HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-8-25 rl - INSPECTION LINE 726-3769 . Job Addren 4.i'2.i- B ~~\'ol L'9al O.",lp'lan 17'02.3~'~~ r<... r7<=c> SRE~ S'PFi) ."q,4.,.:L ENERGY SOURCES: H.al p;o,-,r /IE" r .:zt-..z> Weier Heater ELcLT Own., ~~ M. ""E.I'(t(,e:s.~" Add,...l.I. ~'2.7- B "" 1:..1)( ST. C:?"'trucliot'l ttH,der Addreu DESIGN TEAM (namei "ima.. 'D&l<t-4,.S. C;;~"Ja.'i't. Structural Eleclricol Mechanicol CONTRACTORS (nom!!!) Range _ Value of Work: 1:> a 375. CO Buildin'g Permit Info: DelCribo Work (i.e" Build Single Fomil.... Relidert~'Wilh A.ttached Goraoe) C\/"'Y'IL~ Q 1\.i..Lo.D Ii Il...Oh I 1\ (\ rI\ +.. KI1?M<:>OC=L t.~A."S~ ~..:::~. 6t'lfA .~ . CITY OF SPI!:INGFIElD COMBINATION APPLlCAflONJpEA.MIT u.p Phon. l. 1/3- 4/.30 Phone (addrou) (lies. no.) -,~'" l't. "5 +-'n \. ~ .~ 1/- (oddreu) (lies. no.) C.n.,aI1!'l2..lc.. ,...~ l..~\o1>C.....r",~1 tool P1umblna ,IN IN ~," IS ~ b ~L.... ",,-\0, l\,J 6, ",,,,i,al ""RILL c;:" l'r I F~\~ <:.. Mecnonicol PlUMBINC I NO. I I If I I I I I I I I I 1;lC/'1 I I F::t:: j CHARGE' , I !~,;(I:::l.- . I I I Eoch ,inQte fill;tvre R~locared building (new lilt. additionoll S.F. ~'Hiden~e {I bathl , I I I IQ,O'Yt<>> to.f' .. I I I Dvalu (1 balhl fOoch Additional balh I I". 00 Water ,ervice ...e...." Stor.m Se...er elECTRICAL L INFORMATION LINE 716-3753 ,c7r . Sq. FIg. Main Sq. ftg. Accen. Sq. Ftg. Other _New_Add KAlter_Rep. .._ _Fence_Dema_Change/ U 5e _Other (expiresl ()Q o l()l '1-0 ,Ui (phon. no.) I I II I NO. ,FEE CHARGE I NO. 1<+,- bflS S' Residence of V"'" Sq: ft. N@!w circuils, oheratiollS or ex'ensio"'.2~~. IS:- (expires) (phone no,) SERVICES Temporary Construction J/ zs.~ I I I 3lJ.4.- '2..3 Co ~ '=>83-1414- '"'87- (851 MECHANICAL ..,"", FEE !CHARGJ: Amps. ?........., furnace/burner 10 ATU's Applionce'vent separate Stationor}' evop, cooler Vent fon with single duct Vent ,system aport from . heotinq or A.C. Mechanical exhaust hood and d~ct ,. FEEDERS Amps. W"cd ,te...~1 he"'lt'!r Heat Pump Air handler to 10.000 CFM Air handl.r o....r 10,000 CFM t. . ISSUANCE OF PERMIT' I ":>-" ..0 ,/"'. <>0 TOTAL CHARGES vV' TOTAL CHARGES '"' TOTAL CHARGES I WHERE SlATE lAW REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by the Ele.-trical ContraCTor, th. .Iectrical portion of this permit sholl nOI b. valid until a label has bun ,i9".d by an ,Electrical Contrador and attached to tho electrical panel. I HAVE CJ\,REFUllY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that 011 information hereon is true and correct, and I fvrther certify that any and all work perform..,d sheill be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the lows of tho 510'. of Oregon p.rtaining to the work described herin, and that NO OCCUPANCY will b. mad. of any structure without the perminion of the Building Diyi,ian. I furth.r certify that my registTa1ion with the Builder's Board i, in full force and effect os required by ORS 701.0.55, that if exompt the bods for exemption is notod heron, and that only subcontroctof'l and employee, who are in complianclt with ORS 701.055 will b. u,ed an thh project, . >-OOl.l.. #- ~ert. /4qt; ~::, ...S( l>h'.JlO - , Basis for Builder', Board exemption: NAME (please print) ~k'\..\::)e.L g, ~\..:lIEN SIGNATURE fOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zone c::: ... L./ Fire Zone......,6LR. . Flood Plain Typel Conlt. Bedrooms C:tOrill! -rz:: - AI. 5 rJ? 'Unlb l"\occy load . / ~ ( Occy Group ft - '2 c:.q. Ftg. Main <q. Ftg. Access Sq. Ftg. Other BUllOING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges 2 g. -" -------- /.I~ -::> c CO ;.;0. I. ~O '10. ~o I. GO PLUMBING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges elECTRICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges MECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surchorgos OATE~ WI . "alue "olue Value I I I I' II I . TOTAL VALUATION Plan Ck. eomm/lnd 65%/ Bldo Per Fee Plan ell.. Res 30'%1 Bldq Per Fee -iK-r//A..t'p ~. o(P-8J n<:"rll Sy".m. OOY.lapmonl . .f'\ ("0(.1{ p11 (horae (1.5~~1 ~g.:lC I Pk.. C/.~../.< r<<<!l: Fencl'! Demo Sidewalk AI C Povint:' Curb Cut . TOlal Comb. Permit 1&.<"'" 10/.9<: I J.O. ,2- ~."- ~;-.. / IAI......""......., ;:?.;c/ ~,,<c Zk.>c: TOTAL 32./2 ~ --: ~ COMBINA TlON APPlICA TlON/PEWT (CAP) I. Applicant ta furnish A. Jab Address ,. J" B. legal Description 1. example-tax lot 100. Lane Caunty Map Reference 17 03 43 2. exampie-Lat 1. Black 3. 2nd Addition to Springfield Estates C. Nome, etc. of owner and construction 'lender . 0.. Energy Sources 1. example-heat/electrical ceiling/or forced air gas 2. examole.woter heater/electrical/or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. 1. examale-1250 sq. foot hpuse. 500 sq. foat garage 2. example.jf new project, check new-if addition, check odd, etc. F. 'Building permit information: 1: examole.construct single family house with an attoched garage 2. examole.remodel existing gora91: into faniily room 3. example-convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Sectian 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction delays, Building Division. Stoff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design inf~rmotion or job site corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical & Electrical Sched~les A~ Except where.blcnk spaces occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Mechanical. and Electrical Schedules ore available at the Building Division . 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules hove been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed ore. not ~overed on the abbrevi4 ated schedules you should cansultthe full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES III. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible. the initial application will be used as a ':..:::,bhec~ c::!.,...- \"'~;:ie F.:;::;;ib!c.. Cuiidlng ~ivhivn Ztu~(will prepare a typewritten copy and return it to the applicant at the time the 'octual permit is issued for his signatur€.. IV. Fees and Charges Pion check fees ore due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ~... - : Permit CierI- PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: J- /7",01<- hT-?.-':= /'A==:?T /N5;P~<:17~ RC--esx..HRe-"?'-. . " Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name LORN6/? .?~C;: e~_signaturo c...::"--~ rl .t 1 PERMIT VALIDATION , .' .~ . I : ,I ...late " " ' -', I '?- =< -so / I INSPECTION LINE 72&-3769 - ,...z;."~'~ . HVI ~. "T6o....... CITY Of SPRINGFiElD COMR1NAHCN APPlICATlONJPEAMIT . INFORMATION LINE 7260-3753 Job Addren . ST~Erl Legal Description /?'02..'3"2'~_~~ ,'7(",. I<;;~::e;::.. 4- i.'2. 1- R M~~ S'Pf"c. "IQ.~ " I ENERGY SOURCES: .. .. .1.'.c::: .,.-. ;.../ - ,":;~ Heat C,V'j~r -:-. ff " _ .A- N. I Waler Heater C:'::Li!:.".c...T ,Ronqe _ Value of Work: .l,. ;"3375. CJC I Sq. FIg. Main I Sq. fig. Accon. Sq. Ftg. Other _New ---.:..-Add ~Alte' _Rep. _ __Fence_Demo_Chonglli Use _Olher c'7< Canllruetio" lender .:::.:-t::..........).. -:)M~ G:' 2" " 0<)' o j()1 .,-0 IUJ 1 Own" ~N. M. I-\ENN.E~,,: Add....l.I. '2.7..7- E:, M A.I~ ST. , HI 'ho';;; "83- 41.3U Building Permit Info: Describe Work (i.e., Build Singl. Fomil., Relidence With Attached GoroqeJ (\1'V'J\.X'o'UJ\ e1--o...0 K... - .. -....-.-;-.~... ~ ,__ r,r ..,__.(... nSLOtlll\(I 'f\ +. Addrlltu Of SIGN TEAM Phon. (nom!'!; (addre,,) (lies. no.) (ekpirel) (phon. no.) 'dmo<y 'DiLN;N'S G:O.~"ji;.,~ "7 'is'lC. lit. b'5 +-n I~/- bfl~S-...... Structural /.>. - , Electrical CONTi:ACTORS (noml') (address) (lies. no.) (IItkoiresl (.)hone no,} i I j , 1 j I I , Mecha...icol G.n.,oiE-e,c.. t-o.~ I...&:>.~"''-\ tI P1umb;nq ,wiN ~,,,r:......'S, ~~N'--V;;;,''''E. """;'01 ~\U: '::::, "" I t=Q....,..~ Q. 3~- 'Ufo 3, h83- /414- ,,~,- 18S1 ,- / Me~honical PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL I NO, 1'1 I I F::= : CHARGE J NO. I-:,...,~..I t-"'''''- . . FE!: CHARGE NO. FEE ! CHARGF I -! i I , i ! Additional bOTh Amps. .ry- --. -......,::.........:..--- I z$.'-I furnace/burner to t;TU's Appliance ....ent separate Stotionor;' evop. cooler Vent fOri with sinqie duct Vant .system cport from . heQti~q or A.e. Mechanical ellhoust hood C1nd d~ct '~'.- Eacn sinClle fjlllure Ro!locafed building (new tiJl. addilionoll S.F. il:o!siden~e (1 bClthl i~""~"" !...... ResidltnC8 of SCl:ft. New circuits, all.ratious or extensions ::2 ~ .u:oA....~:. 15. G4 .>.::0 , I I I ! i= -., I ! j I I i I I '" 1/;) ",'.' ,'" , I v SERVICES Ouol..; n both) I'acn T.mporary Construction Air handler o....r 10,000 CFM I I I " i I , -1 I , , , I ,\ I 1...,,1 I';;-""~ I ........... I I Storm Se....er I I I I I I I r I TOTAL CHARGES I WHERE STATE LAW REQUIRES that the Electrical work b. don. by th. El.rtrical Contractor, the electrical pvrtion of this p.rmit shall not b. valid until 0 10b.1 hos been si9ned by on EI.,tricol ContrClctor and attached to ,bel el.ctrical panel. Wa'"r ser"icl!' !.,"',~"':,< W"cd ,t.....~J h.....t.... FEEDERS Heat Pumo Air handler to 10,000 CFM Amps. I C61 ISSUANCE OF PERMIT' II r , j I 3'CJ, TOTAL CHARGES 'I d. ,,,, TOTAL CHARGES I HAVE CA"REfULLY EXAMINED ,he completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that 011 information h.r.on is true and corr.ct, and I furth.r certify tha' Qny ond 011 work performed sholl be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City af Springfield and ,he laws of the 5101. of Or.gon pertaining :0 the work described herin, and that NO OCCUPANCY will b. mode of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I furth.r . i certify ,hClt my registration with Ihe Builder's Board is in full farce and .effect os required by ORS 701,055, that if exe.,.,pt th..bos;s for ....mption is noted heron, and Ihot only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will b. used on thi, project. )\..O~ -#- {j,6'1./4Cf'; ~S t-S\tu.....--9o -- . I 1 , I "ATE~2SI~' j I 1 Basis for Builder's Boord exemption- NAME (please print) ~~ce.L e; ~v..:)IE::N ';IGNA TURE FOR OFfiCE USE ONLY fir. Zone Flood Plain Zon.~"~' ).I.,~ . Type/Canst. ~~I/ ::: Bedrooms. :,,~.-:-, Units 'Jccy Load r""Jccy Group '/:0 7-1'-2. C:;q. Ftg. Main Sq. Ftg. Access Sq. Ftg. Other #L,'{/~rq !(1uaJLo8J n~L' I l:!.l1rlnn"rlf md I ~S. ~"" ' I . Value Volu. -- <:tori.- / . Volu. TOTAL VALUATION BUILDING P!:RMlT Charges and Surcharges 2 ~~. c:-"'" <'!!'- Plan Ck. Comm/lnd .________ ~%/Brda Per Fe" PIon Ck. Res 30~;,f Bldq Per Fee SySlems De"elopment ChorCl. /1.5%1 .' .' TOlol Comb. Permit /s .::.... /01 o:?::: , . PLUMBING PERMIT Charges ond Surcnarges ~o.. _...c" Fence :.;..:- Oema '/0, ........0 Sidl'wolk i ,~ 0 Ale Po"ino:- i?~:J~ ';"';'~",;..;..~~. -f.~'''.:"'; Curb Cut I I I ~ ~--'"..... t ,.~.l";,...) I ! J.O. 120 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Charge, and Surchorgel .-'I,~~.:::.~ ~';., ;:::~; ..~./ S~:', ~"'.;.."" , , MECHANICAL PERMIT Chorqn and Surcharges I :~. ",,~...~ ?).:.>2 ""? /2 ~_. I TOTAL . COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applican.( to furnish A. Job Address B. legal Description 1. exomole-tax lot 100, Lane County Map Refer. 2. examo,e.Lot 1. Block 3. 2nd Addition to Sprin~ C. Nome, etc. of owner and construction lender D.. Energy Sources 1. example-heat/electrical ceiling/or forced oir g 2. cxomoie-woter heater/electrical/or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. - 1. exomole-1250 sq. foot house. 500 sq. foot gore 2. exompie.if new project. check new-if addition. add, elc. F. Building permit information: 1. exomo/e.construct single family house with on gorage 2. exomole-remodel existing garagb into family,. 3. exompie-converr single family residence i.Mra restaurant (change of use) G, Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Slructural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Oi Stoff must be able to contact appropriate persons r design inf~rmotion or job site corr~ctions, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical & Electrical Sched~ A~ Except where.blcnk spaces occur in the description of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules. the app need fill.in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appr item(s) to be insralled B. Full Plumbing. Mechanical. and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division . 1. To conserve space on the permit form the sched... have been abbreviated 2. If the ilem(s) 10 be installed arE. not ~overed on tl oled schedules you should consult the full sched. C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES < CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES l\.,jot M'; -:.:..'"~_;.....:~) III. Applicant to sign and dote Whenever possible, Ihe initial application will be used ( '.'!=~kd~ec~ c:,:!y. \Vr,;:.oE: p.;)~:;ib!;:'. Cl.iiJding ~ivi5j"n Zlu::: prepare a typewritten copy and return it to the appliear the time the actual permit is issued for his signatun:.. iii.~ , ...- -', PERMIT VALIDATION c...:~.., .~r.' .;..,. 'i-/;~ i,e 'CITY OF SPRINGFIELD City Hall Springfield. Oregon Department of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT ( (' ( ,.. No. B 5 7 213 ' 9 - c:9 198/ Rec'd From, ")run u ~ 1 fJ(YlL"tp /lj Address..-q.r~) 4"t{/cyy/Ukl /'~.. , //'J /' '-_t/(f'-' /"--"-- v Ie.. Received For: hp Date ( ., \ u JiY,()O / I;). 30. 00 /,C:;{,i ~ {; .tJO ~-f C;f,/ / (d) (l",om.fn plctf"\ (h.1'C1L 18 ,,).() '<'-'0 -#- "l-7/~'~ . (' fll1Caau.. oa', rL Jlf? ~ rXJ Of e Amount ReceivJ 3d, 1/) (ljloil)(" . (Ii ./1 d" f / AUTHOlllt:U:C !iIGNATUIII'It ( '''I.LTO''.TURN'ULL ~lOIINT"['" . Il\,'G["IE. 0'" .1.0' SI'"'' " (. 'c; 471.' en J)j) , I L/7o 6i' ..-Q4) <' ( ( ( ( ~,' ..!!...- (. ( ( IV. Fees and Charges J.-,. ,. " Pion check fees are due and payable ot the time of the application, and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges ore due and payable when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: 1- F,,!..cr.. Z:'C=?T. ~5;PE'C770U ' r- r- #' 7.::'...-:::- Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: / ,~,. - name _... .----' -..,,,.,/..= - .'~ r ,_.. ~".-. ~ ~_ , signature ,; Permit CierI- 7-)_ _ ~C-~/,.-_- e--;>--', . t --101l"" "'7>- :::. - ~:..~ /