HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Notice 1977-10-5 ",' ?\r .~, ' ~r/':':' . (:),. 'r': ' , .'.., /1~!'~;~WA' ..",.. ':'I',o!.: ".~:,':;:! ' i~t {~x~~c:: :;:,::,~." '!~~~\}, ~J ~}l~-~~:~.:~. \~}.~~/:' ~ r'J' .\:~, . ";:,fi. " ,.: ~'~ :.,~ '", ,',' ." :,. ,:::.:- ~~.:"~:~: :~.. 'i',,'.' , :~0t:' ,;,', :.:,\1: " ~..., ' ~;~~{;,; '. ~,}: t ;'~'J ,:,~.; :';',;: ' ',~~',;~.~, . :',}?~j~;;' \'\~'h:' !dIl11i.tlg CU:,,'I,i.;s.i,01[ Hilll.l' !',':'~ Public Hearings .' October,S, 197'1 . Frederick R. I'rey Uour'nal No. S-7'1-1';) Assessor's Map 17 02 31 Tax Lot 600 Located at.1Q9.1 r~ain ,Street on the southeast corner of U,e Southern Pacifie Railroad and Main Street. Applicant requests a Conditi0l1al Use Permit In a M-3,Heavy Jndust'rial District for the purpose of constructing a towing and auto service. . Dick Johnson showed the area jnVOlv~d to the Planning Commission using maps .' on the wall. He pointed out tha t there is no pulJlic sewer to the pr'opcrty. There is a private 2 inch plastic pipe serving tho plant behind the property. Currently this property is a vacant field. ' , Mr. Frey said that ttwi'c is all existing building he wi,l.J he usil1g~ to the l'ear of the propel'ty lJy the cold c1eck. This is approxima t.". Iy !;; Illock of f Muin .Str(~(;t, It has M-3 zoning. Nelson Grubbe asked .if the 'bllilding Has part of this property. Mr. I'l'ey said yes, that the pr'opel'ty extends back to the cold deck, Rob Adams asked if ther'e wo.uld be any <-1I.1tO dismantling or recycling. I~l'. f"t.ey said no, He indicated that he will be giving all his units complete to the recycler. There was no one else pl'esent to speak either ill fuvor or in opposition to, the request. Dick Johnson indicated tha.t the staff's concern' was the visllal impact on t-1ain Street:, Hhi 1e ~lr, rrf-~Y will not clct"ljaJ.Jy be op0.rating a wn~cking yard, it" fi1:S the technical def,inition. Curs will be star'ed there only a short time. This is a pennittecl use. John Charles pointed out that there al'e four cl'ited,a "hich must be satisfied befor'e gran ting of a CUP, Melvin Su:it asked when this requs'st could corne back for f:'f~V,it?H if granted, Chairman Wood pointed out that the Planning' Comnd,ss~pn can set conditions OIl the time limit before review. Syl.via. Hoffman asked if it \oJOuld be possible to stipulute th8re be n~) operatjon on tllf~ site until a renc"~ is completed. Chairman Wood ind'icuted that that would be possible. Rob Adams 'luggcstecl that a slatted chain link fence with large shrubbery'migh1: be better' than a solid bOClrd f(~nce. Dick Johnson said thesp. stipulations should corne from the P.lanning Commission, they should not rely on Site Plan Review, f~l'. Frey indicated that he will be installing a slatted fence. Rob Adams suggested that condition I g I include requirement for proper landscaping and shrubbery. ' t10TION: It wa,s moved Ly Rob Adams and seconded by "k~lv.in: ~;uit to dpp[,OV(~ this, re~uest for a ConclitionuJ. Use Pel'mit subject to the fullowing conditions: a. A complete site plan should be submitted within six months. b. Completion of all constrlJctioll witrfin onp. year of ::;11:0 plan appr'oval. Page ]18 ".' ,~ " .';l}(. "'f' . ,:.; ~.~~' ()'" .. ~ ." '," "" '~: ',':",,1': ';;;),~> ' ]~' ':~~lt~.{;; , rr;:,.. /.~~~:~~" ~f~' .\~y~~ ;;", '.'...\ ... ,~ "... :T~;~~~~t~?" ",. (");;~;.; ., ',~l, , '~;l~i.i~;,... l"-:'.:',~,~, {;~-;:;:;::, ...'-1.. ~~E;: :.~'\~~~\" , .'.',' . .....,'-:.~ .. ;1 :.r-'~',:", ': ':,...~.,' , r:", '~~sW' . ' Ji~{i i}~}:'. ;>~~;'{ ~~ .:~ :';L~;.< ",' ;':::~.~:;'" . \'~'~::, ." .-~( ;;;.~!.:: {:,11. , ::~f~;':?, }@:(.~.>:, , " PJiJ.nrling COfllmi~;siofl Pu blic' Heilri ng'3 October ~i, 1977 1,li nil t"", . . c. Off street parking For CU::.;l:OIllCl~S liI:lst be pr'ovid(-~d nil u}(~ pt'op'~rty. d. Installation of sid0.walks along ~la.iil 'Street is requir'cd, e. Signing of a street light agrecment.. f. All fences should be sct back at least 10 fe"t for vision clearance. g. Installl:ion of a slattcd cycIonc' fen~e "ith shTI!l,h0r'y aJonr, foiai~'""t with fencing as required by, o..l'd,i-nance along_the -.:~~I.~~~.~~5~~__o~ the pr'Op0rty. h. One year after completion this is to come back to th(:~ PlufllliJlg Commission for review. ::Dick Johnson noted that an access peI'mit to Main Str(~t~t vdll have to be obtained from the state, The Commis~i.on accc~)ted tIle folJowing fincliJlgs of I~ct:: Auto tOW,iIlg services arc permitted condit.ionally in the M-3 di~;t:l'ict, thu,::; this r'(:~qlJest is in conformance with the Zoning Code, This request aIso complies "ith Section 23.07 of the Zoning Code. TIe motion was approved by a vote of 5 to 1. with nelson Gpubbe voting "no". Gerald Mack (Journal No. 5-17-71) Assessor's Map 17 03 25 2 Tax Lot 6200 Located at 1330 'Q' Street on the north side of 'Q' Str"el: between 10th Street and 14th Street. Applicant requests a change 0 f ZonE! from R-A.' Suburban lJis I:ric t to, R- 2 Limited Multiple family Residential District for the purpo~e of constructing "itber duplexes or four plexes. Dick Johnson pointed out this proper.ty, using maps of the are'::l, :it is adjacent to the North Towne subdivision, is in cOII.Formance with hoth the 1990 Plan a.nct the North Springfield Plan. He indica ted I:ha I: il' aPP,'oved, this property "hould be subject to the same conditions as the NaI'tll 1'owilC Sllbdivision. Gerald Mack indicated tha t he has ownl.:.'cl the property fOt, 9 YIO'ars. ^ .sma 11. house on the propel'ty burned clot,m q years ago. With .t-he dcv~10plll~Ilt ,of N()['th Town~, Mr'. Mack said he felt this proper-tv could be utiLized l)!-,t.tl~r' as medium deIlsity propp.rty than being left vacant, He indicated that he lh1fl signed dedica'tioIl for 'R' Street. . There was no one present to spcilk"eitht-;p in, favor or ,1.11 opposition to the t'cquest. tc. Page 319