HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Miscellaneous 1965-5-28
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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for an~ In cnnsideratlon of the pr~
vision of a public sewer facltllty constructed by the City of Springfield, a
munlclral corpo~atlon In Lane County, Orcgun, fo.. the benefit of the real pi.operty
herein described, we, qAymnnd & Wright And MArgar~t A. Wright. husbaQd 8nd
-lo't #0
do hereby
benefi ted
,the legal miners of the property
agree to tile phcement of, and grant to said c~ty a ilen upon our property
and described as follows:
Beginning at a point which Is South 890 44' East 366.76 feet from a point which Is
North 822.6 feet and East 322.9 feet from the most westerly Southwest corner of
Thomas D. Edwards Donation Land ClaIm No. 55, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of
the Wlllamette Meridian, running thence North 000 04' East 538.20 feet to the
South line of the HcKenzle Highway, thence West along said South line of the
KcKenzle Highway 123.05 feet, thence South 000 04' West 538.20 feet, thence South
8g" 44' East 123.05 feet to the point of begInning, In SpringfIeld, Lane County,
4287 Haln Street
The East 82.05 feet of the followIng described property:
To a deeth of 150.0 feet only.
~mcunt OT L(en: ~ 278.97
Sald.real property described shall be held as security for the re-payment of
the above sum In ten !lqual semi~annual Instellments, plus acr:ured Interest at the
rate of 6% f.'om the date hareof on the balance of the unpaid assessment. The Initial
payment of principal and Interest will be made by the property owner six (6) months
from the date or this agreement.
it is further provided thet this lien may be foreclosed as other city Ilena in
accordance with the 'provlslons of the Ordinances and Charter of the City of
Springfield In the event that Instal1ment paymer,ts Including Interest, are not paid
with six (5) mcnths of their due,date. r:-'Is lien has been computed ail being one-
half (!) of the equivalent cost "f an eight '(8") Inch lateral sanitary selieI' at the
rata of $3.110 per abutting front feot for QiJ...,!: _feet and does not Include
the cost of a house connection to saId trun!<.se\~er, sewer user charges, plumlling
permIts or other such CQsts to be assumed.by the property owner. .
, .
This lien and agreement to pay the same shall be b!r,C:lng upon the undersigned
who a~e the o\l!iers of the real pr~perty hereIn de5cr!bed a~d shall bind the:r heirs,
elteCtltors, admInistrators, ass!gnr. and successors In "~terest, and until paId, shall
be construed to be a cove:1ant runill ;19 wi t:, the I;md
Dated at SpringfIeld, O.egon, this 28th day of
Kay .
,19 65.
_ ,.' ) ss
County of'Lane.,,:'),
. I ~..), _: ..' ~ "1
Onthl s - ,28th day of I4!v
me. a'No~ary ~Pl!bll~ In and for said County and
'Ra~d ,; Wrloht' and ~rQpr~~ A. Wrlgh~
Identlcal..persons described In and who executed
ledged'to me'that they executed the same freely
purposes therein named.
,1 If! ~~J~i/ r JA'->(SEAL)
y ,~
~AJAMf oJ~/ (SEAL)
, 19~, personally came before
State, the within named
, to me personally knolin to be
the within Instrument, and acknow-
and voluntarily for the uses and
this day and year last above' written.
~ ;;t.eu~~
My Commission Expires