HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-9-2 .. .. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFrEL.D, OREGON 97477 I~FOR~TIO~: 726-3753 CITY OF SPRI~GFIELD SIG~ CO~STRUCTIO~ AND ELECTRICAL I~STALUTtO~ CD"BINATtO~ Al'PLICATtD~/PER'IlT IXSPECTIOS REQUESTS: 7~6-3769 LDC.\Tto.~ OF SIG~(ADDRESS)_~? <"t? '7n'4~ LEGAL DESCRlPTIO~ 17"'[xJ.-~ rJ:-Jl II OII~"ER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS OI"~ER OF SIC.~(IF OlliER l1L\.~ ADDRESS .-(f'h/::>>~~:'hf? ~~ TAX LOT . PHO~E ~.~ .Q--ti ,J.:' ZIP A ~I ~ ~~ tV" c<J ,~ I su" ,VI I ITbl.51: PROPeRTY Ol\~ER) TYPE OF ;~'ORK: ~A.'lE OF BUSI~ESS. fIR'I. ETC.~A.wA ~r-A._<'<:/. -;-{"""MhA/". l'~TYPE OF BUSI~ESS , C~.c;1 TYPE OF S IG~: llALL .i' ~ ROOF MARQUEE OlliER PHO~E A'u~. x ERECT RELOCATE ALTER FREESTA.\jDlNG PROJECTING READER BOARD SIG.' CI~\RACTER ~ IDENTITY PROJECTI~G (CHECK APPLICABLE BILLBOARD ~ INCIOE~'TAL DOUBLE fACE NON-IDE~TtTY SECO~D,~RY SI~GLE FACE ~IULTt-FACE onlER VE~OORS, CO~"R.\CTORS: SI~ ERECTOR ':::?ru...v A/r--'- ~....- ADDRESS?/?~,("' 1.I,v1/ 74 CITY LICE~5E ~~IBER yt.,r.:>",,' / SIGN lIA.WFACT1JRER (If OTlIER TllA.' ERECTOR) ADDRESs-L ~'Y- ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Y ADORESS .v .#/ h,A/,/,/ ",,f' E ) 97:r.:l1 PHONE ~.r~ - A'79f' "1 f I /"J,...... .. /. .',. E~p.L-- DATE' "9 1-:. ~.: 0- "J (, \~ '/. .",,/...~~...( PHO~E PHONE . .LICENSE NlDIBER..-t' DHIEXSro~:S, [~STA['LUIOX '\.'.:0 CO:--;STRUCTION INFORHUIO:-l: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE .2 t'J' VERTtCAL DlllENSION OF SIGN f?' HORIZONTAL WID11l Df SIGN Ii', DlHE~StO~ fROll GRAOr. TO BOTTOll Of SIGN 1.:/' 11lICK.'ESS OR DEP11l OF sIGN " DOES SIG~ PROJECT BEYO~D PROPERTY LI~E _ YES ~ NO If YES. DIllENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: If PROJECTIO~ tS :,:ORE nJA.' 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TIlE SIGN ERECTOR ~IlJST fILE InTlI TIlE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY A.'O PROPERTY D~I,GE I~SURANCE POLICIES. WILL SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL IllRING? XYES -YO If YES. WHjpl APPLY? X~ICAL siGN _ILL~IlNATED (INDIRECTLY LIGHTED) DESC!UEE TYPE OF ~_'TE~I-'LS SIG.~ IS CO~!ST~!JCTED O~ d72~ ~.-.t?z. ~ - PROVIDE UL NU"BER If APPLICABLE VALUE OF SIG~ddn.~ '~4 ') 'SITE INFOR.'1pION (LAND USE)--EXISTlNG USE Of BUILDING QJl, LAND (PR)"ST USE .If VACAN't): ;.'::',...-1-,.,..n ,,'I-{ j"",t'.J..-/.,'1 J -:1. ,_:. . (s##tL/AV 'i~/P/u,r#a /ih>T J ..j. (5"/V,,&V Z-I"'E e~E#AA) , 7 :; " , ,. EXISTING SIGNS FIR~. ETC.' / -Lj o~/ h~ CHECK ONE If APPLICABLE: k::INOOOR BUSINESS _OlTTDOOR ~IERCHA.NDISING .GN CODE): ' ARE 11lERE EXISTING SIGNS! ~YES -YO IF YES, DESCRIBE ~,E!Is:r~NG..SI~N~..F~~ ~~S.I~e,sS. S"'/t.'~...(/ ,7:~r PRF""-'''1 - ~" 7"V'/~' .-u-;:~ ..,ku (";t'1~,,-"QJV,"'NI'''' ..:..- A":H_L 7' jII' .~/7' ~~ .. . . , .,/,.~ .L PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PRElltSES(SA.'IE TAX LOT) :........t;/...~/ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit 3nd do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that all .work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City co:;?)es 8- -6()} and 62-7.,20 21, I will request ,all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. /7/'1":.. '.... ... .~ .. .' NAME (PLEASE PRIIIT)--12EL .4 w I P11.L.L( SIGNATURE J..:f~,t'. ~~ " ..,. "DATE' C;-;;2'-!L -- FOR OFF~~~ USE O~LY SIGN DISTRICT' ",: i If. , ZONE DISTRICT /- .,.. / TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE Of SIGN Y F ;::ij INSPECTIO~S REQUIRED: _SITE/LOCATION .......foOTING OR ~IETHOO Of ATTACl!.'IEN-r , '::::.EL~CTRICAL ..:::FI~AL _01llER fEES: SIGN PERMIT: ~ ~~o-' c)~ELECTRICAL PER'IlT: l ~-/~. ^ ,j '\) I ;/", /j'.., QiARCES: " ., .. CHARCES: /(.... 'j \ . STATE SURCHARGE: ..- '- TOTAL FEE FOR PER-'llT: ....~ ' '" ' '-, ':'-' ::0:: ~._' ~ ~\L\g:&V:) , . ',....... ~ ( . . :..cAU 01T:lte Si(!n AD':)l iC:1tioO.: A separate :lpplic:ltion is required for each paf3tc $L~n as ~eiined in the Sign Code. ectric31: AnY per~it issued under this application will include wir- Ig LO or on sign stru~ture. the supply wires for connection must be lvered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made lly by :1 State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both ltern311y and externally) must conform to Sections 9~1-4 (4)&(5) and .7.15 of the SpringfieLd Sign Ordinance. lans ReQuired: This application is to be submitted with twO complete etS Ot plans dra~n to scale. showing dimensions and height of sign: ad- ertising oess:lge on sign; location of sign on property with dimensions o property lines. structual details_of support framlng. bracing and 'ooting,; D:1tcri::11s of constructio~ for sign. and sign strUcture; elec- .ric:1l e~ui?~ent ::1nd li~hting; si:e and location of existing signs on lroperty for the s~e business, all as required to determine compliance lith the SpringiielJ Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City :ode). Also. show the following information on the plQt plan (plan ihowing property lines and location of signs): 1) Show the loc:1tion of all .~isting sign(s) as we;l as proposed.sign(s). J) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building, c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. When required. bec::1use of design. si~e. etc., engineered drawings and calcu13tions oust be prepared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to de5i~n standards on file at the Building Division Office. Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the ap- plic3nt with no per~it being issued. Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as'described in Fig. 9 of the Springfield Cocprehensive Zoning Code. ~OTE: Ko sign ~y be erected which is less than 12 feet hori:ontally gr-vertic::1lly froQ overhead electrical conductors in excesS of 750 volts. or less th::1n 5 feet in any direction from overhead electrical lines which are energi:.ed at less than 750 volts. . If ~ 5i;n is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this pe~it. the pe~it shall be void. Insoections: a) Site Insoect~~~ _ to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the rOO~\n~ 1>L~uection (if applicable) may be made at the same time ~s toe Site ~~~ction. The Footing Inspection is to be ma~~ 1fter hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placement of concrete. b) Final r~soection - to be made upon completion of all work, e) Electrical _ All electrical signs must be inspected for electri- cal hOOK up after the sign is erected and beiore the sign is 'turned on. ILL FOR nlE REQUtRED ISSPECTIOSS ON TIlE 24 HOUl! INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769. ;' , PECIAL CONDITIO~S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: >>DITIONAL INFO~'~TION NEEDED BEFORE p~~IT MAY BE ISSUED: P~~S REVIEWED BY: . -_.~ ~ PER~.!lT ':.\LID.-\TIC\; 11 s-g~S1p ;x~ ~ CLERK DATE " DATE :~ 'L' 4000 /000 l/9o . '-/0 50, Lj() .\., (l vndu--/ t/-7-YeJ- \ -...... '-..-. ' -l~""''t~i:4~ , .,.:~~'...:.~~4t:"...~.:.;:-:".-; ..:. .:-~?::~:...; ~..' . , ff~:j~,;~~t!~~~~ :.;::,y;-~;~~~:;.H~{~ " ~:-"--". 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