HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1978-11-6 (2) I f . - ~'~~~'v\\ \ ~ -. _ . J I . .J. ~)). ':';.~'-'~ .. .J ';1', '1 ~ . ....-~. i-ql!y ~y yo,-,<- ;;Iv . ,r CI'ry OF Sl~J~IN-G'J:<-'TELD SPHINGf"JELD. ORE:GON 97477 OFFICE: OF THE CITY AHORNF.:Y November 6, 1978 223 NOHTH A 51 REET SUITE 0 7<6-9621 Mr. George Wingard 2323 Fairmont Blvd. Eugene, OR 97403 Mr. Frederick Frey 3001 Main Street Springfieid, OR 97477 Dear Mr. Wingard and Mr. Frey. 'This will supplement pJ:evious letters to J.lr. \Vingard dated October 4 and October 9 from Richard Johnson, Secretary,' Springfield Plan- ning Commission, regarding the lease to Frederick Frey of the premises at 3001 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. Copies of the letters were provided to Mr. Frey. 'This also responds to Mr. Wingard's letter dated October 17, 1978, to Mr. Johnson. Your suggestion that the present tenant, Mr. Frey, sign the str~et lighting agreement is inappropriate. As stated in Hr. Johnson's letter to j'lr. lVingard'dated October 17,1978: tiThe street l.i<Jht .391:-cciilC~nt, h7hich In\lst be sjgned within 30 days of the October 2, City Council Meeting, must be signed by the property owner. Therefore, in order to comply with-tFie-termso~f the Conditional Use Permit which allow the auto towing service to con- tinue on your property, the street light agreement . must be executed by you. Execution of the street. light agreement by your lessee, Mr. Frederick Frey is not acceptable. The agreement must be signed by the property owner. If either of you have any further doubts about who is required to execute the stre~t light agreement please contact me. Re'cently, I-1r. Frey visi ted the Plann; ng Depal:tm"'nt Office ,,>here the Department Secl'etary incon:ectly prov.ided to him a street light agre"'ment for his signature. This signature by Mr. Frey does not ~ ;4 '. . .' Mr. George Wingard Mr. Frederick Frey November 6, 1978 Page 2 comply with the condition~l use requirements since he is not the property owner. Unless Mr. Wingard, as property o~mer, signs the agreement, the use of the property by Mr. Frey for an auto towing service is not pcr~itted. If Mr. Frey is willing to assume financial responsibility for the street lights, perhaps between the two of you some accomodation , ,~~ could be achieved which would satisfy the City of Springfield. ~, . Perhaps Mr. Wingard could execute the street light agreement in compliance "lith the City's requirements, and Mr. Frey could execu'te a sep;H'ale aejl:cement with l'ir. \'1il1'Jard to reimburse Hr. Wingard for the costs of' the street lighting. ''Ie thank you again for your attention to this matter. May. I hear from each of you by November 15, 1978, in response to this letter. Sincerely, HARMS, HAROLD & LEAHY Joseph J. Leahy Assistant City Attorney 'JJL/bkk' / cc: Mr. Tom Cochran Hr. Dick Johnson ....... .','