HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 1995-7-25 . . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 FAX (503) 726.3689 July 25, 1995 William T. Beedon c/o Bonnie Baker and Company 2120 Law Lane Eugene, Oregon 97401 RE: Additional Suite Number Notification Dear Ms, Baker: At your request, the property located at 4343 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17023231, Tax Lot #04000 and 04001 has been given an additional suite number to assist mail delivery in an existing lease space. The additional suite number assigned is 4343 Main Street, Suite E, Springfield, oregon.' --- I will notify the following companies and/or agencies of this additional address by sending them a copy of this letter:, Springfield Police Department Springfield Fire Department U,S, Post Office u.s. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCl Cable United Parcel Service Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments Lane County Assessor Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfield News/Register Guard This change will be effective beginning on August 25, 1995, Please change your street address house numbers and mailbox identification by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790, Sincerely, -------- ) \ Lisa Hopper Building Services Representative . ~ .. ~,,-_.. . . ( '"- ,~ ADDRESS CHANGE REQUEST .Property Owner: W;,/! /Cl/Yh ;: A udCf/l..-/ Mailing Address: L';fo I3mn/e 130/{O;f1 II!o .:- J/2rJ U.ur J/%ne City: &~.M...f~ State: ~ Zip: q') C/O I Person or Agency requesting change if other than owner: J1;//YJ11 /~ g~ . 15m/hi' 6rLhvL r/6. - !J1CI/)7I1.Aunt:1 4-IA1y-fJyIJ/)r;0etdt7h v / u Phone number where you can be contacted t:' , '~ between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p,m.: te1?-/7~ (1:~tlm-:J;pm) Q.d.4..ru:t_ - Address of property you are requesting to be cRaRged: '/3C/3 /JJCUI1 ~ lJvul- E Assessor HapD /7-0?--3::2--3/ Tax Lot D L/tJ1Y() E/ t!/)O/ . ~~ Please explain specifically why you feel the address needs to be changed: A- I-r /YMA1__.l: I7t:U) 1l1tJ7/'e.EJ.... i-nh M-(.. bevcL f.dCfA/"fhl17/'5e- a6 !/J;i/3 /l}a.-in 5f. ilu:u wCJUtd Iti?/. h f7C.c.et'1/'L I11I;V/ -Mr-:.rt'.-, !u7wu-erJ -hffeN. ho..s h~1.h nO . I ' . dec;iCIJ1a..-h-c/Y) ot I!I.YIA.J-c, 1'i-1 Mf' oa~j.. P/1:12__~. i/ / 'h ILcLd Ih e. Clht.:t kJJ:t'-1/ E &/7 I! /;/ ~irzLl&tI 07? ft1 f. t1...tt Ci-ci1 ed mo..../:? Proposed Address: Lj 3 'c( 3 JnCI.t..i1 51; {)fu't E Signature: . ~ Date: ?/;9/1S- ------- --~J!l~g_!.iy~I6r-WdIt.MLZj2~:~dfn:.::------------------ Office Use I Reference ~umber: 1'\023~,}\ ' Tax LotQi{W -t-(J\(X) Approved Denied o ~f\ t f'\" ~t(U E: f-! Date: l JG-~~<:t '1 * "'f ~i~\\'r\~ If approved'\Mss is: Reviewed By: ) ( cA~-t\lJf\o!l - ~-' . ~~.... . EXHIBIT A . '- .,\ For Lease Industrial Space , 4343 MAIN STREET Sp.-illl:lichl, Olt 100" ~ FENCE ~. Lease Length: · 3-5 years UNITE. . 6600 $OFf. . 211 CEILING . GROUND LEVEL 66' Flent Includes: ,. Taxes · Insurance '. Large yard . Securily fence . 120/21\0 voll, 3-pl1aso power nvnilable -- :'1 UNITC AVAILABLE 50' COVERED DOCK A fur U 'Z I'" , ~ UNITD lEASED -- .4500 so FT .10' CEILING .flOCKIIIGII . LEASE(J .. $1135/1110 90' ~ 40' v l......R{STROOM 27' ..... UNIT B 76' AVAILABLE. . 4104 sa FT . 17' - 20' CEILING . flOCK IIIGI. . $12!jOllno 54' ,. I I I I I I I I I r J J 1 UNITA 74' .l.EASr:O . UUSIIELEII'S CIIAINSAW \ - \ GATE/ I L MAIN STREET Thll lnlo,mllllon ehovll IIJI' baan abIDh'''' II~ 10UICO' "Ilomalllalhlhle, Whllo wo clo nlll doublll, IICCIIIIlC\" wa hDVII nol vo,llIadll Ind _... no UlIDI.n"., w."lnl\' Of IOlllOloulo,lnll ..houl h, 1111 \,our 1."K,".illlbt\, to CO..hllll lI, IICCUlIlCr lmd COIllloIoll"lIn, Auy ,'UlluClIon,.uplniunl, ."UlI'I.tion. lH ..IIn1alal "USlltI II. IUI o...mpte on" onddo nut 101'IOSDllllh. CUIIonl UI hllllllllHUlolll'IIIttO 0' Iha ,''(If,oll\,. 11111 \1111110 ullllls l,un,.cllUlllo \'UU dOl'."I.I. on III. .",,1 UlhUlIIII~lull whk:h lhuulol b. .....llIlIl.d Lo\, \,011' Iu, hllllnclul.mllu!JlllllllvIIUII, 'tuu .houtd (ulIll\I(;lllln Intlul'IIII~luIII h,,,,ulllijutlonullha I"ullully Iu l.Iulolnn..u Iu YO~IIII1I"I.l:liun tho 1I11la"'bty ollha 1'1U1'''II\, Iu. Y,"'" noo~..