HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Correspondence 1985-4-8
Department of Public Wprks
April 8. 1985
1885.1985 Springfield Centennial year
Mr. Bob F~t''-=o
Pvt"l"=u and Associates
401 East 10th Avenue #560
,,' Eugene. Oregon 97401
,'-" ,
RE: oi:~upancy Inspection for 4343 Main street. Springfield, Oregon
Dear Mr. h..t't'=o:
At your request as agent for the ONl1er, the Springfield Building Safety Division
=nducted an inspection of the building at 4343 Main street. Springfield. ~.c",-..
'Ihe pJrpOse of this inspection was to detennine the suitability of this building for
the t'.~!^,sed uses of warehousing. office, light manufacturing and auto/truck repair.
IXIe to the indefl.hate nature of scrne of the pro!X)sed uses. our _,..~.ts will be
generalized for the areas where the specific use has not been detennined. tbwever .
for the !X)rtions of the buildings Wherein you have ~~!^,sed a definite use, our
~~...=nts will be restricted to that use.
All tenants rnlSt be provided adequate toilet facilities. 'Ihis may be accanplished by
providing facilities in each tenant space or by incltrling provisions for the joint
use of existing facilities by all tenants in the lease docunents. 'Ihe three existing
toilet fixtures will a~~~....Jate occupant loads to a maximum of 200. '!he occupant
load is based en the type of use and the floor area of each tenant space, or the
actual nunber of tenants. Whichever is qreater. 'Ihe following tables should help in
detennining the actual number of fixtures required.
o. "_.
Office/Manufacturing/Vehicle Repair/Wholesale Sales
100 square feet
300 square feet
Office/Wholesale Sales 0-100 2 2
or Light Manufacturing 101-200 3 2
Auto/Truck Repair 0-25 2 2
26-50 3 2
51-75 4 2
- -
225 North 5th Street · Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726.3753
Mr. Ebb Pv~.. '
Occupancy In",l-""'- ~on
4343 Main Street
April 8. 1985
Page 2.,
We rc,-~.".end that at least ene drinking fountain be provided for each floor level.
accessible to all tenants on the same level.
. <'"
This area oontains "'t't'~v..:imately 3080 square feet en the ground floor with an
additional 1540 square feet above. You t'~v~se to use the front half of the ground
floor for Wholesale display, with the rear half and the upper floor area for offices.
These uses are all oonsidered Group B, Division 2 Occupancies.
OCCUPANl' lDAD: 100 s.f./occupant 31 ground floor
16 upper floor
'lbtal 47 Occupants
Type of Cbnstruction - V-N
The following requirements plrtain to the above areas:
1. Provide a second exit sta.inlay, 36" in width, fran the upstairs office. The
stairway must be separated fran the adjoining warehouse area by a 1 hour fire
separation wall, if the exit is provided through that area.
2. Provide Type 2A fire extinguishers in cnnspicoous locations in all these areas so
that the accessible distance fran any locatoin does not exceed 75'. Coordinate
extinguisher locations with the City Fire Department.
3. The 1 hour fire separation must be maintained between these areas and the larger
adjacent warehouse/manufacturing area en the south. (Inlctrling the ceiling/floor
separation below the mezzanine storage area.)
This area contains at't'~v"imateiy 5390 square feet on the main floor plus additioanl
mezzanine storage, of at't'~vAimately 1500 square feet above the adjacent office/sales
',~.q .
;.<, ~:4
The boo t'~v~sed uses for this area are warehousing or light manufacturing. Ebth
uses will be oonsidered as Group B, Division 2 Occupancies if:
1. The warehouse use does IDt involve the storage of highly flarrmable liquids or
fibers beyond the anounts allowed by Table 9A (Attached), if such materials are
stored in cx:mpliance with the ~re O:xle (volatile storage cabinets).
Mr. Bob Fvt'~.
Occupancy Inspection
4343 Main Street
April 8, 1985
Page 3.
2. '!he IlBIlufacturing involves ooly materials \\hi.ch are rot highly flarrrnable or
canbustible, with the .,,,,~c...;'ion of materials allowed by Table 9A, as i.rx1icated
above. '!he ","vt"-'sed netal fabrication mfg. should qualify, if 00 aluminun or
magnesium dust is involved.
If Warehouse - 300 s.f./oocupant
18 main floor
5 mezzanine
'lbtal 23 Occupants
If Light Manufacturing - 100 s.f./occupant
Mezzanine Storage - 300 s.f./oocupant
54 main floor
5 mezzanine
'lbtal 59 Occupants
TYPe of Construction - V-N
'!he following requirements pertain to the above area relative to the ",""vt"-'sed uses:
1. If warehousing, provide one personel exit to the exterior \\hi.ch does not pass
throu::Jh a storage area, nor throu::Jh an adjacent tenant space unless the door
hardware pennits access to the adjacent tenant space at all tians.
2. If light IlBIlufacturing/ storage \\hi.ch provides for an occupant load of m:>re than
50 (as exampled above) provide t\\1O personnel exits at least 52 feet apart, one of
\\hi.ch must exit directly outside. If the seoorrl exit is throu::Jh an adjacent
tenant area, as provided above, the maxirnun pennitted travel distance to the
outside of the building is 150 feet. (Please rote that overhead doors cannot be
considered as personel exits). Provide illuminated exit signs at both required
exits in confonnance with the Structural Specialty O:xle and ~re and Life Safety
3. Provide TYPe 2 ABC fire extinguiShers in the arrount of one for each 3000 square
feet of floor area. O:lordinate extinguisher locations with the City Fire '
Please oote that the canbined floor area of the front and center buildings exceeds
that allowed by the O:xle for an unsprinklered buiding without fire separation between
them. If the ","vt"-'"ed uses do rot increase the hazard presented by the previous use,
no additional fire protection is required' for the wall separating the t\\1O' areas.
lbwever, ~ recarmend that t\\101ayers of 5/8" type 'x' gypsum be installed on each
side of the ~~,..~.. wall between these t\\1O buildings up to 30" above the roof of the
lONer structure, and that one layer of the gypsum board be provided on both sides of
Mr. Bob Fvt-i-""u
Occupancy Inspection
4343 Main Street
April 8, 1985
Page 4.
wall for a distance of 10' above the lower rcof. The exterior gypsum J::oard should be
~ther protected with non-canbustible material for the first 30" above the lower
rcof and ~J:'.vJ:'.iate ~ther resistive materials above. The doors connecting the tw:>
spaces should be fire rated assanblies for 1 1/2 oour protection.
'Ibis area oontains a,..",.v..imately 4500 square feet in the main building area plus an
additional enclosed storage of aJ:'",.vAimately 1092 square feet (42' x 26') to the east
of the warehouse. There is a oovered loading dock with an aJ:'",.v..imate area of 705
square feet. The "'.v.......sed use as warehousing is considered to be a Group B, Division
2 Occupancy as long as the use does mt involve hazardous liquids or fibers.
OCCUPAm' I..OI'J): 300 square feet/occupant
15 main area
6 additional storage/dock
'Ibtal 21 Occupants
:rYPe of Contruction V-N
The following requi.=.=.ts pertain to the above area(s) for the .....v.......sed use.
1. Provide one personnel exit dex>r or dex>rway to the outside fran both the main
warehouse area and the storage shed.
2. Re=nstruct the stair exiting fran the loading dock to the fOllowing
A. Maximum riser - 7 1/2", minimum tread depth - 10", minimum stair width 36".
(The dimensions of all treads and all risers shall be consistent to within
3/8" variance for total stair nm.)
B. 'Provide handrails at the height of 30" - 34" above the nosings on both sides
of the stair; Extend the handrails 6" beyond the top and'bottan steps.
Provide intennediate rails or ballisters with a maximum 6" clear spacing.
3. Cooridnate fire exitingusiher requirements with the City Fire Marshal.
Please rote that the west wall is unprotected \>OOd frame at the J:"-vJ:'Crty line. Since
this is a pre-existing condition, fire protection of this wall will not be required
as long as the proposed use presents ro rore hazard than the prior use. ib..oever, we
r",~~....end that the wall be made 1 hour fire resistive to a height of 30" above the
rex>f, by adding a p3.rapet and oovering both sides of the Will with 5/8" type 'x'
gypsum J::oard on both sides, fran the ground to the top of the parapet.
Mr. Ibb Poppen
Occupancy In",~~Jon
4343 Main Street
April 8, 1985
Page 5. ' ,
. '!he exterior side should be protected with \\leather resistive material applied OI/er
the gypsum board.
'!his area oontains ",<-,,,,.v,droately 6800 square feet en the ground floor. '!here is a 2
hour area separation wall ~~..,~. to the .:.v..~ IIoOOd framed warehouse.
'!he ....vt"-'sed possible use for this area is ~,..=cial vehicle repair 1IIhi.ch is
classified as a Group H, Division 4 Occupancy.
OCCUPANl' !.DAD - (SiIn. 'Ib Parking Garage @ 200 s.f./occupant)
'Ibtal 34 O:::cupants
Type of Contsruction II-N
'!he fo11CMing requirements IErtain to the above area for the ",.vt"-'sed use:
1. '!he area must be sprinklered throughout.
2. '!he \\lest and south ...w.ls "'-Ould need to be changed to 4 hour fire resistive type
construction, inlctrling the structural frame elements (l1ON 1 hour fire
3. Provide tw:> IErsonnel exits at least 60' apart. Neither required exit may be
through a storage area.
1. Maintenance repairs are needed in the service pmel area en the dock.
2. '!he extension corCi wiring on the display floor area and the sales/office area
must be rancved, and replaced, if needed, with """....v..ed wiring Irethods.
3. '!he p::lWer requirements for the ....vt"-'sed uses should be evaluated to deternu.ne the
adequacy of existing systems.
. \".
4. O::mnercial vehicle repair area shall CXJTply with Article 511 of the Electrical
Safety Code.
Mr. Bob <'-'!fl"""
Occupancy Inspection
4343 Main Street
April 8, 1985
Page 6.
Pennits will be necessary for the required rrodification or additional rrodifications
you may desire. Plumbing and electrical work shall be perfonned by a contractor
licensed in Oregon for such work.
Specific questions regarding the above items may be directed to the inQl-"'~..ors at
7:>/f#II'1 /Yrt7JChl)4
Denny Ebrdeaux
Electrical Inspector
D:ln M:x:>re
Structural Inspector
=: Dennis She......,.
Deputy Fire Marshal