r~ "H;t:-..:k?' , " ':.'. "'-, . .' ~r~~~,' (:':;};}]:i1..~"{ ~-:-7{~'~7:: /.~ . ,;~~~'i~;~;ti:;~mm~:' ~tr EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 485.1515 No.1066Bl r-:~~I~ rt.;j"QlJ'lI~, C) '7__ , DATE / - 9 gl- - TRUCK NO. P.O. # .) GROSS WEIGHT, ''i' C.O.D. 0 CHG.D TARE WEIGHT If delivery insido curb line is requested, you ore reo leosed from liability for ond the undersigned will love JOu harmless from liability for ony domogo couse thereby. Customrr ogre!:s to poy 011 wro(k'lr or olher ellp!;!nse' if delivery is inside of curb lin<,s on privote property, NET WEIGHT Undersigned..,grees to tonditions li,ted on reverse. RECEIVED By(-k':"-::Y, f' · 1:.1//':;;;;'" THIS INVOICE DUE AND ;:YABlE 10th OF Fa/OWING MONTH, '.. ..:; ~;:;:..:,., :.~.;:,~.;:~; ::.,.,.~:;..j,~:. .t~:~.{:-..~ ',;;.:\~'\-} ~~~_: 3-.::;~l::;.,:,_. . ;;..~'/_'. .-:,:.~-;::.~ .'"'.~." :..? : .~ .';{ ~.' '_' :~~ . , ..~.~:..;;: :':.:;.. .:_j;' .:i...::"_ :. .... ~:: . .:.- _:-:. _' .. . ~ -' ~:... .. ,'; ',..' ',. '. ,.. .;. '.' .t, :. . ..'. . . ,', l\(fW'" ';lIlil;'\)'lll1.r'MF~mf.~ll:iii\~;'Hi!i(: i~ifTfflW!\;;larm(i\'J~~W,lli',iji \;:'iiliT ::!,r-:nliifii"}l :iG1P!Ji"!\ ~V' ;ii>:: 7;~\";~') rr;i'\:i\/! "1:': 11'Ii' 'mliJYP11 . .l::'~ii'~i' .trl'.';r .:::;(I;.I~:~:;~:,~:.Ph~:!::g-Yd~.-:-(-;:..~:ii/,'!~,~::>;l:""J-.,.I.:~.:,ll:j.d:'>;)'::'," ~:'r."'....~~r:,.,."":')": '0' ~:' ,!.! ....: .' .'-',' ,'. . ". ,., ", .." . "!i', J!,: : ~i~;' 'f , ~' )k .1.- 'r ";I. (. ~,~ t#'.; ;. ,)J, :~':Y ..( ;. " '1 .~ .~~ ,~;j; :: 1, ':1 f; ,tic ~h lk 'Th~t'!;: 'J' .:" ;.} ~ '.! it s;:~. .~ 1:" ~tl If .j I; ,; ~.:. u. \;,::,(" fi if; .-1 '). H 1~ .. -,. .1.(: 1\1 . 'j~) ~ ( . ~ .~ 0'_) "J J il ;~' ;"~ \'~f~ :" {.' I', ,1 ;::/: H ~ t: )\1 :f. .' :, M r-- to t.0 o .-l o Z ~~ ~,- ~. ~. 00 <; '"' "'~ )-IUoS:..., Z IX-z;;; ~~~g~ "'-'4~~ w.... OO"-,..OQW ~~""'-~w5 ON z:r ~ w ~ 0", OO~ii': ~ . r., ,..J .." () r. I _i. 0J ...... .... ~. tn '. (. ,. .' .. ( ) : ., .... " , ~: , ~ :' ~ - ! , -' i " , . ~ ;.1", .fl'; r"':,! ~'~ ~ .,'. '" w ::;: o ~ V) => U V) V) w '" o o <l: w ~ Z :.;( 0 ::;:~ ,'0. {'- (!'- ei z " U => '" ~.>- ~. iJ'. I "'-, w ~~ I- ei <l: 0 .,; >- >- o o ::;: ::;: o Uo ,I.:~, ,~+.~ r'. ~ ~ '~ "'-, ,~: o V) I- 0 '" >- ~~: 0\>-- , ,....... w !::! >- '" Z "- => >- 0 .,...~ Z ::;: => <l: o .-.... .. 0:': mo" : ) r~~ i;1l~ l-f! ," , o.~>-:::... >-e e. lJ... .11 t1)o.o ~~ D .! ~ ~ n~ : ... 0';; ::I.. -e ~~@i:~ ~,o. .!! g~ gt" . > 2.2 g ~~ .0 -to"'tJ ")0. ~... ~@ =0': 'i o.tl" .... }!.!:!e:a:.~ ~ ~- 0.0" e .- E..<;! ~Q. t'l &~ ~ ~ ~",1.~ .;::: ~;"O li ... ZOO" <: __.... 0 0 ci q U o o I U l- I >- <:> I w Q ~ w V) ~ V) w 0,. '" '" <l: <:>, >- " L -<:::J N e \X:' \/\ \j \ \.r\ '0 I>) ." ~ . a :i > ~ e z " 0 o '" ] ~ . I ~ t ~7 ~+""- . u,"; u.. : '1 ~ ' a .\; ..... f! ..~ 2 $;:\"::.-~ ': IU -0 '::-:-.l;t;, ~ ..;c-,_":.;,.,~ .:;:;.... <( ~ ,\_..- a.. '0 \/ 0 5. z i) ~ , " '~ 0 >- ~ '" 0 o > w z > w '!! U '" w ~ '" . .::)~';i'?\,,' :::';r,' 1. >" .. ,~ ' >- c.. o u >- '" W > ::; W o Ij-HL . :f;V~ :~;~ .CUSTOMER ~1{'" }C\~~C' };;\r:.~ '1lI."...if'i..MAIL ADDRESS --'--~~f;rJ "'i1 . ~':"",'PHONE ~ . ;.(;..l.;') ,":"".; ....,.., t';1 DELIVER TO ~_~ .... .',,-;--0-1.{ 1 '2-0 ~ ~:o: ' 1f AMOUNT /d?6 J', t,~r, .).11 ~' ll!~~ , Ul; '~ n,l!l :. O;IJ! '~it ,,:: . ".,'Iilll ic~,; ><,' ;iir'!;~~" " i}:{ - :'-:-''-'' ........ . ..j :~lL>-;" '. ." ft~ ~,;:, '" i{~l' , 'ri ,{ ''( ~ .. ;rt!~ '. itl1j' ", :~l'i:,!' , ~;. , V q, (t- it , ~~, , t.,~J /1 ,. {. 1 "'i :.: ,} ~l<;~. ", . -; di ''-f)'v'';' '). ~-'~':, ~r! ~i: t' ":~ ~~I 7':;~;: "...,}. dfl ,;.., I;.. . ,,- i l- -~.,,:~; ': '; ~~ :,.~. ...,:;,....:'... :.,:.,_, ;, -~:,,' .c'. _:', :'t;' " ','.,:-..' .:'.' c"}::-';' ;: ~_'~.', ,;"-;"._ , ::: ,:.:';. \1~I'V' 'ftI'>"\'ff!p,I~'MmMTh~"'l~rqrfp.ifi'1"'-"~"'" lIa' f%:r ':.~'~hf!'l!i:': 'iailY!r~:R.tt~m~~m~i(~mJ~li!*N1f~\f!!~~~~EfJR!V1~~1f~r:~' i'. ',-:~ lj'l'(; ~':FJ-,C~\ r \(i :iT. :iHWLD, d f ti b_COMMODITY ).80 i! ..) " .) " '" \, .' . DELIVERY COpy ',' " ,; 'OJ.:. 1...!;. td;'i'L: \'iPLC[( I.';:.; CUSTOMER ~V~AIL ADDRESS y. PHONE : toO ~,' c' ,1jf11:.j ";'j' ',,'1.. ..':~-Hil'Lb. , ~. , -' ;. ::;0 " \.J -:;,((',') .iJ..A-lli._t ~ 3 DELIVER TO ----==:::.-- ( (~~YDS UNIT PRICE 1/2-0 -.-r22.......0_cOMMODITY 3 ~o' ' ...,: , AMOUNT /0,,/ k~ EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE .0185-1515 No.l06659 DATE t-~~--::1ri~ Qa""""~"O /j d~ r:J 1- .., - 'TRUCK NO. ./ 7 P.O. # '1. ., ,GROSS WEIGHT , C.O.D. 0 CHG.D TARE WEIGHT If delivery insid. curb line is requested, you are rfl- leased from liability fOf ond the undersigned. SOY. JOu hormleu from liability for ony do cous. thereby. Cuslomer ogrec, 10 pay all w or other expenses if delivery is inside of curb on privole property. NET WEIGHT _ '._ ,~,ndenig~ed l?9rees to conditions listed on reverse. ."'~-"/I I " ,I; ",-....t.; __n._.. RECEIVED BY-', -- , i/ u ,..::.>' ..,:: ( v.'' I' -'--" \ THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th OF FOlldWING MONTH. 2~'::"~"~~L..:.o..-~~~"""" ~.~:.........;......:._~ , . - .. '-".' -,r.'} ," EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97-401 PHONE -485-IS1S No.l06665 DATE r-~~4C~ ~~~~~. /- '/::::J:/E-;;/ , TRUCK NO. 2;Z . P.O. # GROSS WEIGHT ,f :) o '" dARE WEIGHT NET WEIGHT il -' , .'5 - '1 ?_, ~ ~-~ ~'3:; 70 DELIVERY COpy .J.',..''''':",,' ~:~l1,:f ,l"rf< CHG.D C.O.D. 0 If delivery insid~ cu,b lioe i, reque~led, you 0,0 ,e. leClsed f,om Iiobilily fo, Clnd the' undersigned will love you hormleu f,om IiClbility for any domoge caused Ihe'eb)', Customer og,cn to pay all wrecker 0' olher e"pcoses if delivery is inside of curb lines on private properl)', Undenigned agt'ees l'tn~b1idiJjons Ii,ted on ,eVent!, (,-<.::::::,.,..,. "'\/1,.i.J ,i RECEIVED BVo___Y__/ U .__/j_l_ THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYAS{E 10th OF FOL.oWING MONTH. '1~{llt;~ttjl:mr:iil':HiifiiJi-r ~~i~(trj'Hf;i(;:i~l:'Jr mfl~~}lRi\\~'1'lI 1~j :;f>r:;,rF \/,:~::,~':':'i:!; .,,':: ..,.'. ;:",.,~', \;,'. ;,:--:", .1{!:... 1,',1~:,; III < ii;; (\-,. 'i",), " , r ~. . r~ . ~i~(, ; ~,'!',' :,11\; , y :: ,{: J'~, ",;,t, , "lij~ '; c ~4 " '1' "".~",. . ',,' '~!' 'Jj '!,.~ ';g'''~; >~;:. ~" :~r::: ',~,"n "'~~~:: ii,!r ';'i{ l.f"~ . ~I I' ~r' :i~{ . !~, ::';:f'; .,;,l ;.( d. "-I' , ~':" } 1.; ';;t:1'1 L " ," ~. , ,. .l,. ,- ~ '.,1 if. . '. - ~'1 F ; ,', ~} "! " .;:;t ;.0) ,~ .j ;! n . .~, ~; 1"r- 't: , P ~ ;~' ,;;' :.;- :: :f1::;': >if ifi' .:~: '',:is) ~~i . ,; ,. ... ,. ':l '" :.:.; '~I i !)' 1:',' .j ; ;. " :; " : ~ , ';;,<' ,', .,' ',,', . f~',! . ,.:; U') LO to to o M o Z 0. 1""100 ~ ~U~~lt1 Z a::Ziti .........:l" 0..; ~~~ 8 ~ (/).........oow ....-u z ffi~~i!i! V ....ouG.. r" g g ....0 ~ l.l.l . :~ .J '" L. t ~ '. ., e.:. "" -. :::- ) f' . '" .J ,~( .1 " , i. -.; ; ~ . r: ;. i. ..~ .: \- tAG 'j.. ~ ~I ..... o I ('.l ..... ..... '" >- I- o o ~ ~ o u ~ d-: \'t ci z "" U ::J '" I- W I- <( o 'it o ..: o C:,J . ;"f\ ~ r.~ ~ o .- 0.... ~~ g..: ~ ~ E~:::: D].g ~-€ , < , c.!!',..= u ;"~l::O_ -o~ 0,..0 ~5.2~ . o. ~~~:.!: ~;~ ~.!! '!!6~ g~ . > ~.E ~~i -€ >-,z2"O a@ =J: ~ "..D..!: u" :2.~ E,:.~ &. ~-l5..D" e .- E..o:: ~ e-a. .t e :.1 u! .,.... 0- t 0 ~"i'~'~ ".. t1.. 0 Q. 0> , ~.!: ~ S (j:5 c::i ,q U o ci I U l- I ~ w ~ l- I ~ w ~ '" '" o ~ 0:;'--"\ <( <.:> I- ~ ......., rv1 ~ . > ~ " ... Z o '" " , ! ~,,_3; < ' '0- ~ ''-i.b; ~ '):." 0 <. ~ e ' l u. ~ !'i.. \ 0 .. ~i)" .t= e~~':.<, 0 Cl '. ., o \'_~, '~ r~~J ~, 0 < Z =!, -( I < o ~ ] .... I ~ w ~ >- '" '6 w ~ w U w '" I- W Z ~ '~ ~ 1, 'f; , f., CUSTOMER .1--, " "',ll':():I"",':'MAIL ADDRESS <~ " .. . " i '.. ~.. !, ':. '-..,:,:PHONE 'I " ". .. 'f;. . .: ~1 ( 'I . , ['I 'iJ .H ':I'{ " " E'~0':'>>>' . ~ . " .. . ft:;i:~:X ;1 ij: , , -','1' " .:! ~ " o ~ u 6 > z !!! " ... '.J >- a.. o U >- IX W > ;:; w o ; I 10,::,:'; I .'." 'J '" . - 1 ~::.~ .if , j " I :1 .,., , " " 'I , , " I ':Ii~ . . , ' ,'~ ' , :' ":. ,,' I ,'1,'1. " l;?f\.: ,':;'(;:~ ..11 " ' ; ~ ;. L.U< ;"iA I (.~ ~~T. MAIL ADDRESS -'-'---'.=.J-'-,f.+',A--- . f cU-. t~V PHONE ;'C'C2--;\;A-I-N--S'~ 1 DELIVER TO ~DS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT II .. l' ." J, CUS10MER .fi',?-~R TO !~YDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT i,~ :(! (J t~..; ~ AU'-~'O :'i!-;i:.CK r ;':G ;vl.:r': i"jh 1!~ ~: 'f . ~;:t"RP'LD. ____..2.'1' ~-~ '~Gf.}-- ~Ct~:,) \'l!ll ~\{ ~'1' , ~ l/?-O - '2-' ,d y. _ .-)5'COMMODITY j. ~,~iJ ' YJ.tJ :!, " ::.:... 3/ (c:f7) - ""'--71J' ) r; 0 DELIVERY COPY "', ....,.' ,'. i~. . . 1 . AUlI'D WEi.':C~\ I ;.~G ~;i--HnD. 1/2-0 d5 V.? 7 COMMODITY 3. ~~o 9/.9'7 ".J EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE. OREGON 97.cOl PHONE .cS5.1S1S No.10S658 <:r.: [ -"lilli~ iO'~~ c( -- TRUCK No.5 DATE /- q -- J <I- P.O. # ,,' ~ROSS WEIGHT I C.O.D. 0 CHG.D TARE WEIGHT If d.livery inside curb line i~ requesTed, you oro re_ leased from liobiHty for ond the undersigned will sovo IOU harml05$ from liobility for any d., cause thereby. Customer agrees to oy 011 w or olher expenses if delivery is insi!e of cur on privole properly. NET WEIGHT . - Undersigned aprecs 10 conditions listed on reverse. " '. ~ /", /, "':... . ( ~-''''''I . /' . of ;r-Z; -'_u RECEIVED BY_~,~ '/ II ii"', "" /c::L ij ~ --- :,:",_j THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th OF FOLLOWING MONTH. '. : EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE. OREGON 9740J PHONE .cS5.1515 No.l06653 DATE /- r -":...:;ft,m ~.~~~ ::".1.. -~Q .. , / '_'1" y. v' O.l TRUCK NO. (; " . P.O. # . G~OSS WEIGHT CHG.D C.O.D. 0 3d Od .tJE WEIGHT ~ . r NET WEIGHT rjf/JO If delivery inside curb lin!! is requesled, you ore (". leond f'<;Im liability for and the um!!lnigned will sevlt IOU hormlcS1 from liability' for O"y damage cause thereby, Customer ogrees to pay 011 w'I!ckcr or olher expensU if delivery is inside of curb lines on privote properly. DELIVERY COpy ~~ill$;~ . k'I" ,~ ,"'!". '.11 -r~ .. .,'~:... ~:.:' -,..';....- "'-".: ...--: '. " '. '<-'. " -- ',.- '.{ '. .... . '-' .... - . .' ":: '" " .,' , '~~;:t;;wJtn~m%~E1tW;t;i~F}~tF;j;1!M~m1Fi0::r1!f{r] ~~;tf;~-l~: ~~ J? f; f' ;i': ;Jif' P':/,;: ~:~.~!::!.~ ~ . : :. "~;;:"i ,., ;'1;:, l,:,~"Ji . ;' ;. ::;~ ~I,:H' 'l;~~.: !~~~ ....'''''''_ Und.~~signe~"og;~es I~~~~nditjo,~s Iisled on rever,e. RECEIVED B{ ---Y V /-r/ ;;',7~;' . '--.--- ,'1 ! -' '-' ,:~t f' . . THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th OF FOll.OW1NG MONTH. .. ;Ui[Pi,it\l: ;".... ;" ':~~;"~""'''i'J1' '11' "1' "m '..d:.; 1--' ''','' >.\'1 .,',t.. ,/~ "I ....'-f .', '(\ :.P i' J (~,,,,'~'1'1' ll'; '.Y~':';;':'(:. ;'::-;:' '::<': ,;'~J ,.....\... ,:: i '" '" w j,- '" 0 '" 0 '" W W I- U ~ 0 0 '" I- <( W '" >- Z ~r;. 0 Z w - c.. ::J ~ ~ >, V) ~ 0 '" 0 ::; Z ::J <( I w 0 Z ~ ~.: u ~ c.. 0 I- ::J <( '-" 0 ./!,...~ :- 1["" . ~. .' ~tl ,~,. ",' .t" :':"~: !{?U/\.~! ..'i:"(~~ ")t: :j; "~'I' , !~. . ,- 'I .~: :; ~r Jr 'l'" .. .,,:~ ',: >;. , ;jg: '-"', ',,' i'V: ,"1:>t,f: t..! i';:} .i l'b "1-' '';.. .,~f. :;l'! \ ~.: ,':j'!" :~, ~[ ,~~~.: ;,~.(.: J .' ,':- !i( .'It. ,.t',' .. ') , t :,. -'. ," " ,; ": ". " r~ (!) tD (0 o ...-1 o Z If I', '. ~ ! (:, ',,--- ~. ro,Oc,? ~U~S:..., Z CIl:.z V'I ...... ~.l" 0 .;, ~~~~~ 00"-00 .....-u Z ~~~:i~ V""'~;' 0... r"~~ " '-' " ~ ~ ::) _1 r; ',.1 .:) l:' I "" '.' .,' >.~ :B - 'I , '. , -- ,) ..... -,' ., u, , f', 0' '\ ~~I -,( , o I (\J -- ~ "" >- .... e o ::;: ::;: o u C , ie: V'! . \~rn. " " ~ \: \ V' i\ \......~ d z '" u ::> '" .... w .... -<: e # d 0.: ~ '" I,.,\. V) V) w '" '" 0 w e V) w e .... e ~ ::;: .... -<: w '" >- '" z 0 '~~ a. Z ::> t"_~ .... ~ .... 0 V) 0 ::> -<: J: z ::;: u ::;: a. ::> -<: .. ,"'\' ..-..... ~ ..~ g'';.~ II E.,- ~ c].g ~-e ~ ;)1:::1 I ~.~~~.: g i "tI'~ U;>.O "i .!~~~ ] i ~ ... 0';;; i 6-1?;--.: 1:' !.;~~~ ~ 1,\ ~ .~ 6~ g ~ "] ~l S:! .. ~ 0 I \.>. .:" E v~ ... i \ u. -.2oE~ 0\'\ 0 ~~~j:~ j \\\~ 5 -0 tie .::.. tn ~ l.. . .~:=; ...ti g. D~_ ''":__) ~ .- ei ~~:s. "'2 ':-'::::,",:~G1 ~e:Jl".! ~r--~ ::.. ~-O":'"GO ";;\ .~-< 'ill "1=.~ ~ J:' '\0, "'C ..~:;OQ. ], -. 0 ... go I:,..e ::l J Z -_ .. u 0 0 \ ..:( \. ~ \. . a \>/ w cO 5 e > > ~ w ~ U " w - '" o ci d u B <5 J: U .... J: !:2 w ~ .... J: c:J W ~ V) V), o '" <pi... w '" .~ ,\) I) .,,-; '\. f\, .... J: c:J w ~ .... w Z 0, ~ \ ~" ~-~ 'i"': \-~, i >- c.. o u >- '" w > ,::; w o " ,:i..,,~..,.t '" -, .~, .:_" A CUSTOMER i - Z o :>: " Z ~ '-'. ,';;. '." [)MAIL ADDRESS ,'".'.' PHONE DELIVER TO ~/YDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 2 '? q' 'D'-:-:''.',: ,';.: 1 '~.' .: ,'::,:.,;.:J'.' CUSTOMER 'I\MAIL ADDRESS ,.' PHONE DELIVER TO (G~/YDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 ., .c; l' -'"\;.:.,,",,,., k'; .' ~',~" ; ....,;~",. .'." " ; : .,;' ,':' '. ~':' :'n~i' c;~ 1;.:(: I' ,~':... ':,:[-i~,. LDr:8~1 VS~NgO~ 90.520 CO BURG ROAD ---I:M~ EUGENE, OREGON 97.401 r --..~tlJL PHONE 485,1515 r. ~ ~ Qi~~ DATE L____~__ TRUCK NO, ,\ ( !; fd.~'~ () No.l0G67? P.O, # q ,GROSS WEIGHT '; C.O.D,D ~ C t.. ~~. .::'; 1 CHG.D TARE WEIGHT If delivery il"lsido curb fjl"le is requested, you c:ne reo leosed from liability for al"ld tho ul"ldersigl"led will savo.Jou harmless from liobility for OI"lY dO. caus thereby. Customer agrees to oy all w or other expel"lUS if delivery is il"lside of curb 01'\ privolll property. " ... ,... -~. ..,..,.......... bl5+--WB6ttT ~':"" U....ndersigned a9Jrees 10 conditio,~s lisled on reverso. (~~,- ,n / 1'~:.24:_''', /.. RECEIVED BY', ,I /- ,1 j I .7 ]-~""--I . ( THIS'INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10lh OF I FOLlOWWG ~) MONTH. ?r.: "~'d1!..li,1 ~'r d" EGGE SAND'&. GRAVEL CO. 90520 COBURG ROAD EUGENE. OREGON 97.401 PHONE 485-15t5 No.l06672 r-~~41~ ~OV~,~~ '~;I\" ~~: '7' )( ). ,p Lj-: 7 ~OMMODITY 3 i10" . (, 3 112-0 DATE 1- 9-7,-1 --" -- TRUCK NO. 90 =-jo ......: -<:~ , ~ cJl) :.J/ - - "----nY--} () DELIVERY COPY " ~.I :, .....:;.. ':'.' P;O. # ") ,GROSS WEIGHT 'i C.O.D, 0 , ' .... 'f:,' ,~ ...',. CHG.D TARE WEIGHT If delivery inside curb line is requested, you arc ro- leased from liability for ol"ld th'i undersigned will Jove Jeu harmless from liobili'y for any domoge CQu~e ,hereby. Customer agrees to poy 011 wrc~ker or other elllpensel if delivery il insido of curb lines on private properly. J'.': AUT()?,'!1i~Gi( I ;"r; NET WEIGHT Ul"ldersigne~f'9rees 10 conditions listed on reverse. -,!,--------. ""1//' / RECEIVED Bi:___X_~''-- ~ _'--':c..z. tJ ~ ____ ,- / THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAY 8LE 10th OF-paWING MONTH. ; l.'(",,' c" :';,i~ 1 j'.l ~~'.i.' . ;:; F'f~fl'LD. ---- "I~l1.... '~.<8-0 ~ r; (: ? :\:1 !l .!..l1--w' _ '3 1/2-0 ,::;; C,t'_COMMODITY 3.DO ~-c;.J?7~'------ I'": DELIVERY COpy l'J Cf.) c.o tD D 0 ..-l ci 0 Q Z ci U Z 0. ",,00 ~ 1-4()~S::." Z O::Z'" ..........l" 0 J, ~~~C>~ (1),o~ ~u 0 z ~~~'i~ V ..,wG.. rP'\ g g '-" C) w ~ . Cl ,.., <x. '.i~ ~.l. , , , '- .... --' -' - :".<.1 '" ~r. r.,.:: !:) ~ '.1.) .- -- ''.t: 'J; t... -~~ J~ :"J --. ,\; 'f ~) -' , , I I i I V) V) w '" '" w 0 ::; 0 0 <( ... ~ V) <( ::> U ::; ,..,..i'.. .... . '" U ::> '" '::J-'" \~ ',1',1 . I . I "- w .... <( o 'It ci 0.: C I C' " , '" f~ 'l >- ... 0 ,. 0 -, ::; <" ::; , A8 I " ~ , 10 ~I '- "'-.., I". ,~ : ~ \ -y r<\ ,~ \::'.1 I w Z o J: "- 0 V) w ... ~ ,; 0 ... '" >- '" z w - "- ::> ~(!) !:: 0 0.' Z ::; o ... ::> <( "? ~ 'D. ei J: U' .-........ f1 g~.~ .. e.- ~1.g ~-f ,- , o.~:o.=.. >-Cl;;Cl... "'D'~ C >.0 ~ 5,2 [~ . o. :> II - I; ~-=:ti:~ .~].g 0.>- .. 0= Cl ~ ~.e5~~ -€....::,2" :>...- ..... ....E =a': ~ -3.g~ . 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SPRF'LD. -------+:2-6-7: '~Jt; "ff'.) r,'r "I,' <"I' -;:--'-.-l....--~i-~. . -73.(0 3.20 ~ 1 /,2,,",0-- COMMODITY S-/. 1 ,f -------- . ~;) (;Iff) /' . DELIVERY COpy ". ':. !'.,:. l~iJTO WHEC!{II'.;(i ::.c,'c'(! m-,. fii!'".lJ" :3FfWLD. "'r" ..:i1. ------ ';. ~~ ~ -'J....;-ce ?CI~-'J (\~~ ."-o!-N--___~~~.. ;:) V OJ) , ' ___COMMODITY 3.eo (-/';. V (} J...L__L '~ v;:;-~ " '.-'-- 31 \d() LJ.1/( () DELIVERY COpy ",(~~ . .,'" ~ EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 CO BURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 485.1515 No.l06651 r,~h lQ~' DATE /-_'-1 ~t/ -- TRUCK NO:/;;- .I ,',,:/)-- P.O. # ;0,,1 ~ROSS WEIGHT 7 ARE WEIGHT Nt:fWl:IOHT CHG, )tJ C.O.D. 0 , If delivery Inside curb line i1 requested, you ore re- leosed from liability for ond the undersigne~' I savo JOv hormless from liobiliry for ony d cause thereby, Customer agrees 10 pay 011 w or ather Cll,penses if delivcry is inside of curb on private properly. Under~~9ned. ?grees to conditions listed on reverse. RECEIVED BY" !.c::::'''-c,I.' i..' ':-'L./';;~"-:{-"'----''''- . '...._.4 THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th OF FOllt~ING MONTH, J EGGE SAND & GRAVEL CO. 90520 CO BURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97-401 PHONE 485.1515 No.l0GG86 DATE /-Ci_k~ _--1_____ t -C':'~~gIU ~~~ 'V~ TRUCK NO. ~_. P.O. # '...' " ."GROSS WEIGHT C.O.D. 0 CHG.D TARE WEIGHT If delivcry inside curb line is req'lested, you ore IC- leased from liability for and 'he undersignpd will SaVlt.Jou horm!!!'u from liability for any damogl) cau, lhereby. Customer ogre!!'s to pay 011 wrc(.Ker 01 alher Cll,pl)nses if delivery is inside of.curb Iim!lS on privote properly. NET WEIGHT Undersigned Og,.o8S 10 conditions listed on reverse, /-'-'. (/\/ i ;' RECEIVED BY' "". l J (~tX>-i.>/ l ......~- THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th OF FOllOW,NG MONTH,