HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/5/2008 ":1 ~ :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Final Site Plan Review Phone: 682-6203 ADDlicant Name: Stefano Viggiano [ComDany: Lane Transit District IAddress: 3500 E. 17th Street, P.O. Box 7070, Eugene, OR 97401-0470 ':'U<1;1 ;.:,";.;. .;<.,>: "".'''jJ;;;,,,,,, .,""" ."N'."'''''''' .",_"..~"",.:=,_",,, ''-'-'-'..''''-<<''-:'-''"9''~-'~'h''""''''c,;;:"',",'';,;)',~,,.._,.:,,;" .. IADDlicant's ReD.: Mark Young, AlA, Project Manager [ComDany: Rowell Brokaw Architects IAddress: One East Suite 300, Eugene, OR 97401 I.""""",""",_-,,,,,(j [proDerty Owner: Elizabeth Cole. Development Director [ComDany: General Growth Properties. Inc. [Address: 35 Century Way - Salt Lake City, UT 84115 1_,..,.., _, ",_,~ ,," "~",,",''''' ",", "~;""''''"':-'''^''''':':''''''_.,_",.~'' ,;' "-,-",,,"""'.':.,,",_" '''''".~",.~,'''''--''.:'~=,"""...." IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-22 ITAX LOT NO(S}: 2200 and 2300 I ProDerty Address: 300 Gateway Street. Springfield, OR ISize of ProDerty: 41 acres / modified 2.21 acres I Proposed Name of Project: LTD / Gateway Mall Bus/ErnX 1(. ,u. . 'W" .. ~~('.'L' ,...."..,"',:""'" .,....'<,~;, _..""".~"',.""',-""MW.-: .,_.\,~,__.""",,, ", Fax: I I '''''''' '''D''''''''':~''.. " ..".....:,""","'~..M"""':+..;"".....<>;.;,.",_"~ I I I 485-7344 682-6111 Phone: 485-1003 Fax: Phone: 801-463-4212 .Fax: 801-463-7086 Acres [gJ Square Feet D ,-,,,~"=";-,,,,~.,~,,~~,,,""""'W ,. ..~ __-0' :,~,,,.,,,,,. I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. ProDosal: Relocate bus platform, shelters and bus drive to Gateway Street; Covered pedestrian walkway to Mall; Existing Use: Parking, circulation and bus stop I Tentative Case #: DRC2007-00081 Si natures: Please si n and print you,r name and date in the ap /0 riate box on the next ... ..... Associated ADDlications: Icase No.: De0'ZC01- r OCO~ \ IAPPlication Fee: $ ~q {;- lou ITechnical Fee: $ ITOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: fR~gD08 -CXJOOq I Date: ~\ ';\OlQ I Reviewed by: 'LD ft'1-8 I P~staqe Fee: $0 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Date. Received: AUGOS2000 /J,t 7"Of 4 Final Submittal (,-(-7- . .Signature Owner: J I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. I affirm that the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of QRS :227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Signature ~ Print Elizabeth Cole, Dev. Director, General Growth Properties, Inc. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Date: 2. (?" 6 '8" Date Received: AUG 0 5 2008 i:'in,,;! .~:0bnlittal /l;:? " 2 of 4 " ~. '-- . Rowell Brokaw Architects . Case #: Project: ORC2007-00081 Type II Major Site Plan Modification . L TO/Gateway Mall Bus/EmX Stops 619i;' August 5, 2008 Mark Young Andy Limbird Response to Site Review Comments Dated 2/7/08 f'C li)at,.., 'd . ",,~ '"'.... I 0 e I ',..~__"'e . ,. . 'AU" t '" ';~.3 '" ~ \.. ~ ,~... : Project No: Date: Written by: To: Subject: Final Submil:.sl ,~,-..~ RESPONSES TO CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1) The Fina(Site Plan shall be rINised as necessary to extend the electricalfeeder conduit from ihe n';"ly installed electrical vault approximately 5 feet further west before bending 900 to reach the existing SUB transformer. , Response: This has been revised on E1,1, 2) Prior io approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall execute and record a utility easement centered on the underground electrical line. The location and dimensions of the utility easement'shall be satisfactory to SUB Electric and shown of the Dnal Site Plan. ' , . Response: ., The proposed 10' easement, centered on the electrical line is shown on A1,1l SUB would like the final easemen't boundaries to be . executed and recorded after installation of the utility Ii~es, to reflect as-built conditions, Therefore, the execution of the easement will . occur after installation of the trench and 'conduit. ' 3) Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, a Public Access Easement shall be executed and recorded for any areas where. public sidewalks are to be located on private property. . Respollse: A 5 ft, wide public sidewalk is provided on the east (public) side of . the relocated Gateway Street right-of-way line, Therefore, all public sidewalks will be in the public right-of way, and a Public Access ' Easement will not be required, ' - 4) Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, access easements satisfactory to the City's P'fblic Works Director shall be executed and recordedfor all traffic signa/ equipment that is located on private property. The easements shall grant the City of Springfield the right to access and maintain traffic signal equipm'ent on the Gateway Mall property. Response: All traffic signal equipment has been moved into. the public right-of- way, so an easement is no longer required, . Rowell Brokaw Architects, p,c. On. East Broadway, Suit. 300 D Eug.n., Oregon 97401 Ii Voice (541) 485-1003 II Fax (541) 485-7344 .. www.row.llbrokaw.(om Page 1 of 3 '0 Q) > 'Qj (,) Q) 0:: ~ to C to ::::I '<t L TO/Gateway Mall Bus/EmX Stops - Site Plan Review Response Lettel' 6/13/08 . c"J Proposed additions and modificationS to City-owned traffic signal systems are approved in concept only. All such additions and modifications shall be subject to the City's Public Improvement Project (PIP) permitting, review and approval process. Final design details shall be resolved during PIP review. oo~ co co .... In co .I ~esponse: Traffi~ signal plans have been submitted with the PIP application III and have been approved. . . . '= . \ . .' ]I Nothing in this land use decision constitutes approval of a specific traffic signaz7timing or operational J,. .plan. . ,~, ,: ". _. . ,iesponse: . Traffic signal plans have been submitted with the PIP application, u. and have 'been approved, 7) Prior,to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall execute and record a right..ofway dedication agreementfor additional Gateway Street right-ofway as generally depicted on the applicant's site plan. Response: The dedication agreement for additional Gateway Street right-of-way has been approved by General Growth, but is still waiting to be processed and finalized, . ~ . , 8) Prior to approval of the final Site Plan, the applicant and City shall execute and record a Right-of . Way Use Agreement or Intergovernmental Agreement; as may be necessary, for LTD facilities . constructed and/or encroaching within the public right-ofway, including but not limited to the transit platform and bus shelter canopies. . Response: L TO and the City will have an agreement for the entire Pioneer Parkway EmX system that will cover all of the stops in the, Right-of- Way, including this one. A separate' agreement forthis liacility will not be required, ' ,9)' Prior to commencement of work in the public right-ofway, the applicant shall obtain a 'Public Improvement Permitfrom the City's Public Works Department. . Response: A PIP application for work in the public-right-of way has D,een submitted, and has been approved. 10) In accordance with the provisions ofSFC 508.5:5 and SFC 912.3, immediate access fmd,atleast three (3) feet of clear space in all directions ~hall be maintainedfor all Fire Department connections, Response: There are no Fire Oell.artment connections in.the project area.. 11) The developer shall be responsible for ensuring special precautions are observed during site construction to protect groundwater and to prevent spills or leakage of materials into the stormwater system. Wellhead protection signs shall be posted at conspicuous locations to alert contractors; subcontractors, empl~ees and other to the importance of reporting and cleaning up any spills. Additionally, DNAPLK, materials shall be prohibited on the site during construction and operation. Response: These requirements are noted in the PIP and Building Permit .' documents, 12) Prior to approval ~fthe Final Site Plan, the developer shall obtain a Tree Felling Permit approval. pursuant to Planning Case DRC2008-00004. . Page 2 of 3 . "\ . L TO/Gateway Malll3us/EmX Stops '- Site Plan Revie,w Response Letter 6/13/08 ". Response: The Tree "elling Plmriit (Case # DRC2008-00004) has been approved without conditions, MODIFICA TIONS TO THE FINAL SITE REVIEW PLANS: The following changes .were made to the plans due to further design development and coordimition, The changes are not su.bstantive and remain c'onsistent with how the previous plans address. the development code, The changes are all shown in the plans reviewed for the Building Permit and PIP permit. . A, 1/L2,1 - Planting Revisions: Due to further design considerations for Gateway Mall, the type and quantity of plantings in the island near the existing bus shelter have been revised. The types and quantities remain consistent with City Development Code requirements, and this does not change the proposed and impacted landscaping area calculations. B, 1/L2,2 - Tree Relocation: In order to coordinate locations with site lighting and traffic equipment, trees have been relocated along Gateway Street, spaced more densely at the north end. The number and species of.trees have remained the same. The design will improve the transition to the existing street t~ees along Gateway Street. C, 1/L2,2 - Planting Boundary Revision: Due to further i::oordination'and design, and to accommodate the tree relocation noted above, the north boundary of the new landscaping has been revised. The types and quantities of plants have been revised, but are still consistent with City Developme'nt Code requirements. The proposed and impacted existing landscape area calculations have not changed. The revised design will improve the transition from the existing to new landscape beds along Gateway Street. . D, 3/A2,1 - Bus Lane width:' The note for the southbound bus lane width on the east side of the platform has been revised to 9'-6" to 11'-0" to be consistent with the PIP traffic striping plan. E, 1/E1,1 - Site Data' Conduit added: Upon investigation of data service providers' on the Gateway Mall site, conduit has been extended from the L TD communication cabinet on the platform to an existing Comcastvault near the Roadhouse Grill to allow for future service. Service will not be provided as part of this project, so the conduit will remain empty. This is . an underground installation entirely on private property that should have no effect on the final design and use of existing and new development. . . ,F, EO,1 Lumiriaire Schedule, E2,O, arid Lighting C~tsheets - Fixture "F" ReviSion: Due to further design considerations, the Type "F" light pole fixtures have been relocated and changed (see attached cut sheets). All of the "F" fixtures have been moved outside of the public right-of-way to provide clearer paths and' sightlines, while still providing adequate' lighting for the security of transit users. The "F" fixtures remain low-intensity; pedestrian- scale fixtures.. l:he original "F" fixture has bee'n renamed the "F1" fixture (see attached cut sheet), and two are now located at the south and north ends of. the platform to balance light . levels, G, T100, T101, T102, T200 - Traffic Sheets: The numbering of the sheets has changed to reflect their inclusion in the Public Improvement Permit set, and a Signage and Striping plan (T200) has been added at the request of Public Works. Traffic signals have been revised at the north end cif the site. These revisions have been shown on the PIP drawings and have been reviewed by Public. Works. . END OF RESPONSE LETTER' 'late ~ecphled: Page 3 of 3 AUG 0 5 :~C'] . -:;ubmitta!_tl~ ., l , ~ .~ / \f / . " '.: , 'f~~ '~\)::.'~ (" , .., .... '~Hf' '. ~t.'\. Column '. Date Received: I' AUG 0 5 2008 r dOL ,~ o '0 g ~. ."A';-P :.:_i!_ :::;--:i.ij/. t:C2:- ::,. i Date Received: ... CJ f .i. f AUG 0 52008. .. , - ai <; .E Final Submittal , '.,/' .'.. U E ;a~i' -.1. '" . '0 u ~ '-'-' ..,:,,,,,' ',' ~. c 1lb L= I , ... \ F~ Ti .i:,::{i For details and specifications, see our website at \vww.~elux.com/us:a 12 Twelve Feet 14 .Fourtee'n Feet 16,SixteenJeet r~TR~ MTR Column Straight . MTRC MTR Column 8" Straight MTRT ':ATR Column Ta,pered H81xF032T8 '218 2xF032T8. . 3T8 3xF032T8 4T84xF032T8 Lamping up to (2~) lOOw '-available,. co~sultfact?ry for details BK Black WH White "82 Bro0ze SV Silvey SP Specify RAUt 120 277 347 REC GFCI Receptacle :.- ~ - :..'., ::: :'i -: .::; , MTRT-IT8 , (Type IV Non-Cutoff/mounting ht. '" 12') longiludir).JlDi5tonrejnUnits'mMo~ntinRHeight ,1 III I II If ,I I J/i=:CN I ~ 1-~- (~t:---1\~ G \:]D- \ ~ " I ~\o:T:: .[[ I \"'L 3- y.. ) ~. 'I \'.J:,-,,--:~,[ ~I I I. ll~ 30' 4 32 1 0.1 2- 34 00 @() 60' 3'0' MTRT-4T8 (Type Y Non-Cutoff/mounting hI., l~'). 150' 180'. 150' Lon~itudinalDistanceinUnitiofMoontinRl-leight "o'~,""l "o':;~\\~1 ;0. ~,1. ), ; ~~{ ~j I ,h }-=- i.. 60).>80wfili"f,:~., ; \1 d:i2~i 'l' . .,1--..1 U31v '" / I I ') \ ~ . i----L i:yr" I~ 30' O' 30' "4 3 2 ;- 0 ;- 2 34- ~. @ L~n1p info - p. 182 " j H8 Light dire<;t~d in one direction only 2T8 Light directed in tWG opposite directions. 3T8 .', Light directed in three ~irection5 4T8 Light dire(te~ evenly in ~'II directions z. '-. ::, i ~ .." .:;..,.... Stracex@ 500 r~~~)~ T. . , ! 1 ~ :1 Series. STRS Stradex. 500 Reflector R3 Fixture Series Reflector S35 Pole Series 12 Height Mounting R2 Type II reneClor F R3 Type III reneClor 16 51 52 S2L S3L 54 L1 L2 W HanlOntal Sfip Fitter (2.3181 Venieal Sfip Fitter (3') Single arm Double arm @180' Double arm @90. Triple arm@90.. Quadruplearm@90. Single 4S" arm Double 48" arm@180' WaD Mount ( ~ ~' (s) ~ : _'. 21".' ..1 (533mm) IP 65 Certified @ LISTED c@ LISTED SELUX Corp. @ 2003 PO Box 1060, 5 Lumen Lane Highland, NY 12528 TEL: (845) 691-7123 FAx': (845) 691-6749 E-mail: seluxus@selux.com Web Site: wwW.selux.comlusa STR5-0704-01 (ss-V1.03) 1. Fixture Housing" Die cast alu- minum fixture housing with inte- gral heal dissipating fins. 2. Gasketing - (not shown) 'Continuous molded gasket pro- vides seal at door and glass openings, providing dust and insect control. 3. Lamp - (not shown) One clear Horizontal ED 17 metal halide lamp up to 175W or high pressure sodium up to 150 W. Lamp pro- vided by others. 4. Access Door. Hinged die cast door, secured with cam action stainless steel latch. Door secures flat tempered glass lens and is provided with dampening cylinoer for ease of maintenance. 5. Arm. Die cast aluminum arm integrated into fixture design. Se- \' Da', ~eceived: ':F 1 AUG 0 5 20080G;f)Dll[D1 C'in-:lll ~llhmitt::l1 fl:f}., __ . ~ - Options Finish Voltage Options WH While 120 PC PhotoceU BK Black 208 OS O' Dark Sky BZ Bronze 240 Till Option SV Silver 277 SP Specify 347. . ......f.. RAL# 'T',. . ,'111.. it' " , I" ~, 1B H150 Lamp Typel Wattage , REC Project: GATEWAY MALL BUS I EMX STOPS Type: F .STR5 Mounting BK Finish Lamp Type I Wattage. HPS S050" 50w 5070 70w 5100 lOOw S150 150w Metal Halide H050" SOw H070 70w H100 1001'/ H150 1501'/ H175 175w "Only avanable in 120v and 277v. ~ :::'-~' ~157"'''~ (39zmm) , 77/811 . (200mm) . I cures to pole or tennon with 6 stainless steel set screws. Availab]e in a variety of configura- tions for various mounting options. Available with optional dark sky bracket. tilting fixture to horizontal plane for full cutoff. 6. Socket - Pulse rated porcelain medium base socket pre-wir,ed to ballast at factory. Socket is secured to Electro Tray for ease,of servicing. 7 . Electro-Tray - A high power factor. open core and coil ballast regulates voltage for the HID lamp. Ballast is attached to removeab]e gear tray (removable without tools), and is provided with a quick disconnect to the line voltage. Consult factory for detailed ballast information. Qty: BK . 240 Finish . Voltage PC Options B. Optional Phot.oc~l! ,- Fixture. can be provided with _twist lock photocell integrated into fixture housing, - 9. Tilt Option - Standard c.onnec- 'tion provides 5 degrees of tilt. DS option brings fixture optics to hori- zontal providing full cutoff. 10. Certifications - Fixtures are supplied standard with UL and CUL for wet locations, ]P 65 certi- fied. CIE listing is also available (for applications outside of North America, please consult factory ,for details). Exterior Luminaire Finish - SELUX utilizes a high quality Polyester Powder Coating. All SELUX luminaires and poles . undergo a five stage intensive pretreatment process where prod- uct is thoroughly cleaned. phos- phated and seaJed. SELUX pow- der coated products provide . excellent salt and humidity resis- tance as well as ultra violet resis- tance for color retention. All prod- ucts are tested in accordance with test specifications for coatings from ASTM and PCI, Standard exterior colors are White (WH). Black (BK), Bronze (Bl). and Silver (SV). RAL colors (SP) are available, .please specify RALt. . Union Made Affiliated with IBEW Local 363 'Inaconlinuingefforttoofferthebestprodu~ possib~,wereservetherighltochange,without noti::e. specifications Ol materials that in our opinionwilootaltel'lI)efunction of the prodoct. SpecificaOOnsheelSfoundat\WM'.sem.conVusa are the m(lstrecentversions and supercede all other prin!ed 01 electronic versions, ~ Stradex@ sob Mounting Single 48" Arm (l1) . E v .~ , Ij,; ..., , -~. '. ~ C 60" ('52Smm~ -18' . ('-~:.if L 48"- (1219mm) Date Received: AUG 0 5 2008 01-' Final Submittal '- ~. . 1'1 '" . .L..... AT535-'S.sC3 (1 B) Vertical.Slip Fitter 3" ~ ... ...--. i "! 273/4"(70Smm) -=-- 3"{76mm) Tennon '-........~ . STRS-0704-01 '.. .. ~CYE' .' Double 48" Arm (12) . ...- ~ ~ b. l-.96" (2438mm) 1201/1" (J050mm) .:-~I: I / ~ AT64-1S-BC3 (51) Single Arm. r 12" (305mm) L . 333/4"(3S6mm) --- 3'/2" (90mm) Pole Of Tennen .............. In a continuing effort to olferthe best product pOisible,we reserve the right to ch.sng e, wilhoUlnotke, specifications or materials that in Oll1 opinion wiD nol alter the fun ruon. of the prodoct. Spedlication sheets foWld at VMW sWx.com/usa are the most recent " vecsklns and supercede aU other prtrned Ol eledronicversions. ., ..' Stradex@ 500 Mounting Vertical Slip Filter (1 B) ~, ,t7/"." (392mm) ~----1. 12' 4- 273/4"1 1 (70Smm) ,~ j 71fa"(200mm) f ;.. ~ " 1'i ~ """"" 535-12 (F) HoriZontal Slip Fitter f-~ / 2L.,. ' . , . - I' (60mm) 24'/2" (621mm) STR5-0704-03 Date I ..:lceived: , ~ AUG 05 2008 . "'-'1 0@~~ JX- Final Submittal Double Arm (52) ~ ~ 61'/z" I 1171:ml ~ . 48" I , (1219mm) ....... AT535.16..f3C3 Wall(W) II t~ , r~1 I 16' rn 42":;-t:: I (1065mm) r: ~:::: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wall Mounting Plale Detail 1 (12;~m) - I~ . .1 . $-,. 10" 9" . I (254mm) (228.6mm) 7- L. . .:L_ ~,46~-;;! Clearance for 318" Mounting Bolts (byolhers) Hori~ontal'srjp Fitter suitable for use with standard 2.3/8" (60mm) 0.0. ~avjlarms. "of; ";,;' " ., ;~ , ,"lIP'" .. ~ a continuing eJfon m offer the be~ product possible, ",_ reseM! the nght to change, without notice, specifications or maleria/s that in OlH opinion will nol aher the function of the product. SpedflCation sheas fouooatVoWN.sem.corrJusa are the most recent versions and supercede aD other prin!ed or electronic versions. ,,'"- '~".!?; " :'.....;. StradJx@ 500 ::'I.. " Mounting Configurations Horizontal Slip Fitter (F) Vertical Slip Fitter (18) EPA " 0.60 fi' (M6m') EPA " 0.10 fi' (O~lm~ Weight" 31.S~s(14.3kgl Weight, 33.5 Ibs (IS1kg) 24'12" ----j (621mm) _ I B Double Arm @90 (S2L) EPA, 1.1Bfi' (O.IIm') Weigh',36.Slbs(16.6kg) '- Single 48" Arm (l1) EPA, 1.01 fi' (O.09m~ Weight,31Hs(11.0kg).' _ 60" --j (1525mm) _I R - 4a"~ (1219mm) , SELUX Corp. @ 2003 PO Box 1060, 5 Lumen Lane Highland. NY 12528 TEL: (845)691-7123 FAX: (845) 691-67.49 E-mail: seluxus@selux.com Web Site: www.selux.comlusa STR5-0704-04 271/." I (70Smm) I ~~ Triple Arm @90 (S3L) EPA, 1.6Sfi' (a.'Sm~ Weight,3B.0Ibs(mkg) 33314" (BS6mm) j ~ ~. - ''!!Ji\ . . :... . ~, -67'h"~ (1712mm) Date Received: AUG 0 5 2008 Final Submittal ~ Single Arm (S1j EPA'0.79fi'~mm') Weight, ]S.2~S('6.0kg} r33"'"~ .1-----.:(856mmJ \ m= Quadruple Arm (54) EPA ' 1.6Sfi' (O.ISm') Weight, 40.0Ibs(IB.lkgl ,_61'/zft_ (1712mm) Double 48" Arm (l2) EPA ,.USfi' (O,l1m') Weight, 4LO~s(19,lkg) 120'/8" (JOSOmm), m-- ! ;." (2438mm) I :m I - .. ~[]E Double Arm @180 (52) EPA ' 1.42 fi' (O,13m~ Weight; ]6.S~s(16.6kg) -67W'~ . (1712mmJ_1 ~ Wall (W) EPA ,0.14fi' (O.Olm') Weight']S.0Ibs(lS,9kg) - - - -=~ - - _ 42"_:::: (1065mm) ;::. In a continuing elfonta offer the best product possibk!, we reserve the right to change:without no~ce,.speciOCations'Of materials that if! our, opinionv~J not alter the function of the product. Spocwtlon sheets found al wwN.sekJx.comlusa are the"most recent versions and supercede aD other prinled or electronic versions. .~ .' ..,- Stradex@ 500 R2 Reflector Catalog # STR5.RZ-xx-H175 Report I 9559AZS '~.. "lO[ ""f" .. 15W . Maximum candela of 8519 at 750 frl?m vertical. . IES classification, Type II Semi Cutoff. R2 Reflector (Dark Sky) Catalog I STR5,Rl,xx,H175,xx,xxx,DS Report # 9559Al0 . Maximum candela of 8029 at 72.50 from vertical. . IES classification, Type II Full Cutoff. ~ ::~' ". ,." R3 Reflector Catalog I STR5,R3,xx,H175 Report # 9559A4S zm . Maximum candela of 8474 at 750 from vertical. . IES classification, Type III Semi Cutoff. ,m 6356 em R3 Reflector (Dark Sky) Catalog I STR5,R3,xx,H175-xx-xxx-DS Report # 9559A4D ." o Maximum candela of a1ao at 72.50 from vertical. . IES classification, Type III Full Cutoff. 4090 6135 ". ". " r :e Received:;, AUG 05 2008 ~ o::;~:~ ::';;t;,',l..lgl /Jf C ~ 1'1 1;[ 7~- ",-" \ I J:i~~~~~;N,~~~~ .]1 VI ({ :-r .) ) ~l\ '- I-~~~">~\ J 'i}f-""" - ",--r:::-- -3 /' r-;"-- ~ ] .,T/"// ~ 1 - ."-l./ -" I ~ ,1/ - 45 4 J. 2 1 0 1 2 3 Longitudinal. Distance In Units of Mounting Height lO '" "" "" .. " " i 'I --' .......... .2'/ r --- '; "\ '- . ~=y,/ 1:1 .~--- 5 4 ] 2 1 0 I 2 J Longitudinal Distance in Units of Mounting Height ~ " n~J~~~ "'~~---1~~~\) ~ . ~.::::K" . , I ,-.y i>-,- I ~~,../ l!:!' os $ 45 4 J 2 1 0 1 2 3 Longitudinal Distance in Units of Mounting Height lO ,," ,., " " ~. .. ~ =, .~ !1 , .. ~ .. ~1 .. ~ jj'l .. c h " 45 4 J 2 1 0 1 2' ] Longitudinal Distance in.Units of Mounting Height " " t1;;~'.' '- -'~~~I . (,'- :)~) ~ ~,. '.s ..........- _/ - ~,......-....-:/ -~. ./ /' r--+-I .", ., HID lamp Prorate Table (ED-17 Coaled, Base-Down Lamp) Conversion Chart Valses based on 14'mounting heighl Hioh Pressure Sodium Metal Halide Mounting Height Murop~ Wattage Factor Initial lumens Wattalle Factor Initial lumens 10' 1.96 50 0.26 3700 50 0.24 3400 12' 1.36' 70 0.41 5800 70 0.36 5000 14' 1.00 100 0.63 8800 100 0.56 7800 16' 0.77 150 1.04 14500 150 0.89 12500 lS' 0.60 STR5-0704-05 175 1.00 14000 20' 0.49