HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1980-5-27 (2) . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 126 NORTH FOURTH 726-3759 May 27, 1980 Mr. Frederick Frey 3001 Main Street Springfield OR 97477 * Dear Mr. Frey: The Springfield Planning Commission, at their May 21st meeting, granted an extension of six months to your conditional use permit (CUP) for a towing and auto wrecking service at 3001 Main Street. However, the Planning Commission stated that there would be no additional extensions of the CUP unless the oil mat surface required by site review is installed for the customer parking area which is currently graveled. Apparently all other conditions of the CUP and site plan have finally been addressed. Please take care of this required paving as your six month CUP extension will be up in November of 1980. The Planning commission is getting tired of the hassles involved and is sure that you are anxious to resolve this situation too. Failure to meet this last remaining requirement by November 21, 1980 will result in the termination of your CUP. Please call me at 726-3759 if there are any questions on this matter. Your speedy cooperation on this matter is expected and greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Dick Johnson Secretary to the Planning Commission RDJ:lj cc Rob Adams/ Joe Leahy Ron Clark Sally Johnson George Wingard " . H!i'ROV[f,:E!! A!;REUIENT . , IN COr'ISIDER/\TIO!I of the covenants hen :n recited, thl; City ,after referred to as City, and .1!1x- dAnl<;C16 1d/,iA.y-y-L ' as ilprlicant, do covenant and agree as fol1.1' ;: of Springfield, h~rein- hereinafter referred to ,HHEREAS Applicant desires c, bu:ldin~ p~rmit from City; i'lnd !'!HEREJl,S, the development of sGi~buildi~o. ~s) \'/i11 C2-use both an iIC,,:edii'.te and long-tenn demand on the various public facilities of the City; NOI-! THEREFORE, the r,pplicant and City agree to the fo11o'dinq sched'lle of public facility improvements and respective cost assumption policy: Stre~t improvements Other 51.J.Gt'lol/{ 4,-~q,'e<'li._/'" MOIVt <;{..,..p,IJf- . Leo,al Descrirtion: pJaqSIJ a.tft1cl, COI'I- 0 VCltlC/h/e opt JOLJV d80d, The North 335 feet of the following described property: . Beginning at a point on' the South right-of-way of the McKenzie Highway, said point is marked by a 3/4 inch iron pipe, said pipe being South 0005' West 48.2 feet from a point 836.9 feet South 89057' West from the Northeast corner of the Issac Briggs Donation Land Claim No. 84, Townshig 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, from said iron pipe, running thence South 0 05' West 1736,32 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of the wye of the Wendling branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad, thence following said right-of-way line. Northerly 519.76 feet along the arc of a 523.7 foot radius curve right (the long chord of which bears North 340 08' West 499.68 feet), thence 114.94 feet along the arc of a spiral curve right (the long chord of which bears North 2009' West 114.9 feet),.thence North 0005' East 1209.22 feet to the intersection of said right-of-way line with the South line of said McKenzie Highway right-of-way, thence North 89044' East 285.92 feet along said right-of-way line, to the place of beginning, being a part of said Issac Briggs D.L.C., in Lane County, Oregon. It is further understood that Applicart ao,rees to sign any and all waivers, petitions, consents, and all 1ther documents necessary t1 obtain the above listed applicable improve- ments under any irnorovement act or proceeding nf the State of Oregon, Li,n:: County, or City of Springf':~ld as IIldY be pI (Jposed or adopted aod to \'iaiv(: all ri~ht to renlonstr;Jteaqa;nst such improvements, but not the riS1lt to prot(:st the al'H)Unt or ~!""!~er of s'lreadinn the asse5S~2~t thereof, if the same shall appear to Apolicant to te~r inequitably or unfai~ly UDO" saH property of Applicant; iWH THEREFOrE, the City (HlreeS that jl,pl'licant's oecutio!l and r(:\'f:>n,;colc," of t'l" terms of this A~ree~p.nt \'!111 b'.: deeif:~d to be ~ii COil1P1";;-;:!ci? \'Jlth Ule City'c, pOlicy pel~t(ji:ling to !I"pro'Jement Requirements, and if _~P!llicant complies in e':e!"y respect "Jith all other applicable laws of the State of Oregon, Lane County, awl the City, the said Appl ica:lt shal1 be entitled to the issuance of 2 building permit; and IN ADDITIOn, it is the int~nti~ln of the pnrties h~l'eto that the covenants hen?ir. contdi~2d shall run with the land herein described, and shall be binding UDon the heirs, executors, assiqns, administrators, and successors of the parties hereto, and shall b~ construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property her2it. described, This r\greei'lent shall be r~c(lrded in the Lane County Jeed Records. :,HEREFORE, the parti0s have se: their hand and seal this lol-way of 11:#--1 , ~~t SP~II:GfIELDn ^ ,1,PP,ILI Tr~ ' ~ ~ . " By I KM._X-.__A., t..u.u ~Z .~_~ ~ Di rector of Pub 1 i c ,Forks . ,,-" '" --~-'---- STATE OF OREGO~) . ) ss. . COUNTY OF ~ ~~ On this /o;t:l.... day of' tifML me and signed the above doc~ment_ lJztJJ,.A~~ f!.c~A'V'~ , 19ti, ti:e~e oersena11y appeared before NOTD,RY PUBLl C My Con:mi ss ion Expi res: 0/'.2 V/cfu S.ool ~.\,j(\ ~ Pcrnuf @Vl to eVjMU/v~ th veco-vd~ 5-/-5-Bo ~ #14A ~' , HIP ROYnIEN, AGREH1EtH " I .? ,;. .'/ recited, the Ci ty of Springfield, herein- , hereinafter referred to ;' -: (: ('~ (:~ . IN CONSIDERATIOn of the covenants her"in ,afte~ referred to as City, and as Applicant, do covenant and agree as follrnls: . HHEREAS Applicant desires a building permit from City; a~d \'JHEREAS, the development of said building (s) will cause both an immediate and long-tenn demand on the various public facilities 'of the City; ~IOH THEREFORE, the Applicant and City anree to the follmling sclledule of publi c facility improvements and respective cost assumption policy: .' Street improvements Other Street liahtina .alona Main Street, Cost to be determined bv oolicy in effect at time of imorovement. Legal Description: The North 335 feet of the following described property: . 'Beginning at a point on the South right-of-way of the McKenzie Highway, said point is marked by a 3/4 inch iron pipe, said 'pipe being South 0~05' West 48.2 feet from a point 836.9 feet South 89057' West from the Northeast corner of the Issac Briggs Donation Land Claim No, 84, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, from 5aid iron pipe, running thence South 0005' West' 1736.32 feet. to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of the wye of the Hendling branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad, thence following said right-of-way line Northerly 519.76 feet along the arc of a 523.7 foot radius curveri~t (the long chord of which bears North 34008' West 499.68 feet), thence 114.94'feet along the arc of a spiral curve right (the long chord of which bears North 2009' West 114.9 feet), thence North 0005' East 1209,22 feet to the intersection of said right-of-way line with the South line of said McKenzie Highway right-of-way, thence North 89044' East 285,92 feet along said right-of-way line, to the place of beginning, being a part of'said Issac Briggs D.L.C., in Lane County, Oregon. It is further understood that Applicant agrees to sign any and all waivers, petitions, consents, and all other documents necessary to obtain the above listed applicable improve- ments under any i~Drovement act or proceeding of the State of Oregon, Lane County, or City of Springfield as may be proposed or adopted and to vlaive all right to remonstrate against such improvements, but not the right to protest the amount or manner of snreading the assessme~~t thereof, if the same shall appear to Applicant to bear i'nequitably or unfairly upon said property of Applicant; NQI'I THEREFORE, the City B!]reeS that Applicant's execution and Derformancp. of the terms of this Agn:flfllp.nt ,.Jill be rleelT!Qrl to b~ ill cor~lpliar(:e ,.lith t'1e City's ;';01 i C-y' pCi~tuir:ing to Improvement Requi rements, and if Applicant complies in every respect with all other applicable lal'ls of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and the City, the said Applicant shall be entitled to the issuance of a building permit; and IN ADDITION, it is the intention of the parties hereto that the covenants herein contain2d shall run with the land herein described, and shall be bindinn UDon the heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, and successors of the parties heret~, ~nd shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herei" described, This Agreement sha 11 be recorded in the Lane County Deed Records, HHEREFORE, the parties have set their hand and 192t. CIT~1 OF SPR,ING!IELD n By ,('r\U..t()y(. ~f(Jts . Director of Public Works - STATE OF OREGON ) ) s S. I . COUNTY OF ~ 7J&..A.-'..r....,~ On this /O.:t!.. day of (i/2/i..~[ me and si gned the above document. !llJ,/,,-,G!,.J-6 r!r;..A/VJ/!...AA..&/" . seal this If) ~j of ~o..../I . APPLI'(~ ~ ~/ L:: .-~ , 19 Zf-' there personally appeared before NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: "y;z.Y/zt:J f ~~ 6V1 Tv &'1jWle.V/~ fo-v Yewvd~ 6--(5--"Bo #14A blG~ J>h~VS'''' , , ::~i !l/' :~a. .:..}"," .~: ";I:-~ ... '. '. .~ i . .' ~I ~.~ :i '. ".;." ',:: ~lf' :.J~,( : ~:(; . ;If" 'il J.. ",,1, 1,':'. ..,. ;:,: 'It' '~h ->i1. fl, .it! . Jt; '" It. ". 'ij"l.. .. 'j!" j( 1'\ I ")l\ ;j'~ i'J:l ',' ~)~: ,: .:.:. "" '!ti, ,',' '''l-. . . t/'":i: : . .~t " /. JiF "I' ,:~ . ,.t., I ::i\ i! "'" ; :.'"",!II" ~a-Wtd cfy~ - , t.f-f&-~ :( ,"!" " :.:. 'r 'r" ..~"'-.,.",.-......._..~- -.--;-~..- "~/1t:~W-7~f ICNOw Au. MUf .1" THU~ I'RUENT3. 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IN TZSl'INOHY WHZRZO'.I~'" ~o Mt.m'.Nrd..... oI.'1~ -.,dlkNl -Z1N4y""_""abor..~It..tL ~ ..,.,;11'1. 7:"'. . . lf~ iubJ~(1, ~~~ IdAho II, eo-tulon urJrw S'.=t..:r.' ~ II : '1"/ ! ~ I , I, . :." ! I . ;1 ,~ . . f. I, I . WARRANTY DEED I CORPORATION .. I ~-- -.- -........... --- ....-- -. &TAT& 0' ORZOOH. } ",-"", ... l,tMtiI, u..t U. wftNA '/lW1Vo ..., .u "".". Iw fttC<<'i Oft 1M -..&, oI_._._~..__._. l'~._ ~_.-_.._dekd.-N.. ud ~ Inboo.-.._.._.__~ ~...~_ A-.J vi "-4. cI Nid C4ullly. NiI_ _, ""-"I .nd Mill .t 'C-.IN, a/11-.4. - t J i'-.ki.n'-~lJ"ii"t."-ii- I I I I I. 'J i i.' ........... , 8l1ll! "'- . "" I /1 LL! '. - ""'- . ~ I I 11 i , '.. !I" I I .! . ! ! ( I "(~ TOamRE~ TAXE8AND_~~ME~. ~, ;: i. " If :.. roO I . I' . 1'./'_..) ..... .:' .! {j7(~) . .....-<... ...".._----..._~. - ( r .--.--.--. ~" . '. . 8CRt)ut.& "A" _t.. --._-.~--- ~~ '. ", ~ .'.polDt011 tbo South rl&bt-ot'.wa,. Uno altho ~ Hlp....,.. aid point LI mvbd by. 3/4 lnah trOll pipe. nld pipe bdnc South 0005' 'lint 43.1 feet from a point 838.' fOCI' South 89067' We.t &-om U1e Nort!seut 0Cl1"DDT oflhe1au.c Bra_ D. L. C. No. 14, Towash~~.BJ.N;I1_____ ""'Nt, W.II.. fromiNL1dlroaplp11. Nnn.IJlrt:henoe Oaath 0005' W..t 1'38.32 feet to. polnt OD the Nor1herl,- rlcht.-of.wa, Uno . 01 tile .,.. at the WeDdllna: brt.DCh of the Swthera PacUlo Ra1lroad. thoDe. foUowbl& ..lei rlibt-of.way 11111) Nartbrly 519.11 feet &Ion&: the IU'O 01 . . liS.' too( r&d1lla 0\1"' rlpt (tbo Iana: chord of whlcb bear. Karth ,,008' Weal 4H.ta feet). thel100 114. N feet a10l:l~ the IU'O of. 'plrd oun-e riP' (the loa~ chord 01 _lob bear. North ZOos' We.UU,., foeQ, thence North 0005' Eut 12011.12 feet to the lnf4r_oct1oD of oald rlpt.of-way Uae with the South ll!MI of a&Id .' llcKeul. HipW&1 riaflt-ol-way. tbeDCe HorCh 0044' Ea.t 285.92 rut aloocaa.ld rlpt..cr.....,. 11M, to the plaee of bectnntnc. bel.n&:. ~t of ..1d Iauc Brlcp D. L. C. , In Laaa County, .",-. J CClI:ta1Il!!l:c moft f# In- 10.58 &01"" ~";.....-.aD madt l.n &c!'.... of 1.40 . IICI'U, wl:lleh .... .old to O. . C. It. a. Co. lD 1in~. ~ !; 8:11.11 ,n I CORPo1tATION.~" ---I-_._---_._,._....~ fW u.. .IWn""~ ..., ... ..r.d ,. twet4 ClI'I <<I!. ~eI __1'__.... .....__.._._...~dodl...../tl.. and rwwd.4 .. .... _._...__--On PA/;f ~elD_'.eI,.;,s~. .vi~.,IwttIW...,.t c-tI7.!lI:u4. II .. i , --- _.- _..u...... --- -- _.. I. I , ~----"'oa:w"li~4.0U ,;;r,'.....no , 'I c:r-.o-a..l - ',01 "" -----=,:: ~. '. I '. .- . ./ ' q. " ~)i --)In!)Jl1)]~~-==- . S:-jl~W.->l[g~~ !ll1mt!.T.r.) .... 870 W', Centennial Blm,;ngf;Old. OR 97477 REALTOR GENE HULETT Broker BUS: (503) 746-4404 EVE: (503) 747.1390 . - to,. <0 to- '" <II'" . '" 0 0" ,... "',. "'''' ra. 0 '-' ,z ... '" .. ., (J) ,. .. .. .~ ", ,0:\ . ;:~;':- . ", , "-"::'. :. L. ..~. . " ~ ..----....-..:..-----. ~,' L " 1..:J.-<'...... ,. . . ~Zi'S' ~... ...,. .......'" .~ -l~' t" ~''''~<;-.. ~ C>~O~....._ .. 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