HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Notice 1966-6-30 - '. CITY OF SPRINGFiELD BUilDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE To the Occupant of: ~ .1 T 4~70 Matt' ~treet Spningfield, Oregon City Ordinance No. 1623. Section 3, requires maintaining plumbing upon property whose nearest in one hundred and twenty (120') feet of a public connect to said sewer lateral , , that all persons boundary line is with- sewer lateral must At the date of this notice we find that no connection for the above address has bee~ made to the newly accepted sewer lateral serving your arEja. You are hereby given thirty (30) days from the date of this notice to obtain a sewer tap permit and to connect to the sewer. In the event that this office, either by of the present owner. you are not the property owner, phone or by mail, giving us the (Phone: 746-1674) please notify name and address - Futhermore, if you have secured a sewer permit prior to receipt of this notice, please disregard this order Dated&lune 30. 1966 Yours truly, /. .' _ /7 ~~1d, ~ A~"~'J- L/ Joseph F. Reeves Director of Building and Zoning JFR/ jj rjdJ . CI'i,' 0.. SPRltJGF:ELD 8UILDING DEPARTMENT . NOTICE ~ the Occupant of: 4170 Main Street Springfield, Oregon City Ordinance No. 1623, Section 3, requires that all persons maintaining plumbing upon property whose nearest boundary line is with- in one hundred and twenty (120') feet of a public sewer lateral must connect to said sewer lateral At the date of this noti~e we find that no connection for the above address has been made to the newly accepted sewer lateral serving your area. 10 You are hereby given thirty (}DO days from the date of this notice to obtain a sewer tap permit and to connect to the sewer. In the event that this office, either by of the present owner. you are not the property o,mer, pI euse not i fy phone or by mail, giving us the name and address (Phone: 746-1674) Futhermore, if you have ~ecured a sewer permit prior to receipt of this notice, please disregurd this order Dated: 'AuQust 4. 1966 Yours truly, / . ,-/;; .~4.J!. "7' ~"~':2- , , I V' Joseph F. Reeves Director of Building and Zon i ng JFR/jj " ~ 5-35 Registered Letter . . r9~ r::J~.he.~' ro --;;J '7 ~0 7 _ '~'\~ ~O\~ o ~~\ 6~ ~ I II I CITY OF SPRINGFIELO 8UILDING DEPARTMENT 840 North 7th Street NOli CE ~ OWNER/OCCUPANT 4370 MaIn St. DATE June 26, 1967 Glen. PfennIng You have been advised on two previous occasions by this office to have your property connected to tne sanitary sewer system as re- quired by Section 2-10-1 of the City Code. This Is to advise 'you that unless a permit Is obtained and the work started on such sewer connection within ten (10) days of this date, further action wi 11 be taken by this department. This is the third and final notice. Your cooperation and assistance ~ould be most appreciated to avoid the cost and incon- venience of further action. Yours truly, /7 ~ ' 'd."/, ~"-,f'~" .:L/./-""-:-) (/~osep"' F. Reeves, Jr. ' Of rector of 8ulldlng & Zoning JFR/Jj S f;rrul a-- ....:.....)_.._.J ~ tK:J ~ -<-v-~ ~ ?-<- ~~..f r ~ 1.---/( ~ ' f;t~. . ..> .9 ____ et /' .~~j -r:L;-' 4; Crr~/~~ ~/-- 2...h ,y- ,?- 0 7 ~ ~ C'>J. M r- lr.) In o. Z SE:ECEIPT FOR CE_RjiIED MAIL-20~ :21h.J' 1fZ!:!A/7.,Y?~ r 5TH%?..,. v J. d 70 ff,)l/-?,L A . CITY AND STATE _ ~ ~h. If you ...;;:;.. r.ta" receipt. check which O lot .hOll... 3$" aho.... to whom, to ..hom ""hon, and addr... and when whor. dolivered doli.,.t.d FEES ADDITIONAL foOD fonn 3800 ~ 195/ 11 you ...nt ,..- .tticted doli.,. ~ check her. U sot t. TO 20t FEE SEE OTHER SIDE POSTMARK OR DATE 0-.;;'6 -cf,J yr I. Stick poat8.le Itamps to your article to pay: 20t certified mail fee Restricted delivery fee-SOt (optional) Fint~lall or airmail postage SpeciaJ..delivery fee (optional) Eit.her return receipt fee-JOt or 35t (optional) 2. IE' you want this receipt poltmarked, Itide the gummed stub on the address .ide of the article, leaoin, Me receipt (Judd, and present the article to a postal employee. 3. If you do not want this receipt postmarked. :tick the gummed stub on the address .ide of the article, detach and retain the receipt. and mail the article. -4. If you want II. return receipt, write the certifiecl.mail number and your name and addreu on a return receipt card. POD Form 3811. and attach it to the hack: of the article. Endorse hont of artid, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, . S. If you want the article delivered only to the addreuee. endorae it. on the front DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY. Place the Arne endonement in line 2 of the return receipt card. 6. Save this receipt and prellent it if you make ~. * 101. I. GOYlU.J:llf PIlnllfG 0"1111 l&-l1M7-1 I INSTRUCTIONS TO OELIVEIG EMPLOYEE '0 Show to whom and 0 Show to whom, and 0 Deliver ONLY I . date delivered . address where de Ivered to addressee I l (Additiol1al charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below.. .REGlSTERED NO. SIGNATURE O~U.,JDDRE~~E E::J/Uj~~/kdin) CERTIFIED NO, . ,\ a/ -//1 ;h > , /.7 ~~ /M~7' 5' c97',3 ~_.L,L- 2 SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE ;.tifr. IF ANY ..INSURED NO. -DATE DELIVERED "b-27-~ 7 SHOW WHERE DElIVERED (O"/7il"~qlltJtetl) ....-==-= .' . '..-.. " - 066-w.:.71MS-Q_ GPO ~-"-.~.- ; . f 4 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT "\G~ \ OFFlCIAL BUSINESS '" Y" oJ r /..("1.). 'C" Jutl.:", ~ i pM Cl 1961 ' "': () p. t. " ~ INSTRUCTIONS: Show name and address below and complete instructions on otber side, where applicable. Moisten gummed enw, attach and hold 6rmly to back of article. Print on front of article RETURN RECEIP1' REQUESTED. - - ----- ...- -t'l:.NAL'T"U1'r~'n -- ~EIrI AG~n:ll __ - ~.(RK-= _ _ - ...._ uIi:RI"'f<rOFF1CE ....... - - ---- - ---- --- I ~RE~~RN j NAME 0' ENOE~ /.1 /J /J' '~ /J ... " -{;;Cl/ V-r../ A'"" ~hA? p-" . = ':'STREEP'AN O. OR P.O. BOX- . - ";. '""' 7" t;/77-AA f-fA./ . .: POST OFFI.CC~E. TATE, AN.D Z'P'~OL. . ' ~ f. ~;;ZVA'7%, ,..t:>.P?/"; r"IJ4<? 979'77 S-35 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 840 North 7th Street . NOli CE OWNER/OCCUPANT 4370 MaIn St. DATE June 26, 1967 Glen PfennIng You have been advised on two previous occasions by this office to have your property connected to the sanitary sewer system as fe- quired by Section 2-10-1 of the City Code. This Is to advise 'you that unless a permit Is obtained and the work started on such sewer connection within ten (10) days of this date, further action wi 11 be taken by this department. This is the third and final notice. Your cooperation and assistance would be most appreciated to avoid the cost and Incon- venience of further action. Yours truly, ,,': ~'./g ) .. /? ,/ ' ~"'J!'-'''f 7', .::/../../.r"-'-';i './"'Joseph F. Reeve s, Jr. ' Director of Bulldlng,& Zoning J FR/ J j " I