HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Miscellaneous 1979-4-10 ., . I!IPROYnIErr AGREE!'IEiH . IN CO!'ISIDERATIO!I of VIe covenants herr'ln 'a fter referred to as Ci ty, and rII r G6.QX!;'J e as Aprlicant, do covenant and agree as follo:f-.,;; recited, the Ci ty UJIJIlJQVJ , of Springfield, herein- hereinafter referred to I,HEREAS Applicant desires i', buj]din~ f'crmit from City; and !'JHEREAS, the develop~ent of sai':! bui ldinq (.s) \'1) 11 co.use beth an iml':ediate and long-term demand on the various public facilities of tile City; !'IDYl THEREFORE, the Applicant and City agree to the follm'ling schedule of public facil ity improvements and respecti V2 cost assumpti on pol icy: Street improvements Other Shf.ld- I_'I~~ k /)<-1 Ma/JIl S'/ve;tJ'f v Legal Description: PIGQS6 ot-{--ar:'" cor)" -LlVO;lohl", 0"'- >'Ol.-j.... de,sd. It is further understood that Applicant agrees to si~n any and all waivers, petitions, consents, and all othel" documents necessary to obtain the above listed applicable improve- ments under any ilT'Drovement act Dr proceeding af the State of Oregon, Lane County, or City of SDringfield as may be proposed Dr adopted and to \'faive all right to remonstrateaga;nst such improven,ents, but not the right to protes~ the al:lount or ~:almer of snreadino the asseS5~~~t thereof, if the same shall appear to Apolicant to be2r inequitably Dr unfairly upo~ saij nroperty of Applicant; iWt-/ TiiEREFOPE, the City agrees that P.pr1ic'lnt's execuLi,.;l arc "el"f'm~ance of tho terlii~; of thi s A::lt"'ce~er.t \.Ji 11 be de~n:c:d to be : ,; CC;,iP 1 i ilriCe VI; U) the Ci t:,-' S pO-I; cy pel~tai ni ng to If'1provement Requirern~nts, and if ,~rnlicant. cnmrlies in e':erj t'e3pect. "lith all oth0r applicable le\'IS of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and t.he Cit,v, the said ArrliC3:1t shall be entitled to the issuance cf a buildin(l permit; a.nd IN ADDITIO~, it is t.he intention of the r~rties hereto that the cov~nAnt3 herein contain2d shall run IV it 11 the land het'ein descrihed, and shall ~2 ~hdinn unon the hei rs, executors, assigns, administrators, aild successors of the p.orti'03 hereto, and shall L'2 construed to be a b2nefit and a burden upon th," property herei;-, ~escribect.. Tl1is t.gree:1ent shall be recorded in the Lane County Deed Records, . t,HEREFORE, the parties have set their hand and seal tili:; 10 hday of ,tJ p-""--"l.u--' ,j,p~~~ -.o't # ~'.. . .,; '" -- -- 19~'(, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By Director of Public ~ork3 STATE OF OREGON ) ) 55. COUNTY OF~ 7l1""^"--'-v.../ 22 /,', On thi s If).a day of . ':'-'__~...J {)/Z-AA..-& me and signed the above dQ(~ment., , ~1aribel Cadmus 1!;M;"J.-J! t!ti.~~ , 19 p, thQ~Q ~e,sona lly appea n~d befo!"e NOTARY PUBLIC t1y Con~mission Expires: 2/24/80 #14A . . . ol4-lo~woVl - fltmVl'~ DefT +-16. '-...Ie...-- I fvecr/w~Md cur - .. . ,Aa.o>t/I'l1 to f1JW1eeviw I let"" I ,d~x;vift&iM' IiP<; tM-t ~'rtlJ, oVl fli'71 two r/rxA~1p. 1/1<. (~ :de&a~rtlPVl OVl tVJ& /ag.t dziMlMe.vrf i j0 ~'v1{)Jvved, ----- - --- - .----- -~ --- j .. . IN CONSIDERATIOIl of the covenants her"in ,a fter referred to as Ci ty, and as Applicant, do covenant and agree as follrnls: recited, ..: " . /. . -. ,':.':.-~,.') 'f.. . . '/ '.. .. the City of Springfield, herein- , herei nafter referred to , . H1PROVENEN' AGREEf1EtlT . HHEREAS Applicant desires abuildin9 permit from City; a~d HHEREAS,the development of said building Cs) will cause both an immediate and long-tenn demand on the various public facilities of the City; tlQ\oJ THEREFORE, the Applicant and City anree to the follm'linq schedule of publi c fa'cility improvements and respective cost assumption policy: Street improvements Other. Street liahtina alona Main Street. Cost to be determined bv oolicv in effect at time of imorovement. Legal Description: The North 335 feet of the following described pro~erty: Beginning at a point on the South right-of-way of the McKenzie Highway, said point is marked by a 3/4 inch iron pipe, said 'pipe being South 0~05' Hest 48,2 feet from a point 836.9 feet South 89057' Hest from the Northeast corner of the Issac Briggs Donation Land Claim No. 84, Township 17 South, Range 3 Hest, Hillamette Meridian, from said iron pipe, running thence South 0005' Hest 1736.32 feet, to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of the wye of the Wendling branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad, thence following said' right-of-way line Northerly 519.76 feet along the arc of a 523.7 foot radius curve right (the long chord of which bears North 34008' Hest 499,68 feet), thence 114,94 feet along the arc of a spiral curve right (the lon9 chord of which bears North 2009' Hest 114.9 feet), thence North 0005' East 1209.22 feet to the intersection of said ri9ht-of-way line with the South line of said McKenzie Highway right-of-way, thence North 89044' East 285.92 feet along said right-of-way line, to the place of beginning, being a part of'said Issac Briggs D.L.C., in Lane County, Oregon. It is further understood that Applicant agrees to sinn any and all waivers, petitions, consents, and all other documents necessary to obtain the above listed applicable improve- ments under any in'orovement act or proceeding of the State of Oregon, Lane County, or Ci ty of Springfield as may be proposed or adopted and to waive all right to remonstrate against such improvements, but not the right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessme:~t thereof, if the same shall appear to Applicant to bear inequitably or unfairly upon said property of Applicant; NOI,I T1JEREFORE, the City agrees tllat P.pplicant's execution and oerfomance of the terms of this Aqrepnlp.nt \,lill be deelT1cn to be i'l (Ol~lrlianc:e \'lith t.lle Cit',"s ~o1i,:y p2;-tiJ.i~inG to Improvement Requirements, and if Applicant complies in every respect \'Iith all other - applicable lavls of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and the City, the said Applicant shall be entitled to tile issuance of a building permit; and HI ADDITIOlj, it is the intention of the parties he"eto that the covenants herein contained shall run witll the land herein described, and shall be binding u~on the heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, and successors of the parties hereto, and shall be construed to be a bene'fit and a burden .upon tile property hereir. described. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Lane County Deed Records, HHEREFORE, the pa rti es have set thei I' hand and seal thi s ID trJ)i!ry of ~~ , x,~~~ ~ 19.zt'. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By . Director of Public Works STinE OF OREGO~I ) ) ss. , COUNTY OF ~ 7J~~ On thi s /o.tl. day of (ijL.-'v~ L- me and si gned tile above document, /lt~Ur./J~ e~~ NOTARY PUBLIC ,.1921-' there personally appeared before My Commission Expires: r~fh() #14A " . INPROVEMEH" AGREEMENT . " ,IN COtISIDER/\TIO!I of the .covenants hen'in recited, the City ,after referred to as City, and ..M-v ~""lQjCC16 Wi"yxL ' as I\pplican:, do covenant and agreE as fOll.Q',";: . o~ Springfield, herein- hereir.cfter referred to HHEREAS Applicant desires i', buildinn p~rmit from City; ilnd !'JHEREJl.S, the develop~ent of seic!buildi;lC) (.5) \'Ii 11 C2use both an il1'E'edii\te and long-term demand on the various public facilities of the City; 1'101-1 THEREFORE, the Applicant and City a~ree to the follm'lhq sched'J1c of public facility improvements and respective cost assumption policy: Stre~t improvements Other 5.1.J.Gllln!l1 4cj';('e~Mo/~ <:J-frrd{f- Legal Description: PlGQStJ a.'ftlrt., cOr/,- Q VClllchlc. 00 'lOLlY dBOd, It is furthor understood that Applicart ilgrees to sign any and all waivers, petitions, consents, and all ~ther docunlents necessary to obtain the above listed applicable improve- ments under anv ifl1orovement act or rroceerlina of the State of (lreaon, Li:n:' Countv, or City of Springfi"ld' as L1lay be ploposed or adoptetl,,~d to \'Iaive 'all rioht to ren!On5tra'tea~a;nst such imorov~ments, but not the riaht to orotest the amount or ~!c:~!~er of slll'oadino thE asses<;T~:~t thereof, if the sa~'e sliall apDear to I\policant to beer inequitably 01" unfai:"ly UDO" sai~ property of ApDlicant; 1 'J"lt. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By riCH TiIEREFIJPE, the Ci ty cqrees that fl,pl'l i cant I 5 ~xecuti on and rel'f:lrI~e;lC~ of thp terms of thi s Aqn:?e~p.nt \.!i 11 b0 deeiT:'2d to be ~ i; COi!lp 1'; iii!Ct:: vii th Ule Ci ty' ~', po I i cy pel-Ud ni ng to [rrprovement Requirements, and if ,~rJ;Jlicant ~[)Inrlies ill e':e~:t respect "lith all oth~r applicable la\'/s of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and the City, the said Applica:lt shall be e~titlEd to the issuance of a building permit; and IN ADDITIO~. it is the i~t2nti~n of the pRrties h~reto that the covenants hErei~ contdi~2d shall run with the land herein described, and shall be binding UDon the heirs, executors, assiqns, administrators, and successors of the parties hereto, end shall b~ construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property hen~i;~ d~scribed, This r\greenent sha 11 be recorded in the Lalle County Jeed Records, !,HEREFORE, the parties have set tlleir hand and seal thi3 lo/v,a'l of I1:~J , -'\~~~~ "''1.z " Director of Public Works ST/iTE OF OR[GO~I ) ) ss. COUNT,Y OF.tt;;m ~~ On this /C-1;;t1....day of' tipML :ne and signed the above docbif~ent. lJzM,zj , /. &'--<r'--'/yrA~ NOP,RY PUBLIC , 19~_, tl'f:lV'C ",--, - rersonally apoearcd before My Conlmission Expires: ;2/.2 V/fu