HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Compliance Report 1978-6-7 i.:,., ..~;.:, . ,. ,~ r' '..,.' '..... . ,";;,~;":"::,,,, .: c'., ..., ..-' -"*~" - . :' ~','t ~:..:,: ;,-: ','t" 'I' " ~-,,,,.._.. ',', " " ....,. './"" .' . ~ , .. ,.. ~T , .:.,.. .....' ..,~... ,', . ~ . FREDERE:K R. FREY - Cond.i tional Use Permit (CUP) Journal :-10. S-77-76. A. was granted on October 5, 1977 to allow a towing auto service facility in the M-3 District on property located at 3001 Main St. 0:1 the ,'outheast corner of the Southern Pacific Rail- road an" Main Street. The CUP has the following con- ditions: . a. A complete site plan should be submitted within six months. b. Completion of all construction within one year of site .. plan approval. c. Off street parking for customers must be provided on the property. . ',. ',-.. _ ~____-:.........".~~:..,.:-..-"t.>, ..~....,... .-: - .;:.._,,~!-:-~;~' ...: . .~ '~~f.t:f;: ,,;~,!~~~<;~:,~;':'~':,:~'~;~~':f,'" :jp". I:. ~.: ',-r~}::. _,1-"" ~}>.., . "'~:.I' ,~;:};_: , , 1:'" ~" t;<,.' ~~..,,,..: v.:~'--. -w' . - ',. . ~,' . r . '-, -... _.._~._., , ol.~'. ,~ ..... . '. ~".' ,. _ ......'10.- ',' . 1 ....... (:~.'.~..-:. ,:': I,(j ,n ..I:~ . j " J /,1 /-l /~f) .: 6/,fiMttlv1 P'V}0 ltl i/A- . ----..---..,---"-~,- I ., ' --vj:-- (jlFYl · 3001 .. .-. -"--.' '," " I-&L. ! !h1- JlI iulA~'1.. /lA.d rt~, " ''" -...., ~.c .............- .,. " ,.... '-.. ":",:'.:.~~:::",:?;" . " .. . .. " ;.., ., / ,...,,'....~ (p~ 1- f7? ~. .',' . . .. , -.-^ " , , ,..' .... , f"l/l0l11\ s+ l';.k :, '" -~... ' ,.., =~'.' .":'-..::.i"'.:'t....:.I>~ ~' -:;.,"' ' '. '. Ji.. , : ..,.. :".'" , .----- -_. , ,~t~~1k;~.:~;~~.;,~j:~ ~ ""r. ~ l,.. 'it:::.:., ~. .,.:;. ~,~~,,:' .. ."",~ ...... '..' 1- ' 'l"-", ", ~ '!'{,"\: ,!~!.; ~;_.....,., ;..,...-... "~~~'~'i>;\:7~:~' ;:.. ,.:~:;~ >, ,', '., ,:,',~",'.:.,';;.~, "::.;.;,,,~..:'" .' - ,,'~:'. :,'';<';' ", ~,~.~ r~ ; :.: ' . . "'-:1" '~ '.. ... ;'~T" ,"'. '}:?~.: ~ , , :':"~.; ,,'---..-... ..... .:....'....,:,;;.\.~,~.; ,) , .j.'.... d. Installation of sidewa~along Main Street is required. . Signing of a street light agreement. All fences should be set back at least 10 feet for 'j vision clearance. Installation of a slatted cyclone fence with shrubbery along Main Street with fencing as required by ordinance along the remainder of the property. One year after completion this is to corne back to the Planning Commission for review. e. f. g. h. .... / .... ," .~ '. . .,.,... ""''-'' ", . ::::-':':;\~.~:!':i~ ',~ ~.~ _.~.~",;-...."'t'":'::"~.'~~-.-o:--' _ ~..::;:::: -;........;. '~':r'.. _:.'~'.::- Jo:...:".":., ~'."'~' ...;"''7- ," -, .. ~:. .~. '.' __1",'-- ......;:.. ::.:,'..:-:! '" -'~"',..,. ~!i!~~~.>,., . , ~,: " ,..,' ~'. '~":"'" '..~::..,... :~~It:" -~,:'; f,f-""'"'' '.. . : :~~~:~ ~. ,. :,:, .~... ' . 'fo'" r,., ; :;.'" ~ " ,'..;. ,'-, ..t.:~ ....',.'............ .,..~- :.;" ,;,'.'. ',..'"..,.. ,.; '. ,,' '.:' ,,'.. " , .~' " ""' .T..;_'.,;..,....... :''::.:"'!''".' <'0; .'..'''""7-''--.. ...:.,..._.;...._~_ ", ,:.,' i< ~',' .~ , !.' ".'.~ ' ." :,'1-i:tf;}..~~<;;;{iF;+Z';{;;i<>r)~;.\:;,::".:::,~;-:~r:t:::~<~i;.;~;;:~:B 0.' _'''''ff''o ,;':'-: .,'.' "",;;." ,t.,.: .",' ". :~~~;i~;~~f.~~;'?'}:'~"" ":<(T:'~' ;>,:,.i~~:~" ..,:. l.t'. ," ,", 1,.:,_' :,' '':-_,,1 i' ---. .,'" _....._------._------.--.-_..~ , ,..., " -'to '.,. ...,. ,