HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1983-7-5 1 ,oil . a" .. .. , , I ,.".,.,.. I ." city of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPRINGFIELD INFORMATION: 726'375 INSPECTIONS: 726.376, SI GN PERM! T APPLICATION A. LOCATION OF SIC:l (ADDRESS) UCAL DESCRI~TlON . Lf30 I WlfllN S/',. /7 02- 3 2.. 3 I c.J /.:> Co (;I c..f tv r c:....JL\..- '-IS- .sA- tv 'C. . . _ '.-';, ,1 \' .-......,:-.-. ~ ---c. j me wo: If- S Plt.1 N ~ F /I~ Lr? TA.': LOT "I; <::) 3 '-/-0 () _OTIlER ,__-. .~ ,7cF""- -...... - -, '::4.&.197 ZIP 9 7<'''''77 "P/->'q~.f. (... Y(.,~~_,,__. .s._~~ f nte r;vpl'l Ot/NER OF SIC:1 (IF OntER TIlAII PROPERTY OWNER) ....;...--.'0-".... .. _.:-> , ADDRESS 430 I ml4 ( N sf. .PHONEG.~- E ; J-69 :~'tl9-7 O(.'.5(C)v~1;._~''2(...''e f ,??oevC:."L. . NAME OF BUSIllESS, n!l.'t. ETC. \ .~ _.. _ _ _. vl'- v__..." _.-'"'1:"; TYPE OF .BUSIl:E5S SA-[...ES t SWCI,VjfbolO\ rt.e '(19/ of.. . D. USE AND CI!A.'lACTER OF SICIl: ..!X....IDENTIrY . _INCIDElITAL x...DOUBU FACE ,",*-SINCLE FACE _l!t1LTI-FACE OIlllER OR PROPERTY 'f3o I PHOllE ADDRESS mAIN sT, .8. TYPE OF IIORK: ~ERF.CT _ALTER _RELOCATE C. STRUCTURAL TYPE OF SICN:. ~t/ALL _FREESTMIIlIlIG .:;t:-ROOF _PROJECTING _MARqUEE _UNDER !{ARqUEE * _ OTI'.ER ~ , _READER BOARD _BILLllOARD ,/, E. VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIC:I ERECTOR Qt2-EAl" \ UE .s i6f\.)S .J.DD~"::SS q Vi S- L-A fL.- ~i-' s.,.. .. PilON!: 3l.f-z. -3S-b'O EIAGEN'fO. ZIP PI!OtlE '3 Y- 2.. - 3r( G I , I " 0- j ~ , I CITY LICENSE l~BER SICN liANUFACTURER (IF OTll4R THAN ERECTOR) ADDRESS ~ ~ EXP. DATE ('_f2..EPFT/IJE. SlbruJ' F. DD1E:rSIONS. I11STALLATIO:1 Eo CONSTllUCTIOtl TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DIHE~ISION OF SIC,I HORIZONTAL \lIDTII OF SICN DUlCNSION FRO>f CilADE TO BOTTO:i OF SICI/ I'-{ F 7 Lf~r If, F r /6 p r 3/<-r II G. EXISTINC SIGNS /AI Il-l.. Be yZ ew.oue 0 ARE TIl4RE ANY EXiST!!IG ~IGN:;? ...rYES ~1I0 llUlIBE!'. SIZE IN SO. FTC.. TIUCl<lIESS OR DEPTH $(. I . { !!3S So.. p.r . j ('!E'rn (. .,.,., 19(' 'YLe",.,,;p"j H. mLt SIGII RAVE ELECTRICAL \lIRING? A/ E IF YES, IIHIC!! APPLY? EL~C1'RICAL SIC:l __ILLUML~ATED <IIIDIP~cT!Y LIGI!TED) ELECTllICAL CO:/TRACTOR ADDRESS LISC .IIUMIlER ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS. ETC. W/4.I.-\- W4'-t....- -2..<(' S"- 'p.r DOES SICN PROJECT BEYD:m PROPERTY LI:1El _YES 1::NO IF YES. DIHEllSION BEYOND PROPERTY LI::E NOIT: IF PROJECTIOn IS :IORE TIIAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY 1'I!E SIC:! EaEC1'O!!. HUST FILE \lI71! TIlE BUILDI:1C DIVISION COPIES 0, HIS/HF.!!. LIABILI7Y AlID PROP- ERTY DAHACE n:sUP.A1lc::: ?OLr::::s. . pr.om: I. DESc?IBE TYPE OR l'ATE,UALS COI/STRUCTED OF. 3/(/. ,/ ..5Enc..G'O wi ;<YV'" 8/t,;-ctt"S V<lr.R &5, S ICN IS ,Pt:. y/.<.Cc&(nr) r' (,uy J'SITE INFOPMATIOtl (LAlID USF.) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACAI/T) (21') m ~ "/t,,, rc-H K'VALUE OF SIC:l: # ;Z 00 Q(.INDOOR BUSINESS OU'!llOO:t !'ERClL\lIDISHlG PROPOSED USE OF BUILDINC OR LA.~D, S /3-t:..e; s- ;' It e,. ~ /I'!. I L. I ?.AVE CAREFULLY E.."WfI~IE::) the completed applic.1.tior. for permit: and do hereby certify that all. 1nfo~ation is tr~e and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done ~n accorc3nce with the 5pringf~eld Sign Ordinance. the Uniforo Sign Code as adopted by che City of Scrin~field and al: ocher Ordinances of che Ci~y of S~rin?,field and che laws of ehe State of =re2on ~ertainin~ eo t~e ~ort~ aescri~eo h~.~~n. I furt~er cere fv tha~ ~v ~~~~ Co~t~ac:or Li- cense ~ith the City of Spri~~field is in full force and effect s. requi=ed by Sprinr,field Codes 8-2.6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign insoe cions lisced on the approved per::.ic. NA.'tE (PLEASE PRI:rr) ihMnaS tfr ,t}eaup-!r';rf SIC:lATURE /~~._ f':~ ~//.J~...~ . 1 DATE 7 /~/,F'3 , ;; "I . ....-~.. --- - w ~ .-... I I . . .,..~ PLEASE READ 1) Seoarace Stzn Ac~11C3tio~: A separate application is required for each separate sign.as defined 10 tne. .::al.gn \,,;.,Jae. . Elecerical: An~ per=ie issued under this application will includ~ wiring in or on sign structure, the SUPplY wires fer connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made only by a Stace Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both 1ncern311y and externally) muse confor.n to Seccions 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- , dinance. 2) 3) Plans Reouired: This appl1caeion is to be submitted with two compleee sets of plan. showing di- mens~ons and neight of sign; advertising message on sign; location of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines, structural details of support framing, bracing and footings; caterials of construction for sign and sign structure; electrical equipment and lighting; size and location of existing signs on property for the same bus1enss, all as required to determin~ com~11ance with the Spring:ield Slgo Ordinance (Areicle 7 of the Springfield Ciey Code). Also,. show the follow-. . ing infor.::a.eionon ell.. ploe plan (plan showiIlg .properey. lines. and location of. signs):. ..' a) b) 4) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). Show the length of the st::eet frontage eaken up by ehe business or building, For wall signs, show ehe lengeh of the building frontage. . c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and_driveways. Uhen required, beca~se of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at the Building Divi- sion Office. , Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be reeurned to the applicane with no permit being issued. Signs cust ceet co~er vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Cocprehensive,Zoning Code. NOT~: No sign cay be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from' overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froe overhead electrical lines ~hich are energized at less than 750 voles. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after ehe date of issue of ellis permit, the permit shall be void.. Insoections.: ... / .. / , 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) Site Ins~ection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the. Footine: Insoection (l.,t appJ.l.caoie) :-.a.y be c:.ade at the same time as the Site Inspection. ',1'Oe :'oocJ.ng Inspec- tion Is to be cade after hole{s) Is ~avat~ci, DUC prior to the plAcement of concreCe. . . . Final Insnection:- to b~ mad~ upon completion of all work. ~lect=ical - all electrical signs must be inspeceed for elecerical hook up after the sign 1S ereCtea and before the sign is turned on. . . b) c) CALL FOR THE REQUIRED I~SFECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSFECTION LINE AT 726-3769 F.UR (Hl'lCc us:; WNI..'t SICN DISnICT (-'-Iii i.J.../ ZONE ro'IAL SQUARE FOOTAOE" O~ SIO:1 REOUIRED INSP~CTIONS: DISnICT IU GC JOB ~ ?;,J~3C( , SIO~ l'Ell.'fiT FEE: q :,~, ()1) ___SITE/LOCATIO:l ___ELECTRICAL ___Foon:IO OR METHOD OF A'ITACIlMEN'I ELECTRICAL PER.'lIT FEE: ..(:F _FINAL _O'I"n!R 47. STATE SURCHARCE: ~e- roTAL : rf/ (t;. c'ftJ I DATE I () "A 11 :~~REC;XPT ( 0 (rWKf ClF.Bl<(--;l't;\O-/ . I J SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: irA IF e /il S 7-/1' I Ci ~"v " , "'-..;' 1"7 L i!..- ::;/C=: 1\./ ~US/ / /<.E4o dG:D Be?;; ADDITIONAL I~TOR.u~"ICN !~EDED BEFORE PER.'!IT ~y BE ISSUED: /-1 ) /' -------.., / // l,L-,.LVL_~_____) ,DATE 7 -/ ~/~.(/.3 , i APFROVED i . / BY: i (..... 9-?-? SPRINGFIELD SICN ORDINANCE SECTION: ..........,...1