HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Application 1985-3-19 ~. - " "CITY OF SPRINGFIELiiA , Department of Public _ks Building Safety Division 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 726-3753 (Bus.) 726-3769 (Insp.) - . OCCUPANCY INSPECTION APPLICATION DATE: ~/~ JOB ADDRE~: k3 t.J ~ L OWNER: Ca-th. VI Gil(d.Het'" c:f- ""im.... 17 ~ee.dcl-1~ / . mVNERS ADDRESS:.4f'2.5o suI 1/0Sc/A 'Rd.) 'Pc(Tlta..dJ6R q7~i APPLICANT: -e;,ob ~a~~ APPLICANTS ADDRESS:~(Jth A11, It~~. ~U.6~eJJ.~ '!'l401 I r · FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY--PLEASE INCLUDE TELEPHONE NUMBER: 3 g 5 -0&08 (<See; ~;tJ,itGS ~~ - a..7t-ackeJ, P~OPOSED USE: ~u.JXi - I' . C(, acTttrlnd - A~,--LL'l - ~r- (; 1'aOG - 1.10 t4 T(Vc-~ --:: Rea.f'Z , , A $30.00 INSPE~ ON FEE IS [EQUIREDAT THE TIME ,~ OF APPLICATION -:;ol 8soa 70 THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE OlmER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED, .~~~ >- SIGNATUP~ OF PROPERTY OIVNER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY --------------------------------------~~~-~~O-~~d------------~------- DATE OF, INSPECTION: RECEIPT NUMBER: t, <1 Lf d. 3 DATE OF REPORT: DATE PAID: 2. / d. C).. / X \' - , DATE OF,CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: I COMMENTS: .. ~../ '. . 'r.,l, . ,., .' . POPPEN & ASSOC. 401 E. 10TH AVE.. SUITE S60. EUGENE. OREGON 97401" (503) 48S-oeoa ;.... :;1; ".' 1:ll.A.\.II~IliaIJ.lliJ!iJlJmll8m".u.J.j.,L.",,,,,,'l....,,~, .,......~>~.~ lodUI '-'-r40'" I !&.cL....~'::IIa'LlJtl\~.u ~J/QM_\U.~~r1..~IlI.I....., . ~ J ..., '.. to.... .. i ,., ~ '. 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Genera 1: Size: S t:.ruq tura 1: Office/Retail Space: Heating/plumbing: Storage Shed: Yard Improvements; Functional Utility: QualitY/C~ndition; DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS. Three attached warehouse buil~ings with retail front. Building I (front) Building II (middle) Building III (rear~ Total Bldg. Area lO,OlO sq. ft. 4,500 sq. ft. 6.800 Sq, ft. 21.310 sq. ft, Buildings I and III are 22' high wi~h metal frame, metal skin. and concrete slab floors. Building III has sheetrock on two walls, insulation in the ceiling, and ~ of the north wall is concrete block. There is no interior finish in either building in the warehouse areas. Building II is an older wood frame. metal skin structure with a raised wood floor and approximate 10 ft. ceiling height. There is a. wood loading dock attached to the east side of Building t. The front 40 ft. of BUilding I is de- signed for retail usage. It is finished with both carpet and vinyl on the floors, panelling on the walls. and accoustical ceilings. One half of the front of the building has glass store- front windows for display. There is a second story, above the retail section, which is deSigned for office use. It is finished with carpet, plywood panelling, and accoustical ceiling. Plumbing consists of two toilets, two lavatories. and one urinal. It is considered to be adequate for the. uses to which the building would most likely be put. Lighting is by fluorescent I lights, and is adequate. There are three small heat pumps which provide heat and air conditioning for the Office! retail spaces only. The warehouse areas are not heated. There is an 1,800 sq. ft. wood frame storage shed attached to the east side of Building II. rt:. has a '10 f~. ceiling, wood-'floor, anci' the~e is limited stor~ge beneath the floor. The subject site is paved with approx- ima~.ly 4S,OOQ sq. ft. of asphal~, which is in good condition. It is fully fenced with a good cycLone fence which ha! two gates. The subject consists of three buildings which are attached end-to-~nd. Foot travel is good throughout, but fork-lift use is somewhat limited by BUilding II. Access for trucks and trailers is adequate. Yard storage is good. Overall quality is average, being typical of warehouse/retail buildings in the Eugene-~pringfield area. ~Uildinqs rand III at'e 1n good condition and there is no apparent deferred maintenance. Their- effective age is five years. Building Ir is in fair condition and has aQ effective age of 20 years. Yard improvements_are in good condition. Overall, appeal is good. ' ....) ,,, ",. '. . C-')HCV'~ rfjl"rk , loa "WAil . rs, ,'2J:>O $ j- 68' BUILDING [II Wd(e.h/),~ Meral- FYan~ -J.1e'lav::Lad OVl C&">1c-.-ei-l> '5L-ab.- So BUILDING U STORAGe SHED ~ ~oo f. wocd F-r~,- Wood "'DecK . lJ\}o-{eh OV~ fvfeT-a-h, ICooS- . 90' - '" :;l 269' I .1:l, Ie r---, ..u I Wood Frcwne;. - u 0 tUco d \<:."03'"" .... I !!l. I Metal-v CLad I s: ~q 0 ~ ~ I I W~h'e)..ov-:e- -QP- I ~ BUILDING I I " I ~ SC^LE.! I" - 20' I " Z H Q I .. 3 I 77' I 1,5'10 if; I SA-LES A.REA 20' r L ~} 1,590 If orFIC& DISPtAl/OFFICE AREA ASOIIE , , ---.-