HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-7-14 . ~. .". ;~ I I~FO~~TIO~: 726-3753 CITY OF SFRINGJfIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 :n CITY OF SPR[~GF[ELO , SIG~ CO~STRUCTIO~ AND ELECTRICAL [~STALUTIO~ \ cmIBlNATID~ .\PPLICATIO~/PER.'IIT '" I~PECTIO~ r~QUESTS: 7~6~3:69 -- LOCATIO~ OF S[G~(ADORESS) LEGAL DESCRtPT[O~ OW~ER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS 41'<'0 Tfl.MM A,~'./ ('~F--./ t;; 7~77 TAX LOT It . I '<:r--,f1J J '\. "<\,.... .~ L4r 'II miXER OF SIG~(IF arnER TIU." PROpeRTY OI\1<ER)_~.....,e,.~-, --1- f.:!'.4N B~y ADDRESSP<"'O .M.A,""" :pt'-a MA..IV <;oFf/ q~7 ~A.'lE OF BUSt~ESS. Ft~'l. ETC. r,., "". t"'r :rei:- (*',11 J!AAA TYPE OF BUSI~ESS PHO~E ZIP T~r tp UA1l.I1A ) PHO~E :r...G P.RK4AA TYPE OF \\ORK: TYPE OF SiGN: S[G~ C!klRACTER (CHECK APPLICAatE rrE~!S) : , X ERECT ALTER X' IiALL FREESTANOING )( IDENTITY NON- [DE~TITY _ RELOCATE OTIIER .:.... ROOF PROJECTING PROJECTING SECD~DARY HARQUEE READER BOARD INCIOENTAL X SINGLE FACE OnlER' BILLBOARO DOUBLE FACE ~IULTI-FACE VE~OORS, CO'TR.ICTORS: SIGN ERECTOR.!7~ ~ .--....... ADDRESS~., ",' T~ .w~v '?v ,,;~ J' ;rR "'''-...;)J "CITY LICENSE ~lr.-1BER"" S?" J n .? 9 c-' SIGN ~lA."UFACTURE~ (IF OTIIER Tll"-" ERECTOR) ADORESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ~ ADDRESS PHONE If'SIf'- K~ EXP. DATE PHONE PHONE LICENSE Nlr.-IBER DnlgSIO~:S, r:-;ST.-UL\TrO~ ,\-":0 CC:-';STRUCTION" INFORJIATIO:-:: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE - /1' VERTICAL DnlENSION OF SIGN:7' HORI:O~TAL WIDTH OF SIGN /!:" OHlE~SION FRO~1 GRAue TO BOTTO" OF SIGN ,/ I') . nlICK:-;ESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN 6 " DOES SIG~ PROJECT BEYO:-;D PROPERTY Ll~E YES L!:- NO IF YES. DI~lENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE :;orc: IF PROJECTIO~ IS :,;ORE TIlAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TIlE SIGN ERECTOR' ~lUST FILE 11ITIl THE BUILOI~IG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC lIABILITY ~'D PROPERTY D~~GE I~SU~'CE POLICIES, WILL SIC." HAVE ELECTRICAL IIlRI~G? }O'ES -YO IF YES. .'!iICH APPLY? _ELECTRICAL SIGN :i:1LLUmNATED (INDIRECTLY LIGHTED) DESCRIBE TYPE OF ~-\TF.R[ALS StG~! IS CQ~!Sr~.IJCTED OF ~_,~'.--.. _ lUto! ~c )(PROVtOE UL NUMBER IF APPLICABLE VALUE OF SIGN II( ~ f) r~-- SITE INFOR.'lATION (UNO USE)nEXISTI~G USE OF BUILnING OR LAND. (OR LAST USE..IF VAC~'rl:_/-n....~#....... A /....~t'~ir _.)_ , 1'''Yl.L-.~I\Q?.....bt~U J - PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LANO: c;"...... SA v.Tr-:.J;" tv ~.#.AA .r CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: ,KrNDOOR BUSINESS _OlITDOOR 'lERCH~"DISING ARE TIlERE EXISTING SIGNS? _YES ~O IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL ,EXIST~:;GSI~N~J~R ~USI~ESS. EXISTI:;G SIGNS (SIGN CODE): FIR.~. ETC.: ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREmSES (S~'IE TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY E~IINEO the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the. work described herein, I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(~1 and 9.1-20(21. I will request ~ll required sign inspections listed. on the approved permit. /}~. fi ...../7'...: NAlolE(PLEASE PRINT).J2FL..r:J.o-d .M1!JA?d SIGNATURE U~._... fl.., "DATE 7-,i.#'.i.f?/ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY _ J SIGN DISTRICT (_11ft/ M I ZONE DISTRICT r:- "i TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN L/~ rn INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: _SITE/LOCATION _FOOTING OR ~lETIlOO OF ATTACH.'lENT _ELECTRICAL X-Fi~;L r :.tV' hrtu./!;"L _OnlER o-! FEES: SIGN PERMIT: OL\RGES : i)/ ,aD Pel/, ql; ELECTR lCAL PE~lIT: CllARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: (.:/tJ. ()O ,4fV TOTAL FEE FOR PE~~IT: . . ,'<Jo....',:. ..........:._..."......:_.:.. . '. . ~...2 .' . -:.,. PLEASE ,cAD , Pd~}!!T ':.\UD:\TIC.'J 1) Seo~r~te Sipn Ao~tic~tion: A separate application is required for each separate sl~n ~s u~[incd in th~ Sign Code. ~ 2) Electrical: Any per~it issued under this application will include wir- ing 10 or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be, covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made only by ~ State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both intern~lly and externally) ~ust conform to Sections 9-7~4 (~)&(5) and 9..7.13 of the Sprin~[ielr.i.Sign Ordinance. '. ,.-,._ S) Plans Reouired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets or plans drawn to scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad- vertising ~essa~e on sign; location of sign on property with dimensions to prorerty lines, strectual details of support framing, bracing and footings; ~atcri3ls of constructio~ for sign and sign structure; elec- trical equip::lcnt and right'iog; size and location of existing signs on proper:y for the s~~e business, all as required to deter~ine compli~nce with the Sprir.~ti~IJ Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of ~he Springfield City Code). AI.so. show, the following information on the plat plan (plan showing property lines and location oi signs): ". \ ill b) Show the location or .111 ,existing sign(s} ~s .. Show th~ length or the street frontage taken building. Show"t~e location of entrances open to the public and driveways. well as propos~d,sign(s), up by the busin~ss or , . <- , 0) 4) Nhen required. because of cesign, she, etc.. engineered dra'.;ings and calculations ~uSt be prep.Jred by a licensed engineer or shall conform to desi&n standards on file 3t the Building Division Office. 5) Plans or insufficient cl.1rity or detail will be returned to the ap- , ~pl~c3nt with ~o per~l[ being issued. 6) Signs must ~eet corner vision clearance requirements as 'described in Fi&. 9 of the Springfield Cooprehensive Zoning Code. " 7) ~OTE: ~o sign o~y be erected which is less than 12 feet hori~ontally ~er[ic~lly fro~ overhe3d electrical conductors in excess of iSO volts. or less th3n 5 feet in any direction from overhead electrical lines which .1re energi:ed at less than 750 volts. t 0) If ,3 si;i'1 is not insulled liithin 60 days after the date of issue of this pe~it. the pe~it shall be void. 9) InSDect ions: ..!' a) Site InSDection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the FOO~l~~ I~soection (if applicable) roay be oarle at the same ti~e as tnc Si~e Inspection, The Footing Inspection is to be maJe after hol~(sl is excavated. but prior to the placement of concret e. CLERK b) Fin~l I~soection . to be made upon ~ompletion of all work. DATE c) ElectriC31 - All electrical signs must be inspected for electri- cal hOOK up ~fter the. sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED I~SPEciIONS ON THE 24 HOU!j, INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769, \" SPECIAL CONDITIO~S TO BE SATISFIED OEFORE'ERECTIDN OF SIGN:' ADDITIONAL INFO~'~TION NEEDED BEFORE P8<~IT ~~y BE ISSUED: PLA.NS REVIEi~ED BY: ~~1'~ ~,$/~ OCC~t"~l'-ccr- ,~h~~_ ,',' 7--) 7~rrl DATE I1R.Rd fi'h.e~ '1~/L(Ut--2..lIl v;e./1 l7.n,...1 I, '\ "....~_,u_ , .'_ ~.:::I~"""$'\1 co.,'" ,+;-:tS':'.i;,~ '.,\/'~~~ . ...~ , ' - ,., ;--~.~ .~,~~:~:~r-~~ .~~....;;: -~--:-~--, . "".. ~,;-~~ , . ,,-/,::/,~ . . .' =.....",.: .. .,';'1l< " . . . ...' ~ ...., ' .' . ,'. '.'i'.'" . .. ,:.., ....-,', ,~" ~ ' ,H':'lll .,'.'" .._~,," ~ -", ,,/Y- .. . ". ',"" ","', ~ ~--. ' ' ......'" .' ' '. .;,.-. " '" <:,'. "" ..' ,,' .:" "',"""'" ''''',:~ ' . .... .' .. ' ... , " ,.,. ~ ~ ." 1','.' .t"........,.:,..-->?,' .. ............ ",'"'' ,'~ .,:==--,~~,.. . ,W~..~. ". "~' I~ . \' ,,'''' ,.,' , " ,', ". '" --, .,."" .. "~" _ ~'4','" .. '~. ., ' .,' ~ ", ..' ..... ... ~..' ." ',' "." " ",.,,"" ,.,.' ....~. ~...' ,. 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