HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-4-20 ~ III~I'[CTIOII Lilli: . CITY IIr SPRINGfl[LO . INFO/UIATlON LHll II , 726-3709 COIIBIII^TION ^PPLlCMION/PERMIT 726-3753 \ \.....~'" ~ ' C :I.... E'IERr,y SOURCE<' Sq, ~tg, "ldin.iU."iL1 )- "r':\ '" ^ddre<S"\..,_L~~\~'" ,,~'S"e.e:, lI~at' J, ~q, :t9, ^cce<s, :sJ )al DescriP.::on~~~~ ~\ ?...:"b\::l:::) Hater lIeate.' Sq, Ftg, Other Rangeu, !lew Md ^lter rep. 1"'\) _.....___..._u__. _rcnc~_Dcmo_Chai\9C/Usc ~../ Valuf of Hark: Oltll'1" . \\) ~ ,I ,- ~ \'hulI:'t\r)/ .aMi BUllt;\nQ Penult Info: Ilescrille Hork(l,e., Build Single 1.:\(.\Q:'JILn Fal:lilv nC'sidencc IH th /lltclched r.araoel ____._ -- V(>,"'fv~r;:::K)P\ \ ~'Ir<>\\ C'~\e\l-.::l \\\'\~ Qp~\." I'holl(' (aLldl't~<;s) (lies. no.) . {exniresl } {phon!! no.' 11\ jIt[ Owner (~:',--\:_:0",'~\~,,( ".1.1,'<" l..\l(..~_~~ "\u, ~ con'trucL~~~~r\ rY_ "Jdl'l'~S Ul~Il;1I lI.A/I lll<lll1eJ Primary Structural (lcctrica 1 !1cchan;cal CONTRACTORS .,.;: (nallle) lM!dr'css) W-,L-D.Q..J (e xUr.Cj) (..nhone no.)_ Genera 1 ()\ \,,,\.::---,~,~ - PlumbiM ,< [lect.'ic.tl ~l~chi\nical I PLlIl1lllllG ELECTRICAL MECIIANIC^L r.dch sin~lle fhlurc __ _I:H._ _CUIIKliL .110._ ___ I~es idcncL' of ....____ ___..__ sq, _ElL .C1IA1lGE _lliL .ilL .CIIJ\RGL ...J!Q. fT, furnace/burner lo aTlI' , Rclocdte<1 buildinl) I (new fix. i1dcli tiOllol 1') - -SY-r.es (,i~l-cC"'" ..----. _-'I balhl... Duplex (1 balh).'(!a~.h New ci.'ct/its alts. \. 01' exten~;,i{)IIS .:.\-~ --.--.--. ---~- Floor furnace dnd vent SCRVIC[S Recessed wall Snace hpi\tl'r il.nr! VI'llt -~ Appl LInce vent seuari'ltp. Stationary cvap. cooler - -Vl'nt fan with sinnle duct - VCnt system apart from I hC'atino or A.C. t-lechanical exhaust hoorl ,1nd dill"' t Addition,,1 bath Tel1lrorary Constr'uction .------ service Char.\f)e ill cxi$liu9 ___..__._ ___ ___ __ .r!:.'jJ~cnCI: -rjlUll i fami I.y, COIlIll. 01' _______ ____ ____. __ JrltlliUd;tl \-Iater Sewer Storm Sewl~r' Of .___._alllfls. \;~~.:~---..._- ---- = COl~I./I;;;;:'r[[O[RS ~ _ 'Sro l'.'stall/.tller/relocate ~~_~'-,\,__ __..... _h.~.._ __ ,~.I,S.lL1b,._!j,e<JCr5 Of ..___._...__.__.._______ilmps. I I I I l ?.? .'f0 1- Hood stove/hellter I- . - --Cl\5- _~\....~\ ~\,C",__~,- . , \ TOTAL CII~,RGr.S -----..--- '-T;;cj:) TOTAL CIIARG[S _______ .___L---_____.__ WIt[I~( ~TATE L 'I~ Il[llUlIl[~ that tll~ Electric,1l 110rk bl"! done hy an '.shall not be vdli.J until the lahel has b~en si~llled by an [Icclr.ical "^ \\.\-~y..~~ \s,rJ= -.0 \~. I SSIJAtICF OF PrR!1IT TOTAL CIIARG[S r.lectrical Contl'dctm', tile electrical portion of this pCl"lilit Suhel'visor and rctul'ncd to the Building Oivision I IIAVE CAIH~rULLY r.XN1W[ji--Ge-colllpleted i1Pfll{caU;i;lufol' !wnniL, 1111<1 do hert~1J.v cCI'lify lIJdt all infonnation hereon is true and correct, ilnd I further certify that ilny c\l,d all 11or'k .perf0J111f!t1 shilll be dOlle ill ,\Ccm'dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and tllr. L.uls of the Stilte of Oreoon pcrt,dlling to tilt! work descrihctl herein, and that UO OCClIPAUCY \'1ill be made of any structurp without till' pr.rmissioll of the Ollildi'l~1 flivision. I further' c{~rtify that tlJy rcnistration \o1lth the Buildel-'s Board is in full forcr. and effect as required h.y Or.~ 7(n.o~!), that if exempt the hasis for exemption is noted hereon, dnd tlidt. only subcontractors illld ('mploypes ,...ho arc ill com:di.lIlCC \1lth Ol!$ 7rll.O!i!i ,.sill be used Oil this projcct. UAtI['(ple3Se pnnt).., (2u:i./'Z2.L~_~.___.._SIr.;IATl!R[ ~~ omll<2.0ffi I O!~ OffiCi: IIS[ DIlLY r 1 Zonc._,._.._... _... .._._. T.VPI!/COns. t. . _._._..__.._.__Urli t5... ._.____m______Sq. Fire 70ne Bedrooms Occy lflild Sq. flood PIa i-I.;...._...~~ ~:, Sl(jr'il~\,...:': ~.~.:,_~~~~~.=~~occ.v ~rOt~2r~~.:.~Sq. Ftf!. f1ain , __x Value -.'.-- flQ. ^cccss -..-.-.--. x Value ...----- -.-. flq. Othcr..___ .---1- Value TOTAL VALUATION '. ~ <Qk:.~__:.'_~~;~~~~g.j~'~~~~_'..5CO . '2.~ \.,\ 'Ob PIa" Ck. Ile' .:..\,c,_ ...:J.Q;L~I.!!9J'grJ:!!L-.. \ '" ex:> , fence -- ~~------ '" <::. De"'o n_.____..4..~.__.\...J_.. _.... .._._.... .- 'L() , <::'0 Sldow"II; _ ___ ~_ _\J_ ___ _._____. \. \ -.;.. A/C i'.winq ,- .--n--C:i~_-- -- "n ~~;~~~;C~~/[RlI\T _ _ _\.~_._ _ _ _~ _ Curb..!:~l~_____ SurcharlJ~s ~ :s aUILDlllG PERfllT Ch.,rges an~ Surcharges I$YSl($lS Developmcnt I Charoo (1.5~) PlUI~BING PERHI T Charges and Surcharges 5.C:O ~. - 0, 8::::::l ,_ ~".\~'\C~~o.c EI.ECTRICIJ. PEf.:I~1T Charges and Surchdrges Total Comb. Permit TOTI,L LC\~.0-( .. ~ COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnish A. Job Address U, Legal Oescription 1. .example- Tax lot 100. lane County Map Reference '11 03 43 2. exam~le- Lot 1. Block 3. 2nd Addition to sprlngtie1d Estates C. Name. etc. of owner and construction lender D. Ene~9Y Sources 1. examplc- heal/electrical ccilinjJ/or forced .,ir <J~1~ Z.. eX,1mp I e- wa tcrhca""'l'CrTelcc frTcfll/or ~(ir.]r [, Square footage or valuation. cleo ------ 1. .~.:1!..~~lt:.. 1250 sq. foot house. 50Q sq. fooL ~,.1ra9C 2. example- if new project, check new - if addilion, check. add. etc. F. Building permit information: 1. example - construct single family house wilh an attached garlJgc 2. exame'e - remodel existing garage into family room J, exanyle - convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G, Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code II. DES I GN TEAI'I AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays-, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or jab site corrections, etc. I I. Abbreviated Plumbing. Mechanical, & Electrical Schedules A. Except "./here blank spaces occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjoccnL to the appropriate ilem(s) to be installed 8, Full Plumbing. Mechanical. and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the pel-mi t form the schedules have been abbreviated 2, If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedules C, BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CIIARGES ON TIlE SCIIEDULES O. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is not authorized to sign the electrical label. - IJI, Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV, Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans will be processed until these fees are p~id. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. V, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY . i .~t , ,".} -" " PERMIT VALIDATIDN <, . b :+t~5 . JJb.^f \'3 LoloO + l6101o \ > S4~~ ~ \32E .~ ":\...: Permi t . clerkrAm )' I PROJECT CONDITIONS TO DE SATISFIED DEFORE OCCUPANCY: ~'\\. ~,-\.e. ""'\..~\.'c--...,,~,,"{'\ '~V"','(>~ ('. ,~'" 'C\ ~ \., \o......~ ~ ~,f:' ['1_ ';::-,,," Y'\ ""_~\"()\c 'Y-'r\.,' \)\\c---.~ ~ C"('C\ ~~"k \.. \ ;.;., Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Duilder's Doard because: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: nam~'- ~)\~ ~\S\ .. signatuCLr\.~'-. .-:> Ydatel-\- l(,\-Aq ,- . ~, \\I i '-1- , I ').. I 1 - i .~i = I _ t(}. -I i J ,- I 1 , J -I" I Irt=. a N . o -..; "--/ D . ~~ ~~ ..::!nh .~>; -:-~ -1 - 1- .-. s , 5ini,L~ ~ . . . . . . . -z,o'--o" ?l~ ~Nr::;."- (IN']. IWJM,) Pt'1f %4'-1 \'\'. ~WN ~ . ~T' "If ~ 'fel..LOW f\..A-STlc.. t:O~'f . -. ~ \,1" ~,cOWN . "Tlt-AG~ ~~ l.--r~~N " ~. t- ':' ,,::-/ /, } , '''- ~ ~ , . I 1 ,J If~~(Q)(!}J~ rF@@u OJQ)~@=~~ (r2 & 'J ]wvr ((DlJ r:;'0?--~ ~ K W _~JL~~____ -- _ --_._ _________L_ , ~ o/4"....I~ 0" l.AU~N?~ Oe>te. t:oN-rf?A.:::;.1"QrL l~'2. ~I"-e:.~, ~,",e.Ne..., OJ(.~ ~-!;!P- ~~~~~!t) -" .. ^:-~~j;~~-,. ~+~~ ~~ <V/ ~S() VV\ (A~(\ 0 '"'-~ - - . I_~ ~