HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-4-20 ,- , -\ .. ~ I/I~I'[CIIO/l LItH' . CITY Of SPRINGII[lO . INFORllATlON LiNl -I ,_726-3709 c"----- ___ COltBlHAlJON ^PPLlC,A1I0N/PEIUoIIT 726-3153 l..\'.....k.~-~ C 3. EIIERroy SOl/fICES, 5q, Ftg, r,tain;-,.U:'tJ..:l' '- ~ r ^ddro~:\_..J__...K)_'L\"'-'w_03Y_~~_- ___u___ /loot ~~, n~, ^ccm, ::n )al O",criP~,ion\~ D.2...~2..."b) r')_;:/;;;;[;:J___ !-Iator /lo.t.1' S~ilo~t9^d~thX~t.r Pop, ~) n.\nl"Jc __ _...____..___ -rence f)cillO Ch:iiifjc/llSC ~,/ '- .____._._~.__, Vil1u( of 1.lork: --Othcr- - ~ _______ \0, ~ ~ I' III Built;Tl1<l Penult Info: ncscritJc ~I()rk(i.c.. Build Sill~,t,c h, ~2(,q_~t(fI r""lily fi.si"c".cc !lith Mt.chod roaranol b ~~ ~o-;-(-\;~~<v~~r~~ MIl''''' L.\ l(..':\_~~ :s.S::::- SlO~\6...-.D::.-- Construction ~rncler ,\ddrl':;S Or>rc.11 TJ:N' I'hullt" .._( '- ---------T-'-n---C\- ...~.!I.~!J~__._____.____\.!!SI_(!r!:~2.J PI' i mcl ry_.__. ________.+__~_.._....____.._. Hech.1nicill --' ..--r-'-----u-.-----.---- ------l' _n___,_) CON1RACTOR?_.._\!1.<.!!1-'-~) ~!!~!:L'ss. (it!; I, no-:L_-1J:J\Iilll:~ r ~bQn!:.J!lL.L- f 1.- ~ :> Structurlll (lce tricill -~----_._-----_.~---_._--_._-- Gener,) 1 -..D~~\~ '\ - -~- --.P ~ B~~l!.>-Ln!l_._.. ._.____._.___m.__..._.____.______. J;.!s.s...t,' i t~~ L._... ____.____~________.__.__. ~\C'c 11.1 n i c,) 1 PI.lIIIIIIIIG [L[CTllI[^,_ M[CII^NIC^L SI), FT_ ,TLL,. CIIAHGL ,.rl!l~_. furnace/burlier to BTII's .lLL._ .1It1\HGL -1!Qc ..__,_____ JU... _CI!N<H_ .rIO,. [dch sin~de fb.lur"(, l~e'i idem;l! of Ilelocdtl'd lluildirHj (flew fix, .ldditiol1.1J') __ L tll'\'1 cin:ui ls ill ts. 0" exlt'II';innc; '")f)S) .___.__._... _.__.._______ .__ t...L..L- _ Floor furnace .)nd vent -'-- -S:-T:-r.csi',je~\-ci! . _ ,(lJ!~.\!'J,.._.____ Ollplt~X (1 lliHh) (!'\ch SUIVICI:S -.. ---~_._.__._--- -- -...--.......--------.-- - ---------- --- ---- --- -_..--_._..~_._----- ISSIIMlcr nr "rmllT ! Tom~RGr<::=-~-_-__=-:=_:_~=l5~~ -llll~I:~I~IG;~~~_== 2.~ i85--,_TOTM CI~Rr.ES WHW[ ~T^TE L 'H IH.I}Ulllr'.. that the (lCdriC.ll \.torl: he d()np' hy an ClP.r.I.t'iC,ll (C'l!l ll'.lC 1:01' , the clectricdl portion of SIh111 not hI' v.lliJ tlIltil the lilllclllilS heen si~llll~d lIy all I:lect,'ical ~ul'cl'visOl. ,1m: ,'ctlll'ncd to the Huilding Division thi S pCr'lai t I It^V[ C^IICiiJl"LYi':X^,ifil(IY .i.~;e'-'c;-;~II~T~"t~;.IT;;~T'i~:~,'ti;;..;. .j'u.' !J(~I'U1 it. ,11111 do hen~I'.Y t:l','t i fy t lid 1 ill I infollllJ linn hcreon is l nll~ dnd correct. j'ln(1 I fur-tiler certify lh,lt tlIlY ,lnd ill1 \'lOd; ncrfol'ltlf~t1 shall be dont' ill ilCcOl'ltancc with tile Ordinances of the City of Snrinqfil.'ld bud I,h(' l,HIS of tile Sl,lte of Or-ell/HI !I1~rl.ilirdll~1 to I.he work deo;cl'ihed Iter~in. and thalllO Or.CUP^IICY \'Ii11 hc ultlde of .lilY ...tructufr- without lhl.' rwnnission of the nll;ldin~1 PivisiCln. [further' cI'I.tify ttl,'lll1'y rC~lislr.1lion ...lith thfl BlJildl....s [loud is in full fon;(' ,llld effect ilS n~quin.,d h.y nr:~; 7!:1.01;~l. thal if l~:<cmpt lIlI.' hilsis for excmption is notcd hercoll. tlIH.J thill only suhcnntl','.:I""S ,n::;lIOY"I'S ~ in cnlllnli,lIlcc ullh or's 1/11.0',:' ,-Jill In~ UAI1('(plcdsl' Pf"ll1t) .~r::1...L~l.~.~._-. __ SJf::I."Tlrl~L-.__-:-:::~_~..~:''''''''''~ _ ~f\.Tl~:.C(Offi ~ I O~~ llrllr.!: liS!: (JUl.Y I ) '; lor' i I~<; (key l.fliHt , _,Sq. . . :.~: :.:,~~~ ~:~~.:.(J(c.v r;r'fH~2r\\~.:"Sq. rt~J. ^ccess x . .--.-.-....----- . V.lu~ ___..._,_ VJluc....,...__._~.. ... ..... .V(ll uc_______.._._.. _ __. ]01\(: T_vnl~/rnn<; t.. . .. ....._.,. ..._. ... ..1 I.n i ls ...............__$(!. rtf!. f1.lin._____.____x firl' ]Ollt'. rlond ['1.1 ill 1\l:(lroollls r t~l. Olller...____ __ _.__.___.__x __.. TOT^L V^Ll/^Tl'OIl____,____.,......_, _ _ <Q~~~ _ _ ~ -_~~i/.n~~;}~:i~:.r~~~= ._6-C;~tfo _~\ ~~~__~~~!n~~;_~~~~_i~.~__ ___._.__ - \t. "c:c' ronc" 5 ex:> -~_ ~._ ~ ~5 ~ -_- o~"" ____mu__==_ ~_._._~_,.._____m___.: ~:\~~\C)~~ &c g;;;~~~c~,~;urf.f.:r:tT ._ _ 2~.:. ._~o___ ~~~~:~~~~~~_____..._.____. Surcharges \ . \~. AlC l'.lVin~ -'-- .--- --.,---.. ---ClO --..- ---,---..-,---- ---,--- , ~f;;~~~~c~~dPn:llIT ._ _ _\_~_,_ _ _ _ ~ _ .5ur~~+~~'.~___._.___.____. _. SUI'charges ~ ~ OUILOIIIG PERfllT Ch,lrgcs ,1n~ Surchllrgc'i "SystCI:lS Development Ch.r~e (1. 51,) PLUl1BING PERMIT eh,} rgcs dnd Surcharges ~ Total r.omh. rCl'mit I I TnT/,L 2C\~.0- . \ . COfllllNATION API'L1CATlON/P[RflIT (CAP) I. Appl iCnnl to fllrnish A. Job Address [1. Legal Description 1, ~xt1l11Pl~- lax lot 100. lane COllnty r.l.lp ncfcrcncc 17 OJ 3 2. CY.ilm~c. lot 1. Block ]. 2nd Addition Lo Siirln~(jcld (slales C. flame. clc. of owner i\nd construction lendel' O. Encr9Y SOU1'CCS 1. ~!.~lp l~. he,1 LI ~.l_C_0:~.i ~f'.!-_c.e.i.l.i!l.~/Clr _~~~.!."::~(~.~~_!!_..(.I~l ~ 2. e....i\lIIplc- W,l lcdlcalcr[c!ccll'icol 1/0.' ~(JI.ll' [. Sqlltlrt: fool"Hc 01' v,lllltllii.lll-:-.-e-ic~.-- ---- I. ~X_'l.!I!P..l_C_-_l.?~Q Sll. fool house. gl.q sq. (oot ~l,lra9c 2. .!=x.a~~J~s.- if new project, check flew - if .HltlititJll, CTlcck <llld. clc. F. Ouildin9 penUlt infonni\lion: 1. ~_~':~P!(?..!!:. - construct sinylc family huuse with an attilched 91\r'\9c 2. .CXilmpl! - remodel existing 9i11'119c into filllli 1y room 3. S.:~ - convert single f,llllily residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined ill Sectiun 303 (a) of the Structur.ll Speciillty Code 11. D[SIGN T[NI MIO CONTRACTOIIS To _woid design or construction dcl"y~.. [\llildin9 Division St,lff must be ilhle to contact appropt'iate persons regarding de5iyn infonllation ur joh site corl'cctions. etc. 11. Abbrevi.1lcd Plllmbiny. ~lcch,lnical. It, Eleclric,ll Schedules A. Excepl \.therc blank sp,lces occur ill Llll~ dcsct'iptiofl pOt"tion of the Mechanical and (lcclric,11 Schedules. the ,Wpl icanl need fi 11- in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the ap~l'opriate item(s) to be in!>tallcd B. rull Plumbing. Mechanical. and Electrical Schedules are available at the Uuilding Oivisiml 1. To conse,'ve Slhlce on the penni t fonn lhe schedules hllve been ,1tJhrcvitlted 2. If the item(s) to be installed tlrc nol covered all the abbl'evitlted schedules you should consult the full schedules C, ~OILDING DIVISION STAfF WILL fiLL OUT Al.L f[[5 ArlO CIIMIG[S 011 TII[ 5CII[OUL[S D. As noted on the CAP. the l.lbel llIust he dclivcn~d to the electrical conll'actor for si!lnaturr. hy his electricJI supervisor. The general contractor is not ,1ulhorizcd to sign the elcctrical label. - Ill. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible. the initial ,1pplic.ltion will be used as a wor~shect only. Where possible. Huilding Divisioll Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the dpplicant at the time the ,lctual permit is issued for his signature. IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and paY,lhlc ,lt the tillle of the application. and no pl,lns will be processed until these fees drc paid. All othcr fees "l1d charges .11'e due and payable "/hen thc penlli t is issued. V, FOR OFFIC[ USE ONLY PROJECT CONDITIONS TO DE SATISFIED DEFORE OCCUI>N1CY: . . PERMIT VALIDATION , t:B-' cl~ IOlolo~+' -'----l3JJL \.0 \ ~~~ ~ \509 .w I'enui t clerk'rAIJY1) ..~ - <or P" '~I i-"~'t: l:J 1/1..~ ~ ....~ \ ~ \ ~~ -- " " -., '" ~ 0..'\'\ ~\.~e >~... ~"" ~"'Y-"-'\,,~\ '~~l'\~(" ",",,,,, 'l..cc-\ ~ ,\. \""""~c ~ <2-0 ~\-.::6.-h~'Y'''\- Y?r\...::y--\c---." "v--..~C\ "\::!>\-"'t \ \ Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Dui,lder's l30ard because: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED DY: nam~~\)\ \:) ~- \ \ kE\) \ ('\ ~ :::::>,---' Signatu~e~cl..-'\.. \. ~ y date 1-\_ I( \ - cnq ~ _ ._.. At" rfl01WC.rlfl 0 726.3/,J .... 11::::::::='1---.- .quired InspectllS " ~v S THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TilE PER!nT HOLDER TO SEE THAT ALL INSPECTIONS ARE MADE AT THE PROPER TIlm. : EACH ADDRESS IS READABLE FROt1 TEE STREET. AND TIIAT TilE PER."IT CABD IS LOCATED AT TilE FRONT OF THE Lo PEI~n, BUILDING DIVISION APPP.OVED PLANS "',UST BE ON jon SITE AT ALL TIllES. PBOCEDURE FOR REQUESTING INSPECTIONS: C~ll 726-3769 (recorder) state you CITY DESIG~^TED JOB NUMBER. job oddrcs~, type of inspection re~~ested and when yO\! will be re=dy for the inspection. Contractors or o\Jners name and nhon~ number. Requcst~ received before 7:00 am,will be reade the same day, requests ycceivcd after 7:00 am will be ~de ~,followinh work day. Your Ci~y Desi?,na~ed Job Number Is: ~q.r\\?~ Job Address: l\~~O \\~'--~-> <;"\ - Owner: ('~0r-..~~~-... Phone:'1~(...,-Q.OCl9 Controctor:_~\. \. '" ,,~"- - - - - - ~'\ ~ SITE I f',:SPf;CTION: To be' m:Hlc :tftel' excav:ltion-, hut prior to setup cf fcrms. lINnEHS1.An p1.mmlNr.] E1.ECTrUr..-.1. ~ ~ll:CllAl\ICA1.: Tc he :n~dc befcre :Ill)' "'ork is co\'cred. CONCI1ETE StAn INSPECTION: T~ be ~l:H.lC nfter .:111 inl>lnh bui luing l>cl'vice equipment, conuuit, pi.ping, :Icccssorics nnd other nncillnry equipment items ~r~ in j)ln~e b~lt bcfore ~n)' concrct~ il> pourcd. ] ~ ::J FOOTINGS fi FOlJNDATICNS: To hc m:lde aftcr trcnche5 :Ire eXC:lv:ltet! :lnd forms. :lre cl'e;:ted, all steel in rln~e, hut prior to pouring concrete. \I~OEn.GR()UNn: Phlmhinr" l:lectric:ll, r.:l~, Snnitary Sewcr. Storm Sewer, \'l:lter :,ntl Dr:linnge 1 inr:s. To be made prior to co\'eri.n~ or fi l! ing trenchcs. =:J :=J UNOERFI.0CR: , PI\lmbin~, Electricnl. HechanicnI. To be m:\tlc prior to inst:lll:ltion of floor insulation, decking or rIoor she:1thin~. POST r, IlE^M: To be m:ale prior to in:it:,ll:ltio:l of flo~r il:sul:\tion. dccking or floor. :~he::t ing. ~ ~, FLOOR INSUI.ATION r. VAPOR RARRIERS: To be made prior to inst::lll:!.tion of dccking or floor shcnting. ~ ~lASONRY: Steel locOltion, hond bC:lms grout i I~g 0 r vert i en 1 sin :Jccord:lncc with U.Il.C. ScctiCll 2115. =:J l~oeF S!IEATIII~~r: A~m N.^.II.INr.: to installing any roofing. rrior Dur.n PI.l!MIIINr.. EI.EcrruCt.L ti ~lEr.!!I\Nr.IA1.: No \,'orlt il> to be cO\'crcd lLl:t i I these i Il~pect i0:15 hnve been made :lnd npproved. lNSUJATJON fi VAPOR RARR!F.R: To be mnue ;:lfter nIl insul:lt ion ::nd required v3por bnrrierl> 3re in pl:lce but beforc 3ny Inth or gYFsurn b03rd interior wnll covering is applied. ~RAMING: To he m3dc nfter the roof. ~ ~il framing, fire blocking nnd br~cing arc ill place :md nll pipes, chimne)'s nnd \'cnts arc complcte nntl the rough electrical, plumbing anu henting ,,'ires, pipes nnd duct!; arc nppro\'cd. F1R~ f, SEPARATION WALL: Loented ti ---, ccnstructed 3ccordin~ to p13ns. ~ ~LA111 AND/OR r,YPSlI>I BOARD INSPECTION: I ~ To he mude nfter nIl lnthir.g nod ~ gypsum hoard, interior nnd exterior, is in plnce but before tiny PlnsterillJi--, is tlpplied or hefore gyp5um bonrd -I joints nnd fastcners nrc toped and finished. D D D o Phonc : ATTIC nRAFT STOPS fi ClIRTAIN WAI.l.S. .SPECIAL INSPF.CTlONS: In nccordnnce \\'ith Section 306 of the Building Code n special inspector shall be employed by thc Owncr/ Contr3ctor during con~truction of thc feI lowing work. A copy of the special testing reports 5hnlI be furnished to thc Building Division. I'JREP!.AC!:!: Prier tc plncing ftleing mntcrials :lnu beforc fr:lming inl>pcctior.. ~ ~ :=J STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: P.S,l. (306 a,I) In excess of 30(111 STRUCTUR\L WELDS: Prcformed on the job, (2722 f) HIGH STRENGTH ROLTING: Durin~ 3ll holt installation nnd tighting operations (306 n.5) SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING: Stnnclnrds 43-8) (U,B.C, SPECIAL GRADING, FILLING: During ti Chnpter 29) EXCAVATION AND carthwork. (3063.11 o o r.LU- LAM BEAHS: Inspection Ccrt i ficate. by nn np~Tovcd agency, furnished to the City's Building Division before be:Jms nrc placeu. (2501-U.8.C. STDS. 25-10. Il), After instnllntion is o WOODSTOVF.S: complcted. SIDEWALK r. DRIVf;I'lAY: Required for all concrete p3ving within street right-of-way, to be mndc 3fter all excnvnting c~mplete G form work & sub-bnsc Ill.::lteri3] in plncc. CURn ..\ND .o\PPROACII APRON: After forms nrc erected hut.prior to pouring concrcte. * In ndt.lition to the inspection:; sp~cificu hereon, the Ruildin& Officinl :nny moke or require othcr inspections of an)' construction worK to 3sccrtain coopli3nce with the Building, City or 20ning Codes. ~ D rAnKING LOT: Aftcr gravel is in pl~cc hut prior to plncing asph31t or concrete. ~IN:\L pl.U~mINr. rL/6TY'S SITE Pl.AN REVIEW 80,\RD INSPECTION: Must be requestcd 2 days in 3dvnnce of the dotc you ~ wish i~s~ection. All project conditions such as lanuscaping, parkin& lot striping etc. must bu con:;Jleted hefore requesting this ir.spcction. ~I~AI. ~LEcrRIC^t. ~N^l. ~n:Ob\NICAI. ~NAL FIRE nEPAI~nlE~:T 1I~^1. BlIlLDlNG: "lust he rcqucstcd after the final Plumbing, Electricnl, ~lcchanic:lI nnd Pi:-e ~ Dcpartmznt ins~ections are maue nnd npproved. No Occupnn~y of the premises cnn be m:ldc until :, Certificate cf Occu a C.?issu~thC BUildin&Di~:o~nd:O=d ~; :cmises SlCNATUr. ='~'_ ~ DATI! y:-- c:- r ,/' ~ . ). . CORRECTION/ ALTERATIONS REOl!IRED . The corrections/alterations listed hy nUr"bers bclo\ol will corrcs!lond with the nurr.bers listed on the reverse side nnn the same numhcr will aprc~r in the proper location, marked in red. on your plans. : 7l, ~\."~~E'C\. \"C'\~\~"\ ~\.J,\.\e...'-<.. \.\''''\. ,r~","~~ \U,'()' ~<? :"'~~L"L ~\"C"""'" e ~~ \. \. '\1"':>.- "\..'\. c-...... ~\.,~\. C'''-.~\.'C', 'rr--,(' '\'>."!-.~ ~~\~ ''-',:\.\'C. ~ \~l;! \~'C::i\ \~ ~,,~ ('\..e,C:~\.<CS,...'ec" "-",, ~~~,C' \....')~-0..,'u E..~~e\.)\:-. .. ~ "!2:.<...."''''-e.-'\ ~"'"'~. 'b~Cl,~('lo.e "'''-. ~,......'\...... ~~,'-)......\~:-;-c:)....n,'~~ c:)~ \''-N> , ' ~~".)t;'\ "t-'>.~\V'~\'\(' ""............ "y...,\? '\.('-..(",,~"'" ,,\..\..........'r-....~...., ~'\r....~~ \:>..~~ ' \'0.c> ""~~~,e.(''\. ....C1\~'-" ~..".....r-e.~. ~"'(.....\" <"-~ ......."'c-...t" ca~'""\")('~,\'Q.... \ \, ., 'C'(>(' ~'::-~\:' r......'L ~y.." ,\.--.('~(',:,."'("''- "l'"'-~l?'. ,~.r"',.\. '<'-..""'-"""""C'. ,-:,. 6~~,~';'p("\ '\. ~, ~~~..... ~-\..l, C-CLu~~C'\.\)\-"'~,\'('"\""" '-.l...~~-- rN\\'<>:-~~ r~~ ~,e _""("'\\'~ "'tt...-~""'~':.",~~, (' ':'- ,-:-.~"\(",,,,-,~., ',~ '\.C"',T'.s:;;...,""e C"'\. "~~,, ~t'>.., .... <') () 0::...1" <" ~ ~ "\^~ ~"", .~~ '-\~ ~ '- '''''l'-{' ,,-, '\..,~~~,'?,........~~ I. \..\\:,..'\..'\.-::, ="" '\.,... ~ ~'-..."'-0 ~ ~"'-e<:: '-~C'" ',~ "~C'":l ,,",I" r'\. C''\.r-...~ <:" ~~, <j {) I ......c-... C>.'!... ~ }.. ,'('(\ ,\:r'\. VU'...., '\. '\.. ~ ~ e , ~,\.,~ %~~ ~,~C"'(',......:"..... ~.........""--'\.'\. 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C'\~ '<----,..;..\.r'\.~,'-\r\ (")~("l- ~\.r..",,, ~~~"'- ~~"1 ~~~I ':'"'l~ \.\ '<'0 \,~"r\. (>r\ \" \ \.J.'p"\""""-' ..\'CT.....\ \. \p \.,~,"-'\,,~("'" r_~~ ~\Q. r~ ';"\. ",\,\,\.,~,'~\C'\ ~ ~,," """'''^. c,\" ~ C', ~..C" v<O!~ ~""" \YV\"'-h,'I~e. ~~ r=""","~""r'''' \:::..\.'<"'" '-k\\ ~ "'-C">~\, C'>.,...... ("~\,\~)n-"r'\ ~'\"-.- '\..........."""'-<.>$ ~~\..'\ '-to v~"'- <ye.., ~\\"\\"""""''L- ~\ C'C'r,'y~\~. . \-,},p, "'-,~"",\'\('\.Q__ -.,........~~"'" ""_"'\. "''\:::..c'<~\.:l ~\'-oI',....'-c-"'" \ \ ' ('\.0\'\....(- Q.. ~\r\." \. \ 'c-x? ~~\?\""(\\. 'IE' C''\. ~ C .. -........ ,-<-,,,. Y\. ~ "'t, 'v........ \\.. "'-\.:0.... C ,":": .........V\....., .-.-...- ~ .' ...:.. <'..... ~ .. ,-. ~(' <- ~ ("\T- - (D ;::\ Any ehan~es or alterations made after date below Must be approvec hv the ~ld~fi~l. \. '2.. o. '-\. (^, '\. ,.. ~-\.\, DATE: \........\- 'L.\ - ?JC\, PLANS EXfJm~' \ _~'\. \ ~ \. _ CCRRr:CTIUN/ALTJ~K.AT!UN~ ll.t.\Il-'J.l\I~JJ - The corrections/al.ior.s listed hy nurr.bers below Wilerrespond listen on the reverse sine ~nrl the same numher will aPrenr in the proper ~ in red, on your plans. <C ~""'\. "h',\.~, c (\,>-- )G-,~"e"'-'--\~ ~~\ \e.- C''\. "'\^' \. ('~ ~ ~ ~0_"" ~ ,,\..,,~--;::R..~ ":-;:e..A ':>...\. \ C"C..r..t~ \C \. \ r---, '-..;.. "'u, ';,\r'~ . \0 : . Any chances or alterations made ofter date helow nust be approved by the Building Official. PLANS EXfJIIN~_\ ,-, (''\~ ~ 'If' ... DATE, ~\ - c:? ~- ~Cj . _ _... _..~_....+ +""I"lm V'Dn'ct}~rlr'nn W1T.I1 lne UU1IOer'S tloaro D~CdU~~: I