HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Fire Damage Report 1987-7-16 <It. ' i;'~');'~' '.rl~~~~)~' , 'i I:~'~'::~ :=: . ~ .' 1\: _~d~' . , . ,,' "'~ J, '.L~ift. " :.lt~~l~. - ';:..~':' ? :':;':JJ~ " :"'l.;;'" . ~:t : . ::':t.' '.r, ~'$>:... , ' .~. -. . .. ". ~', . . ';:'"':", ".;.',.. . , """ ~ .' -"" . . . - ,FIRE -DAI1/l.GEREPORT OR ELECTRICAL' HAZARD DATE: TO: Building Department FRor1: ': ,Springfield Fire Department . SUBJECT:' Structural Damage to Building #- f?or96 .~ It,. (/\ lIP Address or location of building 1'3/./'l }1/l /J1 Name of o\'tner . :1;:;//1;' ,C;" ;/Ii/o. '" Type of building -r;, ,If' rAl (Dwelling, Store, Warehouse; etc.) Estimated value of building $ 4/1'), ,..,/')() Estimated loss to bui ldi ng $ :J.';) Dn Date of fire 7//b /S7 t' / Location of damage in building _I,)P"'';'' c;(,j~ aL'I?~Ir1 J:;:' ,LA) '~p l-!"'o.1-~A;1- /'I.MI;;-:D~ "_0/ ~.h ' .' oof._.Wall, ,Exter.ior.! Interior.__etc.) Structi.iral weakness-'as' a 'result of the 'fire AI 01/1 P ~~A>7 ql.-/Oj 1\\ \ (Burned rafters, Beams, Joists, etc.) Additional pertinent information (nt,,,,-) #/)/-1' 'IN AJorr'h aH/L F;re 1.)(.1.11 1J...,r-II(. . 0.. e. /-apt ;.. "lUff _ J.Jot- 7?e./a.frA r/J , '. ' P;....P .' Electrical Hazard 13" .~+- LJ ,>..... [AJ a;~Ca..d;I}'OY1 e.V' 'X...a~".. 1.)1. <; -r;;n,prP ?Jf'F. (Wiring, Outlets, etc.) 2/1 '. /7 / Slgned Il~, .' ,.:;"~d.r " ~-. i/ cc: ..'1 _' 1;. - DO NOT WRITE IN TillS SPACE f.'ONTROL EXP. NO: . . NO. ^ , -. I I Districtoflncident.l.). ')n r1t1 + , V' t::4 'Tb'lo~;I/:~I(I~~1 ~~F 2 INCIDENT ADDRESS ' '-I..~ h(J 11 tt,'u ~f 3 OCCUPANT NAMElLut, Fint. ) 7ht> Mtl 'illY! J(n tJ. 0/ .. BUSINESSOWNERNAME1Lut,Fiflt,MI) / f"Y(l~t/~/_ fwJ 6 OWNER A (Lat. Fint, MI) _<fA //,'//0.'" I_a)) ~. 6 FJREREPORTEDBY(Last,Fint,MI) . 7 METHOD Of' ALARM ~ STATE OF OREGON FIRE REPORT~ STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE DEPT. ALARM NO. " i ". 1/ Dent. RespondinK ~ I ()y I fA 0. ...... ....J:......Ld Satur I ALARM TIME I;RR,VALTIME I 'TIMEBACKIN SERVICE DI '6/</ (; 0.)<;("t'll?-- Dff JilJ'! Ir ZIP CEN~~S.~RACT _ I ~~OCLAss. ""lZlZli/ 1/'.5? ' I I ~I~ ,"5' I DOB',pt~noJ' 1X7~~Of.E96' I DOB"ptwnoJ) 17/f~;;77 I TELEPHONE .2d.. {,,-/?? 6.2 , I TELEPHONE Count" L"~ o-t,,e .-- 0 SUr! o Tu.. )l'1 Th~ 0 0 Moo o Wod 0 Fri .. I ADDRESS ADDRESS 'PO "B/J It ADDRESS <.,~ o Telephone Direc\ 0 Radio o Municipal Alarm S)">wm 0 Verbal o Private AlUm S)'ItI!m 0 No AlIrm Rec'd 8 I OF FIRE SER\'lCE PERSONNEL I 'OF.EN..G1 .,NES_" RESPONDED RESPON~ED 7 . . "'^' 9 TYPEOFSrruATIONFOUNO 0 VebideFirI . . a: StnJctuJ'e Fin -. 0 Bnah, Graa. LeaVeI o Outaide SUUCL w/value 0 Trash. Rubbilh . 10 METHOD OF EXTINGUISHMENT D SoU....""""""" "0 Make-mitt aidr. o PortebJe EltinlNilher - 11 !;9P PROP~TY USE / (i V.P r ~/ M MOBILE - I YEAR I MAKE PROPERTY 12 ROOM/AREAOFFIREORIGIN R n () E . EQUIPMENT I YEAR I MAKE INVOL\'ED' , IN IGNITION 13 IGNITION F ACfOR J-DOB (optional) P //'J 1-7>1'Y I DOB (optional) 61911 (Till Line) . /0 VoaSpMuniAlarm o NotC.....ifledAbove I' OF AERlALA.vPARATUS RESPONLEn () o Ot.her(ListJ Mutual Aid leJ:tinpilb or invatipteonly) o -- 0 G""" ]ifNIA I ' OTHER VEHICLES RESPONDED (doootiodudePA'" A - I TYPE OF ACfION TAKEN Ia Eltinruilh . 0 Removed Hazard "'0 Investintioo 0 Stand By o Hand.18id how/hydrant.ltandpipr o Muter Stre&lll Dmce o NotClusifl<<lAbove I MOBILE PROPERTY (Complete line MI .1, SERIAL' I EQUIPMENT INVOLVED.Y' IGNITION _(Complete Lint E) /-Ipcrh r /A,'f' COY1. I MODEL / I SERIAL' o AutolOl.t~ Ell. Syat.em o PN-conoect bc.e/tank only t'l ~.mnn<<t how/hydrant. ltandpiJ>> . IPRO~ERTY CUMPLEX III appIicablej I MODEL F o SaIv... o Not Clusifwd o Undetermined I L~CENSE' I VOLTAGE 14 FORMOFHEATOFIGNITION -r MATERIAL FIRST IGNITED WAS MADE OF Shfln- ..i-itJ f-1.t)fnr ?Iflsf/( .J-'/~,It1f/lJ~ 15 LEVELOFFIKEORIGlN ~lOto 19fNt U 30 to 49 feet U Over 70 feet o Gradelevelto9reet D20to29reet 0 5Oto70reet o Objecta in Flight -. Buildilll ConteaJ.I i, ,VahitluDdCoDleDtI ""~(),,'''{l .00 -..:J. 1(."", 0 ' ,.00 / - / LOSS . -J . n (J{) ,00 .00 17 N~HER Uf STOEUES U :.! lturiel U ow oltum "B,.llJtory ...', 03to4IJtorn 07tol2IJtorieIJ 18 BUiLDING AGE(Jn Yid I BUILDING SIZE (Gmd FlrOnly) .:KJ iOOO.49991Q ft ?") f1 O.999~h '0 5Q00-9999!Olft 19 CONSTRUCTION TYPE U Huvy Timber 0 Unprot.ect. SteelHldf o SIHI"Coneme.:l-4ht.~. 0 Prot<<t.St.efo]l!~ p_protect, Muol!.n:,E.t. &. Woodlnt. EXTENTOFDAMAGECONFlNEDTO: n.rne Smoke DETECTOR PERFORMANCE I TheubjectoforiciD I 0 1 0 ,0 I Inroomofori,in-oper. 2 Partofroomorarao(on,iD 2;jg 2 0 0 2 Not in roomo(on,in-oper, 3 Roomo(on,in 3 [) 3 0 0 3 Inrmofori(iD-notoper_fuetoolrnaIJ 20 , Fire.ratedmrnp,o(on,in '0 '0 0 4 Notinnno(on,in-notoper,ruwlootmall, li F1oorofon,in li 0 5 0 0 6 Inroomo(ori(in-notoper,powerdiloonnec:t a Struct\mofon,in 6 0 6,8 0 6 Not in rmofon,m-notoper. po_rdiK:oD, 7 Ertendedbryondstroc:tureo(ori,iD 7 0 7 0 0 7 In room o(ori(in-not oper. dead battery o 8 Notinroomo(on,m-notoper.deadbattary "S 9 No detector pfflfDt 0 10 Undetermined _ . 18 VALUE , No damap o(the type (N/A) ,0 21 REMARKS WutherConditiona(optional): 11 (' /nl,-I,; {,\.1..-M 22 FoUowUplovatiptionRequated Y_ N-X- 1ft.. O~inV"tipte 23 Number of Injut-ie. Fi"SPrviee 24 Member Makin&: Repon a { 1/ _T'!A 41' ... 2.5 Additional InfolUl8.tioo by 814-440-10 (R-84) !.J,J;h:A{( r/l/~~_<? ----rJ - ,Below pd. level ~ Undetermined o NotCIa..ified ,JlO .OU- TOTAL ,?,.&( /l 00 / -'- 1)00 >, _...80 .00 .00 U 13to:0!4ltori. o 25 to 49 ltofi.- o 10,0Q0-19,999tq ft LJ 5O.000-99.9991Q ft o 20ooo.499'l9lO/'1't 0 IQO,0l)0.499999l1C1ft ~ UnplOl.cICt. MllIOnry Eu. & Wood lot. lJ Unprotected Wood Frame. o Protected "'ood Frame 0 Not Classifwd Above SPRINKLER PERFORMANCE I 0 Equipment operated 2 0 Equip. dlould have oper.-did not 3 0 Equip. prnent rift too tmaU to oper. 9 0 Not dusifled above o 0 Undetermined or not reported 8 ~ No equipment prnent {N/AI U &olJtone.ofn>ore I o s.oo.ooolQft Sprinltlera Controlled Fire: , or Heada Opened YES 0 NoD o coot. on bIIelt I NumberofJ.'atalitiN Fire SPrvin TiU.~ C 0/-;, :'" Title Cth" es Other I D... /')7-N-97 10... . ' C'l ";1;,0 00:: en'" ...,t'" ;::~ l'll'l ."." -0 ,,, " l'l> ent'" t'" C'l :to 0;;:: en'" ...,t'" -~ [;il'l ."", -0 "" l'l> ent'" t'" C'l 0 0:: '" t'" ~ ." 0 " > t'" t'" :l: 0 en ..., - t'" l'l_ ." JXJ ~ 'en JlO en ..., " C ~ " l'l ." S; &l o Z t'" -< . ~ ".'