HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Notice 1978-10-2 . . .-.' --'-: -.-..,..........--. ~..._---~....--...- ....- -....-.---.....:;....-- . . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1978 The City of Springfield Council met in regular session in the Municipal Meeting Room of the Springfield Utility Board Building, 250 North "A" Street, on October 2, 1978, at 7.30 p.m., with Mayor Vernon Meyer presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Meyer, Counci~members Adams! Bates, Davis, Lively, and Rennie. Councilmember Hulett was absent. Also present were the City Manager, the City Attorney, the Finance Director-Recorder, and members' of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Vernon Meyer. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Reverend Ed Mclndoo, First Christian Church. MINUTES It was moved by Mr. Adams, with. a second from Mr~ Bates, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 18, 1978, as presented. The motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Appeal of Planning Commission Denial of Minor partition #752 (Campbell/4523 Aster Street). City Planner Dick Johnson gave the staff report on the denial of the minor partition. Mr. W.R. Campbell, 4523 Aster Street, addressed the Mayor and Council speaking in .favor of the minor partition. Mr. Campbell requested that the Council review the Planning Commission decision and allow them to partition their property into three lots. Mr. R. Curtis, 4551 Aster Street, spoke in opposition to the minor partition. It was moved by Mr. Bates, with. a second from Mr. Lively, to find for the appellent and grant the minor partition subject to the requirements of the Land Development Review Committee. The motion passed unanimously~ 2. Appeal of Planninq Commission's Requirements for Conditional Use Permit (Frey/F&P1 Towinq) (Continued from September 18, 1978), City Planner Dick Johnson reviewed with. the Mayor and Council a letter written to Senator Wingard, the owner of the property under consideration. Mr. Johnson indicated that Mr. Frey, the lessee was subleasing the property from Grizzly Manu- facturing Co. It was pointed out that a reply to the letter sent by the City had not yet been received. Mrs. Rennie commented that since the lessee submitted the application for the conditional use permit he was responsible for adhearing to the conditions. {It was moved by Mrs. Rennie, with a . ;second from Mr. Bates, that the sub~lessee, Frey be responsible for filfillihg ~ . - -199- '--'-"'-'.'". . . -.... " _ u"~ _ _ . . '1.001 - - ". .~ ," ~ , VV\-S;:0i:#~~,~.;;:,~'~'.J,::.;,: -, :~.:.;.- . -'-~---' .....~ .-.....\.._.. . . ,'- the conditions' of the conditional use permit and working out any necessary arrangements with the lessor; and to let stand the conditions set by the Planning Commission on the matter. The motion passed 3 in favor, 2 against with Mr. Adams and Mr. Davis voting no. Mr. Adams stated that since Mr. Frey was not the legal owner he should not be held responsible for the conditions on the conditional use permit. 3. Improvements for South 70th Place from 156' South. of Bluebelle Way to 296.5' North of Bluebelle Way and Bluebelle Wa" from South 70th Place to South 7lst Street (#560). Mrs. ELsie Dolby, 258 South 7lst treet, addressed ./ the Mayor and Council speaking in favor of the project. Mr McMurry, 316 South 7lst Street, addressed the ~I yor and Council speakin in favor of the' project. It was moved by Mr. Livel , with a second from M . Adams, to remove the matter from the Consent Calenda The motion passed nani~ously. (See Matters Removed from the Consent'Cal dar for action on his i~em.) /' BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE ;' . ./ 1. Available Business Properties the Cit of Springfield. Mr. Larry C. Bruhn, Cedar Flats, Post Office Box 59 Sprin field,'addressed the Mayor and Council stating he owns a company. that anu cture)'" pick-up truck and van accessories.. Mr. Bruhn stated he has sp n the last two months trying to locate a place in Springfield for expansion 0 his b~siness. He continued, he was unable to find a location that was as e nomically competitive as similar locations in Eugene. Mr. Bruhn ask tl w 'the industrial commercial property in Springfield was not comparable 'n pri e to Eugene, indicating that the cost for such property was 25 to 0% .~ore expensive in Springfield. Mr. Bruhn requested the Council take som ac,tion to reserve commercial and industrial property in the City and tak the necessa planning steps to create additional land-use for comrnerc' 1 and industri 1 purposes. 2. Northview Subdivision. Y Falk, 2765 Moha Road, addressed the Mayor and Council speaking on the posed annexation of he Northview Sub- division. Mrs. Falk suggested the orthview Subdivision a nexation was being handled improperly; questioned the request was handle directly by the Boundary Commission. City Manag Cochran explained the pr osed annexation was an island within the City a 6 the Planning Commission wa requesting that the Council reconsider their p evious decision and allow the nnexation as recommended ,in the September 0, 1978, Permanent Report of the Planning Commission. Mayor Meyer cl ified that if the Council adopted he Permanent Report of the Planning Co ission for September 20,1978, they w uld then have to decide whether to ann all of the area or none. City Attorn y Harms interjected it would be roper to remove the matter from the Perm nent Report and handle it as a se rate item. Mr. T. C. Robinson, 1524 Kelly ulevard, nd Council speaking in favor of the annexatio. Mr. E. Sanders, 2685 M awk Road, addressed the Mayor and Council speak ng in favor of the ann ation. Mr. Bob Harlow addressed the Mayor and Cou cil, speaking in fav r of the a~nexation. It was moved by ~r. Davis, witH a second from Mr. Liv y, to remove the subject of the Northview Subdivision a nexation from the manent Report of the Planning Commission for September 20, 1978. The moti passed unanimously. It was then moved by Mr. Bates, with a econd from M . Davis, to forward to the Boundary Commission the Northview Sub- divi annexation with a favorable recommendation for annexating the total .-.'..." . ..."'-' ~. ,..:. : :'_\:'~' .:: '.' .-, .~.- ~._._. ~-_."'-'--"- ........-.-....-.-...-. ,'.'" "~..'- '-.-..--' .......--....-... _ ..... . ..' . .. .'h _ .. . -.:.' J.:.~~&~~':;~:~~~..~""~'~~~';''::~~~':-~~''.~''....~~ . ~ - , . ..::'" .~.'. ,- ~'. .;.- ::-:. .. - ._......- ._...._--_._-.~+_.-._.. ."; -200- ......':..^ . ,~. . . the conditions of the conditi?nal,use p~rrnit and working out any nece~sary arrangements with the lessor; and to let stand the conditions set by the . Planning Commission on the matter. ~The motion passed 3 in favor, 2 against' , ' with. Mr. Adams and Mr. Davis voting no: Mr. Adams stated that since Mr: Frey was not the legal owner he should not be held responsible for the conditions on the conditional use permit. 3. Improvements for South 70th Place from 156' South. of Bluebelle Way to 296.5' North of Bluebelle Way and Bluebelle Way from South 70th Place t~' South 71st Street (#060). Mrs. Elsie Dolby, 258 South 7lst Street, addressed the Mayor and Council speaking in favor of the project. Mr. McMurry, 316 South 71st Street, addressed the Mayor and Council speaking in favor of the project. It was moved by Mr. Lively, with a second from Mr. Adams, to remove the matter from the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously. (See Matters Removed from the Consent Calendar for action on this item.) BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE " 1. Available Business Properties in the City of Sprinqfield. Mr. Larry C. Bruhn, Cedar Flats, Post Office Box 594, Springfield, addressed the Mayor and Council stating he owns a company that manufactures pick-Up truck and van accessories.. Mr. Bruhn s.tated he has spent the _last two months trying to locate a place in Springfield for expansion of his business. He continued, he was unable to find a location that was as economically competitive as similar locations in Eugene. Mr. Bruhn asked why the industrial commercial . property in Springfield was not comparable in price to Eugene, indicating that the cost for such property was 25 to 30% more expensive in springfield. Mr. Bruhn requested the Council take some action to preserve co~~ercial and industrial property in the City and take the necessary planning steps to create additional land-use for commercial and industrial purposes. 2. Northvie" Subdivision. Nancy Falk, 2765 Moha"k Road, addressed the Mayor and Council speaking on the proposed annexation of the Northview Sub- division. Mrs. Falk suggested the Northview Subdivision .annex~tion 'was being handled improperly; questioned why the request was handled directly by the Boundary Commission. City Manager Cochran explained the proposed annexation was an island within the City and the Planning Commission was requesting that the Council reconsider their previous decision and allow the annexation as recommended ,in the September 20, 1978, Permanent Report of the Planning Commission. Mayor 11eyer clarified that if the Council adopted the Permanent Report of the Planning Commission for Septe~ber 20,1978, they would then have to decide whether to annex all of the area or none. City Attorney Harms interjected it would be proper to remove the matter from the Permanent Report and handle it as a seperate item. Mr. T. C. Robinson, 1524 Kelly Boulevard, addressed the Mayor and Council speaking in favor of the annexation. Mr. E. Sanders, 2685 Mohawk Road, addressed the Mayor and Council SPeaking in favor of the annexation. Mr. Bob Harlow addressed the Mayor and Council" speaking in favor of the a~nexation. It was moved by Mr. Davis, with a second from Mr. Lively, to remove the subject of the Northview Subdivision annexation from the Permanent Report of the Planning Commission for September 20, 1978. The motion passed unanimously. It was then moved by Mr. Bates, with a second from Nr. Davis, to forward to the Boundary Commission the Northview Sub- division annexation with a favorable recommendation for annexating the total , ,..... ,-. '" ..~ ..,~. ;. .. ... .-..... ,.... -200- '~.__-_~'",="=,--:::.'_=-,--"...:r:...:.."":'.....:...:.:-:: _._ n _ _ .'_ _.__..._.. .., . -_..-.- '. .---.....-. ....