HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1987-4-29 . I . . SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER Wingard Construction Inc. 2323 Fairmount Blvd. Eugene, Oregon 97403 * April 29, 1987 Subject: Change in Business Use at 3001 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. Dear Property Owners: It has come to our attention that a change in use has occurred on the above property. The use appears to be portable unit storage rentals. The existing use on the property is vehicle towing and storage. Article 31 of the Springfield Development Code requires that new uses or changes in uses of existing developments must receive City site plan approval. Please refer to the attached excerpt of Article 31. Site Plan Review Standards. Unless site plan approval is~ranted, the use may not continue at this location. Our recomm.endation is that you complete the attached pre-application conference form. This enables City staff to review the nature of your business in terms of Development Code standards and other land use policies and allows us to schedule a meeting with you to advise you of the necessary procedures to obtain site plan approval. Enclosed are both the pre-application conference form and the site plan review application for your use. An application--either the pre-application or the site plan review application itself--must be submitted to the Planning and Development Department, 225 North-5th Street, Springfield, Oregon by May IS, 1987. Again, we recommend that you first apply for the pre-application conference in order to aid you with your formal site plan submittal. 'If we do not hear from you by the above deadline, we will expect that the business will terminate by May 31, 1987. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Please direct inqulrles concerning the development approval process to Cindie Harmon, Permit Coordinator, at 726-3759. :t..cerelY,r/ d ..=-) s~n~ Associate Planner, Code Enforcement cc: t1~rm~?~h~e~~~tp~e~rie~tf14tigf1i~~\!~lt1J7. 503/726-3753 Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney . ARTICLE 31 SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS 31.010 DESCRIPTION 31.020 APPLICABILITY 31.030 MAINTENANCE INSPECTION 31.040 REVIEW 31.050 INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS 31.060 CRITERI~ 31.070 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 31.080 FINAL SITE PLAN 31.090 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 31.100 MODIFICATIONS TO SITE PLANS 31.110 SECURITY AND ASSURANCES 31.120 MAINTAINING THE USE 31.130 LANDSCAPING STANDARDS 31.140 PLANTING STANDARDS 31.150 PLANTING INSTALLATION STANDARDS 31.160 SCREENING AND LIGHTING STANDARDS 31.170 PARKING STANDARDS 31.180 PARKING LOT DESIGN STANDARDS 31.190 PARKING AREA IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS 31.200 OFF-STREET LOADING STANDARDS . . . ARTICLE 31 SITE PLAN REVIEV STANDARDS 31.010 DESCRIPTION. The purpose of Site Plan Review is to ensure that new development and the expansion of existing development complies with the policies of the Metro Plan and the standards of this Code. Site Plan Review also identifies potential land use conflicts resulting from proposed development and mitigates those conflicts through specific conditions attached by the Approval Au thori ty. 31.020 APPLICABILITY. The provisions of this Article shall apply to: (1) All new construction and expansion of multi-family residential, commercial, public and semi-public and industrial uses involving 500 square feet or more of gross floor area within a 12 mon th period. (2) Changes in the residential, commercial, structure. use category of any existing multi-family public and semi-public or industrial (3) All Discretionary Uses and uses specifically indicated under the applicable zoning district. (4) Zone Changes involving developed property. 31.030 ~..~.ANCE INSPECTION. Any change in use, or occupancy of a building or structure that has been vacant for more than 30 days, involving multi-family residential, commercial, public and semi-public and industrial uses shall require a Maintenance Inspection which may be performed in conjunction with an Occupancy Inspection conducted by the Building Official. The purpose of the Maintenance Inspection is to ensure that all required parking, landscaping and screening have been maintained in accordance with standards applicable at the time of development. 31. 040 REVIEV. (1) An expansion of existing development by 2,000 square feet or less shall be reviewed under Type I procedure. (2) A Maintenance Inspection shall occur as a Type I procedure. (3) New 2,000 square reviewed under development, expansion feet and all development Type II procedure. of existing development over in the SLI District shall be (4) An Architect, Landscape Architect or Engineer shall prepare Site Plans for developments that include new structures 4,000 square feet in size or greater, in all districts. (Ord. 5342 7/21/86) (Ord. 5358 11/17/86) 31-1 . . (5) A complete application together with all required materials shall be accepted by the Director prior to the review of the request as specified in Section 3.050, Application Submittal. 31.050 INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS. A Site Plan shall contain all the elements necessary to demonstrate that the requirements of this Code are being fulfilled and shall include but not be limited to the following: (1) General Information. (a) Legible scale and north arrow. (b) Whenever possible, the Site Plan shall be prepared on 18" x 24" paper. (c) Location of the development site: address; the assessor's map and tax lot number. the street (d) Name and address of the owner and/or applicant. If the applicant is not the owner, then written permission of the owner shall be required. (e) Date prepared and the preparer's name. (f) Proposed name of the development, if any. (g) Size and dimensions of any individual lots and the total development area consistent with the legal description of the properties involved. (h) Zoning and Metro Plan designation of the development site. (i) Zoning, Metro Plan designations uses on adjacent properties, including properties the street. and existing land immediately across (j) Historic sites and natural features within 100 feet of the development site that appear in Metro Plan inventories. (k) If the proposal is a phased development, the location and timing of each proposed phase. (1) Proposed number of employees and future expansion plans. (2) Site Information. (a) Existing contour lines at one foot intervals or greater, as determined by the Director, and percent of slope. 31-2 . . (b) Flood areas: location of the 100 year Floodway and 100 year Floodway Fringe areas in accordance with Article 27 of this Code and all other areas subject to flooding. (c) Location of all existing natural features including but not limited to: trees 8 inches in diameter or greater (when measured 4 1/2 feet above the ground), significant clusters of trees and shrubs, natural drainageways or creeks and rock outcroppings. Proposed modifications to natural features shall be clearly indicated, as well as any major site modifications that have occurred within one year prior to the date of application. (d) Location buildings and structures, setbacks from lot lines. and use including of all existing and proposed separation from each other and buildings, impervious (e) Area and st ructu res, surfaces. percentage of the driveways, sidewalks, site proposed for patios and other (f) Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the appropriate zoning district. (g) Exterior elevations and gross floor area of all buildings and structures proposed for the development site. (h) Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas and other similar public and semi-public uses. (i) Location, size, height, building material and method of illumination of existing and proposed signs. (j) Location and height of proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment and storage, and trash receptacles. (3) A Parking Plan demonstrating compliance with the standards of this Code by indicating the following: (a) Location, dimensions and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, landscaped areas, wheel bumpers, directional signs and striping. (b) On-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation. served, proposed (c) Access including the curb cuts. to streets, alleys and location and dimensions pro pert i es to of existing be and (d) Grading, drainage, surfacing and subgrading details. (e) Exterior lighting: area of illumination. including the type, height and 31-3 . . (f) Location and number of bicycle racks. (g) Amount of gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use. (h) Location of off-street loading areas. (4) A Planting Plan, drawn by a Landscape Architect or other professional approved by the Director, demonstrating compliance with the standards of this Code by indicating the following: (a) Existing trees 8 inches in diameter or greater (when measured 4 1/2 feet from the ground) and/or other plant material to be retained, or to be removed. (b) Screening in accordance with Section 31.160 of this Article. (c) Use of plantings in erosion control, if any. (d) Permanent irrigation system, unless specifically exempted in accordance with Section 31.140 (4) of this Article. (e) Street trees in accordance with Section 35.020 of thi s Code. (f) A specifications list for all materials to be used shall accompany the Planting Plan. Plant sizes shall be listed at the time of installation, and shown on the Planting Plan at mature size. (g) Description of planting methods in accordance with Section 31.150 of this Article. (5) An Improvements Plan demonstrating compliance with the standards of Article 32 of this Code, and indicating the following: (a) Name and location of all existing and proposed public and private streets within or on the boundary of the proposed development site including the right of way and paving dimensions, and the ownership and maintenance status, if applicable. (b) Location devices, fire hydrants, neighborhood mailbox units of existing and required traffic control street lights, power poles, transformers, and similar public facilities. existing ways and (c) Location, width and proposed sidewalks, trails. . and construction material of all sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access 31-4 . . (d) Location and size of existing and proposed utilities and necessary easements and dedications on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, storm sewer drains and ditches, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points. patterns, and catch (e) On-site drainage collection system showing roof drainage, the size and location of basins, and natural drainageways to be retained. and flow drain lines (f) Existing and proposed transit facilities. 31.060 CRITERIA. application upon satisfied: The Director shall approve a Site Plan Review determining that the following criteria have been Code. (1) Demonstrated compliance with applicable standards of this (2) Proposed on-site and off-site pUblic and private improvements are sufficient to accommodate the proposed development. Development plans have been modified to conform with Public Facility Plans and City standards. have with (3) been Metro Inventoried natural and adequately considered in Plan policies. historic features of the site the project design, consistent (4) The design of the proposed development, as conditioned, mitigates identified negative impacts and resolves identified land use conflicts. (5) Parking designed so as to congestion and to streets. areas and ingress-egress points have been facilitate traffic and pedestrian safety, to avoid minimize curb cuts on arterial and collector 31.070 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. To the extent necessary to satisfy the criteria for Site Plan Review, and to mitigate identified negative impacts to surrounding properties, the Director shall impose conditions of development approval. Conditions imposed to satisfy the criteria shall be the minimum necessary to meet the requirements of Section 31.060 of this Article and shall not be used to exclude "needed housing" as defined in OAR 660-08-015. The following conditions may be imposed, in addition to the required standards, in order to ensure full compliance with this Code: (1) necessary called for Dedication to provide in the Metro of right services to Plan. of way and/or easements when neighboring properties or when (2) Installation of a sight obscuring fence, and/or vegetative screen whenever a land use conflict is identified. 31-5 . . (3) Installation of traffic signals and signs; restricting access to and from arterial or collector streets; requiring a frontage road; modifying the design of parking lots; restricting and strategically locating driveways; and/or requiring the joint use of driveways to serve 2 or more lots through a joint use access agreement. (4) Modification of the layout of structures, to include clustering or staggering of units, two story construction, or height restrictions consistent with the density requirements of the Metro Plan. (5) Installation of a noise attenuating barrier, or similar device to minimize negative affects on neighboring properties. (6) (7) when public Limiting hours of operation. Phasing of development to match availability of services facilities and services are near capacity. (8) Approval of a grading plan: (a) By the City Engineer (within the public right of way) . (.b) By the Building Official (on private property). (g) limited to features. Retent i on of significant existing natural features including but not clusters of trees and shrubs and water (10) Installation of lighting for outdoor circulation, parking areas and safety, including approval of the type and placement of the outdoor lighting. 31.080 FINAL SITE PLAN. Within gO days of the affirmative decision by the Approval Authority, a Final Site Plan shall be prepared and filed with the Director. This plan shall include all required modifications and conditions. The Final Site Plan shall become null and void if construction has not begun within one year of Final Site Plan approval, i.e., the signing of a Development Agreement. 31.090 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. To complete the Site Plan Review Process, a Development Agreement shall be effected between the applicant and the City. The agreement shall contain the terms, conditions, and approved Final Site Plan. The purpose of the agreement is to ensure that the terms and conditions of Site Plan Review are understood and binding upon both the applicant and the City. A building permit shall be issued by the Building Official only after the development agreement has been signed by the applicant and the Director. No building or structure shall be occupied until all improvements are made in accordance with this Article, except as specified in Section 31.110, Security and Assurances. 31-6 . . Upon satisfactory completion final site inspection, the public facilities and services of site developmen~, as determined by a City shall authorize the provision of and issue a Certificate of Occupancy. 31.100 MODIFICATIONS. The applicant may petition for modification of a previously approved Final Site Plan. The petition shall include reasons for modifying the plan and demonstrate that the changes are consistent with the provisions of this Code. The review of modifications shall be under Type I procedure, except that a Type II procedure shall be required if the Director determines that there may be a substantial effect on neighboring properties or the pUblic welfare. The development agreement then shall be modified accordingly. 31.110 SECURITY AND ASSURANCES. (1) All required improvements shall be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the development, except that improvements may be deferred for good cause by the Director if security in accordance with Subsection (3) of this Section is approved to the satisfaction of the City Attorney. (2) A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued prior to complete installation and approval of improvements, if done so in accordance with T~pe I procedures and if security is filed with the City. (3) Required security shall equal 110% of the cost of the design, materials and labor, as determined by the Director. Required security may consist of cash, certified check, time certificate or deposit, or lending agency certification to the City that funds are being held until completion. (4) If installation of the improvements is not completed within the period stipulated by the Director, or if the improvements have been improperly installed, the security may be used by the City to complete the installation, or the security may be held by the City and other enforcement powers employed to prevent final occupancy until such time as the improvements are completed. (5) Upon completion of the improvements as certified by the Director, any portion of the remaining security deposited with the City, including any accrued interest, shall be returned. 31.120 MAINTAINING THE USE. Once a Certificate of Occupancy has been granted: (1) The building and site shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of this Code in order to continue the use. 31-7 . . (2) owner to Article in vegetation. to meet the 32.070 of this It shall be the continuing obligation of the property maintain the planting required by Section 31.140 of this an attractive manner free of weeds and other invading P1antings in the vision clearance area shall be trimmed 2 1/2 foot height standard in accordance with Section Code. (3) Parking lots shall tenant in a condition free pavement conditions shall be these standards. be maintained by the property owner or of litter and dust, and deteriorated improved to maintain conformance with (4) maintained attractive Undeveloped land within a development area shall be free of trash and stored materials in a mowed and manner. Undeveloped land shall not be used for parking. , 31.110 LANDSCAPING STANDARDS. (1) The purpose of these Sections is to ensure that new development complies with the policies of the Metro Plan, and with all other applicable City standards; is adequately screened from less intensive development; considers the affects of vegetation on public facilities; retains significant clusters of natural trees and shrubs wherever possible; minimizes run-off; facilitates energy conservation and crime prevention; and improves the appearance of the City to create a desirable place to live and work. (2) Notwithstanding landscaping requirements listed elsewhere in this Code, materials and installation costs of planting and irrigation shall not be required to exceed 10 percent of the value of the new development, including parking facilities. The Director shall determine the location, quantity and quality of required landscaping in accordance with the Metro Plan and the purposes of this Code. 31.140 PLANTING STANDARDS. (1) Unless otherwise specified in this Code, the areas of a lot which shall be planted include: (a) All required setback areas and any additional planting areas as specified in the appropriate zoning district. (b) Parking lot planting areas required in this Article. (2) Except in the LDR District and as specified in Subsection (3) of this Section, at least 65 percent of each required planting area shall be covered with living plant materials within 5 years of the date of installation. The living plant materials shall be distributed throughout the required planting area. The minimum planting acceptable per 1000 square feet of required planting area shall be as follows: 31-8 . . and not including (a) At least two trees not less than 6 feet in height less than 2 inches in caliper (at the time of planting, not root ball); and (b) Ten shrubs, five gallons or larger. (c) Lawn or ground cover may be substituted for trees or shrubbery when there are adequate provisions for ongoing maintenance. (3) Parking lot planting areas shall include one tree that meets City street tree standards in accordance with Section 32.050 of this Code and at least 4 shrubs, 5 gallons or larger, for each 100 square feet of planting area. Shrubbery that abuts public right of way or that is placed in the interior .of any parking lot shall generally not exceed 2 1/2 feet in height at maturity. Parking lot planting areas shall include: (a) Parking and driveway setback areas specified in the applicable zoning district; and (b) Five percent of the interior of a parking lot, if 24 or more parking spaces are located between the street side of a building and an arterial or collector street, and are visible from any street. (4) All new required planting areas shall be provided with a permanent underground irrigation system unless a Landscape Architect submits written verification that the proposed plant materials will have at least a 90 percent survival rate over a 5 year period without an irrigation system. 31.150 PLANTING INSTALLATION STANDARDS. (1) The applicant shall provide methods for the protection of existing plant material which will remain through the construction process. The plants to be saved and the method of protection shall be noted on the planting plan. (2) Existing trees to be retained on private property shall not have construction occur within the drip line, unless a Landscape Architect certifies that affected trees will have at least a 90 percent chance of survival over a 5 year period. Trees to be saved shall be kept free from trunk abrasion. (3) The Planting Plan shall provide specifications for topsoil, including depth and organic matter requirements, to ensure the health and vitality of required planting. Where planting areas have been excavated, the Planting Plan shall provide for the replacement of topsoil. All waste material shall be removed from required planting areas prior to the application of topsoil. prior to irrigation (a) Inspection shall be made by the Building Official planting to verify proper rough grade and installation of systems. 31-9 . . , , (bl Plant materials and, soil preparation shall be inspected prior to or in conjunction with the occupancy inspection to ensure that placement, quantity, si2e and variety conform to the approved Planting Plan and the requirements of this Article. Nursery tags identifying variety and species shall remain on plant specimens until the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 31.160 SCREENING AND LIGHTING STANDARDS. (II Unless otherwise specified in this Code, screening shall be required: (a) Where Commercial and Industrial Districts abut Residential Districts and no approved screening exists. (bl Where requested by an abutting property owner or occupant during a Type II procedure when a more intensive use abuts a less intensive use. (cl For outdoor mechanical devices and minor and major public facilities. (dl For outdoor storage yards and areas.' (el For trash receptacles. (21 Screening shall be vegetative, earthen, and/or structural and shall be designed to minimize visual and audible incompatible uses from adjacent properties. Except as specified in Subsection (21 (dl 1. of this Section, screening shall be continuous to at least 6 feet above ground level. The following standards shall apply: (al Vegetative Screening. One row of evergreen shrubs shall be planted which will grow to form a continuous hedge. When immediate screening is necessary, a sight obscuring fence shall be installed in conjunction with the plantings. The 6 foot height standard specified in Subsection (21 of this Section shall occur within 3 years of planting. (bl Earthern Screening. No earth berm shall exceed a slope of 50 percent. An earth berm shall be terraced and/or completely planted with ground cover to minimize erosion. An earth berm shall be combined with evergreen plantings or a fence to form an attractive sight and noise buffer. (cl Structural Screening. A fence or masonry wall shall be constructed which shall provide a uniform sight obscuring screen. (dl Exceptions: 1. No screen front yard setbacks, and all clearance requirements of Section shall exceed 4 feet in Residential screening shall comply with vision 32.070 of this Code. 31-10 . . fence is arteri al neutral slatted 2. Wherever a required screen in the form of a adjacent to a Residential or Commercial District or an or collector street, it shall be non-metalic and of a color to blend with natural surrounding vegetation. A chain-link fence may be acceptable. 3. Except for single and two family dwellings, any refuse container or disposal area which would otherwise be visible from a public street, customer or resident parking area, any public facility, or any residential area, shall be screened from view by placement of a sight obscuring fence, masonry wall or evergreen hedge between 5 and 8 feet in height. All refuse materials shall be contained within the screened area. 4. Outdoor storage . areas and yards shall be provided with a 5. foot planting strip in accordance with Section 31.140 of this Article when abutting a street. (3) All lighting shall be designed to reflect away from any less intensive use and public rights of way. 31.170 PARKING STANDARDS. (1) Off-street parking spaces shall be provided for: (a) All new construction and expansion of multiple family residential, commercial, industrial and public and semi-public uses involving 500 square feet or more of gross floor area within any 12 month period. If an existing development is enlarged, new parking spaces shall be provided in proportion to the increase only. (Ord. 5342 7/21/86) (b) Changes in the use category of an existing building or structure. (c) Exception: In the Downtown Exception Area, all lots and uses shaJl be exempt from the parking space requirements of this Article. However, if in the opinion of the City Engineer there appears to be a major traffic impact, the'City Engineer may require a Traffic Study and parking may be required based on the study. In any case, any voluntarily installed parking shall conform to the design standards of this Article. (d) The Director and City Engineer may authorize a reduction in the number of required parking spaces without a Variance: Engineer; and/or 1. Based on a Traffic Study approved by the City it impractical demolishing all arrangements are 2. When the lotation of a building on a site makes to provide the number of required spaces without or part of the building, and no alternative parking reasonably available; and 31-11 . . 3. that the exception properties; and Based on an affirmative finding by the Ditector will have no negative impacts on neighboring 4. All installed parking shall conform to the design standards of this Article. (Ord. 5342 7/21/86) (2) If parking has been provided to serve an existing use, the number of parking spaces shall not be reduced if the result would be fewer spaces than required by this Article. (3) Required parking spaces shall be available for the parking of passenger automobiles of residents, customers, patrons, and employees only, and shall not be used for storage of vehicles or materials. Spaces for company vehicles that remain on the premises over night shall be provided in addition to the number of spaces required by this Article. (4) Except as specified in Subsection (5) of this Section, the total requirements for off-street parking space shall be the sum of the requirements for all uses. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing parking facilities for any other use. (5) The Director, upon application by all involved property owners, may authori2e joint use of parking facilities, provided that: (a) The applicant shall demonstrate that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the buildings or uses for which the joint use of parking facilities is proposed; and (b) The parties concerned in the joint use of off-street parking facilities shall provide evidence of agreement for such joint use by a legal instrument approved by the City Attorney. An agreement for joint use of parking facilities shall provide for continuing maintenance of jointly used parking facilities. (6) counted as development. Parking spaces in a public right of way shall not be fulfilling any part of the parking requirements for a 31-12 . 31.180 PARKING LOT DESIGN STANDARDS. illustrate appropriate parking lot design diagrams showing parking lot dimensions Engineer will be provided upon request. . The following diagrams in the City. More detailed maintained by the City (1 o 3 3 '" ~ (1 '" IIJII :J c: '{ ;; 24' l.l.CdW C ; UC!lj l=}~,~ y (~'L (east) Main 5t. ~ I '\ commercial building '" ~ " ~.. U ~.' .. '. I. ':. ~, tr.~..;. ~".::O":I )~'~,Ol I ((l) I : '" ~ c '" -a ~ '" ~ 1 I 90' EXAMPLE: compact space (c): 8' x 16' handicapped and regular space: 9' x 18' commercial building I '" ~ " '" I: u ~ c..... '" I E E 0 u I 1 :(Yl:.<'. . . . . .., . :,,'."C.' .. '. :. ..,1 :7D,.0~ _ .1fQ:b&.9:9Q-91 \ .. ? ""'. - jT ~ - ~~ .~fV':~'-~U~'~"C7'(~l~; minor. arterial street 45'. PARKING EXAMPLE: compact space (c): 8' x 16' handicapped and regular space: 9' x 18' 31-13 . . '. , . 31.190 PARKING AREA IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS. All parking areas shall conform to the setback, vision clearance, planting and screening provisions of this Code and shall be completed prior to occupancy. Required parking spaces shall be improved in accordance with the following standards: (1) A 11 parki ng areas sha 11 have a durable, dust free surfacing of asphaltic concrete, Portland cement concrete or other materials in accordance with the Building Safety Codes and approved by the Building Official. Parking lot surfacing shall not encroach upon the public right of way except where approved for access. (2) Adequate drainage improvements shall be provided to dispose of all on-site run off. Provisions shall be made for the on-site collection of drainage waters to eliminate sheet flow onto sidewalks, pUblic rights of way, and abutting private property. All drainage systems shall be approved by the Building Official and shall be constructed in conformance with the Building Safety Codes. (3) All parking stalls fronting a sidewalk, alley, street, planted area or structure shall be provided with a secured wheel bumper or linear curb not less than 6 inches in height to be set back from the front of the stall a minimum of 2 feet to allow for vehicle encroachment. Wheel bumpers shall be a minimum of 6 feet in length. Curbs shall be constructed in conformance with the Standard Construction Specifications. (4) Backing into the public right of way, other than alleys, is prohibited. Parking spaces shall be served by an aisle or turnaround so that their use will require no backing movements or other maneuvering within a street right of way other than an alley. This standard also applies to panhandle lots. (5) All spaces shall be permanently and clearly marked. Old striping shall not be visible after being replaced by new striping. (6) areas on the use of Parking areas shall be designed to connect with parking abutting sites within the same zoning district to eliminate the street for cross movements. (7) Not more than 30% of the total parking spaces in a parking lot may be designated for compact cars. Such spaces shall be signed and/or the space painted with the words "Compact Car Only." 31-14 - . ., . . (8) Disabled Parking Spaces. (a) Parking spaces for disabled people and accessible passenger loading zones that serve' a particular building shall be located on the shortest possible accessible circulation route to an accessible entrance of the building. (b) Number. TOTAL PARKING IN LOT 1 to 50 51 to 100 101 to 200 201 to 300 301 to 500 501 to 700 REQUIRED NUMBER OF ACCESSIBLE SPACES 1 2 3 4 5 6 For each additional 200 spaces or fraction thereof, one additional space. (c) Parking spaces for disabled people shall be at least 8 feet wide and shall have an abutting access aisle at least 5 feet wide. Parking access aisles shall be part of the accessible route to the building or facility entrance. Two accessible parking spaces may share a common access aisle. Parked vehicle overhangs shall not reduce the clear width of an accessible circulation route. (d) Accessible reserved for the disabled of accessibility. Such parked in the space. park i ng spaces by a sign showing sign shall not shall be designated as the international symbol be obscured by a vehicle (e) Passenger loading zones shall provide an access aisle at least 4 feet wide and 20 feet long abutting and parallel to the vehicle pull-up space. If there are curbs between the access aisle and the vehicle pull-up space, then a curb ramp shall be provi ded. (9) At least one secured bicycle rack, of a design approved by the City Engineer, shall be provided for each parking lot. Parking lots having more than 15 automobile parking spaces shall be required to have one additional secured bicycle rack for each additional 15 automobile parking spaces or fraction thereof. Bicycle parking areas shall be visible and accessible, however, these areas shall not be located within parking aisles, planting areas, or pedestri an ways. (10) Any lights provided to illuminate any public or private parking area or vehicle sales area shall be arranged so as to reflect the light away from any less intensive use. 31-15 . . ~. . . 31.200 OFF-STREET LOADING STANDARDS. (1) All necessary loading spaces for commercial and industrial buildings and uses shall be off-street and shall be provided in addition to the required parking spaces. (2) Vehicles in the berth shall not protrude into a public right of way or sidewalk. Except when no other reasonable alternative exists, loading berths shall be located so that vehicles are not required to back or maneuver in the public right of way. (3) A school having a capacity greater than 25 students shall have a driveway designed for the continuous forward flow of passenger vehicles for the purpose of loading and unloading children. (4) The minimum areas required for commercial and industrial loading spaces are as follows: (a) 250 square feet for buildings .of 5,000 to 20,000 square feet of gross floor area. (b) 500 square feet for buildings of 20,000 to 50,000 square. feet of gross floor area. (c) 750 square feet for buildings in excess of 50,000 square feet of gross floor area. (5) The required loading area shall not be less than 10 feet in width by 25 feet in length and shall have an unobstructed height of 14 feet. 31-16 ... . . . PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WHAT IS IT? THE PRE-ApPLICATION CONFERENCE IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED FOR THE PROSPECTIVE APPLICANT TO AVOID' UNNECESSARY COSTS OR DELAY. THE PURPOSE OF THE PRE-ApPLICATION CONFERENCE IS TO ACQUAINT THE PROSPECTIVE APPLICANT WITH THE STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE AND HOW THEY APPLY TO A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL. CITY STAFF IS ALSO AVAILABLE TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE AND INFORMATION NECESSARY FOR A CO'-IPLETE FORMAL APPLI CATI ON . HOW DOES IT WORK? 1. THE PROSPECTIVE APPLICANT FILLS OUT A PRE-ApPLICATION CONFERENCE FORM DESCRIBING THE PROPOSAL AND SUBMITS IT ALONG WITH A PLOT PLAN TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THERE IS NO FEE FOR THIS SERVICE. 2. NEXT, A MEETING WILL BE SCHEDULED WITH THE CITY'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE AND THE PROSPECTIVE APPLICANT TO GAIN A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROPOSAL AND TO REVIEW APPROVAL PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS. 3. WITHIN 3 WORKING DAYS OF THE PRE-ApPLICATION CONFERENCE, A WRITTEN LIST OF COt"MENTS ON THE PROPOSAL WILL BE PREPARED TO AID THE PROSPECTIVE APPLICANT IN THE SUBMITTAL OF THE FORMAL APPLICATION. THIS LIST WILL INCLUDE PROCEDURES NECESSARY TO OBTAIN DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL, AS WELL AS ISSUES THAT NEED TO BE ADDRESSED IN THE APPLICATION. WHO DO I CONTACT? THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 NORTH 5TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PHONE: 726-3759 , .1 . . . .. ., PLOT PLAN REQUIREMENTS (1) LAND DIVISIONS (PARTITIONS AND SUBDIVISIONS) AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS. 11* COPIES OF A MAP DRAWN TO ScALE DETAILING THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: LOCATION OF THE BOUNDARY OF THE ENTIRE PROPERTY AND PROPOSED PROPERTY LINES. LOCATION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND APPROXIMATE SETBACKS FROM THE PROPOSED PROPERTY LINES. THE DIMENSIONS AND SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATION FOR EACH LOT OR PARCEL. MAJOR NATURAL FEATURES, IF APPLICABLE. (2) SITE PLAN REVIEW. 11* COPIES OF A MAP DRAWN TO SCALE DETAILING THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: LOCATION OF THE BOUNDARY OF THE ENTIRE PROPERTY TO INCLUDE THE LOT DIMENSIONS. LOCATION OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED STRUCTURES. MAJOR NATURAL FEATURES, IF APPLICABLE. PROPOSED ACCESS TO PUBLIC STREETS AND PARKING AND LOADING AREAS. PROPOSED AREAS TO BE PLANTED. (3) OTHER DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS OR LAND USE ACTIVITIES. 11* COPIES OF A MAP OR DIAGRAM DRAWN TO SCALE DETAILING HOW THE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL OR LAND USE ACTIVITY WILL OCCUR. * 14 COPIES FOR PROPOSALS WITHIN SPRINGFIELD'S URBAN GROWTH BoUNDARY. \ . . WHAT IS IT? The purpose of Site Plan Review is to ensure that new developnent and the expansion of existing devel~~,~.~ canplies with the standards and procedures of the Springfield D:velopnent Code and the Metro Plan. WID NEEDS IT? A person is required to apply for Site Plan Review in the following instances: 1. For all new construction and . eXp3IlSion of multi-family residential, __,.,,,,rcial, public and sani-public, and industrial uses involving 500 square feet of gross floor area within a 12 IlOnth period. 2. For changes residential, structure. in the use category of any existing multi-family __,.,,~rcial. public and sani-public, or industrial 3. For all Dis=etionary Uses and uses specificaily indicated under the applicable zJ:ming district. 4. For Zone Changes involving developed ",~~~~~y. H<Joi' OOES IT WORK? 1. The Pre-Application O:lnference. It is ",uggested that the prospective applicant apply for a Pre-Awlication Conference to becane acquainted with the standards and. procedures of the Springfield D:velopnent Code and how they apply to a specific developnent !-'~'-'t^"'sal. There is no fee for this service. 2. Application ~ttal. a. Applications are available at the Planning and D:velopnent D:partment. b. Site Plans for proposals having buildings greater than 4,000 square feet of gross floor area and/or a developnent area greater than one a=e are required to be prepared by an Oregon Registered Architect, Landscape Architect or Ehgineer. c. Applications for Site Plan Review must be a__~,tcllied by a fee to help defray the cost of processing, 11 copies of the Site Plan, and a stateo,~.~ with details of the ",~~......sed use. A checklist stating the requi~o,"'uts for Site Plan Review is part of the application form. OVER . . ( . 4. 3. Review. a. Type I applications (proposals having buildings of 2,000 square feet or less of gross floor area) will be reviewed by the City's Developnent Review Catmi.ttee (DRC). b. Type II applications (proposals having buildings of rrore than 2,000 square feet of gross floor area) will be reviewed by the DRC. ldjacent property owners and occupants are notified and may attend the review meeting and address their concerns or send written ccmnents. c. Type III applications Which require Site Plan Review (Discretionary Use and Zone Changes involving developed prvt-='-~Y) will be reviewed by the Plarming O::mnission, however, the required Site Plan will be reviewed by the DRC. N:Jtified adjacent property owners and occupants may attend the mc meeting and public hearing to testify or send written carrnents. 4. Appeals. The Plarming Director's or the Plarming Catmi.ssion' s decision may be appealed within 10 days of the decision. Appeals of Type I and II decisions are heard by the Planning O::mnission. Appeals of Type III decisions are heard by the City <buncH. Afpeals fonus may be obtained at the Planning and Developnent Department. 5. Final Site Plan Sul::rnittal and tile Develvt'".=.;: J\grE!=.~.~. a. \vithin 90 days of the affinnative decision on the application, a Final Site Plan shall be sul:mitted. 'Ihis plan shall inc.).ude all required I!Ddifications and conditions. The Final Site Plan shall becane null and void if construction has not begun wi thin one year of Final Site Plan approval. b. A Developnent Agreement shall be signed by the applicant and the City. The purpose of the agreement is to ensure that the terms and conditions of Site Plan Review are binding on both the applicant and the City. Building penuits may be applied for, however, no building permits will be issued by the Building Official until the agreement has been signed. 6. Occupancy. Upon satisfactory ccrnpletion of site developnent, as determined by a final site inspection, the City shall authorize the provision of public facilities and services and issue a Certificate of CCcupancy. WID 00 I o::NrAcr? The Plarming and Developnent Department 225 Ibrth 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone: 726-3759 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 NORTH 5TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PHONE: 726-3759 SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION LOCATION OF PROPERTY EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL ApPLI CANT N#1E -, AnDRESS PHONE: OWNER NAME ADDRESS PHONE: THE UNDERSIGNED ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE INFORMATION IN THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT AND ACCURATE. APPLICANT SIGNATURE IF THE APPLICANT IS OTHER THAN THE OWNER, THE OWNER HEREBY GRANTS PERMISSION FOR THE APPLICANT TO ACT IN THEIR BEHALF. OWNER SIGNATURE SPR'NCFIELD )> N "TI <- Ul 0 HI 0 Ul Z c m - ;0 Ul Z "'C ~ Ul cr> )> 0 - ;0 t:l Ul 5' . ~ :z 0 . :3: !i? t:::l @ ;;j ~ o )> en "'C () C ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ r ~ :z o t>::I fi ~ $; () () () m m ;0 "tl _ o -l < :!1 0 0 t:::l t>::I t>::I m -< -< r - z :7 g "tl m m ~ I I - . "" m () m - "tl -l :z o . -< PLEASE ATTACH THE NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER AND SIGNATURE OF ANY ADDITIONAL _ - ::z: PROPERTY OWNER. OVER . . , THE APPLICATION PACKET A COMPLETE APPLICATION CONSISTS OF: 1. 11 * COPIES OF THE SITE PLAN. . SEE THE ATTACHED SITE PLAN REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST. 2. A WRITTEN EXPLANATION OF THE PROPOSAL. 3. THE FILING FEE - A FILING FEE MUST ACCOMPANY ALL APPLICATIONS. THE FEE VARIES DEPENDING UPON THE TYPE OF APPLICATION. THERE IS A $100.00 FEE FOR A MINOR SITE PLAN (TYPE I REVIEW). THERE IS A $200.00 PLUS $10.00 PER ACRE FEE FOR A MAJOR SITE PLAN (TYPE II REVIEW). CHECK WITH STAFF AT THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO DETERMINE THE PROPER FEE REQUIRED. APPLICATION FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. 4. A COPY OF THE DEED TO SHOW OWNERSHIP. * 14 COPIES FOR PROPOSALS WITHIN SPRINGFIELD'S URBAN GROWTH BoUNDARY. THE APPLICANT DOES NOT HAVE TO ADDRESS THE SITE PLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA IN WRITING. HOWEVER. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT A SITE PLAN APPLICATION CANNOT BE APPROVED BY THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR UNLESS THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA HAVE BEEN SATISFIED: [] DEMONSTRATED COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT COlE. [] PROPOSED ON-SITE AND OFF-SITE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS ARE SUFFICIENT TO ACC0M'10DATE THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. DEVELOPMENT PLANS HAVE BEEN MODIFIED TO CONFORM WITH PUBLIC FACILITY PLANS AND CITY STANDARDS. [] INVENTORIED NATURAL AND HISTORIC FEATURES OF THE SITE HAVE BEEN ADEQUATELY CONSIDERED IN THE PROJECT DESIGN. CONSISTENT' WITH METRO PLAN POLICIES. , [] THE DESIGN OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. AS CONDITIONED. MITIGATES IDENTIFIED NEGATIVE IMPACTS AND RESOLVES IDENTIFIED LAND USE CONFLICTS. [] PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS-EGRESS POINTS' HAVE BEEN DESIGNED SO AS TO' FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY. TO AVOID CONGESTION AND TO MINI~lIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS. . . CHECK LIST SITE PLAN REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS .- ~ ~ ' . JOURNAL NUMBER: ADDRESS OF PROPOSED PROJECT: DATE OF REVIEW: INFORMATION REQUIRED: A Site Plan shall contain all the elements necessary to indicate that the requirements of the Springfield Development Code are being fulfilled and shall include but not be limited to the following: A = Applicant's Check List A S S = Staff's Check List General Information [J [] 1. [J [J 2. [] [J 3. [] [] 4. . [] [J 5. [J [] 6. [J [] 7. [] [J 8. [J [] 9. [J [J 1D. [J [J 11. Site Information [J [J 12. [] [] 13. [ ] [J 14. [] [] 15. North Arrow Scale Address, assessor's map & tax lot number of development site. Date prepared and preparer's name. Proposed name of the development, if any. Si2e and dimension of any individual lots and the total development area. Zoning and Metro Plan designations of the development site. Zoning, Metro Plan designations and existing land uses on adjacent properties, including properties immediately across the street. Historic sites and development site that If the proposal is proposed phase. Proposed number of employees and future expansion plans. natural appear in phased, features within 100 feet of the Metro Plan inventories. the location and timing of each Existing contour lines at one foot intervals or greater, and percent of slope. Flood areas: location of the 100 year Floodway and 100 year Floodway Fri nge and all .other areas subject to season a 1 flooding. Location of all existing natural features. Location and use of all existing and proposed buildings and structures, including separation from each other and setbacks from lot lines. A S [J [J [J [J [J [J [J [J [J [J [J [J . . 't-. ", 16. Area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other impervious surfaces. 17. Observance of solar access requirements. 18. Exterior elevations and gross floor area of all buildings and structures proposed. 19.' Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas and other similar public and semi-public uses. 20. Location, size, height, 'building materials and method of illumination of existing and proposed signs. 21. Location and height of proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment and storage, and trash receptacles. A parking plan demonstrating compliance with the standards of the Springfield Development Code by indicating the following: [J [J [J [J [J [] [] [] [J [] [] [J [] [] [J [J 22. Location, dimension and number of typical, compact and disabled parking. spaces; including aisles, landscaped areas, wheel bumpers, directional signs and striping. 23. On-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation. 24. Access to streets, alleys and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts. 25. Grading, drainage, surfacing and subgrading. 26. Exterior. lighting including the type; height and area of illumination. 27. Location and number of bicycle racks. 28. Amount of gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use. 29. Location of off-street loading areas. A Planting Plan, drawn by a Landscape Architect or other professional approved by the Director, demonstrating compliance with the standards of the Springfield Development Code by indicating the following: [J [] [] [] [] [] [J [J [] [] [] [] [J [J 30. Existing trees 8 inches in diameter or greater and/or other plant material to be retained, or to be removed. 31. Screening in accordance with Section 31.160. 32. Use of p1antings in erosion control, if any. 33. Permanent irrigation system, unless specifically exempted in section 34.140(4). 34. Street trees in accordance with Section 32.050. 35. A specifications list for all materials to be used accompany the planting plan. Plant sizes shall be listed time of installation and shown on the planting plan at size. 36. A description of planting methods in accordance with 31.150. shall at the mature " i . . An Improvements Plan demonstrating compliance with standards of Article 32 of the Springfield Development Code and indicating the following: A S [] [J [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 37. Name and location of all existing and propose~ public and private streets within or on the boundary of the proposed development site including right-of-way and paving dimensions, and the ownership and maintenance status, if applicable. 38. Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, street lights, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities. 39. Location, width and construction materials of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and trails. 40. Location and size of existing and proposed utilities and necessary easements and dedications on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, storm sewer drains and ditches, water mains, power, gas, telephone and cable.TV. Connection points to be indicated.' 41. On-site drainage collection system and flow patterns, showing drainage, the size and location of drain lines and catch basins, and natural drainageways to be retained. 42. Existing and proposed transit facilities. If an item listed above is not addressed, please specify why below, or attach a separate sheet. COMMENTS: ~ompleteness Check Approved Date